962 resultados para NEUTRAL FACES
Adults and children can discriminate various emotional expressions, although there is limited research on sensitivity to the differences between posed and genuine expressions. Adults have shown implicit sensitivity to the difference between posed and genuine happy smiles in that they evaluate T-shirts paired with genuine smiles more favorably than T-shirts paired with posed smiles or neutral expressions (Peace, Miles, & Johnston, 2006). Adults also have shown some explicit sensitivity to posed versus genuine expressions; they are more likely to say that a model i?,feeling happy if the expression is genuine than posed. Nonetheless they are duped by posed expressions about 50% of the time (Miles, & Johnston, in press). There has been no published study to date in which researchers report whether children's evaluation of items varies with expression and there is little research investigating children's sensitivity to the veracity of facial expressions. In the present study the same face stimuli were used as in two previous studies (Miles & Johnston, in press; Peace et al., 2006). The first question to be addressed was whether adults and 7-year-olds have a cognitive understanding of the differences between posed and genuine happiness {scenario task). They evaluated the feelings of children who expressed gratitude for a present that they did or did not want. Results indicated that all participants had a fundamental understanding of the difference between real and posed happiness. The second question involved adults' and children's implicit sensitivity to the veracity of posed and genuine smiles. Participants rated and ranked beach balls paired with faces showing posed smiles, genuine smiles, and neutral expressions. Adults ranked.but did not rate beach balls paired with genuine smiles more favorably than beach balls paired with posed smiles. Children did not demonstrate implicit sensitivity as their ratings and rankings of beach balls did not vary with expressions; they did not even rank beach balls paired with genuine expressions higher than beach balls paired with neutral expressions. In the explicit (show/feel) task, faces were presented without the beach balls and participants were first asked whether each face was showing happy and then whether each face wasfeeling happy. There were also two matching trials that presented two faces at once; participants had to indicate which person was actuallyfeeling happy. In the show condition both adults and 7-year-olds were very accurate on genuine and neutral expressions but made some errors on posed smiles. Adults were fooled about 50% of the time by posed smiles in thefeel condition (i.e., they were likely to say that a model posing happy was really feeling happy) and children were even less accurate, although they showed weak sensitivity to posed versus genuine expressions. Future research should test an older age group of children to determine when explicit sensitivity to posed versus genuine facial expressions becomes adult-like and modify the ranking task to explore the influence of facial expressions on object evaluations.
Adults' expert face recognition is limited to the kinds of faces they encounter on a daily basis (typically upright human faces of the same race). Adults process own-race faces holistically (Le., as a gestalt) and are exquisitely sensitive to small differences among faces in the spacing of features, the shape of individual features and the outline or contour of the face (Maurer, Le Grand, & Mondloch, 2002), however this expertise does not seem to extend to faces from other races. The goal of the current study was to investigate the extent to which the mechanisms that underlie expert face processing of own-race faces extend to other-race faces. Participants from rural Pennsylvania that had minimal exposure to other-race faces were tested on a battery of tasks. They were tested on a memory task, two measures of holistic processing (the composite task and the part/whole task), two measures of spatial and featural processing (the JanelLing task and the scrambledlblurred faces task) and a test of contour processing (JanelLing task) for both own-and other-race faces. No study to date has tested the same participants on all of these tasks. Participants had minimal experience with other-race faces; they had no Chinese family members, friends or had ever traveled to an Asian country. Results from the memory task did not reveal an other-race effect. In the present study, participants also demonstrated holistic processing of both own- and other-race faces on both the composite task and the part/whole task. These findings contradict previous findings that Caucasian adults process own-race faces more holistically than other-race faces. However participants did demonstrate an own-race advantage for processing the spacing among features, consistent with two recent studies that used different manipulations of spacing cues (Hayward et al. 2007; Rhodes et al. 2006). They also demonstrated an other-race effect for the processing of individual features for the Jane/Ling task (a direct measure of featural processing) consistent with previous findings (Rhodes, Hayward, & Winkler, 2006), but not for the scrambled faces task (an indirect measure offeatural processing). There was no own-race advantage for contour processing. Thus, these results lead to the conclusion that individuals may show less sensitivity to the appearance of individual features and the spacing among them in other-race faces, despite processing other-race faces holistically.
