We determined the capacity of transplanted beta cells to modify their replication and mass when stimulated by changes in metabolic demand. Five groups of Lewis rats were studied: group 1 (Tx-Px) had a 95% pancreatectomy 14 d after transplantation of 500 islets; group 2 (Px-Tx) had a 95% pancreatectomy 14 d before transplantation of 500 islets; group 3 (Tx) was transplanted with 500 islets; group 4 (Px) had a 95% pancreatectomy; and group 5 (normal) was neither transplanted nor pancreatectomized. Blood glucose was normal in Tx-Px and Tx groups at all times. Px-Tx and Px groups developed severe hyperglycemia after pancreatectomy that was corrected in Px-Tx group in 83% of rats 28 d after transplantation. Replication of transplanted beta cells increased in Tx-Px (1.15 +/- 0.12%) and Px-Tx (0.85 +/- 0.12%) groups, but not in Tx group (0.64 +/- 0.07%) compared with normal pancreatic beta cells (0.38 +/- 0.05%) (P < 0.001). Mean beta cell size increased in Tx-Px (311 +/- 14 microns2) and Px-Tx (328 +/- 13 microns2) groups compared with Tx (252 +/- 12 microns2) and normal (239 +/- 9 microns2) groups (P < 0.001). Transplanted beta cell mass increased in Tx-Px (1.87 +/- 0.51 mg) and Px-Tx (1.55 +/- 0.21 mg) groups compared with Tx group (0.78 +/- 0.17 mg) (P < 0.05). In summary, changes in transplanted beta cells prevented the development of hyperglycemia in Tx-Px rats. Transplanted beta cells responded to increased metabolic demand increasing their beta cell mass.
Results of plasma or urinary amino acids are used for suspicion, confirmation or exclusion of diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, prevention and prognosis in inborn errors of amino acid metabolism. The concentrations in plasma or whole blood do not necessarily reflect the relevant metabolite concentrations in organs such as the brain or in cell compartments; this is especially the case in disorders that are not solely expressed in liver and/or in those which also affect nonessential amino acids. Basic biochemical knowledge has added much to the understanding of zonation and compartmentation of expressed proteins and metabolites in organs, cells and cell organelles. In this paper, selected old and new biochemical findings in PKU, urea cycle disorders and nonketotic hyperglycinaemia are reviewed; the aim is to show that integrating the knowledge gained in the last decades on enzymes and transporters related to amino acid metabolism allows a more extensive interpretation of biochemical results obtained for diagnosis and follow-up of patients and may help to pose new questions and to avoid pitfalls. The analysis and interpretation of amino acid measurements in physiological fluids should not be restricted to a few amino acids but should encompass the whole quantitative profile and include other pathophysiological markers. This is important if the patient appears not to respond as expected to treatment and is needed when investigating new therapies. We suggest that amino acid imbalance in the relevant compartments caused by over-zealous or protocol-driven treatment that is not adjusted to the individual patient's needs may prolong catabolism and must be corrected
betaTC-tet cells are conditionally immortalized pancreatic beta cells which can confer long-term correction of hyperglycemia when transplanted in syngeneic streptozocin diabetic mice. The use of these cells for control of type I diabetes in humans will require their encapsulation and transplantation in non-native sites where relative hypoxia and cytokines may threaten their survival. In this study we genetically engineered betaTC-tet cells with the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 using new lentiviral vectors and showed that it protected this cell line against apoptosis induced by hypoxia, staurosporine and a mixture of cytokines (IL-1beta, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha). We further demonstrated that Bcl-2 expression permitted growth at higher cell density and with shorter doubling time. Expression of Bcl-2, however, did not inter- fere either with the intrinsic mechanism of growth arrest present in the betaTC-tet cells or with their normal glucose dose-dependent insulin secretory activity. Furthermore, Bcl-2 expressing betaTC-tet cells retained their capacity to secrete insulin under mild hypoxia. Finally, transplantation of these cells under the kidney capsule of streptozocin diabetic C3H mice corrected hyperglycemia for several months. These results demonstrate that the murine betaTC-tet cell line can be genetically modified to improve its resistance against different stress-induced apoptosis while preserving its normal physiological function. These modified cells represent an improved source for cell transplantation therapy of type I diabetes.
