945 resultados para Multiport Network Model


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We report the results of the electrical switching studies performed on the bulk Al20GexTe80-x (2.5 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15) chalcogenide glasses. The well known topological features, mechanical and chemical thresholds are observed. Mechanical threshold is seen at a mean coordination number of atoms, < r > = 2.50 (x = 5) a clear shift rom the mean field value of < r > = 2.4 whereas the chemical threshold is observed at < r > = 2.65 (x = 12.5) as predicted by the chemically ordered covalent network model These experiments are a sequel to similar experiments on Al20AsxTe80-x glasses in which mechanical threshold was seen at < r > = 2.60 and no chemical threshold was observed These results am well understood by a chemical bond picture developed in this article.


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Amorphous thin film Ge15Te85-xSnx (1 <= x <= 5) and Ge17Te83-xSnx (1 <= x <= 4) switching devices have been deposited in sandwich geometry using a flash evaporation technique, with aluminum as the top and bottom electrodes. Electrical switching studies indicate that these films exhibit memory type electrical switching behavior. The switching fields for both the series of samples have been found to decrease with increase in Sn concentration, which confirms that the metallicity effect on switching fields/voltages, commonly seen in bulk glassy chalcogenides, is valid in amorphous chalcogenide thin films also. In addition, there is no manifestation of rigidity percolation in the composition dependence of switching fields of Ge15Te85-xSnx and Ge17Te83-xSnx amorphous thin film samples. The observed composition dependence of switching fields of amorphous Ge15Te85-xSnx and Ge17Te83-xSnx thin films has been understood on the basis of Chemically Ordered Network model. The optical band gap for these samples, calculated from the absorption spectra, has been found to exhibit a decreasing trend with increasing Sn concentration, which is consistent with the composition dependence of switching fields.


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Mobile nodes observing correlated data communicate using an insecure bidirectional switch to generate a secret key, which must remain concealed from the switch. We are interested in fault-tolerant secret key rates, i.e., the rates of secret key generated even if a subset of nodes drop out before the completion of the communication protocol. We formulate a new notion of fault-tolerant secret key capacity, and present an upper bound on it. This upper bound is shown to be tight when the random variables corresponding to the observations of nodes are exchangeable. Further, it is shown that one round of interaction achieves the fault-tolerant secret key capacity in this case. The upper bound is also tight for the case of a pairwise independent network model consisting of a complete graph, and can be attained by a noninteractive protocol.


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The explanation of resonance given in IEEE Std C57.149-2012 to define resonance during frequency response analysis (FRA) measurements on transformers implicitly uses the conditions prevalent during resonance in a series R-L-C circuit. This dependence is evident from the two assertions made in the definition, viz., resulting in zero net reactive impedance, and, accompanied by a zero value appearing in the phase angle of the frequency response function. These two conditions are satisfied (at resonance) only in a series R-L-C circuit and certainly not in a transformer, as has been assumed in the Standard. This can be proved by considering a ladder-network model. Circuit analysis of this ladder network reveals the origin of this fallacy and proves that, at resonance, neither is the ladder network purely resistive and nor is the phase angle (between input voltage and input current) always zero. Also, during FRA measurements, it is often seen that phase angle does not traverse the conventional cyclic path from +90 degrees to -90 degrees (or vice versa) at all resonant frequencies. This peculiar feature can also be explained using pole-zero maps. Simple derivations, simulations and experimental results on an actual winding are presented. In summary, authors believe that this study dispels existing misconceptions about definition of FRA resonance and provides material for its correction in IEEE Std C57.149-2012. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structural properties of temporal networks often influence the dynamical processes that occur on these networks, e.g., bursty interaction patterns have been shown to slow down epidemics. In this paper, we investigate the effect of link lifetimes on the spread of history-dependent epidemics. We formulate an analytically tractable activity-driven temporal network model that explicitly incorporates link lifetimes. For Markovian link lifetimes, we use mean-field analysis for computing the epidemic threshold, while the effect of non-Markovian link lifetimes is studied using simulations. Furthermore, we also study the effect of negative correlation between the number of links spawned by an individual and the lifetimes of those links. Such negative correlations may arise due to the finite cognitive capacity of the individuals. Our investigations reveal that heavy-tailed link lifetimes slow down the epidemic, while negative correlations can reduce epidemic prevalence. We believe that our results help shed light on the role of link lifetimes in modulating diffusion processes on temporal networks.


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In brittle composites, such as whisker reinforced ceramics, the sliding of reinforcing fibers against the frictional resistance of matrix is of a pseudo-plastic deformation mechanism. High aspect-ratio whiskers possess larger pseudo-plastic deformation ability but are usually sparse, while, low aspect-ratio ones were distributed widely in the matrix and show low pseudo-plastic deformation ability (engagement effect), also. A comparative investigation was carried out in present study based on a multi-scale network model. The results indicate that the effect of low aspect-ratio whiskers is of most importance. Improving the engagement coefficient by raising the compactness of material seems a more practical way for optimization of discontinuous fiber-reinforced brittle composites in the present technological condition.


