1000 resultados para Military geography, Ecuador.
Tentative empirical evidence suggests that the agglomeration of talent contributes to regional development. However, given that talented people are not evenly distributed across regions, this paper seeks to determine how the concentration of talent affects patterns of regional development. Here, we empirically evaluate the effects of the distribution of talent on regional differences by means of a detailed analysis of the 17 Autonomous Communities of Spain between 1996 and 2004. We hypothesise that regions specialising in strategic sectors that are creative and which can be assumed to enjoy rapid growth in productivity will experience faster rates of development and, in turn, that this concentration of talent will have a positive impact on the region’s economic performance. Thus, we believe that this mechanism can explain the marked regional imbalances in Spain. Our findings confirm that regional differences, measured in terms of GDP per capita and by, - industrial and service- oriented production, are influenced by the Communities’ talent bases as determined by, educational attainment and employment in assumed to be strategic for regional development, inasmuch as these sectors provide economic specialization.
The aim of this study was to devise a method for computing a composite indicator that measures the regional degree of exposure to external knowledge sources. On the basis of this indicator, we propose a typology of regions according to their potential capacity to access extra-local items of knowledge, which might help them to recombine complementary elements of such an asset to produce a higher number of new ideas. Building on various research streams that have been relatively independent to date, we summarize a non-exhaustive instrumental list of recent studies that motivates our approach and the construction of our complex indicator, which can be used to appraise the extent to which each region is in an optimal position to access external innovative resources.
The regulation of speed limits in the US had been centralized at the federal level since 1974, until decisions were devolved to the states in 1995. However, the centralization debate has reemerged in recent years. Here, we conduct the first econometric analysis of the determinants of speed limit laws. By using economic, geographic and political variables, our results suggest that geography -which affects private mobility needs and preferences- is the main factor influencing speed limit laws. We also highlight the role played by political ideology, with Republican constituencies being associated with higher speed limits. Furthermore, we identify the presence of regional and time dependence effects. By contrast, poor road safety outcomes do not impede the enactment of high speed limits. Overall, we present the first evidence of the role played by geographical, ideological and regional characteristics, which provide us with a better understanding of the formulation of speed limit policies.
Determining the relative roles of vicariance and selection in restricting gene flow between populations is of central importance to the evolutionary process of population divergence and speciation. Here we use molecular and morphological data to contrast the effect of isolation (by mountains and geographical distance) with that of ecological factors (altitudinal gradients) in promoting differentiation in the wedge-billed woodcreeper, Glyphorynchus spirurus, a tropical forest bird, in Ecuador. Tarsus length and beak size increased relative to body size with altitude on both sides of the Andes, and were correlated with the amount of moss on tree trunks, suggesting the role of selection in driving adaptive divergence. In contrast, molecular data revealed a considerable degree of admixture along these altitudinal gradients, suggesting that adaptive divergence in morphological traits has occurred in the presence of gene flow. As suggested by mitochondrial DNA sequence data, the Andes act as a barrier to gene flow between ancient subspecific lineages. Genome-wide amplified fragment length polymorphism markers reflected more recent patterns of gene flow and revealed fine-scale patterns of population differentiation that were not detectable with mitochondrial DNA, including the differentiation of isolated coastal populations west of the Andes. Our results support the predominant role of geographical isolation in driving genetic differentiation in G. spirurus, yet suggest the role of selection in driving parallel morphological divergence along ecological gradients.
Para comprender la variabilidad física, química e hidromorfológica de los ríos en la zona altoandina tropical (sobre los 2000 msnm) se muestrearon 123 ríos de ocho cuencas hidrográficas de Ecuador y Perú, seleccionados según criterios de distribución en latitud y altitud, así como el grado de alteración antrópica. Los muestreos se realizaron entre octubre 2007 y octubre 2008, coincidiendo con la época seca en ambos paises. En cada localidad se midieron tanto parámetros físicos y químicos (i.e., temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, conductividad, fosfatos, nitritos, nitratos, amonio, etc.) como hidromorfológicos (i.e., altitud, índice de calidad riparia (QBR), calidad y naturalidad de la cubierta vegetal de la ribera, naturalidad del canal fluvial, índice del hábitat fluvial (IHF), frecuencia de rápidos, composición del sustrato). A nivel regional (entre cuencas) la mineralización, las características hidromorfológicas y la heterogeneidad del hábitat mostraron ser los factores de mayor importancia para explicar la variabilidad encontrada. La temperatura, oxígeno disuelto y heterogeneidad del hábitat fueron los parámetros relevantes en el gradiente altitudinal, mientras que la mineralización lo fue en el gradiente latitudinal. La significación o importancia de un factor u otro parecen estar determinados en gran medida por el nivel espacial estudiado (localidad, cuenca, región). Sin embargo, se determinó que a nivel regional la altitud y las variables que cambiaron con ella, como temperatura y oxígeno disuelto, son siempre significativas independientemente de la ubicación latitudinal de la cuenca.
