978 resultados para Nitrate concentration


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Les dinoflagellés sont des eucaryotes unicellulaires retrouvés dans la plupart des écosystèmes aquatiques du globe. Ces organismes amènent une contribution substantielle à la production primaire des océans, soit en tant que membre du phytoplancton, soit en tant que symbiontes des anthozoaires formant les récifs coralliens. Malheureusement, ce rôle écologique majeur est souvent négligé face à la capacité de certaines espèces de dinoflagellés à former des fleurs d'eau, parfois d'étendue et de durée spectaculaires. Ces floraisons d'algues, communément appelées "marées rouges", peuvent avoir de graves conséquences sur les écosystèmes côtiers, sur les industries de la pêche et du tourisme, ainsi que sur la santé humaine. Un des facteurs souvent corrélé avec la formation des fleurs d'eau est une augmentation dans la concentration de nutriments, notamment l’azote et le phosphore. Le nitrate est un des composants principaux retrouvés dans les eaux de ruissellement agricoles, mais également la forme d'azote bioaccessible la plus abondante dans les écosystèmes marins. Ainsi, l'agriculture humaine a contribué à magnifier significativement les problèmes associés aux marées rouges au niveau mondial. Cependant, la pollution ne peut pas expliquer à elle seule la formation et la persistance des fleurs d'eau, qui impliquent plusieurs facteurs biotiques et abiotiques. Il est particulièrement difficile d'évaluer l'importance relative qu'ont les ajouts de nitrate par rapport à ces autres facteurs, parce que le métabolisme du nitrate chez les dinoflagellés est largement méconnu. Le but principal de cette thèse vise à remédier à cette lacune. J'ai choisi Lingulodinium polyedrum comme modèle pour l'étude du métabolisme du nitrate, parce que ce dinoflagellé est facilement cultivable en laboratoire et qu'une étude transcriptomique a récemment fourni une liste de gènes pratiquement complète pour cette espèce. Il est également intéressant que certaines composantes moléculaires de la voie du nitrate chez cet organisme soient sous contrôle circadien. Ainsi, dans ce projet, j'ai utilisé des analyses physiologiques, biochimiques, transcriptomiques et bioinformatiques pour enrichir nos connaissances sur le métabolisme du nitrate des dinoflagellés et nous permettre de mieux apprécier le rôle de l'horloge circadienne dans la régulation de cette importante voie métabolique primaire. Je me suis tout d'abord penché sur les cas particuliers où des floraisons de dinoflagellés sont observées dans des conditions de carence en azote. Cette idée peut sembler contreintuitive, parce que l'ajout de nitrate plutôt que son épuisement dans le milieu est généralement associé aux floraisons d'algues. Cependant, j’ai découvert que lorsque du nitrate était ajouté à des cultures initialement carencées ou enrichies en azote, celles qui s'étaient acclimatées au stress d'azote arrivaient à survivre près de deux mois à haute densité cellulaire, alors que les cellules qui n'étaient pas acclimatées mourraient après deux semaines. En condition de carence d'azote sévère, les cellules arrivaient à survivre un peu plus de deux semaines et ce, en arrêtant leur cycle cellulaire et en diminuant leur activité photosynthétique. L’incapacité pour ces cellules carencées à synthétiser de nouveaux acides aminés dans un contexte où la photosynthèse était toujours active a mené à l’accumulation de carbone réduit sous forme de granules d’amidon et corps lipidiques. Curieusement, ces deux réserves de carbone se trouvaient à des pôles opposés de la cellule, suggérant un rôle fonctionnel à cette polarisation. La deuxième contribution de ma thèse fut d’identifier et de caractériser les premiers transporteurs de nitrate chez les dinoflagellés. J'ai découvert que Lingulodinium ne possédait que très peu de transporteurs comparativement à ce qui est observé chez les plantes et j'ai suggéré que seuls les membres de la famille des transporteurs de nitrate de haute affinité 2 (NRT2) étaient réellement impliqués dans le transport du nitrate. Le principal transporteur chez Lingulodinium était exprimé constitutivement, suggérant que l’acquisition du nitrate chez ce dinoflagellé se fondait majoritairement sur un système constitutif plutôt qu’inductible. Enfin, j'ai démontré que l'acquisition du nitrate chez Lingulodinium était régulée par la lumière et non par l'horloge circadienne, tel qu'il avait été proposé dans une étude antérieure. Finalement, j’ai utilisé une approche RNA-seq pour vérifier si certains transcrits de composantes impliquées dans le métabolisme du nitrate de Lingulodinium étaient sous contrôle circadien. Non seulement ai-je découvert qu’il n’y avait aucune variation journalière dans les niveaux des transcrits impliqués dans le métabolisme du nitrate, j’ai aussi constaté qu’il n’y avait aucune variation journalière pour n’importe quel ARN du transcriptome de Lingulodinium. Cette découverte a démontré que l’horloge de ce dinoflagellé n'avait pas besoin de transcription rythmique pour générer des rythmes physiologiques comme observé chez les autres eukaryotes.


