365 resultados para Moulin, J.-F.-A.


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PURPOSE: To report the clinico-pathological features of solitary fibrous tumor occurring in the ocular adnexa (OA) in a single center. To assess the presence of NAB2-STAT6 genes fusion in OA solitary fibrous tumor detected by nuclear overexpression of STAT6. METHODS: Retrospective study including orbital and OA solitary fibrous tumors treated between 2006 and 2014 in our center. The clinical, radiological, and histopathological findings were evaluated. STAT6 expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Five patients were identified and presented with a chronic OA mass. The tumors were radiologically well delimited, highly vascularized and without bone erosion. All the patients underwent complete surgical excision. Pathological examination confirmed solitary fibrous tumor in all cases. All tumors demonstrated a nuclear expression of STAT6. There were no recurrences, with a mean follow-up of 5 years after surgery. Our review demonstrated that proptosis was the most common presentation occurring in 60 % of the cases. In the ocular adnexa, adverse histological criteria were found in 19.7 % of the tumors, and recurrences were observed in 48 % of these cases. Thirty-six percent of patients presented at least one local recurrence, and metastastic spread was found in 2.4 % of the cases. Tumor-related death was described in two cases. CONCLUSION: Ocular adnexal SFT are rare and usually present as a chronic orbital mass with proptosis. In the OA, solitary fibrous tumor demonstrates STAT6 nuclear expression, as documented in other locations. Recurrences are unusual and metastasis exceptional. Initial surgical resection should be complete in order to avoid recurrence.


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AIM: In the past few years, spectacular progress in neuroscience has led to the emergence of a new interdisciplinary field, the so-called "neurolaw" whose goal is to explore the effects of neuroscientific discoveries on legal proceedings and legal rules and standards. In the United States, a number of neuroscientific researches are designed specifically to explore legally relevant topics and a case-law has already been developed. In Europe, neuroscientific evidence is increasingly being used in criminal courtrooms, as part of psychiatric testimony, nourishing the debate about the legal implications of brain research in psychiatric-legal settings. Though largely debated, up to now the use of neuroscience in legal contexts had not specifically been regulated by any legislation. In 2011, with the new bioethics law, France has become the first country to admit by law the use of brain imaging in judicial expertise. According to the new law, brain imaging techniques can be used only for medical purposes, or scientific research, or in the context of judicial expertise. This study aims to give an overview of the current state of the neurolaw in the US and Europe, and to investigate the ethical issues raised by this new law and its potential impact on the rights and civil liberties of the offenders. METHOD: An overview of the emergence and development of "neurolaw" in the United States and Europe is given. Then, the new French law is examined in the light of the relevant debates in the French parliament. Consequently, we outline the current tendencies in Neurolaw literature to focus on assessments of responsibility, rather than dangerousness. This tendency is analysed notably in relation to the legal context relevant to criminal policies in France, where recent changes in the legislation and practice of forensic psychiatry show that dangerousness assessments have become paramount in the process of judicial decision. Finally, the potential interpretations of neuroscientific data introduced into psychiatric testimonies by judges are explored. RESULTS: The examination of parliamentary debates showed that the new French law allowing neuroimaging techniques in judicial expertise was introduced in the aim to provide a legal framework that would protect the subject against potential misuses of neuroscience. The underlying fear above all, was that this technology be used as a lie detector, or as a means to predict the subject's behaviour. However, the possibility of such misuse remains open. Contrary to the legislator's wish, the defendant is not fully guaranteed against uses of neuroimaging techniques in criminal courts that would go against their interests and rights. In fact, the examination of the recently adopted legislation in France shows that assessments of dangerousness and of risk of recidivism have become central elements of the criminal policy, which makes it possible, if not likely that neuroimaging techniques be used for the evaluation of the dangerousness of the defendant. This could entail risks for the latter, as judges could perceive neuroscientific data as hard evidence, more scientific and reliable than the soft data of traditional psychiatry. If such neuroscientific data are interpreted as signs of potential dangerousness of a subject rather than as signs of criminal responsibility, defendants may become subjected to longer penalties or measures aiming to ensure public safety in the detriment of their freedom. CONCLUSION: In the current context of accentuated societal need for security, the judge and the expert-psychiatrist are increasingly asked to evaluate the dangerousness of a subject, regardless of their responsibility. Influenced by this policy model, the judge might tend to use neuroscientific data introduced by an expert as signs of dangerousness. Such uses, especially when they subjugate an individual's interest to those of society, might entail serious threats to an individual's freedom and civil liberties.


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Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common among adolescents and an important cause of clinical visits. This study sought to understand the experiences with, and perceptions of, the healthcare of adolescents who have MUS and their parents. Using a qualitative approach, six focus groups and two individual interviews were conducted with a total of ten adolescents and sixteen parents. The participants were recruited in a university hospital in Switzerland. A thematic analysis was conducted in accordance with the Grounded Theory. Six main themes emerged: needing a label for the symptoms, seeking an etiology to explain the symptoms, negotiating the medical system, medication and treatments, interactions with doctors, and the inclusion of parents during consultations. Transcending these themes, however, was the need for good communication between the adolescents, their parents and the clinicians. When explaining the symptoms, clinicians should make sure to discuss the results, investigations and lack of organic origin.


