933 resultados para Non-commutative space-time
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta dissertação tem como objeto de pesquisa a constituição da docência em professoras dos anos iniciais da educação básica. Partiu-se para o processo de investigação com base na assertiva de que as experiências vividas pela mulher professora são à base de sua prática no magistério, que as histórias de existência e de possibilidades asseguradas pelo tempo e espaço são os elementos que mobilizam o exercício docente das professoras que atuam nos anos iniciais da educação básica, para além da formação profissional que recebem. Assim, optou-se em fazer a pesquisa com sujeitos que tivessem passado por experiências de vida pouco comuns, distantes do lócus em geral escolhido por pesquisadores da área, isto, as escolas urbanas. Do grupo que se vislumbrou inicialmente, decidiu-se pelo trabalho com professoras de escolas de ilhas do entorno de Belém. Engajada em um projeto mais amplo sobre as professores do espaço insular da baía de Guajará, para esta dissertação, escolheu-se realizar a pesquisa junto a professoras das comunidades de Caruaru e Castanhal de Mari-Mari, na Ilha de Mosqueiro – a maior ilha do arquipélago de Belém. Para atingir a assertiva anteriormente exposta, o trabalho de pesquisa foi realizado com duas professoras que nasceram na Ilha de Mosqueiro e têm suas histórias vinculadas a este lugar. As questões de investigação que foram levantadas são: Qual a relação do espaço e do tempo da Ilha com a história de vida das professoras? Em que medida as histórias de vida imbrica-se ao exercício do magistério? Definiu-se como objetivo de estudo “analisar, por meio de registros orais, histórias de vida de professoras da Ilha do Mosqueiro, Belém do Pará, Brasil, para compreender a docência na Amazônia”. Metodologicamente, valeu-se das estratégias de investigação da História Oral, optando, em particular, pela História Oral de vida. Desse modo, utilizou-se a técnica da entrevista não-estruturada ao longo de dois anos com as professoras. Os resultados indicam que o magistério é sim uma profissão especialmente marcada pelas experiências de vida e que a própria formação profissional assume um lugar muito particular ao se articular a essas experiências. Pode-se afirmar que o espaço onde vivem as professoras tem relação direta com o exercício da docência e que isto deve ser considerado tanto nas formações continuadas, nas semanas pedagógicas, quanto nas políticas educacionais direcionadas às professoras das Ilhas. As histórias de vida das duas professoras aproximam-se quando elas relatam as dificuldades enfrentadas para se escolarizarem e os desafios superados no exercício da atividade docente. Estas histórias também se aproximam quando ambas tratam do ingresso no serviço publico como professora por meio de concurso. Ao se constatar que há um maior número de professoras atuando nessas escolas que não tem vínculo com o lugar, e que, por isso, estão alheias às bases das condições objetivas dos alunos de aprender, coloca-se em questão as formas de ingresso e de alocação de professores nas escolas pelo poder público. A diferença entre a prática de quem é do lugar e de quem não é indicam nesse estudo que é preciso, inclusive, rever a própria concepção de concurso público e das condições de possibilidades das professoras formadas em espaços não urbanos da cidade de Belém.
