981 resultados para Natural Gas Midstream services
A experincia internacional indica a existncia de cinco alavancas principais comumente relacionadas expanso do consumo de gs natural: a) disponibilidade de reservas de gs natural; b) restries oferta de outros energticos (especialmente para a gerao de eletricidade); c) preocupao com o meio ambiente em uma legislao ambiental cada dia mais rigorosa; d) liberalizao de empresas privadas na distribuio e comercializao de gs natural, atraindo investimentos; e) liberalizao da indstria, atraindo investimentos privados, como opo. Dentro desse cenrio, as obras de construo do gasoduto Coari (Base de Extrao Urucu)-Manaus, com cerca de 670 quilmetros de extenso total, ficaro prontas em abril de 2008 conforme previso da Petrobrs divulgada no dia 21/05/2007, o qual transportar 4,7 milhes de metros cbicos por dia de gs natural na primeira fase de operao. O investimento total previsto de R$2,4 bilhes. O gs natural substituir o diesel e o leo combustvel usados principalmente na produo de grande parte da energia eltrica consumida no Estado do Amazonas. Ser usado tambm nos processos industrial e comercial, bem como para abastecer veculos automotores (automveis, pickups, caminhes leves, nibus) com segurana. Essa ltima aplicao incentivou por excelncia esta dissertao, fazendo uma anlise tcnico-econmica da substituio parcial do combustvel diesel pelo gs natural em motores martimos na regio Amaznica, pois as embarcaes so veculos que singram os rios da Amaznia, usados no transporte de carga e passageiros. Demonstra primeiramente que possvel tecnicamente a converso dos motores diesel para consumirem diesel misturado com gs natural s taxas de substituio de diesel por gs natural de 5% a 90%, usando tecnologias j disponveis no mercado brasileiro, sob a tica de desempenho energtico e ambiental. Posteriormente apresenta uma anlise econmica da converso, levando em considerao os reservatrios para gs natural comprimido - GNC ofertados no mercado nacional e os kits de converso, em que ficam demonstradas: a) a viabilidade econmica do empreendimento, se desprezados os pesos e os volumes dos reservatrios de gs natural comprimido, principalmente os pesos; b) a inviabilidade econmica, considerando o transporte dos reservatrios nas embarcaes como fretes que deixaram de gerar receitas pelos volumes e pesos ocupados nelas.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Com a busca por fontes de energia alternativas, o gs natural vem adquirindo posicionamento de destaque por seu relativo baixo custo de aquisio ao consumidor final e por apresentar reduzidos impactos na implantao de dutovias, comparados com outras fontes de energia (hidroeltrica e fisso). O presente trabalho foi direcionado para a verificao de possveis impactos oriundos de vazamentos em tubulaes de gs em sua fase operacional. A rea de estudo localiza-se no Municpio de So Paulo; sua escolha deve-se por apresentar tubulaes centenrias que demandam constantes intervenes ou manutenes e pela fcil captao de amostras para anlise. Foram amostrados 40 pontos e nestes analisados aspectos dos meios antrpico, bitico e fsico-qumico. O mtodo adotado fundamentou-se na caracterizao dos dutos de gs e sua manuteno, no diagnstico ambiental, considerados os fatores ambientais solo, ar, flora, fauna, condies de vida da populao e paisagem urbana, e posterior identificao de impactos, nas situaes de alterao dos impactos ambientais. Os resultados demonstraram que qualquer vazamento de gs gera uma alterao em pelo menos um fator ambiental, denotando um impacto. Novas linhas de estudo so propostas como melhor anlise qumico-fsica do material exposto ao contaminante e reaes qumicas do odorante com o solo que teve contato.