Drawing on a database for 1988-2006 containing information on 157 countries, we investigate the effects on military spending of government form, electoral rules, concentration of parliamentary parties, and ideology. From an OLS regression on pooled data, our results show that presidential democracies spend more than parliamentary systems on defense, whereas the presence of a plurality voting system will reduce the defense burden. Our findings suggest that, in contrast to theoretical predictions in the literature, institutions do not have the same impact on the provision of all public goods. We present as well evidence regarding the effect of ideology on defense spending.
El sector agrícola de la Amazonía norte de Ecuador, está conformada por miles de pequeños agricultores que fundamentan principalmente sus ingresos en los cultivos de café, cacao. La necesidad de contar con mayores ingresos económicos provoca que los agricultores incursionen en cultivos. Esta condición determina que los procesos de producción tengan diferentes comportamientos frente al uso del suelo. Determinar los principales patrones de uso del suelo como generadores de ingresos económicos, permite tener una mejor óptica de cómo está diversificada la producción en términos de dinero. Este artículo inicia abordando algunas consideraciones necesarias para enmarcarse en cómo ha evolucionado la forma de uso del suelo, se exponen distintos criterios de investigadores que explican este comportamiento. Seguidamente se analiza cómo los productores se embarcan en esa búsqueda por incrementar sus rentas adoptando diversas formas de cultivo. Posteriormente se establecen cuatro tipologías de productores muy bien definidas en torno al uso del suelo. Con los resultados obtenidos se entabla una discusión, que permite mostrar el porqué de ciertos comportamientos productivos. Finalmente, se presentan conclusiones en función de las tipologías encontradas acompañadas de información válida para la aplicación de políticas públicas, orientadas a mejorar los ingresos de los productores.
This study explored the ethnic identity among 331 emerging adults (144 mestizos and 187 indigenous) from the Intercultural University of Chiapas (México). Scholars suggest that ethnicity is much more salient for ethnic minority adolescents than for adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority. Our aim was to compare the results of the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM) between the majority ethnic group and the minority group studied. Specifically, the following hypothesis was examined: adolescents who are members of the ethnic minority group (indigenous) will score significantly higher on ethnic identity than adolescents who are members of the ethnic majority group (mestizos). The results supported these hypothesis. We suggest that the effect of an intercultural educative model could explain these results
Geographical scale is not merely a technical question. The learning of geographical scale goes beyond geometricunderstanding; it implies the etymological comprehension of the concept, the recognition of the importance of scale in theelaboration of the geographical discourse. It implies placing oneself in the centre of the teaching and learning of Geographyand asking oneself, what scale? Why this scale? What progression of scales? The answer to these questions puts in doubtthe scientific discourse that is presently taught in schools especially on the scale of analysis, the sequencing of studiedspaces and the false dichotomy local and global
The most outstanding conceptual challenge of modern crisis management is the principle of consent. It is not a problem only at the operational level - it challenges the entire decision-making structures of crisis management operations. In post-cold war times and especially in the 21st century, there has been a transition from peacekeeping with limited size and scope towards large and complex peace operations. This shift has presented peace operations with a dilemma. How to balance between maintaining consent for peace operations, whilst being able to use military force to coerce those attempting to wreck peace processes? To address such a dilemma, this research aims to promote understanding, on what can be achieved by military crisis management operations (peace support operations) in the next decade. The research concentrates on the focal research question: Should military components induce consent or rely on the compliance of conflicting parties in crisis management operations of the next decade (2020 – 2030)? The focus is on military – political strategic level considerations, and especially on the time before political decisions to commit to a crisis management operation. This study does not focus on which actor or organisation should intervene. The framework of this thesis derives from the so called ‘peacebuilding space’, the scope of peace operations and spoiler theory. Feasibility of both peace enforcement and peacekeeping in countering future risk conditions are analysed in this framework. This future-orientated qualitative research uses the Delphi-method with a panel of national and international experts. Citation analysis supports identification of relevant reference material, which consists of contemporary literature, the Delphi-questionnaires and interviews. The research process followed three main stages. In the first stage, plausible future scenarios and risk conditions were identified with the Delphi-panel. In the second stage, operating environments for peace support operations were described and consequent hypotheses formulated. In the third stage, these hypotheses were tested on the Delphi-panel. The Delphi-panel is sufficiently wide and diverse to produce plausible yet different insights. The research design utilised specifically military crisis management and peace operations theories. This produced various and relevant normative considerations. Therefore, one may argue that this research; which is based on accepted contemporary theory, hypotheses derived thereof and utilising an expert panel, contributes to the realm of peace support operations. This research finds that some degree of peace enforcement will be feasible and necessary in at least the following risk conditions: failed governance; potential spillover of ethnic, religious, ideological conflict; vulnerability of strategic chokepoints and infrastructures in ungoverned