982 resultados para NONSYNDROMIC CLEFT-LIP
We describe affected individuals in three generations of a family and another sporadic case, all Brazilian patients, with a combination of signs that diagnose the BCD syndrome. In addition to the cardinal signs, the sporadic case has hypothyroidism and imperforate anus, which was observed previously in one patient. The broadened phenotype and the possibility of involvement of p63 and IRF6 genes in this condition are discussed. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The midline cervical cleft is an unusual congenital anomaly of the ventral neck and fewer than 100 cases have been reported overall and the first described by Bailey in 1924. This anomaly is report in association with median cleft of lower lip, cleft mandible and tongue, and hypoplasia of other midline neck structures. Its considered an anomaly originated from the two first branchial arches. The treatment of this cleft is a vertical complete excision and a closure with multiple Z-plasty. Many authors recommend avoid linear closure and prefer multiple Z-plasty for evicted fibrosis and local retraction. In this paper we report 2 case of this anomaly and the literature is reviewed.
Purpose: to evaluate the incidence and types of major congenital malformations (MCM) in liveborn children conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Methods: a total of 680 liveborn children resulted from 511 couples submitted to ICSI from January, 1999 to December, 2002. Data collection of the children was performed through standardized questionnaire and clinical examination. Of the 511 couples, 366 had been contacted for a sampling of 371 gestations. Of the 680 liveborn, 520 had been evaluated, 250 of them (48.1%) through questionnaire and 270 (51.9%) through questionnaire and physical examination. Two hundred and fifty children were from singleton pregnancies and 270 from multiple pregnancies. Malformations were classified according to the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health. Only MCM were analyzed in this study. The incidence of MCM was compared with that of the general population obtained by the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations. The statistical analysis was performed by the χ 2 test (level of significance p<0.05). Results: of the 520 children, 15 presented MCM, resulting in an incidence of 2.9%. There was no difference in relation to the control group (p>0.05), which showed 2.6% incidence of MCM. The most frequent malformations were of cardiac origin (four isolated and two associated), corresponding to 40% of the total. The other types of MCM were: renal (three), neural tube (two), skull (one), cleft lip (one), genital (one), Down syndrome (associated with cardiac malformations) (two), and musculoskeletal (one). Six MCM occurred in children from singleton pregnancies and nine in children from multiple pregnancies. Conclusion: the liveborn children conceived by ICSI presented incidence of major congenital malformations (2.9%) near to the expected for the general population (2.6%). However, to establish the risks of MCM with precision it is necessary to continue the evaluation of the children conceived by ICSI.
Cleft palates cause alterations in palate and lip structures, and it may also cause hearing loss because of recurrent otitis media. The appropriate treatment is controversial. It may include the prescription of antibiotics and insertion of a ventilation tube, or even otorhinolaryngological and audiological assistance, and hearing rehabilitation, with the use of an individual sound amplifier aid (ISAA). Aim: To characterize the profile of individuals with cleft palate and hearing loss, users of ISAA are assisted by the center of otorhinolaryngology and speech therapy of a hospital specialized in craniofacial anomalies and hearing impairment. Retrospective Study. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 131 charts of patients with corrected cleft palate and hearing loss, fitted with ISAA by the center abovementioned. Results: The sample (n=131) was characterized by a prevalence of females (53%), unilateral incisive transforaminal cleft (27%), presence of associated anomalies (51%), history of alterations of the middle ear (56%) and surgery intervention (56%). Conclusion: The general profile of the individuals with cleft palate and hearing loss, fitted with ISAA, was characterized by the predominance of cleft lip and palate, positive history of middle ear alterations, surgery intervention and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. © Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia. All Rights reserved.