OBJECTIVE: Our laboratory has previously established in vitro that a caspase-generated RasGAP NH(2)-terminal moiety, called fragment N, potently protects cells, including insulinomas, from apoptotic stress. We aimed to determine whether fragment N can increase the resistance of pancreatic beta-cells in a physiological setting. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A mouse line, called rat insulin promoter (RIP)-N, was generated that bears a transgene containing the rat insulin promoter followed by the cDNA-encoding fragment N. The histology, functionality, and resistance to stress of RIP-N islets were then assessed. RESULTS: Pancreatic beta-cells of RIP-N mice express fragment N, activate Akt, and block nuclear factor kappaB activity without affecting islet cell proliferation or the morphology and cellular composition of islets. Intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests revealed that RIP-N mice control their glycemia similarly as wild-type mice throughout their lifespan. Moreover, islets isolated from RIP-N mice showed normal glucose-induced insulin secretory capacities. They, however, displayed increased resistance to apoptosis induced by a series of stresses including inflammatory cytokines, fatty acids, and hyperglycemia. RIP-N mice were also protected from multiple low-dose streptozotocin-induced diabetes, and this was associated with reduced in vivo beta-cell apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: Fragment N efficiently increases the overall resistance of beta-cells to noxious stimuli without interfering with the physiological functions of the cells. Fragment N and the pathway it regulates represent, therefore, a potential target for the development of antidiabetes tools.
In the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, hyperglycemia appears when ß cell mass and insulin secretory capacity are no longer sufficient to compensate for insulin resistance. The reduction in ß cell mass results from increased apoptosis. Therefore, finding strategies to preserve ß cell mass and function may be useful for the treatment or prevention of diabetes. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) protects ß cells against apoptosis, increases their glucose competence, and induces their proliferation. Previous studies in the lab of Prof. Bernard Thorens showed that the GLP-1 anti- apoptotic effect was mediated by robust up-regulation of IGF-1R expression, and this was paralleled with an increase in Akt phosphorylation. This effect was dependent not only on increased IGF-1R expression but also on the autocrine secretion of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2). They also demonstrated that GLP-1 up-regulated IGF-1R expression by a protein a kinase A-dependent translational control mechanism. The main aim of this PhD work has been to further investigate the role of the IGF2/IGF-1 Receptor autocrine loop in ß cell function and to determine the physiological role of IGF2 in ß cell plasticity and its regulation by nutrients. This PhD thesis is divided in 3 chapters. The first chapter describes the role of IGF2/IGF-1R autocrine loop in ß cell glucose competence and proliferation. Here using MIN6 cells and primary mouse islets as an experimental model we demonstrated that the glucose competence of these cells was dependent on the level of IGF-1R expression and on IGF2 secretion. Furthermore, we showed that GLP-1-induced primary ß cell proliferation was significantly reduced by Igf-lr gene inactivation and by IGF2 immunoneutralization or knockdown. In the second chapter we examined the role of this IGF2/IGF-1R autocrine loop on the ß cell functional plasticity during ageing, pregnancy, and in response to acute induction of insulin resistance using mice with ß cell-specific inactivation of ig/2. Here we showed a gender-dependent role of ß cell IGF2 in ageing and high fat diet-induced metabolic stress; we demonstrated that the autocrine secretion of IGF2 is essential for ß cell mass adaptation during pregnancy. Further we also showed that this autocrine loop plays an important role in ß cell expansion in response to acute induction of insulin resistance. The aim of the third chapter was to investigate whether we can modulate the expression and secretion of IGF2 by nutrients in order to increase the activity of autocrine loop. Here we showed that glutamine induces IGF2 biosynthesis and its fast secretion through the regulated pathway, a mechanism enhanced in the presence of glucose. Furthermore, we demonstrated that glutamine-mediated Akt phosphorylation is dependent