spaces; as well as in territorial and extra-territorial border disputes. In addition, some form of peace enforcement is probably necessary in risk conditions pertaining to: extremism of marginalised groups; potential disputes over previously uninhabited and resource-rich territories; and interstate rivalry. Furthermore, this research finds that peacekeeping measures will be feasible and necessary in at least risk conditions pertaining to: potential spillover of ethnic, religious, ideological conflict; uncontrolled migration; consequences from environmental catastrophes or changes; territorial and extra-territorial border disputes; and potential disputes over previously uninhabited and resource-rich territories. These findings are all subject to both generic and case specific preconditions that must exist for a peace support operation. Some deductions could be derived from the research findings. Although some risk conditions may appear illogical, understanding the underlying logic of a conflict is fundamental to understanding transition in crisis management. Practitioners of crisis management should possess cognizance of such transition. They must understand how transition should occur from threat to safety, from conflict to stability – and so forth. Understanding transition is imperative for managing the dynamic evolution of preconditions, which begins at the outset of a peace support operation. Furthermore, it is pertinent that spoilers are defined from a peace process point of view. If spoilers are defined otherwise, it changes the nature of an operation towards war, where the logic is breaking the will of an enemy - and surrender. In peace support operations, the logic is different: actions towards spoilers are intended to cause transition towards consent - not defeat. Notwithstanding future developments, history continues to provide strategic education. However, the distinction is that the risk conditions occur in novel futures. Hence, lessons learned from the past should be fitted to the case at hand. This research shows compelling evidence that swaying between intervention optimism and pessimism is not substantiated. Both peace enforcement and peacekeeping are sine qua non for successful military crisis management in the next decade.
This research establishes the primary components, predictors, and consequences of organizational commitment in the military context. Specifically, the research examines commitment to the military service among Finnish conscripts and whether initial affective commitment prior to service predicts later commitment, attitudes, behavior, and performance, and, furthermore, analyzes the changes in commitment and its possible outcomes. The data were collected from records as well as by surveys from 1,387 rank and file soldiers, immediately after they reported for duty, near the end of basic training, and near the end of 6 to 12 months of service. The data covered a wide array of predictor variables, including background items, attitudes toward conscription, mental and physical health, sociability, training quality, and leadership. Moreover, the archival data included such items as rank, criminal record, performance ratings, and the number of medical examines and exemptions. The measures were further refined based on the results of factor analysis and reliability tests. The results indicated that initial commitment significantly corresponded with expected adjustment, intentions to stay in the military, and acceptance of authority. Moreover, initial commitment moderately related to personal growth, perceived performance, and the number of effective service days at the end of service. During basic training, affective commitment was mostly influenced by challenging training, adjustment experiences, regimentation, and unit climate. At the end of service, committed soldiers demonstrated more personal growth and development in service, had higher-level expected performance, and less malingering during their service. Additionally, they had significantly more positive attitudes toward national defense. The results suggest that affective commitment requires adequate personal adjustment, experiences of personal growth and development, and satisfaction with unit dynamics and training. This research contributes to the theoretical discussion on organizational commitment and the will to defend the nation and advances developing models to support and manage conscript training, education, leadership, and personnel policy. This is achieved by determining the main factors and variables, including their relative strength, that affect commitment to the military service. These findings may also facilitate in designing programs aimed at reducing unwanted discharges and inadequate performance. In particular, these results provide tools for improving conscripts’ overall attachment to and identification with the military service.
Estimación de la evapotranspiración de referencia para dos zonas (Costa Y Región Andina) del Ecuador
Em duas zonas de latitudes similares e com diferentes altitudes, tais como Portoviejo (Região Costa) e Riobamba (Região Andina) no Equador, procurou-se ajustar os modelos de Holdridge (Ho) e Hargreaves-Samani (H-S) e com três modificações (modelos com constantes C HO e KE e KT Diário, Mensal e Anual, respectivamente) com o propósito de estimar a evapotranspiração de referência (ETo), em diferentes níveis das médias móveis do tempo, para o período de três dias. Uma vez ajustados os coeficientes C HO, KE e KT, estimou-se a ETo e foram validados os resultados mediante comparação com as mensurações da ETo, utilizando-se da evaporação do tanque Classe A com seu respectivo coeficiente (ETo Pan). Nos coeficientes C HO (Ho) e KE (H-S), o melhor desempenho foi obtido pela correlação do C HO e KS com o déficit da pressão de vapor (DPV), uma vez que o mesmo corrige o gradiente térmico vertical e incrementa a qualidade da predição da ETo, enquanto correlaciona o coeficiente KT (H-S) com a temperatura do ar, permitindo corrigir a radiação solar. Na comparação das três modificações de ambos os modelos com o ETo Pan, os modelos C HO Diário e H-S Mensal conseguiu-se as melhores estimativas da ETo com os indicadores de ajustes levemente melhores em Portoviejo e Riobamba. Finalmente, a qualidade das estimativas da ETo com três modificações de ambos os modelos é melhor em comparação com aquelas do modelo da Penman-Monteith para ambas as localidades.