Consideramos um campo escalar não massivo num espaço-tempo bi-dimensional dentro de uma cavidade oscilante com condições de contorno mistas. Discutindo do fenômeno da criação de partículas, consideramos uma situação de ressonância paramétrica na qual a freqüência de oscilação da fronteira é duas vezes a freqüência do primeiro modo da cavidade estática. Por conveniência, supomos que a fronteira que está em repouso impõe ao campo a condição de Neumann, enquanto que a outra, em movimento não relativístico, impõe ao campo a condição de Dirichlet. Seguindo o procedimento desenvolvido por Dodonov e Klimov (Phys. Rev. A, 56, 2664 (1996)), calculamos o número de partículas criadas, a taxa de geração e a energia na cavidade. Comparamos nossos resultados aos encontrados na literatura para o caso Dirichlet-Dirichlet.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Ergogenic substances are all nutritional or pharmacological additional devices which physiologically influence on the individual's performance. Currently, the practice of physical exercises that modern gyms have is growing and embracing a new recreational space for the population. In particular, for the male audience, weight training; and for the female audience, aerobic gymnastics. This study has the objective of explaining the importance of ergogenic resources in the physiological and psychological planes, emphasizing the point that supplementation is really valid and beneficial. To achieve the objective of the study, a literature review will be carried out, searching for scientific articles published in books, magazines and online newspapers that address some issues that cut across the thematic proposed in this work. From the point of view of Sport Psychology, the issues discussed on body image and emotional changes have concerns professionals of this area, but the literature suggests it is unnecessary the use of ergogenic substances to the concreteness of that purpose. Supplements of any kind will not be enough to transform the psychological and physiological aspects, the way the media assume conclusively. Thus, with our documentary research, we started a provocation that feeds new studies in the area. We conclude that supplementation is a resource that should be used in the final occasion, that is, if the bodybuilders (non-athletes) have time to be nourished from the normal diet, the use of supplements like whey and creatine, are not needed. Used appropriately supplements do not result in physiological damage, however, can contribute beneficially to the individual's nutrition, thus the abusing dosages, in addition to financial loss, can cause damage to the body
L’uso frequente dei modelli predittivi per l’analisi di sistemi complessi, naturali o artificiali, sta cambiando il tradizionale approccio alle problematiche ambientali e di rischio. Il continuo miglioramento delle capacità di elaborazione dei computer facilita l’utilizzo e la risoluzione di metodi numerici basati su una discretizzazione spazio-temporale che permette una modellizzazione predittiva di sistemi reali complessi, riproducendo l’evoluzione dei loro patterns spaziali ed calcolando il grado di precisione della simulazione. In questa tesi presentiamo una applicazione di differenti metodi predittivi (Geomatico, Reti Neurali, Land Cover Modeler e Dinamica EGO) in un’area test del Petén, Guatemala. Durante gli ultimi decenni questa regione, inclusa nella Riserva di Biosfera Maya, ha conosciuto una rapida crescita demografica ed un’incontrollata pressione sulle sue risorse naturali. L’area test puó essere suddivisa in sotto-regioni caratterizzate da differenti dinamiche di uso del suolo. Comprendere e quantificare queste differenze permette una migliore approssimazione del sistema reale; é inoltre necessario integrare tutti i parametri fisici e socio-economici, per una rappresentazione più completa della complessità dell’impatto antropico. Data l’assenza di informazioni dettagliate sull’area di studio, quasi tutti i dati sono stati ricavati dall’elaborazione di 11 immagini ETM+, TM e SPOT; abbiamo poi realizzato un’analisi multitemporale dei cambi uso del suolo passati e costruito l’input per alimentare i modelli predittivi. I dati del 1998 e 2000 sono stati usati per la fase di calibrazione per simulare i cambiamenti nella copertura terrestre del 2003, scelta come data di riferimento per la validazione dei risultati. Quest’ultima permette di evidenziare le qualità ed i limiti per ogni modello nelle differenti sub-regioni.
Understanding the complex relationships between quantities measured by volcanic monitoring network and shallow magma processes is a crucial headway for the comprehension of volcanic processes and a more realistic evaluation of the associated hazard. This question is very relevant at Campi Flegrei, a volcanic quiescent caldera immediately north-west of Napoli (Italy). The system activity shows a high fumarole release and periodic ground slow movement (bradyseism) with high seismicity. This activity, with the high people density and the presence of military and industrial buildings, makes Campi Flegrei one of the areas with higher volcanic hazard in the world. In such a context my thesis has been focused on magma dynamics due to the refilling of shallow magma chambers, and on the geophysical signals detectable by seismic, deformative and gravimetric monitoring networks that are associated with this phenomenologies. Indeed, the refilling of magma chambers is a process frequently occurring just before a volcanic eruption; therefore, the faculty of identifying this dynamics by means of recorded signal analysis is important to evaluate the short term volcanic hazard. The space-time evolution of dynamics due to injection of new magma in the magma chamber has been studied performing numerical simulations with, and implementing additional features in, the code GALES (Longo et al., 2006), recently developed and still on the upgrade at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia in Pisa (Italy). GALES is a finite element code based on a physico-mathematical two dimensional, transient model able to treat fluids as multiphase homogeneous mixtures, compressible to incompressible. The fundamental equations of mass, momentum and energy balance are discretised both in time and space using the Galerkin Least-Squares and discontinuity-capturing stabilisation technique. The physical properties of the mixture are computed as a function of local conditions of magma composition, pressure and temperature.The model features enable to study a broad range of phenomenologies characterizing pre and sin-eruptive magma dynamics in a wide domain from the volcanic crater to deep magma feeding zones. The study of displacement field associated with the simulated fluid dynamics has been carried out with a numerical code developed by the Geophysical group at the University College Dublin (O’Brien and Bean, 2004b), with whom we started a very profitable collaboration. In this code, the seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous media with free surface (e.g. the Earth’s surface) is simulated using a discrete elastic lattice where particle interactions are controlled by the Hooke’s law. This method allows to consider medium heterogeneities and complex topography. The initial and boundary conditions for the simulations have been defined within a coordinate project (INGV-DPC 2004-06 V3_2 “Research on active volcanoes, precursors, scenarios, hazard and risk - Campi Flegrei”), to which this thesis contributes, and many researchers experienced on Campi Flegrei in volcanological, seismic, petrological, geochemical fields, etc. collaborate. Numerical simulations of magma and rock dynamis have been coupled as described in the thesis. The first part of the thesis consists of a parametric study aimed at understanding the eect of the presence in magma of carbon dioxide in magma in the convection dynamics. Indeed, the presence of this volatile was relevant in many Campi Flegrei eruptions, including some eruptions commonly considered as reference for a future activity of this volcano. A set of simulations considering an elliptical magma chamber, compositionally uniform, refilled from below by a magma with volatile content equal or dierent from that of the resident magma has been performed. To do this, a multicomponent non-ideal magma saturation model (Papale et al., 2006) that considers the simultaneous presence of CO2 and H2O, has been implemented in GALES. Results show that the presence of CO2 in the incoming magma increases its buoyancy force promoting convection ad mixing. The simulated dynamics produce pressure transients with frequency and amplitude in the sensitivity range of modern geophysical monitoring networks such as the one installed at Campi Flegrei . In the second part, simulations more related with the Campi Flegrei volcanic system have been performed. The simulated system has been defined on the basis of conditions consistent with the bulk of knowledge of Campi Flegrei and in particular of the Agnano-Monte Spina eruption (4100 B.P.), commonly considered as reference for a future high intensity eruption in this area. The magmatic system has been modelled as a long dyke refilling a small shallow magma chamber; magmas with trachytic and phonolitic composition and variable volatile content of H2O and CO2 have been considered. The simulations have been carried out changing the condition of magma injection, the system configuration (magma chamber geometry, dyke size) and the resident and refilling magma composition and volatile content, in order to study the influence of these factors on the simulated dynamics. Simulation results allow to follow each step of the gas-rich magma ascent in the denser magma, highlighting the details of magma convection and mixing. In particular, the presence of more CO2 in the deep magma results in more ecient and faster dynamics. Through this simulations the variation of the gravimetric field has been determined. Afterward, the space-time distribution of stress resulting from numerical simulations have been used as boundary conditions for the simulations of the displacement field imposed by the magmatic dynamics on rocks. The properties of the simulated domain (rock density, P and S wave velocities) have been based on data from literature on active and passive tomographic experiments, obtained through a collaboration with A. Zollo at the Dept. of Physics of the Federici II Univeristy in Napoli. The elasto-dynamics simulations allow to determine the variations of the space-time distribution of deformation and the seismic signal associated with the studied magmatic dynamics. In particular, results show that these dynamics induce deformations similar to those measured at Campi Flegrei and seismic signals with energies concentrated on the typical frequency bands observed in volcanic areas. The present work shows that an approach based on the solution of equations describing the physics of processes within a magmatic fluid and the surrounding rock system is able to recognise and describe the relationships between geophysical signals detectable on the surface and deep magma dynamics. Therefore, the results suggest that the combined study of geophysical data and informations from numerical simulations can allow in a near future a more ecient evaluation of the short term volcanic hazard.