Phospholipids in water form lamellar phases made up of alternating layers of water and bimolecular lipid leaflets. Three complementary methods, osmotic, mechanical, and vapour pressures, were used to measure the work of removing water from lamellar phases composed of frozen dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC ), melted DPPC, egg phosphatidylethanolamine or equimolar mixtures of DPPC and cholesterol ( DPPC/CHOL ), Concurrently the structural changes that resulted from this water removal were measured using X-ray diffraction. The work was divided into that which forces the bilayers together ( F ) and that which compresses the molecules together within the bilayers ( F )# A large repulsive force exists between bilayers composed of each of the lipids studied and this force increases exponentially as bilayer separation is decreased. F is affected by the nature of the head groups, conformation of the acyl chains and heterogeneity of these chains. In general all of the melted phosphatidylcholines ( melted DPPC, egg lecithin and DPPC/CHOL ) have large equilibrium separations in excess water resulting from large repulsive hydration forces between these bilayers. By comparison, egg PE has an increased attractive force, and frozen DPPC has a decreased hydration force; each results in smaller separations in water for these two lipids. The chemical potentials of the water between the bilayers for all these lipids lie on a continuum, indicating that interbilayer water cannot be characterized by two discrete states, usually referred to as "bound" or "non**bound". For all lipids studied a maximum of 25 % of the total work done on the system goes into deforming the bilayers. The method used here viii to separate repulsion from deformation, developed for us by v. A. Parsegian, provides a unique method for the measurement of lateral pressure of a bilayer and its modulus of deformability ( Y ). Lateral pressure is affected by the nature of the head group, conformation and heterogeneity of the acyl chains. For small changes in molecular surface area ( A ) near equilibrium, both melted and frozen DPPC have similar values for the deformability modulus. Thus in this regime it requires about the same force to change the angle of tilt of frozen chains as it does to compress the fluid bilayer. The introduction of cholesterol into bilayers of DPPC reduces dramatically the lateral pressure of the bilayers over a large range of molecular surface areas ( A ). The variation in the magnitude of bilayer repulsion with different phospholipids provides a basis for the mechanism of lipid segregation in mixed lipid systems and suggests that interacting heterogeneous membranes may influence or modulate the composition of the opposing membrane. The measurements of deformabilities of bilayers provides a direct comparison of them with the properties of monolayers.
As Ca2+ and phosphatidylserine (PS) are known to induce the adhesion of bilayer vesicles and form collapsed multibilayer structures in vitro, it was the aim of this study to examine how that interaction and the resultant structures might be modified by neutral lipid species. X-ray diffraction data from multilamellar systems suggest that phosphatidylcholine (PC) and diacylglycerol (DG) might be in the collapsed phase up to a concentration of -30 mole % and that above this concentration these neutral lipids may modify Ca2+-induced bilayer interactions. Using large unilamellar vesicles and long incubations in excess Ca2+ to ensure equilibration, similar preliminary results were again obtained with PC, and also with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). A combination of X-ray diffraction, thin-layer chromatography, density gradient centrifugation and freeze-fracture electron microscopy, used in conjunction with an osmotic stress technique, showed that (i) -30 mole % PC can be accomodated in the Ca(DOPS)2 phase; and (ii) higher PC levels modify Ca2+-induced bilayer interactions resulting in single lamellar phases of larger dimension and reduced tendency for REV collapse. Importantly, the data suggest that PC is dehydrated during the rapid collapse process leading. to Ca(DOPS)2 formation and exists with this dehydrated phase. Similar results were obtained using PS isolated from bovine brain. Preliminary studies using two different phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) species indicated accomodation by Ca(DOPS)2 of -25-30 mole 0/0 PE and bulk phase separation, of species favouring a non-bilayer phase, at higher levels. Significantly, all PS/PE vesicles appear to undergo a complete Ca2+-induced collapse, even with contents of up to 90 mole % PE. These data suggest that PE may have an important role in fusion mechanisms in vivo. In sum the data lend both structural and stoichiometric evidence for th~ existence of laterally segregated neutral lipid molecules within the same bilayers as PS domains exposed to Ca2+.