Aim: To investigate the association between gender and type of cleft with hypodontia and to verify if the presence of the cleft interferes with hypodontia of one or more type of teeth in patients with ectodermal dysplasia attending the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRCA), University of Sγo Paulo (USP). Materials and Methods: Panoramic radiographs of 54 patients of both genders (29 males, 25 females), from the files of the oral radiology sector of HRCA/USP, presenting with ectodermal dysplasia and cleft lip and/or palate were evaluated by radiographic observation of hypodontia of one or more types of teeth. Statistical Analysis: We performed descriptive statistics and statistical analysis by Fisher test. Results: Hypodontia was observed in 50% of females and 50.88% of males; 50% for cleft palate and 50.59% for complete cleft lip and palate. Only 22.22% of patients with cleft palate and 6.67% with complete cleft lip and palate presented with hypodontia of one type of teeth, whereas 77.78% of cases with cleft palate and 93.33% with complete cleft lip and palate displayed hypodontia of more than one type of teeth. Conclusion: Based on the present methodology, there were no statistically significant differences in hypodontia of one or more types of teeth between genders or types of cleft.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Avaliação de pacientes com sequência de Robin no pós-operatório imediato após palatoplastia primário
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Fissura lábio palatina ou orofaciais é um dos mais frequentes defeitos congênitos existentes e vários estudos relacionam essa malformação a causas multifatoriais. Entre as diversas causas ambientais estão os hábitos etílicos e tabagistas maternos, assim como o uso de agrotóxico. A resposta do embrião humano a agentes teratogênicos é bem conhecida. Porém, sabe-se que organismos diferentes metabolizam de maneira distinta um mesmo componente químico, isto se deve a características genéticas intrínsecas relacionadas a diferentes funcionamentos enzimáticos. Tais diferenças podem ser investigadas a partir da análise de polimorfismos em genes relacionados ao metabolismo destes xenobióticos, que podem assim estar relacionados à etiogênese de fissuras lábio palatinas. O Objetivo do nosso estudo foi analisar polimorfismos em sete genes, PON1 (rs662), PON1 (rs854560), MTHFD1, CYP2E1, EPHX1, ABCB1, AHR, onde uma análise correlativa com fatores ambientais, como exposição a agrotóxicos foi realizada, a fim de avaliar se existe ou não influência das diferentes variantes polimórficas e tais interações ambientais na etiogênese das fissuras lábio palatinas. O número total de amostras analisadas foi de 166 indivíduos, sendo 83 pacientes acometidos por fissura, com idade média de 7 anos (DP 5 anos) e 83 mães dos mesmos. Em nossas amostras, o gênero masculino foi 64% do total de acometidos.; uma ficha para a coleta de dados epidemiológicos foi desenvolvida para o estudo; o material biológico coletado para análise foi sangue. A análise estatística foi realizada com os softwares bioEstat 5.3, SPSS 12.0 e PLINK 1.07. Nosso resultado consiste de quatro análises diferentes, para cada polimorfismo. Inicialmente, observamos as diferenças entre as frequências genotípicas encontradas nos acometidos e nas mães destes e aquelas das populações de indivíduos hígidos. Isto visando encontrar diferenças entre estes genótipos que possam justificar a gênese das FLP, frente à exposição das mães, e intrauterinamente, dos filhos ao agrotóxico. Num segundo momento, verificamos se houveram diferenças entre os genótipos maternos e dos acometidos, que pudessem representar diferenças significativas entre estes dois grupos de indivíduos (pois as mães, independentemente da exposição ao agrotóxico, poderiam ter FLP, caso o genótipo fosse de elevada importância) e que possam ter relação com a FLP. Em uma terceira análise, observamos se os genótipos encontrados nos indivíduos que apresentam FLP, estão relacionados à exposição relatada aos agrotóxicos, como fator etiológico destas más formações. Em ultima análise, visamos, por análise de regressão, verificar se a característica genotípica desses alvos de estudo, possa ter influenciado no fenótipo do tipo de fissura, seja somente labial, seja palatal ou labiopalatal. A distribuição dos tipos de fissuras entre os acometidos foi de 12% para fissuras somente labiais, 19% para fissuras somente palatais e 69% das fissuras em nosso grupo amostral atingiam o lábio e o palato.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC