979 resultados para N-methyl-d-aspartate


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The primate temporal cortex has been demonstrated to play an important role in visual memory and pattern recognition. It is of particular interest to investigate whether activity-dependent modification of synaptic efficacy, a presumptive mechanism for learning and memory, is present in this cortical region. Here we address this issue by examining the induction of synaptic plasticity in surgically resected human inferior and middle temporal cortex. The results show that synaptic strength in the human temporal cortex could undergo bidirectional modifications, depending on the pattern of conditioning stimulation. High frequency stimulation (100 or 40 Hz) in layer IV induced long-term potentiation (LTP) of both intracellular excitatory postsynaptic potentials and evoked field potentials in layers II/III. The LTP induced by 100 Hz tetanus was blocked by 50-100 microM DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, suggesting that N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors were responsible for its induction. Long-term depression (LTD) was elicited by prolonged low frequency stimulation (1 Hz, 15 min). It was reduced, but not completely blocked, by DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, implying that some other mechanisms in addition to N-methyl-DL-aspartate receptors were involved in LTD induction. LTD was input-specific, i.e., low frequency stimulation of one pathway produced LTD of synaptic transmission in that pathway only. Finally, the LTP and LTD could reverse each other, suggesting that they can act cooperatively to modify the functional state of cortical network. These results suggest that LTP and LTD are possible mechanisms for the visual memory and pattern recognition functions performed in the human temporal cortex.


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Huntington disease is a dominantly inherited, untreatable neurological disorder featuring a progressive loss of striatal output neurons that results in dyskinesia, cognitive decline, and, ultimately, death. Neurotrophic factors have recently been shown to be protective in several animal models of neurodegenerative disease, raising the possibility that such substances might also sustain the survival of compromised striatal output neurons. We determined whether intracerebral administration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, neurotrophin-3, or ciliary neurotrophic factor could protect striatal output neurons in a rodent model of Huntington disease. Whereas treatment with brain-derived neurotrophic factor, nerve growth factor, or neurotrophin-3 provided no protection of striatal output neurons from death induced by intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid, an N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor agonist, treatment with ciliary neurotrophic factor afforded marked protection against this neurodegenerative insult.


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The segregation of thalamocortical inputs into eye-specific stripes in the developing cat or monkey visual cortex is prevented by manipulations that perturb or abolish neural activity in the visual pathway. Such findings show that proper development of the functional organization of visual cortex is dependent on normal patterns of neural activity. The generalisation of this conclusion to other sensory cortices has been questioned by findings that the segregation of thalamocortical afferents into a somatotopic barrel pattern in developing rodent primary somatosensory cortex (S1) is not prevented by activity blockade. We show that a temporary block of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA glutamate receptors in rat S1 during the critical period for barrel development disrupts the topographic refinement of thalamocortical connectivity and columnar organization. These effects are evident well after the blockade is ineffective and thus may be permanent. Our findings show that neural activity and specifically the activation of postsynaptic cortical neurons has a prominent role in establishing the primary sensory map in S1, as well as the topographic organization of higher order synaptic connections.


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Synapses of the hippocampal mossy fiber pathway exhibit several characteristic features, including a unique form of long-term potentiation that does not require activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor by glutamate, a complex postsynaptic architecture, and sprouting in response to seizures. However, these connections have proven difficult to study in hippocampal slices because of their relative paucity (<0.4%) compared to commissural-collateral synapses. To overcome this problem, we have developed a novel dissociated cell culture system in which we have enriched mossy fiber synapses by increasing the ratio of granule-to-pyramidal cells. As in vivo, mossy fiber connections are composed of large dynorphin A-positive varicosities contacting complex spines (but without a restricted localization). The elementary synaptic connections are glutamatergic, inhibited by dynorphin A, and exhibit N-methyl-D-aspartate-independent long-term potentiation. Thus, the simplicity and experimental accessibility of this enriched in vitro mossy fiber pathway provides a new perspective for studying nonassociative plasticity in the mammalian central nervous system.


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The complex circuitry of the CA3 region and the abundance of collateral connections has made it difficult to study the mossy fiber pathway in hippocampal slices and therefore to establish the site of expression of long-term potentiation at these synapses. Using a novel cell culture system, we have produced long-term potentiation of the elementary synaptic connections on single CA3 pyramidal neurons following tetanic stimulation of individual dentate gyrus granule cells. As is the case for the hippocampal slice, this potentiation was independent of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activation, was simulated by application of forskolin, and its induction did not require any modulatory input. The increase in synaptic strength was accompanied by a reduction in the number of failures of transmission and by an increase in the coefficient of variation of the responses and was prevented by presynaptic injection of an inhibitor of protein kinase A. These findings show that mossy fiber long-term potentiation has a presynaptic locus and that its expression is dependent on protein kinase A.