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Tillage systems strongly affect nutrient transformations and plant availability. The objective of this study was to assess the nitrate dynamic in soil solution in different tillage systems with use of plant cocktail as green manure in fertilized melon (Cucumis melon) in Brazilian semi-arid. The treatments were arranged in four blocks in a split-plot design and included three types of cover crops and two tillage systems, conventional tillage (CT) and no-till (NT). The data showed no strong effect of plant cocktails composition on NO3-N dynamic in the soil. Mean concentration of NO3-N ranged from 19.45 mg L-1 at 15 cm to 60.16 mg L-1 at 50 cm soil depth, indicating high leachability. No significant differences were observed between NT and CT treatments for 15 cm depth. The high soil moisture content at ~ 30 cm depth concentrated high NO3-N in all treatments, mean of 54.27 mg L-1 to NT and 54.62 mg L-1 to CT. The highest NO3-N concentration was observed at 50 cm depth in TC (60.16 mg L-1). High concentration of NO3-N in CT may be attributed to increase in decomposition of soil organic matter and crop residues incorporated into the soil.


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The region of Ribeirão Preto City located in São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil, is an important sugarcane, soybean and corn producing area. This region is also an important recharge area (Espraiado) for groundwater of the Guarany aquifer, a water supply source for the city and region. It has an intercontinental extension that comprises areas of eight Brazilian states, as well as significant portions of other South American countries like Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, with a total area of approximately 1,200,000 Km2. Due to the high permeability of some soils present in this region, the high mobility of the herbicides and fertilizers applied, and being a recharge area, it is important to investigate the potential transport of applied fertilizers to underlying aquifer. The cultivation sugar cane in this area demands the frequent use of nitrogen as fertilizer. This research was conducted to characterize the potential contamination of groundwater with nitrogen in the recharge area of groundwater. Seven groundwater sample points were selected in the Espraiado stream watershed, during the years of 2005 and 2006. Samples were collected during the months of March, July, and December of each year. Three replications were collected at each site. Groundwater was also collected during the same months from county groundwater wells located throughout the city. The following six wells were studied: Central, Palmares, Portinari, Recreio Internacional, São Sebastião, and São José. Nitrate water samples were analyzed by Cadmium Reduction Method. No significant amount of nitrate was found in the recharge, agricultural, area. However, nitrate levels were detected at concentrations higher than the Maximum Concentration Level (MCL) of 10mg/L in downtown, urban, well located away from agricultural sites with no history of fertilizer or nitrogen application.


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The tridecameric Al-polymer [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]7+ was prepared by forced hydrolysis of Al3+ up to an OH/Al molar ratio of 2.2. Under slow evaporation crystals were formed of Al13-nitrate. Upon addition of sulfate the tridecamer crystallised as the monoclinic Al13-sulfate. These crystals have been studied using near-infrared spectroscopy and compared to Al2(SO4)3.16H2O. Although the near-infrared spectra of the Al13-sulfate and nitrate are very similar indicating similar crystal structures, there are minor differences related to the strength with which the crystal water molecules are bonded to the salt groups. The interaction between crystal water and nitrate is stronger than with the sulfate as reflected by the shift of the crystal water band positions from 6213, 4874 and 4553 cm–1 for the Al13 sulfate towards 5925, 4848 and 4532 cm–1 for the nitrate. A reversed shift from 5079 and 5037 cm–1 for the sulfate towards 5238 and 5040 cm–1 for the nitrate for the water molecules in the Al13 indicate that the nitrate-Al13 bond is weakened due to the influence of the crystal water on the nitrate. The Al-OH bond in the Al13 complex is not influenced by changing the salt group due to the shielding by the water molecules of the Al13 complex.


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Elevated expression of tumour necrosis factora (TNF-a) is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. This study has examined the expression of TNF-a and its receptors (TNF-Rs) by mouse blastocysts and blastocyst outgrowths from day 4 to 9.5 of pregnancy and investigated the effects of elevated TNF-a on the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophoblast cells of blastocyst outgrowths. RTPCR demonstrated TNF-a mRNA expression from day 7.5 to 9.5, TNF-R1 from day 6.5 to 9.5 and TNF-R2 from day 5.5 to 7.5 of pregnancy, and in situ hybridisation revealed the trophoblast giant cells (TGCs) of the early placenta as the site of TNF-a expression. Day 4 blastocysts were cultured in a physiologically high concentration of TNF-a (100 ng/ml) for 72 h to the outgrowth stage and then compared to blastocysts cultured in media alone. TNF-a-treated blastocyst outgrowths exhibited a significant reduction in ICM cells (mean € SD 23.90€10.42 vs 9.37€7.45, t-test, P<0.0001) with no significant change in the numbers of trophoblast cells (19.97€8.14 vs 21.73€7.79, t-test, P=0.39). Within the trophoblast cell population, the TNF-a-treated outgrowths exhibited a significant increase in multinucleated cells (14.10€5.53 vs 6.37€5.80, t-test, P<0.0001) and a corresponding significant decrease in mononucleated cells (5.87€3.60 vs 15.37€5.87, t-test, P<0.0001). In summary, this study describes the expression of TNF-a and its receptors during the peri-implantation period in the mouse. It also reports that elevated TNF-a restricts ICM proliferation in the blastocyst and changes the ratio of mononucleated to multinucleated trophoblast cells. These findings suggest a mechanism by which increased


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Traffic emissions are an important contributor to ambient air pollution, especially in large cities featuring extensive and high density traffic networks. Bus fleets represent a significant part of inner city traffic causing an increase in exposure to general public, passengers and drivers along bus routes and at bus stations. Limited information is available on quantification of the levels, and governing parameters affecting the air pollution exposure at bus stations. The presented study investigated the bus emissions-dominated ambient air in a large, inner city bus station, with a specific focus on submicrometer particles. The study’s objectives were (i) quantification of the concentration levels; (ii) characterisation of the spatio-temporal variation; (iii) identification of the parameters governing the emissions levels at the bus station and (iv) assessment of the relationship between particle concentrations measured at the street level (background) and within the bus station. The results show that up to 90% of the emissions at the station are ultrafine particles (smaller than 100 nm), with the concentration levels up to 10 times the value of urban ambient air background (annual) and up to 4 times the local ambient air background. The governing parameters affecting particle concentration at the station were bus flow rate and meteorological conditions (wind velocity). Particle concentration followed a diurnal trend, with an increase in the morning and evening, associated with traffic rush hours. Passengers’ exposure could be significant compared to the average outdoor and indoor exposure levels.


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Characterization of indoor particle sources from 14 residential houses in Brisbane, Australia, was performed. The approximation of PM2.5 and the submicrometre particle number concentrations were measured simultaneously for more than 48 h in the kitchen of all the houses by using a photometer (DustTrak) and a condensation particle counter (CPC), respectively. From the real time indoor particle concentration data and a diary of indoor activities, the indoor particle sources were identified. The study found that among the indoor activities recorded in this study, frying, grilling, stove use, toasting, cooking pizza, smoking, candle vaporizing eucalyptus oil and fan heater use, could elevate the indoor particle number concentration levels by more than five times. The indoor approximation of PM2.5 concentrations could be close to 90 times, 30 times and three times higher than the background levels during grilling, frying and smoking, respectively.