The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio), is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers’ judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers’ judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio even when other cues in the face related to masculinity were controlled statistically. Nevertheless, correlations between the face ratio and judgements of aggression were smaller for female than for male faces (F1,36= 7.43, p= 0.01). In Study 1, there was no significant relationship between judgements of femininity and of aggression in female faces. In Study 2, the association between judgements of masculinity and aggression was weaker in female faces than for male faces in Study 1. The weaker association in female faces may be because aggression and masculinity are stereotypically male traits. Thus, in Study 3, observers rated faces on nurturing (a stereotypically female trait) and on femininity. Judgements of nurturing were associated with femininity (positively) and masculinity (negatively) ratings in both female and male faces. In summary, the perception of aggression differs in female versus male faces. The sex difference was not simply because aggression is a gendered construct; the relationships between masculinity/femininity and nurturing were similar for male and female faces even though nurturing is also a gendered construct. Masculinity and femininity ratings are not associated with aggression ratings nor with the face ratio for female faces. In contrast, all four variables are highly inter-correlated in male faces, likely because these cues in male faces serve as ‘‘honest signals’’.
Question : Cette thèse comporte deux articles portant sur l’étude d’expressions faciales émotionnelles. Le processus de développement d’une nouvelle banque de stimuli émotionnels fait l’objet du premier article, alors que le deuxième article utilise cette banque pour étudier l’effet de l’anxiété de trait sur la reconnaissance des expressions statiques. Méthodes : Un total de 1088 clips émotionnels (34 acteurs X 8 émotions X 4 exemplaire) ont été alignés spatialement et temporellement de sorte que les yeux et le nez de chaque acteur occupent le même endroit dans toutes les vidéos. Les vidéos sont toutes d’une durée de 500ms et contiennent l’Apex de l’expression. La banque d’expressions statiques fut créée à partir de la dernière image des clips. Les stimuli ont été soumis à un processus de validation rigoureux. Dans la deuxième étude, les expressions statiques sont utilisées conjointement avec la méthode Bubbles dans le but d’étudier la reconnaissance des émotions chez des participants anxieux. Résultats : Dans la première étude, les meilleurs stimuli ont été sélectionnés [2 (statique & dynamique) X 8 (expressions) X 10 (acteurs)] et forment la banque d’expressions STOIC. Dans la deuxième étude, il est démontré que les individus présentant de l'anxiété de trait utilisent préférentiellement les basses fréquences spatiales de la région buccale du visage et ont une meilleure reconnaissance des expressions de peur. Discussion : La banque d’expressions faciales STOIC comporte des caractéristiques uniques qui font qu’elle se démarque des autres. Elle peut être téléchargée gratuitement, elle contient des vidéos naturelles et tous les stimuli ont été alignés, ce qui fait d’elle un outil de choix pour la communauté scientifique et les cliniciens. Les stimuli statiques de STOIC furent utilisés pour franchir une première étape dans la recherche sur la perception des émotions chez des individus présentant de l’anxiété de trait. Nous croyons que l’utilisation des basses fréquences est à la base des meilleures performances de ces individus, et que l’utilisation de ce type d’information visuelle désambigüise les expressions de peur et de surprise. Nous pensons également que c’est la névrose (chevauchement entre l'anxiété et la dépression), et non l’anxiété même qui est associée à de meilleures performances en reconnaissance d’expressions faciales de la peur. L’utilisation d’instruments mesurant ce concept devrait être envisagée dans de futures études.