on IGF2 secretion, indicating that glutamine controls the activity of the IGF2/IGF1R autocrine loop through IGF2 up-regulation. In summary, this PhD work highlights that autocrine secretion of IGF2 is required for compensatory ß cell adaptation to ageing, pregnancy, and insulin resistance. Moreover IGF2/IGF1R autocrine loop is regulated by two feeding-related cues, GLP-1 to increase IGF-1R expression and glutamine to control IGF2 biosynthesis and secretion. -- Dans le diabète de type 2, lorsque la sécrétion d'insuline des cellules Beta du pancréas n'est plus suffisante pour compenser la résistance à l'insuline, une hyperglycémie est observée. Cette baisse de sécrétion d'insuline est Causée par la diminution de la masse de cellules Beta suite à l'augmentation du phénomène de mort cellulaire ou « apoptose ». En diabétologie, une des stratégies médicales concerne la préservation des cellules Beta du pancréas. Une des protéines intervenant dans cette fonction est GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1). GLP-1 est capable de protéger les cellules Beta contre la mort cellulaire et d'induire leur prolifération. Des études précédemment menées dans le laboratoire du Professeur Bernard Thorens ont montrées que l'activité « anti-apoptotique » de GLP-1 est le résultat l'une augmentation de l'expression du gène IGF-1R sous la dépendance de la sécrétion autocrine d'IGF2 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor). Le but de mon travail de thèse aura été d'étudier le mécanisme de la régulation de GLP-1 par IGF2 et plus précisément de déterminer le rôle physiologique d'IGF2 dans la plasticité des cellules ß ainsi que sa régulation par les nutriments. Ce manuscrit est ainsi divisé en trois chapitres : Le premier chapitre décrit la fonction d'IGF2/IGF- R1 dans la réponse des cellules Beta au glucose ainsi que dans leur capacité à proliférer. Dans ce chapitre nous avons montré l'importance du niveau d'expression d'IGFR-1 et de la sécrétion d'IGF2 dans la régulation du métabolisme du glucose. Dans un deuxième chapitre, nous étudions la boucle de régulation IGF2/IGF-R1 sur la plasticité des cellules Beta lors du vieillissement, de la grossesse ainsi que dans un modèle de souris résistantes à l'insuline. Cette étude met en évidence un dimorphisme sexuel dans le rôle d'IGF2 lors du vieillissement et lors d'un stress métabolique. Nous montrons également l'importance d'IGF2 pour l'adaptation des cellules Beta tout au long de la grossesse ou lors du phénomène de résistance à l'insuline. Dans un troisième chapitre, nous mettons en évidence la possibilité de moduler l'expression et la sécrétion d'IGF2 par les nutriments. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse aura permis de mettre en évidence l'importance d'IGF2 dans la plasticité des cellules ß, une plasticité indispensable lors du vieillissement, de la grossesse ou encore dans le cas d'une résistance à l'insuline.
Hepatic and extrahepatic insulin sensitivity was assessed in six healthy humans from the insulin infusion required to maintain an 8 mmol/l glucose concentration during hyperglycemic pancreatic clamp with or without infusion of 16.7 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) fructose. Glucose rate of disappearance (GR(d)), net endogenous glucose production (NEGP), total glucose output (TGO), and glucose cycling (GC) were measured with [6,6-(2)H(2)]- and [2-(2)H(1)]glucose. Hepatic glycogen synthesis was estimated from uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPG) kinetics as assessed with [1-(13)C]galactose and acetaminophen. Fructose infusion increased insulin requirements 2.3-fold to maintain blood glucose. Fructose infusion doubled UDPG turnover, but there was no effect on TGO, GC, NEGP, or GR(d) under hyperglycemic pancreatic clamp protocol conditions. When insulin concentrations were matched during a second hyperglycemic pancreatic clamp protocol, fructose administration was associated with an 11.1 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) increase in TGO, a 7.8 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) increase in NEGP, a 2.2 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) increase in GC, and a 7.2 micromol. kg(-1). min(-1) decrease in GR(d) (P < 0. 05). These results indicate that fructose infusion induces hepatic and extrahepatic insulin resistance in humans.