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Acoustic communication is essential in mammals and has three main functions: acquisition of information about the environment, intraspecific communication and detection of predators and prey. Studies indicate that the introduction of sounds produced by anthropogenic activities such as military exercises, use of sonar and activities related to the extraction of oil and natural gas can cause interference in cetacean communication. Recently, the discovery of pre-salt tends to increase these activities. After a decade since the launch date of IBAMA`s licensing and before the imminent increase in exploration activities in Brazil, it is essential to conduct studies to monitor closely the impact of this type of activity on the marine ecosystem. Thus, this study aims to identify potential impacts that the process of oil and natural gas exploration and production might have on the communication of baleen whales. Data from literature on bioacoustics and ecology of these animals were linked with technical-scientific data regarding this type of activity. 310 documents related to the topic were analyzed. Among them only 81 documents are of academic origin, and the others mostly action plans and reports from government agencies. 80% of the documents do not have any species as a focus, and in the remaining 20%, 17% were focused on the Greenland Whale (Balaena mysticetus) and 22% on the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). The main impacts identified in this study were the increased frequency and amplitude of vocalization, reduction or cessation of more elaborate songs and masking problems
Ps-graduao em Engenharia Mecnica - FEG
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of natural gas applied to the public transportation as well as the environmental, economical and technical impacts in this sector. Also it is given specific information to be considered when comparing natural gas to other fuels, specially the diesel. At this point is presented the types of internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel cycle) and which type is used in each vehicle. Moreover, it is presented the main standards pollutant emission (Euro, US and Proconve) with a brief explanation of the tests made in order to approve the engines. This paper is focused on heavy duty vehicles. Also in this paper is exposed the economic impact due to the natural gas use in the public transportation fleet. In addition is presented a real case (of Berlin) and an estimative to a Brazilian city, presenting the potential of natural gas as vehicular fuel in Brazil, as well as financial and environmental aspects of the substitution
The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of natural gas applied to the public transportation as well as the environmental, economical and technical impacts in this sector. Also it is given specific information to be considered when comparing natural gas to other fuels, specially the diesel. At this point is presented the types of internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel cycle) and which type is used in each vehicle. Moreover, it is presented the main standards pollutant emission (Euro, US and Proconve) with a brief explanation of the tests made in order to approve the engines. This paper is focused on heavy duty vehicles. Also in this paper is exposed the economic impact due to the natural gas use in the public transportation fleet. In addition is presented a real case (of Berlin) and an estimative to a Brazilian city, presenting the potential of natural gas as vehicular fuel in Brazil, as well as financial and environmental aspects of the substitution
La valutazione dei rischi associati alloperativit dei sistemi di stoccaggio, quali la sismicit indotta e la subsidenza, requisito basilare per una loro corretta gestione e progettazione, e passa attraverso la definizione dellinfluenza sullo stato tensionale delle variazioni di pressione di poro nel sottosuolo. Principale scopo di questo progetto lo sviluppo di una metodologia in grado di quantificare le deformazioni dei reservoir in funzione della pressione di poro, di tarare i modelli utilizzati con casi studio che presentino dati di monitoraggio reali, tali da consentire un confronto con le previsioni di modello. In questa tesi, la teoria delle inomogeneit stata utilizzata, tramite un approccio semianalitico, per definire le variazioni dei campi elastici derivanti dalle operazioni di prelievo e immissione di fluidi in serbatoi geologici. Estensione, forma e magnitudo delle variazioni di stress indotte sono state valutate tramite il concetto di variazione dello sforzo critico secondo il criterio di rottura di Coulomb, tramite unanalisi numerica agli elementi finiti. La metodologia sviluppata stata applicata e tarata su due reservoir sfruttati e riconvertiti a sistemi di stoccaggio che presentano dataset, geologia, petrofisica, e condizioni operative differenti. Sono state calcolate le variazioni dei campi elastici e la subsidenza; stata mappata la variazione di sforzo critico di Coulomb per entrambi i casi. I risultati ottenuti mostrano buon accordo con le osservazioni dei monitoraggi, suggerendo la bont della metodologia e indicando la scarsa probabilit di sismicit indotta. Questo progetto ha consentito la creazione di una piattaforma metodologica di rapido ed efficace utilizzo, per stimare linfluenza dei sistemi di stoccaggio di gas sullo stato tensionale della crosta terrestre; in fase di stoccaggio, permette di monitorare le deformazioni e gli sforzi indotti; in fase di progettazione, consente di valutare le strategie operative per monitorare e mitigare i rischi geologici associati a questi sistemi.
This paper utilizes a Contingent Valuation Method survey of a random sample of residents to estimate that households are willing to pay an average of $12.00 per month for public projects designed to improve river access and $10.46 per month for additional safety measures that would eliminate risks to local watersheds from drilling for natural gas from underground shale formations. These estimates can be compared to the costs of providing each of these two amenities to help foster the formation of efficient policy decisions.
Using survey and interview data gathered from educators and educational administrators, we investigate school and community impacts of unconventional gas extraction within Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale region. Respondents in areas with high levels of drilling are significantly more likely to perceive the effects of local economic gains, but also report increased inequality, heightened vulnerability of disadvantaged community members, and pronounced strains on local infrastructure. As community stakeholders in positions of local leadership, school leaders in areas experiencing Marcellus Shale natural gas extraction often face multiple decision-making dilemmas. These dilemmas occur in the context of incomplete information and rapid, unpredictable community change involving the emergence of both new opportunities and new insecurities.
This thesis focuses on the impact of the American shale gas boom on the European natural gas market. The study presents different tests in order to analyze the dynamics of natural gas prices in the U.S., U.K. and German natural gas market. The question of cointegration between these different markets are analyzed using several tests. More specifically, the ADF tests for the presence of a unit root. The error correction model test and the Johansen cointegration procedure are applied in order to accept or reject the hypothesis of an integrated market. The results suggest no evidence of cointegration between these markets. There currently is no evidence of an impact of the U.S. shale gas boom on the European market.
There is practically only one method of gas analysis. This was worked out many years ago by Bunsen, Hempel, and Winkler and consists in the successive absorption with different chemicals of the various constituents of the gas. The only improvement to this method is the oxidation and combustion of different components of a mixture followed by absorption.
Montana's oil and gas industries aggregate a gross income of over 12,000,000 annually to the state. Oil and gas fields have been thoroughly discussed in literature as to geology, location, production and future possibilities. The specific object of this report has been to compile a comprehensive study of the production methods as they occur.