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The amino acid L-glutamate is a neurotransmitter that mediates fast neuronal excitation in a majority of synapses in the central nervous system. Glutamate stimulates both N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA receptors. While activation of NMDA receptors has been implicated in a variety of neurophysiologic processes, excessive NMDA receptor stimulation (excitotoxicity) is thought to be primarily responsible for neuronal injury in a wide variety of acute neurological disorders including hypoxia-ischemia, seizures, and trauma. Very little is known about endogenous molecules and mechanisms capable of modulating excitotoxic neuronal death. Saturated N-acylethanolamides like palmitoylethanolamide accumulate in ischemic tissues and are synthesized by neurons upon excitatory amino acid receptor activation. Here we report that palmitoylethanolamide, but not the cognate N-acylamide anandamide (the ethanolamide of arachidonic acid), protects cultured mouse cerebellar granule cells against glutamate toxicity in a delayed postagonist paradigm. Palmitoylethanolamide reduced this injury in a concentration-dependent manner and was maximally effective when added 15-min postglutamate. Cannabinoids, which like palmitoylethanolamide are functionally active at the peripheral cannabinoid receptor CB2 on mast cells, also prevented neuron loss in this delayed postglutamate model. Furthermore, the neuroprotective effects of palmitoylethanolamide, as well as that of the active cannabinoids, were efficiently antagonized by the candidate central cannabinoid receptor (CB1) agonist anandamide. Analogous pharmacological behaviors have been observed for palmitoylethanolamide (ALI-Amides) in downmodulating mast cell activation. Cerebellar granule cells expressed mRNA for CB1 and CB2 by in situ hybridization, while two cannabinoid binding sites were detected in cerebellar membranes. The results suggest that (i) non-CB1 cannabinoid receptors control, upon agonist binding, the downstream consequences of an excitotoxic stimulus; (ii) palmitoylethanolamide, unlike anandamide, behaves as an endogenous agonist for CB2-like receptors on granule cells; and (iii) activation of such receptors may serve to downmodulate deleterious cellular processes following pathological events or noxious stimuli in both the nervous and immune systems.


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Quinolinate (Quin), a metabolite in the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan degradation and a neurotoxin that appears to act through the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor system, was localized in cultured human peripheral blood monocytes/macrophages (PBMOs) by using a recently developed immunocytochemical method. Quin immunoreactivity (Quin-IR) was increased in gamma interferon (IFN-gamma)-stimulated monocytes/macrophages (MOs). In addition, the precursors, tryptophan and kynurenine, significantly increased Quin-IR. Infection of MOs by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) in vitro substantially increased both the number of Quin-IR cells and the intensity of Quin-IR. At the peak of the Quin-IR response, about 40% of the cells were Quin-IR positive. In contrast, only about 2-5% of the cells were positive for HTLV-I, as detected by both immunofluorescence for the HTLV-I antigens and PCR techniques for the HTLV-I Tax gene. These results suggest that HTLV-I-induced Quin production in MOs occurs by an indirect mechanism, perhaps via cytokines produced by the infection but not directly by the virus infection per se. The significance of these findings to the neuropathology of HTLV-I infection is discussed.


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Repetitive stimuli reliably induce long-term potentiation (LTP) of synapses in the upper layers of the granular somatosensory cortex but not the agranular motor cortex of rats. Herein we examine, in these same cortical areas, short-term changes in synaptic strength that occur during the LTP induction period. theta-Burst stimulation produced a strong short-term enhancement of synapses in the granular area but only weak enhancement in the agranular area. The magnitude of enhancement during stimulation was strongly correlated with the magnitude of LTP subsequently expressed. Short-term enhancement was abolished by an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors but remained in the presence of a non-NMDA receptor antagonist. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials of the granular and agranular areas displayed similar frequency sensitivity, but the frequency sensitivity of NMDA receptor-dependent excitatory postsynaptic potentials differed significantly between areas. We propose that pathway-specific differences in short-term enhancement are due to variations in the frequency dependence of NMDA currents; different capacities for short-term enhancement may explain why repetitive stimulation more readily induces LTP in the somatosensory cortex than in the motor cortex.