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of sodium bicarbonate and lactate for continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) in critically ill patients. DESIGN AND SETTINGS: Prospective crossed-over controlled trial in the surgical and medical ICUs of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Eight patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) requiring CVVHDF. INTERVENTION: Each patient received the two buffers in a randomized sequence over two consecutive days. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The following variables were determined: acid-base parameters, lactate production and utilization ((13)C lactate infusion), glucose turnover (6,6(2)H(2)-glucose), gas exchange (indirect calorimetry). No side effect was observed during lactate administration. Baseline arterial acid-base variables were equal with the two buffers. Arterial lactate (2.9 versus 1.5 mmol/l), glycemia (+18%) and glucose turnover (+23%) were higher in the lactate period. Bicarbonate and glucose losses in CVVHDF were substantial, but not lactate elimination. Infusing (13)C lactate increased plasma lactate levels equally with the two buffers. Lactate clearance (7.8+/-0.8 vs 7.5+/-0.8 ml/kg per min in the bicarbonate and lactate periods) and endogenous production rates (14.0+/-2.6 vs 13.6+/-2.6 mmol/kg per min) were similar. (13)C lactate was used as a metabolic substrate, as shown by (13)CO(2) excretion. Glycemia and metabolic rate increased significantly and similarly during the two periods during lactate infusion. CONCLUSION: Lactate was rapidly cleared from the blood of critically ill patients without acute liver failure requiring CVVHDF, being transformed into glucose or oxidized. Lactate did not exert undesirable effects, except moderate hyperglycemia, and achieved comparable effects on acid-base balance to bicarbonate.
Fifty years after the clinical introduction of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) the Arvid Wretlind lecture is an opportunity to critically analyse the evolution and changes that have marked its development and clinical use. The standard crystalline amino acid solutions, while devoid of side effects, remain incomplete regarding their composition (e.g. glutamine). Lipid emulsions have evolved tremendously and are now included in bi- and tri-compartmental feeding bags enabling a true "total" PN provided daily micronutrients are prescribed. The question of exact individual energy, macro- and micro-nutrient requirements is still unsolved. Many complications attributed to TPN are in fact the consequence of under- or over-feeding: the historical hyperalimentation concept is the main cause, along with the use of fixed weight based predictive equations (incorrect in 70% of the critically ill patients). In the late 80's many complications (hyperglycemia, sepsis, fatty liver, exacerbation of inflammation, mortality) were attributed to TPN leading to its near abandon in favour of enteral nutrition (EN). Enteral feeding, although desirable for many reasons, is difficult causing a worldwide recurrence of malnutrition by insufficient feed delivery. TPN indications have evolved towards its use either alone or in combination with EN: several controversial trials published 2011-13 have investigated TPN timing, an issue which is not yet resolved. The initiation time varies according to the country between admission (Australia and Israel), day 4 (Swiss) and day 7 (Belgium, USA). The most important issue may prove to be and individualized and time dependent prescription of feeding route, energy and substrates.
Either 200 or 400 syngeneic islets were transplanted under the kidney capsule of normal or streptozocin-induced diabetic B6/AF1 mice. The diabetic mice with 400 islets became normoglycemic, but those with 200 islets, an insufficient number, were still diabetic after the transplantation (Tx). Two weeks after Tx, GLUT2 expression in the islet grafts was evaluated by immunofluorescence and Western blots, and graft function was examined by perfusion of the graft-bearing kidney. Immunofluorescence for GLUT2 was dramatically reduced in the beta-cells of grafts with 200 islets exposed to hyperglycemia. However, it was plentiful in grafts with 400 islets in a normoglycemic environment. Densitometric analysis of Western blots on graft homogenates demonstrated that GLUT2 protein levels in the islets, when exposed to chronic hyperglycemia for 2 weeks, were decreased to 16% of those of normal recipients. Moreover, these grafts had defective glucose-induced insulin secretion, while the effects of arginine were preserved. We conclude that GLUT2 expression in normal beta-cells is promptly down-regulated during exposure to hyperglycemia and may contribute to the loss of glucose-induced secretion of diabetes.