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Large earthquakes can be viewed as catastrophic ruptures in the earth’s crust. There are two common features prior to the catastrophe transition in heterogeneous media. One is damage localization and the other is critical sensitivity; both of which are related to a cascade of damage coalescence. In this paper, in an attempt to reveal the physics underlying the catastrophe transition, analytic analysis based on mean-field approximation of a heterogeneous medium as well as numerical simulations using a network model are presented. Both the emergence of damage localization and the sensitivity of energy release are examined to explore the inherent statistical precursors prior to the eventual catastrophic rupture. Emergence of damage localization, as predicted by the mean-field analysis, is consistent with observations of the evolution of damage patterns. It is confirmed that precursors can be extracted from the time-series of energy release according to its sensitivity to increasing crustal stress. As a major result, present research indicates that the catastrophe transition and the critical point hypothesis (CPH) of earthquakes are interrelated. The results suggest there may be two cross-checking precursors of large earthquakes: damage localization and critical sensitivity.


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Resumen: El Modelo de Red Causal propone que la estructura causal de una historia y su representación en la memoria episódica se asemejan a una red, en la que los acontecimientos resultan de una combinación de antecedentes causales, que a su vez tienen múltiples consecuencias. El estudio de la comprensión de textos según este modelo ha tendido a llevarse a cabo utilizando textos experimentales en inglés. En razón de ello, el objetivo de este trabajo consistió en presentar la aplicación del Modelo de Red Causal a un texto narrativo natural en español, a fin de abogar por su utilidad para examinar los procesos cognitivos involucrados en la comprensión textual.


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O estudo dos diferentes fenômenos de separação tem sido cada vez mais importante para os diferentes ramos da indústria e ciência. Devido à grande capacidade computacional atual, é possível modelar e analisar os fenômenos cromatográficos a nível microscópico. Os modelos de rede vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizados, para representar processos de separação por cromatografia, pois através destes pode-se representar os aspectos topológicos e morfológicos dos diferentes materiais adsorventes disponíveis no mercado. Neste trabalho visamos o desenvolvimento de um modelo de rede tridimensional para representação de uma coluna cromatográfica, a nível microscópico, onde serão modelados os fenômenos de adsorção, dessorção e dispersão axial através de um método estocástico. Também foram utilizadas diferentes abordagens com relação ao impedimento estérico Os resultados obtidos foram comparados a resultados experimentais. Depois é utilizado um modelo de rede bidimensional para representar um sistema de adsorção do tipo batelada, mantendo-se a modelagem dos fenômenos de adsorção e dessorção, e comparados a sistemas reais posteriormente. Em ambos os sistemas modelados foram analisada as constantes de equilíbrio, parâmetro fundamental nos sistemas de adsorção, e por fim foram obtidas e analisadas isotermas de adsorção. Foi possível concluir que, para os modelos de rede, os fenômenos de adsorção e dessorção bastam para obter perfis de saída similares aos vistos experimentalmente, e que o fenômeno da dispersão axial influência menos que os fenômenos cinéticos em questão


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We develop and test a method to estimate relative abundance from catch and effort data using neural networks. Most stock assessment models use time series of relative abundance as their major source of information on abundance levels. These time series of relative abundance are frequently derived from catch-per-unit-of-effort (CPUE) data, using general linearized models (GLMs). GLMs are used to attempt to remove variation in CPUE that is not related to the abundance of the population. However, GLMs are restricted in the types of relationships between the CPUE and the explanatory variables. An alternative approach is to use structural models based on scientific understanding to develop complex non-linear relationships between CPUE and the explanatory variables. Unfortunately, the scientific understanding required to develop these models may not be available. In contrast to structural models, neural networks uses the data to estimate the structure of the non-linear relationship between CPUE and the explanatory variables. Therefore neural networks may provide a better alternative when the structure of the relationship is uncertain. We use simulated data based on a habitat based-method to test the neural network approach and to compare it to the GLM approach. Cross validation and simulation tests show that the neural network performed better than nominal effort and the GLM approach. However, the improvement over GLMs is not substantial. We applied the neural network model to CPUE data for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Pacific Ocean.


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A água é essencial à manutenção da vida. No entanto, com as situações de estresse hídrico - disponibilidade hídrica inferior a 1.700 m per capita ao ano (FALKENMARK, 1989) - vivenciadas em diversos pontos do planeta, somadas ao acelerado crescimento da população mundial, os problemas relacionados ao uso da água tendem a aumentar. Neste contexto, a pegada hídrica (PH), que é um indicador de sustentabilidade ambiental, se torna uma importante ferramenta de gestão de recursos hídricos pois indica o consumo de água doce com base em seus usos. O presente trabalho objetiva mensurar a pegada hídrica em função das componentes industrial, doméstica e alimentar da população do bairro Rocinha, um aglomerado subnormal localizado no município do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa se deteve a um Estudo de Caso de 20 sub-bairros da comunidade. Sua abordagem foi quantitativa, contando com uma amostra de 203 domicílios, erro amostral de 7% e grau de confiança de 93%. Para tal, foi utilizada como ferramenta de cálculo o modelo Water Footprint Network do ano de 2005. Os resultados indicaram que, em média, a PH dos indivíduos que compõem a amostra é de 1715 m/ano per capita assim divididos: PH de consumo doméstico de água de 175 m/ano per capita (479 l/hab.dia); PH de produtos agrícolas igual a 1470 m/ano per capita, e PH de produtos industrializados de 70 m/ano per capita. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que os indivíduos da amostra com uma maior despesa mensal tendem a ter pegadas hídricas industrial e total também maiores.