Le déficit social, incluant la perturbation du traitement du regard et des émotions, est au cœur de l’autisme. Des études ont montré que les visages de peur provoquent une orientation rapide et involontaire de l’attention spatiale vers leur emplacement chez les individus à développement typique. De plus, ceux-ci détectent plus rapidement et plus efficacement les visages avec un regard direct (vs regard dévié). La présente étude vise à explorer l’effet de l’émotion de peur et de la direction du regard (direct vs dévié) sur l’attention spatiale chez les enfants autistes à l’aide d’une tâche d’attention spatiale implicite. Six enfants avec un trouble autistique (TA) ont participé à cette étude. Les participants doivent détecter l’apparition d’une cible à gauche ou à droite d’un écran. L’apparition de la cible est précédée d’une amorce (paire de visages peur/neutre avec regard direct/dévié). La cible peut être présentée soit dans le même champ visuel que l’amorce émotionnellement chargée (condition valide), soit dans le champ visuel opposé (condition invalide). Nos résultats montrent que les amorces avec un visage de peur (vs les amorces avec un visage neutre) provoquent un effet d’interférence au niveau comportemental et divergent l’attention de leur emplacement chez les enfants avec un TA.
L’« intérêt de l’enfant » est un concept fondamental en droit de la famille puisqu’il constitue le critère déterminant dans toute décision qui concerne l’enfant. Le Code civil du Québec énonce, au second alinéa de l’article 33, les facteurs qui doivent servir à le déterminer, soit « les besoins moraux, intellectuels, affectifs et physiques de l’enfant, son âge, sa santé, son caractère, son milieu familial et les autres aspects de sa situation ». Les auteurs qui s’y sont intéressés l’ont abordé sous différents angles. Certains se sont intéressés à ses origines et à son évolution. D’autres en ont proposé leur propre définition. En ce qui nous concerne, nous avons choisi d’explorer ledit concept en nous intéressant aux diverses interprétations qu’il reçoit de la part des tribunaux dans les décisions relatives à la garde des enfants dans un contexte post-rupture, et ce, à la lumière du genre et de l’âge du décideur. Le concept d’intérêt de l’enfant étant hautement indéterminé, son interprétation est laissée à l’appréciation du juge qui en précisera le contenu en référence à la loi et aux faits particuliers de chaque cas d’espèce. Or, dans les situations où, une fois considéré le contexte factuel et normatif, le juge se retrouve face à une situation « neutre », c’est-à-dire où la garde exclusive et la garde partagée sont tout aussi envisageables, peut-on prétendre que son l’inclinaison vers l’une ou l’autre de ces modalités de garde est influencée par des facteurs autres que le droit et les faits mis en preuve ? Telle est la question au cœur de notre étude. Reposant sur des théories reconnues et bien établies affirmant l’importance de tenir compte du contexte social et de l’expérience individuelle du décideur dans la démarche interprétative que le droit sous-tend, l’hypothèse que nous soumettons est qu’au-delà des faits mis en preuve et du droit, des éléments indissociables au processus d’interprétation, à savoir les valeurs, les idéologies et les traits caractéristiques dominants que sous-tendent le genre et la génération du décideur, influent sur la teneur des jugements qu’il prononce. Sans admettre que ces éléments suffisent, à eux seuls, pour expliquer le produit judiciaire, nous sommes d’avis qu’on ne peut qualifier d’improbable l’incidence qu’ils exercent sur celui-ci. Nous intéressant au processus cognitif qui préside à la réflexion des décideurs, notre thèse vise à cerner, à travers une analyse interdisciplinaire, les facteurs humains et les forces sociales qui structurent les expériences et qui sont susceptibles d’avoir un impact sur les décisions judiciaires. L’objectif de notre étude n’est pas d’établir un lien de causalité entre le genre et l’âge du juge et les décisions qu’il rend, mais plutôt de vérifier si des corrélations peuvent être établies entre ces paramètres. Désirant aller au-delà des perceptions traditionnelles véhiculées par la doctrine classique, nos travaux se veulent davantage une contribution au développement d’une conception non formaliste du droit plutôt qu’une démonstration que le profil identitaire des décideurs conditionne systématiquement et invariablement leurs décisions. Une étude de ce genre comporte certes des difficultés en ce qu’elle confronte le juriste à des concepts et des théories qui appartiennent à d’autres champs disciplinaires et qui, partant, ne lui sont pas familiers. La compréhension plus fine du processus interprétatif et des décisions qui en résultent en justifie cependant le bien-fondé.
The thesis entitled “ Investigations on the solvent extraction and luminescence of lanthanoids with mixtures of heterocyclic β-diketone S and various neutral oxo-donors” embodies the results of investigations carried out on the solvent extraction of trivalent lanthanoids with various heterocyclic β-diketones in the presence and absence of neutral oxo-donors and also on the luminescent studies of Eu3+-heterocyclic β-diketonate complexes with Lewis bases. The primary objective of the present work is to generate the knowledge base, especially to understand the interactions of lanthanoid-heterocyclic β-diketonates with various macrocyclic ligands such as crown ethers and neutral organophosphorus extractants , with a view to achieve better selectivity. The secondary objective of this thesis is to develop novel lanthanoid luminescent materials based on 3-phenyl-4-aroyl-5-isoxazolones and organophosphorus ligands, for use in electroluminescent devices. In the beginning it describes the need for the development of new mixed-ligand systems for the separation of lanthanoids and the development and importance of novel luminescent lanthanoid- β-diketonate complexes for display devices. The syntheses of various para substituted derivatives of 4-aroyl-5-isoxazolones and their characterization by various spectroscopic techniques are described. It also investigate the solvent extraction behaviour of trivalent lanthanoids with 4-aroyl-5-isoxazolones in the presence and absence of various crown ethers such as 18C6, DC18C6, DB18C6 and B18C6. Elemental analysis, IR and H NMR spectral studies are used to understand the interactions of crown ethers with 4-aroyl-5-isoxazolonate complexes of lanthanoids. The synergistic extraction of trivalent lanthanoids with sterically hindered 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-pivaloyl-5-pyrazolone in the presence of various structurally related crown ethers are studied. The syntheses, characterization and photyphysical properties of Eu3+-4-aroyl-5-isoxazolonate complexes in the presence of Lewis bases like trictylphosphine oxide or triphenylphosphine oxide were studied.
The optical-absorption spectrum of a cationic Ag0 atom in a KCl crystal has been studied theoretically by means of a series of cluster models of increasing size. Excitation energies have been determined by means of a multiconfigurational self-consistent field procedure followed by a second-order perturbation correlation treatment. Moreover results obtained within the density-functional framework are also reported. The calculations confirm the assignment of bands I and IV to transitions of the Ag-5s electron into delocalized states with mainly K-4s,4p character. Bands II and III have been assigned to internal transitions on the Ag atom, which correspond to the atomic Ag-4d to Ag-5s transition. We also determine the lowest charge transfer (CT) excitation energy and confirm the assignment of band VI to such a transition. The study of the variation of the CT excitation energy with the Ag-Cl distance R gives additional support to a large displacement of the Cl ions due to the presence of the Ag0 impurity. Moreover, from the present results, it is predicted that on passing to NaCl:Ag0 the CT onset would be out of the optical range while the 5s-5p transition would undergo a redshift of 0.3 eV. These conclusions, which underline the different character of involved orbitals, are consistent with experimental findings. The existence of a CT transition in the optical range for an atom inside an ionic host is explained by a simple model, which also accounts for the differences with the more common 3d systems. The present study sheds also some light on the R dependence of the s2-sp transitions due to s2 ions like Tl+.
The electronic structure of an isolated oxygen vacancy in SrTiO3 has been investigated with a variety of ab initio quantum mechanical approaches. In particular we compared pure density functional theory (DFT) approaches with the Hartree-Fock method, and with hybrid methods where the exchange term is treated in a mixed way. Both local cluster models and periodic calculations with large supercells containing up to 80 atoms have been performed. Both diamagnetic (singlet state) and paramagnetic (triplet state) solutions have been considered. We found that the formation of an O vacancy is accompanied by the transfer of two electrons to the 3d(z2) orbitals of the two Ti atoms along the Ti-Vac-Ti axis. The two electrons are spin coupled and the ground state is diamagnetic. New states associated with the defect center appear in the gap just below the conduction band edge. The formation energy computed with respect to an isolated oxygen atom in the triplet state is 9.4 eV.