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Neuronal proliferation, migration, and differentiation are regulated by the sequential expression of particular genes at specific stages of development. Such processes rely on differential gene expression modulated through second-messenger systems. Early postnatal mouse cerebellar granule cells migrate into the internal granular layer and acquire differentiated properties. The neurotransmitter glutamate has been shown to play an important role in this developmental process. We show here by immunohistochemistry that the RelA subunit of the transcription factor NF-kappa B is present in several areas of the mouse brain. Moreover, immunofluorescence microscopy and electrophoretic mobility-shift assay demonstrate that in cerebellar granule cell cultures derived from 3- to 7-day-old mice, glutamate specifically activates the transcription factor NF-kappa B, as shown by binding of nuclear extract proteins to a synthetic oligonucleotide reproducing the kappa B site of human immunodeficiency virus. The use of different antagonists of the glutamate recpetors indicates that the effect of glutamate occurs mainly via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor activation, possibly as a result of an increase in intracellular Ca2+. The synaptic specificity of the effect is strongly suggested by the observation that glutamate failed to activate NF-kappa B in astrocytes, while cytokines, such as interleukin 1 alpha and tumor necrosis factor alpha, did so. The effect of glutamate appears to be developmentally regulated. Indeed, NF-kappa B is found in an inducible form in the cytoplasm of neurons of 3- to 7-day-old mice but is constitutively activated in the nuclei of neurons derived from older pups (8-10 days postnatal). Overall, these observations suggest the existence of a new pathway of trans-synaptic regulation of gene expression.


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Only three isoforms of adenylyl cyclase (EC mRNAs (AC1, -2, and -5) are expressed at high levels in rat brain. AC1 occurs predominantly in hippocampus and cerebellum, AC5 is restricted to the basal ganglia, whereas AC2 is more widely expressed, but at much lower levels. The distribution and abundance of adenylyl cyclase protein were examined by immunohistochemistry with an antiserum that recognizes a peptide sequence shared by all known mammalian adenylyl cyclase isoforms. The immunoreactivity in striatum and hippocampus could be readily interpreted within the context of previous in situ hybridization studies. However, extending the information that could be gathered by comparisons with in situ hybridization analysis, it was apparent that staining was confined to the neuropil--corresponding to immunoreactive dendrites and axon terminals. Electron microscopy indicated a remarkably selective subcellular distribution of adenylyl cyclase protein. In the CA1 area of the hippocampus, the densest immunoreactivity was seen in postsynaptic densities in dendritic spine heads. Labeled presynaptic axon terminals were also observed, indicating the participation of adenylyl cyclase in the regulation of neurotransmitter release. The selective concentration of adenylyl cyclases at synaptic sites provides morphological data for understanding the pre- and postsynaptic roles of adenylyl cyclase in discrete neuronal circuits in rat brain. The apparent clustering of adenylyl cyclases, coupled with other data that suggest higher-order associations of regulatory elements including G proteins, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, and cAMP-dependent protein kinases, suggests not only that the primary structural information has been encoded to render the cAMP system responsive to the Ca(2+)-signaling system but also that higher-order strictures are in place to ensure that Ca2+ signals are economically delivered and propagated.


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Stimulation of muscarinic m1 or m3 receptors can, by generating diacylglycerol and activating protein kinase C, accelerate the breakdown of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) to form soluble, nonamyloidogenic derivatives (APPs), as previously shown. This relationship has been demonstrated in human glioma and neuroblastoma cells, as well as in transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cells and PC-12 cells. We now provide evidence that stimulation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), which also are coupled to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis, similarly accelerates processing of APP into nonamyloidogenic APPs. This process is demonstrated both in hippocampal neurons derived from fetal rats and in human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with cDNA expression constructs encoding the mGluR 1 alpha subtype. In hippocampal neurons, both an mGluR antagonist, L-(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid, and an inhibitor of protein kinase C, GF 109203X, blocked the APPs release evoked by glutamate receptor stimulation. Ionotropic glutamate agonists, N-methyl-D-aspartate or S(-)-5-fluorowillardiine, failed to affect APPs release. These data show that selective mGluR agonists that initiate signal-transduction events can regulate APP processing in bona fide primary neurons and transfected cells. As glutamatergic neurons in the cortex and hippocampus are damaged in Alzheimer disease, amyloid production in these regions may be enhanced by deficits in glutamatergic neurotransmission.