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Many factors affect the airflow patterns, thermal comfort, contaminant removal efficiency and indoor air quality at individual workstations in office buildings. In this study, four ventilation systems were used in a test chamber designed to represent an area of a typical office building floor and reproduce the real characteristics of a modern office space. Measurements of particle concentration and thermal parameters (temperature and velocity) were carried out for each of the following types of ventilation systems: a) conventional air distribution system with ceiling supply and return; b) conventional air distribution system with ceiling supply and return near the floor; c) underfloor air distribution system; and d) split system. The measurements aimed to analyse the particle removal efficiency in the breathing zone and the impact of particle concentration on an individual at the workstation. The efficiency of the ventilation system was analysed by measuring particle size and concentration, ventilation effectiveness and the Indoor/Outdoor ratio. Each ventilation system showed different airflow patterns and the efficiency of each ventilation system in the removal of the particles in the breathing zone showed no correlation with particle size and the various methods of analyses used.


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The human health effects following exposure to ultrafine (<100nm) particles (UFPs) produced by fuel combustion, while not completely understood, are generally regarded as detrimental. Road tunnels have emerged as locations where maximum exposure to these particles may occur for the vehicle occupants using them. This study aimed to quantify and investigate the determinants of UFP concentrations in the 4km twin-bore (eastbound and westbound) M5 East tunnel in Sydney, Australia. Sampling was undertaken using a condensation particle counter (CPC) mounted in a vehicle traversing both tunnel bores at various times of day from May through July, 2006. Supplementary measurements were conducted in February, 2008. Over three hundred transects of the tunnel were performed, and these were distributed evenly between the bores. Additional comparative measurements were conducted on a mixed route comprising major roads and shorter tunnels, all within Sydney. Individual trip average UFP concentrations in the M5 East tunnel bores ranged from 5.53 × 104 p cm-3 to 5.95 × 106 p cm-3. Data were sorted by hour of capture, and hourly median trip average (HMA) UFP concentrations ranged from 7.81 × 104 p cm-3 to 1.73 × 106 p cm-3. Hourly median UFP concentrations measured on the mixed route were between 3.71 × 104 p cm-3 and 1.55 × 105 p cm-3. Hourly heavy diesel vehicle (HDV) traffic volume was a very good determinant of UFP concentration in the eastbound tunnel bore (R2 = 0.87), but much less so in the westbound bore (R2 = 0.26). In both bores, the volume of passenger vehicles (i.e. unleaded gasoline-powered vehicles) was a significantly poorer determinant of particle concentration. When compared with similar studies reported previously, the measurements described here were among the highest recorded concentrations, which further highlights the contribution road tunnels may make to the overall UFP exposure of vehicle occupants.


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Two-stroke outboard boat engines using total loss lubrication deposit a significant proportion of their lubricant and fuel directly into the water. The purpose of this work is to document the velocity and concentration field characteristics of a submerged swirling water jet emanating from a propeller in order to provide information on its fundamental characteristics. Measurements of the velocity and concentration field were performed in a turbulent jet generated by a model boat propeller (0.02 m diameter) operating at 1500 rpm and 3000 rpm. The measurements were carried out in the Zone of Established Flow up to 50 propeller diameters downstream of the propeller. Both the mean axial velocity profile and the mean concentration profile showed self-similarity. Further, the stand deviation growth curve was linear. The effects of propeller speed and dye release location were also investigated.


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High time resolution aerosol mass spectrometry measurements were conducted during a field campaign at Mace Head Research Station, Ireland, in June 2007. Observations on one particular day of the campaign clearly indicated advection of aerosol from volcanoes and desert plains in Iceland which could be traced with NOAA Hysplit air mass back trajectories and satellite images. In conjunction with this event, elevated levels of sulphate and light absorbing particles were encountered at Mace Head. While sulphate concentration was continuously increasing, nitrate levels remained low indicating no significant contribution from anthropogenic pollutants. Sulphate concentration increased about 3.8 g/m3 in comparison with the background conditions. Corresponding sulphur flux from volcanic emissions was estimated to about 0.3 TgS/yr, suggesting that a large amount of sulphur released from Icelandic volcanoes may be distributed over distances larger than 1000 km. Overall, our results corroborate that transport of volcanogenic sulphate and dust particles can significantly change the chemical composition, size distribution, and optical properties of aerosol over the North Atlantic Ocean and should be considered accordingly by regional climate models.