Among 645 obese patients examined at an out-patient clinic for obese patients by physical examination and a computerized questionnaire, two subgroups of patients could be identified according to their nutritional preferences: 177 patients preferred carbohydrates exclusively (group A) and 73 patients fat exclusively (group B). No definite preferences were formulated by the other patients. Among patients under 25 years, only 3 belonged to group B and 49 to group A, while in older patients no significant differences were found. Among patients with BMI less than 30, there were significantly fewer patients from group B than from group A (p = 0.006), while in patients with BMI greater than 30 no significant difference was observed. There were significantly more men in group B than in group A. 57% of the patients of group B complained of physical symptoms related to their obesity, compared to 37% in group A (p = 0.006). 26% of group B suffered from joints and muscles compared to 13% of group A (p = 0.003). Hyperglycemia (greater than 5,6 mmol/l) was found in 21% of group A and in 40% of group B (p less than 0.005). Hypercholesterolemia (greater than 6.5 mmol/l) was found in 20% of group A and in 32% of group B (p less than 0.05). In conclusion, obese patients who prefer fat have more general symptoms related to obesity, more abnormal physical signs, and more frequently have hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia than patients who prefer carbohydrates.
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a major therapeutic target for the treatment of diabetes. We investigated the effect of a short-term overexpression of AMPK specifically in the liver by adenovirus-mediated transfer of a gene encoding a constitutively active form of AMPKalpha2 (AMPKalpha2-CA). Hepatic AMPKalpha2-CA expression significantly decreased blood glucose levels and gluconeogenic gene expression. Hepatic expression of AMPKalpha2-CA in streptozotocin-induced and ob/ob diabetic mice abolished hyperglycemia and decreased gluconeogenic gene expression. In normal mouse liver, AMPKalpha2-CA considerably decreased the refeeding-induced transcriptional activation of genes encoding proteins involved in glycolysis and lipogenesis and their upstream regulators, SREBP-1 (sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1) and ChREBP (carbohydrate response element-binding protein). This resulted in decreases in hepatic glycogen synthesis and circulating lipid levels. Surprisingly, despite the inhibition of hepatic lipogenesis, expression of AMPKalpha2-CA led to fatty liver due to the accumulation of lipids released from adipose tissue. The relative scarcity of glucose due to AMPKalpha2-CA expression led to an increase in hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketone bodies production as an alternative source of energy for peripheral tissues. Thus, short-term AMPK activation in the liver reduces blood glucose levels and results in a switch from glucose to fatty acid utilization to supply energy needs.
AIMS: To investigate the relationships between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the metabolic syndrome (MS), as it was suggested that insulin resistance was the hallmark of both conditions. To analyse post-partum screening in order to identify risk factors for the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM at the Lausanne University Hospital for 3 consecutive years. Pre-pregnancy obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia were recorded as constituents of the MS. RESULTS: For 5788 deliveries, 159 women (2.7%) with GDM were identified. Constituents of the MS were present before GDM pregnancy in 26% (n = 37/144): 84% (n = 31/37) were obese, 38% (n = 14/37) had hypertension and 22% (n = 8/37) had dyslipidaemia. Gestational hypertension was associated with obesity (OR = 3.2, P = 0.02) and dyslipidaemia (OR = 5.4, P=0.002). Seventy-four women (47%) returned for post-partum OGTT, which was abnormal in 20 women (27%): 11% (n = 8) had type 2 diabetes and 16% (n = 12) had impaired glucose tolerance. Independent predictors of abnormal glucose tolerance in the post-partum were: having > 2 abnormal values on the diagnostic OGTT during pregnancy and presenting MS constituents (OR = 5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 and OR = 5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS: In one fourth of GDM pregnancies, metabolic abnormalities precede the appearance of glucose intolerance. These women have a high risk of developing the MS and type 2 diabetes in later years. Where GDM screening is not universal, practitioners should be aware of those metabolic risks in every pregnant woman presenting with obesity, hypertension or dyslipidaemia, in order to achieve better diagnosis and especially better post-partum follow-up and treatment.