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In the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus slice culture, circadian rhythms in the release of arginine vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide were measured simultaneously and longitudinally. The phase relationship between the two peptide rhythms was relatively constant in the culture without a treatment of antimitotic drugs but became diverse by an introduction of antimitotics, which is generally used to reduce the number of glial cells. By monitoring the two rhythms continuously for 6 days, different periods were detected in culture with the antimitotic treatment. Furthermore, N-methyl-D-aspartate shifted the phase of the two peptide rhythms in the same culture differently. These results indicate that the arginine vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide release are under control of different circadian oscillators.


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Trans-synaptic activation of gene expression is linked to long-term plastic adaptations in the nervous system. To examine the molecular program induced by synaptic activity, we have employed molecular cloning techniques to identify an immediate early gene that is rapidly induced in the brain. We here report the entire nucleotide sequence of the cDNA, which encodes an open reading frame of 396 amino acids. Within the hippocampus, constitutive expression was low. Basal levels of expression in the cortex were high but can be markedly reduced by blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. By contrast, synaptic activity induced by convulsive seizures increased mRNA levels in neurons of the cortex and hippocampus. High-frequency stimulation of the perforant path resulted in long-term potentiation and a spatially confined dramatic increase in the level of mRNA in the granule cells of the ipsilateral dentate gyrus. Transcripts were localized to the soma and to the dendrites of the granule cells. The dendritic localization of the transcripts offers the potential for local synthesis of the protein at activated postsynaptic sites and may underlie synapse-specific modifications during long-term plastic events.


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Single channel recordings demonstrate that ion channels switch stochastically between an open and a closed pore conformation. In search of a structural explanation for this universal open/close behavior, we have uncovered a striking degree of amino acid homology across the pore-forming regions of voltage-gated K channels and glutamate receptors. This suggested that the pores of these otherwise unrelated classes of channels could be structurally conserved. Strong experimental evidence supports a hairpin structure for the pore-forming region of K channels. Consequently, we hypothesized the existence of a similar structure for the pore of glutamate receptors. In ligand-gated channels, the pore is formed by M2, the second of four putative transmembrane segments. A hairpin structure for M2 would affect the subsequent membrane topology, inverting the proposed orientation of the next segments, M3. We have tested this idea for the NR1 subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor. Mutations that affected the glycosylation pattern of the NR1 subunit localize both extremes of the M3-M4 linker to the extracellular space. Whole cell currents and apparent agonist affinities were not affected by these mutations. Therefore it can be assumed that they represent the native transmembrane topology. The extracellular assignment of the M3-M4 linker challenged the current topology model by inverting M3. Taken together, the amino acid homology and the new topology suggest that the pore-forming M2 segment of glutamate receptors does not transverse the membrane but, rather, forms a hairpin structure, similar to that found in K channels.


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Effects of increasing extracellular K+ or intracellular Na+ concentrations on glucose metabolism in cultures of rat astroglia and neurons were examined. Cells were incubated in bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.2, containing 2 mM glucose, tracer amounts of [14C]deoxyglucose ([14C]dGlc), and 5.4, 28, or 56 mM KCl for 10, 15, or 30 min, and then for 5 min in [14C]dGlc-free buffer to allow efflux of unmetabolized [14C]dGlc. Cells were then digested and assayed for labeled products, which were shown to consist of 96-98% [14C]deoxyglucose 6-phosphate. Increased K+ concentrations significantly raised [14C]deoxyglucose 6-phosphate accumulation in both neuronal and mixed neuronal-astroglial cultures at 15 and 30 min but did not raise it in astroglial cultures. Veratridine (75 microM), which opens voltage-dependent Na+ channels, significantly raised rates of [14C]dGlc phosphorylation in astroglial cultures (+20%), and these elevations were blocked by either 1 mM ouabain, a specific inhibitor of Na+,K(+)-ATPase (EC, or 10 microM tetrodotoxin, which blocks Na+ channels. The carboxylic sodium ionophore, monensin (10 microM), more than doubled [14C]dGlc phosphorylation; this effect was only partially blocked by ouabain and unaffected by tetrodotoxin. L-Glutamate (500 microM) also stimulated [14C]dGlc phosphorylation in astroglia--not through N-methyl-D-aspartate or non-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor mechanisms but via a Na(+)-dependent glutamate-uptake system. These results indicate that increased uptake of Na+ can stimulate energy metabolism in astroglial cells.