Le traduzioni di Luis Cernuda, poeta spagnolo della Generazione del '27, da testi poetici di autori francesi, tedeschi ed inglesi, la cui scelta è dettata da ragioni di coerenza artistica, non hanno valore secondario rispetto alla produzione poetica autoriale. Nel presente studio si delinea l'uniformità del percorso creativo di Luis Cernuda nel ruolo duplice ed apparentemente contraddittorio di poeta-traduttore, attraverso un tracciato spazio-temporale, al contempo realistico e metaforico, che si svolge lungo gran parte della vita del misconosciuto poeta sivigliano. Ad una preliminare presentazione analitica del concetto di traduzione, della funzione che la stessa riveste nel genere letterario specifico della poesia e nell'attività creativa di Cernuda, segue l'analisi comparativa delle traduzioni cernudiane con le rispettive fonti straniere. L'argomento si svolge in tre capitoli successivi, organizzati rispettando lo svolgimento cronologico del percorso traduttorio cernudiano, svolto in parallelo alla produzione poetica personale. Il secondo capitolo verte sulla traduzione da testi poetici in francese. Il terzo capitolo, sul periodo immediatamente successivo agli anni della sperimentazione francese, analizza lo studio della poesia tedesca e della sperimentazione in traduzione. Tale incontro si propone anche come momento di scissione definitiva dalla lirica romanza, piuttosto esornativa, e di accostamento alla più essenziale lirica germanica. Il quarto capitolo raccoglie le versioni poetiche da autori inglesi, che si contraddistinguono per la grande somiglianza alla poesia di Cernuda nelle scelte contenutistico-formali. Le conclusioni vertono sulla coesione perseguita nel tradurre, per cui contenuto e forma acquisiscono pari importanza nella “ricreazione poetica” realizzata da Cernuda.
This is the first part of a study investigating a model-based transient calibration process for diesel engines. The motivation is to populate hundreds of parameters (which can be calibrated) in a methodical and optimum manner by using model-based optimization in conjunction with the manual process so that, relative to the manual process used by itself, a significant improvement in transient emissions and fuel consumption and a sizable reduction in calibration time and test cell requirements is achieved. Empirical transient modelling and optimization has been addressed in the second part of this work, while the required data for model training and generalization are the focus of the current work. Transient and steady-state data from a turbocharged multicylinder diesel engine have been examined from a model training perspective. A single-cylinder engine with external air-handling has been used to expand the steady-state data to encompass transient parameter space. Based on comparative model performance and differences in the non-parametric space, primarily driven by a high engine difference between exhaust and intake manifold pressures (ΔP) during transients, it has been recommended that transient emission models should be trained with transient training data. It has been shown that electronic control module (ECM) estimates of transient charge flow and the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) fraction cannot be accurate at the high engine ΔP frequently encountered during transient operation, and that such estimates do not account for cylinder-to-cylinder variation. The effects of high engine ΔP must therefore be incorporated empirically by using transient data generated from a spectrum of transient calibrations. Specific recommendations on how to choose such calibrations, how many data to acquire, and how to specify transient segments for data acquisition have been made. Methods to process transient data to account for transport delays and sensor lags have been developed. The processed data have then been visualized using statistical means to understand transient emission formation. Two modes of transient opacity formation have been observed and described. The first mode is driven by high engine ΔP and low fresh air flowrates, while the second mode is driven by high engine ΔP and high EGR flowrates. The EGR fraction is inaccurately estimated at both modes, while EGR distribution has been shown to be present but unaccounted for by the ECM. The two modes and associated phenomena are essential to understanding why transient emission models are calibration dependent and furthermore how to choose training data that will result in good model generalization.
