965 resultados para Minimal rationality
In this work we investigate a possible magnetic moment generation for massive neutral particles with spins-1 and -2 coupled non-minimally, in a specific way, to an external electromagnetic field. It is found that, in the nonrelativistic limit, these particles present g = 1. This result, worked out in the framework of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, seems to suggest that g = 1 for all massive and neutral particles of any spin ≤ 2. We also compare with the results obtained for massive charged particles of spins-1 and -2, in the same regime (nonrelativistic), in order to investigate the role played by the spin separetely from the charge. Copyright © owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.
Recently a Minimal and an Ultraminimal Technicolor models were proposed where the presence of TC fermions in other representations than the fundamental one led to viable models without conflict with the known value for the measured S parameter. In this work we apply the results of [5] to compute the masses of the Higgs boson in the case of the Minimal and Ultraminimal Technicolor models. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
We report results from a search for neutral Higgs bosons produced in association with b quarks using data recorded by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 7.3fb-1. This production mode can be enhanced in several extensions of the standard model (SM) such as in its minimal supersymmetric extension (MSSM) at high tan β. We search for Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs with one tau decaying to a muon and neutrinos and the other to hadrons. The data are found to be consistent with SM expectations, and we set upper limits on the cross section times branching ratio in the Higgs boson mass range from 90 to 320GeV/c2. We interpret our result in the MSSM parameter space, excluding tan β values down to 25 for Higgs boson masses below 170GeV/c2. © 2011 American Physical Society.
The b ghost in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism is not a fundamental field. It is based on a complicated chain of operators and proving its nilpotency is nontrivial. Chandia proved this property in arXiv:1008.1778, but with an assumption on the nonminimal variables that is not valid in general. In this work, the b ghost is demonstrated to be nilpotent without this assumption. © 2013 SISSA, Trieste, Italy.
Brazil is the world's largest producer of sugar cane and which in the state of São Paulo concentrate the greatest amount of sugar cane field of the country. The sugar-alcohol sector has the capacity to produce sufficient thermal and electrical energy to be used in their process of production and commercialize of surplus in electricity distribution network. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the energy efficiency and rationality within the mill. Accordingly this research proposed analyze the sugar-alcohol mill's sectors globally and individually, located in the west center of the São Paulo state, using the valuation methodology employed by the Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL) in the industries that do not have systems of cogeneration. In this analysis, the hyperboloids of load and potency were applied based on the indexes of potency factor and load factor that allow estimate the efficiency and rationality. © 2013 IEEE.
The construction of synthetic cells is one of the major goals of bioengineering. The most successful approach consists in the encapsulation of biochemical materials (DNA, RNA, enzymes, etc.) inside lipid vesicles (liposomes), mimicking a cell structure. In this contribution, that also aims at introducing the reader to 'chemical synthetic biology,' we describe the current state of the art of 'semi-synthetic minimal cells' (SSMCs), namely, cell-like structures containing the minimal number of biological compounds that are required to reconstruct a function of interest. We will first describe how the concept of the minimal cell was originated and its relation with the theory of autopoiesis, then we review the most advanced results focused on genetic/metabolic networks inside liposomes. Next, we emphasize that relevance of physical aspects (too often neglected) that impact on the solute entrapment process, and finally we discuss new technological trends in SSMC research that will probably allow their future use in biotechnology. © 2013 Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this paper some aspects on chaotic behavior and minimality in planar piecewise smooth vector fields theory are treated. The occurrence of non-deterministic chaos is observed and the concept of orientable minimality is introduced. Some relations between minimality and orientable minimality are also investigated and the existence of new kinds of non-trivial minimal sets in chaotic systems is observed. The approach is geometrical and involves the ordinary techniques of non-smooth systems.
Electric power distribution systems, and particularly those with overhead circuits, operate radially but as the topology of the systems is meshed, therefore a set of circuits needs to be disconnected. In this context the problem of optimal reconfiguration of a distribution system is formulated with the goal of finding a radial topology for the operation of the system. This paper utilizes experimental tests and preliminary theoretical analysis to show that radial topology is one of the worst topologies to use if the goal is to minimize power losses in a power distribution system. For this reason, it is important to initiate a theoretical and practical discussion on whether it is worthwhile to operate a distribution system in a radial form. This topic is becoming increasingly important within the modern operation of electrical systems, which requires them to operate as efficiently as possible, utilizing all available resources to improve and optimize the operation of electric power systems. Experimental tests demonstrate the importance of this issue. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For large values of the minimal supergravity model parameter tan beta, the tau lepton and the bottom quark Yukawa couplings become large, leading to reduced masses of tau sleptons and b squarks relative to their first and second generation counterparts, and to enhanced decays of charginos and neutralinos to tau leptons and b quarks. We evaluate the reach of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) pp collider for supersymmetry in the MSUGRA model parameter space. We find that values of m((g) over tilde) similar to 1500-2000 GeV can be probed with just 10 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity for tan beta values as high as 45, so that MSUGRA cannot escape the scrutiny of LHC experiments by virtue of having a large value of tan beta. We also perform a case study of an MSUGRA model at tan beta = 45 where (Z) over tilde(2)-->tau<(tau)over tilde>(1) and (W) over tilde(1)-->tau(1)nu(tau) with similar to 100% branching fraction. In this case, at least within our simplistic study, we show that a di-tau mass edge, which determines the value of m((Z) over tilde 2) - m((Z) over tilde 1), can still be reconstructed. This information can be used as a starting point for reconstructing SUSY cascade decays on an event-by-event basis, and can provide a strong constraint in determining the underlying model parameters. Finally, we show that for large tan beta, there can be an observable excess of tau leptons, and argue that tau signals might serve to provide new information about the underlying model framework. [S0556-2821(99)04205-8].
Shoulder arthroscopic surgeries evolve with intense postoperative pain. Several analgesic techniques have been advocated. The aim of this study was to compare suprascapular and axillary nerve blocks in shoulder arthroscopy using the interscalene approach to brachial plexus blockade. According to the technique used, sixty-eight patients were allocated into two groups: interscalene group (IG, n=34) and selective group (SG, n=34), with neurostimulation approach used for both techniques. After appropriate motor response, IG received 30 mL of 0.33% levobupivacaine in 50% enantiomeric excess with adrenalin 1:200,000. After motor response of suprascapular and axillary nerves, SG received 15 mL of the same substance on each nerve. General anesthesia was then administered. Variables assessed were time to perform the blocks, analgesia, opioid consumption, motor block, cardiovascular stability, patient satisfaction and acceptability. Time for interscalene blockade was significantly shorter than for selective blockade. Analgesia was significantly higher in the immediate postoperative period in IG and in the late postoperative period in SG. Morphine consumption was significantly higher in the first hour in SG. Motor block was significantly lower in SG. There was no difference between groups regarding cardiocirculatory stability and patient satisfaction and acceptability. Failure occurred in IG (1) and SG (2). Both techniques are safe, effective, and with the same degree of satisfaction and acceptability. The selective blockade of both nerves showed satisfactory analgesia, with the advantage of providing motor block restricted to the shoulder.
This paper deals with a system that describes an electrical circuitcomposed by a linear system coupled to a nonlinear one involving a tunneldiode in a flush-and-fill circuit. One of the most comprehensive models for thiskind of circuits was introduced by R. Fitzhugh in 1961, when taking on carebiological tasks. The equation has in its phase plane only two periodic solutions,namely, the unstable singular point S0 and the stable cycle Γ. If the system isat rest on S0, the natural flow of orbits seeks to switch-on the process by going- as time goes by - toward its steady-state, Γ. By using suitable controls it ispossible to reverse such natural tendency going in a minimal time from Γ toS0, switching-off in this way the system. To achieve this goal it is mandatorya minimal enough strength on controls. These facts will be shown by means ofconsiderations on the null control sets in the process.