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Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common among adolescents and are frequently encountered in primary care. Our aim was to explore how these adolescents and their parents experience the condition and its impact on their daily lives and to provide recommendations for health professionals. Using a qualitative approach, six focus groups and two individual interviews were conducted. These involved a total of ten adolescents with different types of MUS and sixteen parents. The respondents were recruited in a university hospital in Switzerland. A thematic analysis was conducted according to the Grounded Theory. The analysis of the data highlighted four core themes: disbelief, being different, concealing symptoms, and priority to adolescent's health. Transcending these themes was a core issue regarding the discrepancy between the strategies that adolescents and their parents use to cope with the symptoms. Health professionals should be made aware of the emotional needs of these patients and their families.


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Here we present results of studies conducted by the Research Unit of Legal Psychiatry and Psychology of Lausanne about risk assessment and protective factors in the evaluation of violence recidivism. It aims to help experts in considering the relevance and use of tools at their disposal. Particular attention is given to the significance of protective factors and impulsive dimensions, as to the inter-raters process that leads to the final deliberations.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade da ressonância magnética e a concordância entre a ultra-sonografia e a ressonância magnética na classificação da fibrose periportal em pacientes esquistossomóticos, segundo os critérios qualitativos de Niamey. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo e duplo-cego, entre fevereiro de 2005 e junho de 2006, em 20 pacientes (10 homens e 10 mulheres, idades entre 24 e 60 anos, média de 42,75 anos) com diagnóstico de esquistossomose mansônica. As imagens de ultra-sonografia e de ressonância magnética foram avaliadas por dois examinadores experientes de forma independente. Foi medida a concordância interobservador para a ressonância magnética e entre a ressonância magnética e a ultra-sonografia. RESULTADOS: A ressonância magnética apresentou resultados concordantes entre os observadores em 14 pacientes (70%). Quando comparamos a ressonância magnética com a ultra-sonografia, obtivemos concordância em apenas seis pacientes pelo observador 1 (30%) e em oito pacientes pelo observador 2 (40%). CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética tem boa reprodutibilidade na avaliação de fibrose periportal em pacientes com esquistossomose avançada, porém sua concordância com a ultra-sonografia é fraca.


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OBJETIVO: Medir a concordância intra- e interobservador da classificação ultra-sonográfica qualitativa para graduar a fibrose periportal adotada no encontro de Niamey em 1996. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: No período de fevereiro de 2005 a março de 2006 foi realizado estudo prospectivo, observacional e transversal em 30 pacientes esquistossomóticos, sem outras hepatopatias associadas, submetidos a ultra-sonografia abdominal e classificados segundo os critérios de Niamey. Os exames foram realizados por dois radiologistas de forma independente em diferentes momentos: durante o exame dinâmico (primeiro momento) e 30 e 90 dias depois (segundo e terceiro momentos) do exame, por meio da documentação fotográfica analisada em estação de trabalho. A concordância intra- e interobservador foi avaliada pelo teste kappa. RESULTADOS: A concordância intra-observador medida pelo teste kappa foi 0,43 para o observador 1 e 0,57 para o observador 2. A concordância interobservador durante o estudo dinâmico e na avaliação fotográfica foi, respectivamente, de 0,46 e 0,71. CONCLUSÃO: O uso do ultra-som para classificar a fibrose periportal segundo o protocolo de Niamey apresentou uma reprodutibilidade que variou de moderada a substancial.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify sources of variability in scores on the speech, spatial, and qualities of hearing scale (SSQ) and its short forms among normal-hearing and hearing-impaired subjects using a French-language version of the SSQ. DESIGN: Multi-regression analyses of SSQ scores were performed using age, gender, years of education, hearing loss, and hearing-loss asymmetry as predictors. Similar analyses were performed for each subscale (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities), for several SSQ short forms, and for differences in subscale scores. STUDY SAMPLE: One hundred normal-hearing subjects (NHS) and 230 hearing-impaired subjects (HIS). RESULTS: Hearing loss in the better ear and hearing-loss asymmetry were the two main predictors of scores on the overall SSQ, the three main subscales, and the SSQ short forms. The greatest difference between the NHS and HIS was observed for the Speech subscale, and the NHS showed scores well below the maximum of 10. An age effect was observed mostly on the Speech subscale items, and the number of years of education had a significant influence on several Spatial and Qualities subscale items. CONCLUSION: Strong similarities between SSQ scores obtained across different populations and languages, and between SSQ and short forms, underline their potential international use.


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We describe the case of a patient with pure verbal palinacousis and perseveration of inner speech after a right inferior temporal lesion. The superior temporal lobe, including the superior temporal sulcus and the interhemispheric connection between the 2 superior temporal lobes, explored by tractography, were preserved. These regions are involved in voice processing, verbal short-term memory and inner speech. It can then be hypothesised that abnormal activity in this network has occurred. Palinacousis and 'palinendophonia', a term proposed for this symptom not previously reported, may be due to common cognitive processes disorders involved in both voice hearing and inner speech.


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OBJETIVO: Medir a sensibilidade e a reprodutibilidade da ultra-sonografia na detecção de nódulos sideróticos esplênicos em pacientes esquistossomóticos, tendo a ressonância magnética como padrão de referência. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Na primeira fase do trabalho, 21 pacientes portadores de esquistossomose na forma hepatoesplênica com diagnóstico de nódulos sideróticos à ressonância magnética foram submetidos a avaliação ultra-sonográfica para a determinação da sensibilidade do método. Na segunda fase, com o objetivo de avaliar a reprodutibilidade da ultra-sonografia na detecção e na quantificação de nódulos sideróticos (A: 1-5 nódulos; B: 6-20 nódulos; C: mais de 20 nódulos), outros 30 pacientes esquistossomóticos foram submetidos a avaliação ultra-sonográfica de forma cega e independente por dois observadores. A reprodutibilidade foi medida por meio da concordância entre os observadores e do teste kappa. RESULTADOS: A sensibilidade da ultra-sonografia foi de 95,2% (intervalo de confiança a 95% [77,3%; 99,2%]). A concordância entre ultra-sonografia e ressonância magnética para a detecção de nódulos sideróticos foi de 96,7% (intervalo de confiança a 95% [82,8%; 99,9%]). Para a classificação dos nódulos conforme a sua quantificação, o índice kappa demonstrou concordância interobservador substancial (kappa = 0,67). CONCLUSÃO: A ultra-sonografia é um método que apresenta elevada sensibilidade e boa precisão para a avaliação de nódulos sideróticos esplênicos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a concordância entre a ultra-sonografia com Doppler e a ressonância magnética na quantificação do fluxo portal em indivíduos sadios, e avaliar a reprodutibilidade destes métodos diagnósticos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, transversal, observacional e autopareado, avaliando 20 voluntários sadios submetidos a mensuração do fluxo portal por meio de ultra-sonografia com Doppler e por ressonância magnética, executada por dois observadores independentes. Foram calculadas as concordâncias entre os métodos e entre os observadores utilizando-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasses e o coeficiente de Pearson. RESULTADOS: A concordância entre os exames de ultra-sonografia com Doppler e de ressonância magnética foi baixa (coeficiente intraclasses: 1,9%-18,2%; coeficiente de Pearson: 0,1%-13,7%; p=0,565). Os valores da média de fluxo portal medido pela ultra-sonografia e pela ressonância magnética foram, respectivamente, de 0,768 l/min e 0,742 l/min. A quantificação do fluxo portal medida pela ultra-sonografia e pela ressonância magnética demonstrou, respectivamente, concordância interobservador regular (coeficiente intraclasses: 43,3%; coeficiente de Pearson: 43,0%) e concordância excelente (coeficiente intraclasses: 91,4%; coeficiente de Pearson: 93,4%). CONCLUSÃO: A ressonância magnética é um método confiável para quantificar o fluxo portal, mostrando melhor concordância interobservador do que a ultra-sonografia com Doppler. Os dois métodos apresentam baixa concordância entre si na quantificação do fluxo portal.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade do ultra-som Doppler na quantificação do volume de fluxo portal em pacientes esquistossomóticos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, transversal, observacional e autopareado, avaliando 21 pacientes portadores de esquistossomose hepatoesplênica, submetidos a mensuração do fluxo portal pelo ultra-som Doppler por três observadores, de forma independente, sendo calculada a concordância entre estes, dois a dois, pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse, teste t-pareado e grau de linearidade de Pearson. RESULTADOS: A concordância interobservador foi excelente. O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse variou entre 80,6% e 93,0% (IC a 95% [65,3% ; 95,8%]), com coeficiente de correlação de Pearson variando entre 81,6% e 92,7% e sem diferença estatisticamente significante entre os observadores quanto à média do fluxo portal mensurado pelo ultra-som Doppler (p = 0,954 / 0,758 / 0,749). CONCLUSÃO: O ultra-som Doppler é um método confiável para quantificar o fluxo portal em pacientes portadores de hipertensão porta de origem esquistossomótica, apresentando boa concordância interobservador.


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Few studies have examined the workload or clinical spectrum of non-HIV infectious diseases outpatient consultations (IDOC). This retrospective study aims to describe IDOC referrals over the past 5 years. In total, 483 patients were referred (with an increase of 63% between 2009 and 2013). Most referrals were received from primary care clinicians (45%). Median patient age was 47 years, 57% of patients were men and 17% were immunosuppressed. Of the diagnoses retained, 74% were infectious, 20% were non-infectious and 6% were of unknown aetiology. Two community outbreaks were identified (tattoo-related mycobacterial infection and Q fever). In conclusion, the infectious diseases outpatient clinic, which has expanded progressively in the past 5 years, provides a specialised service for primary health clinicians and for public health.