Current methods to characterize mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are limited to CD marker expression, plastic adherence and their ability to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic precursors. It seems evident that stem cells undergoing differentiation should differ in many aspects, such as morphology and possibly also behaviour; however, such a correlation has not yet been exploited for fate prediction of MSCs. Primary human MSCs from bone marrow were expanded and pelleted to form high-density cultures and were then randomly divided into four groups to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic chondrogenic and myogenic progenitor cells. The cells were expanded as heterogeneous and tracked with time-lapse microscopy to record cell shape, using phase-contrast microscopy. The cells were segmented using a custom-made image-processing pipeline. Seven morphological features were extracted for each of the segmented cells. Statistical analysis was performed on the seven-dimensional feature vectors, using a tree-like classification method. Differentiation of cells was monitored with key marker genes and histology. Cells in differentiation media were expressing the key genes for each of the three pathways after 21 days, i.e. adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic, which was also confirmed by histological staining. Time-lapse microscopy data were obtained and contained new evidence that two cell shape features, eccentricity and filopodia (= 'fingers') are highly informative to classify myogenic differentiation from all others. However, no robust classifiers could be identified for the other cell differentiation paths. The results suggest that non-invasive automated time-lapse microscopy could potentially be used to predict the stem cell fate of hMSCs for clinical application, based on morphology for earlier time-points. The classification is challenged by cell density, proliferation and possible unknown donor-specific factors, which affect the performance of morphology-based approaches. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The AEGISS (Ascertainment and Enhancement of Gastrointestinal Infection Surveillance and Statistics) project aims to use spatio-temporal statistical methods to identify anomalies in the space-time distribution of non-specific, gastrointestinal infections in the UK, using the Southampton area in southern England as a test-case. In this paper, we use the AEGISS project to illustrate how spatio-temporal point process methodology can be used in the development of a rapid-response, spatial surveillance system. Current surveillance of gastroenteric disease in the UK relies on general practitioners reporting cases of suspected food-poisoning through a statutory notification scheme, voluntary laboratory reports of the isolation of gastrointestinal pathogens and standard reports of general outbreaks of infectious intestinal disease by public health and environmental health authorities. However, most statutory notifications are made only after a laboratory reports the isolation of a gastrointestinal pathogen. As a result, detection is delayed and the ability to react to an emerging outbreak is reduced. For more detailed discussion, see Diggle et al. (2003). A new and potentially valuable source of data on the incidence of non-specific gastro-enteric infections in the UK is NHS Direct, a 24-hour phone-in clinical advice service. NHS Direct data are less likely than reports by general practitioners to suffer from spatially and temporally localized inconsistencies in reporting rates. Also, reporting delays by patients are likely to be reduced, as no appointments are needed. Against this, NHS Direct data sacrifice specificity. Each call to NHS Direct is classified only according to the general pattern of reported symptoms (Cooper et al, 2003). The current paper focuses on the use of spatio-temporal statistical analysis for early detection of unexplained variation in the spatio-temporal incidence of non-specific gastroenteric symptoms, as reported to NHS Direct. Section 2 describes our statistical formulation of this problem, the nature of the available data and our approach to predictive inference. Section 3 describes the stochastic model. Section 4 gives the results of fitting the model to NHS Direct data. Section 5 shows how the model is used for spatio-temporal prediction. The paper concludes with a short discussion.