1000 resultados para Miguel Rio Branco
O cultivo da mandioca, no Acre, apresenta diversos problemas, destacando-se a competição com as plantas daninhas, que, na Amazônia, torna-se mais grave, em razão de o desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas ser favorecido pela elevada precipitação pluvial anual (em torno de 1.900 mm) e pelas altas temperaturas o ano todo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram definir o período total de prevenção de interferência das plantas daninhas na cultura de mandioca e avaliar a competitividade das cultivares em comparação com as não-ramificadas. Os ensaios foram conduzidos no ano agrícola 1995/98, na estação experimental da Embrapa Acre, no município de Rio Branco, onde foram avaliadas sete épocas de capinas, em duas cultivares. Em um experimento foram estudadas as cultivares 'Rosada' (ramificada) e 'Pão' (não-ramificada) e, nos outros dois ensaios, conduzidos nos anos seguintes, as cultivares 'IM 319' (ramificada) e 'Rasgadinha' (não-ramificada). Foram avaliados a produtividade de raiz e de parte aérea e os teores de ácido cianídrico e de amido, além da percentagem de raízes podres. A interação cultivar x capina para a produtividade de raízes não foi significativa em nenhum ano, enquanto a produtividade de parte aérea foi significativa apenas no ano agrícola 1995/96. Esse resultado demonstra que a característica ramificação não confere vantagem sobre a cultivar não-ramificada. A realização de duas capinas proporcionou rendimentos satisfatórios, de raiz e de parte aérea, no ano agrícola 1997/98. O período total de prevenção de interferência das plantas daninhas na cultura da mandioca foi de aproximadamente 60 diasdepois do plantio, e os teores de amido e de ácido cianídrico e a percentagem de raiz podre não foram influenciados pelas plantas daninhas.
O artigo analisa a composição do campo religioso daimista na atualidade e como se estruturam os discursos que legitimam as práticas da religião no âmbito dos principais grupos que a compõem, a saber: o conjunto de centros daimistas situados na região do Alto Santo, em Rio Branco, e as igrejas filiadas à Igreja do Culto Eclético da Fluente Luz Universal Patrono Sebastião Mota de Melo (Iceflu). Demonstra-se aqui como as diferentes posições políticas e ideológicas presentes nesses discursos são construídas historicamente e se inserem, de maneira mais ampla, na dinâmica social das religiões na atualidade.
O suco de uva contém compostos fenólicos em quantidades importantes e, portanto, seu consumo é desejável como aporte de substâncias antioxidantes naturais. Os objetivos do estudo foram investigar os atributos sensoriais e avaliar a aceitação de sucos de uva comerciais. Foram analisados três tipos de suco de uva comercializados no Brasil: suco integral, suco concentrado e néctar. Utilizaram-se a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa modificada e o Teste de Aceitação com escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos, incluindo questões sobre consumo e compra. Os resultados apontam que o suco integral apresentou cor e gosto amargo mais intensos; o suco concentrado (reconstituído) apresentou baixa intensidade em todos os atributos; e o néctar de uva apresentou maior intensidade de gosto doce e sabor característico de uva. O teste de aceitação mostrou que o néctar de uva e o suco integral foram os mais aceitos. A maioria dos consumidores relatou consumir quatro ou mais copos suco de uva por mês. O suco integral recebeu maior intenção de compra e o néctar foi a bebida mais consumida. Concluiu-se que o consumidor aprecia o suco integral da uva, com equilibrada intensidade nos atributos sensoriais investigados, todavia, consume com maior frequência o néctar, bebida à qual são adicionadas água e sacarose.
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the physical, physicochemical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of in natura açai (Euterpe precatoria Mart.)beverageprocessed and commercialized in Rio Branco, Acre, submitting it to acidification and pasteurization treatments and evaluating their effects. Açaí fruits were processed to obtain the beverage as generally consumed. A 25 L sample was collected from a processing unit at a market in Rio Branco and transported to the Laboratory of Food Technology at the Federal University of Acre, for sampling of the experiments in a completely randomized design. Analyses of total solids, pH, total titrable acidity, proteins, lipids, moulds and yeasts, total and heat-tolerant coliforms at 45 ºC were performed in in natura beverage and after treatments. The results of the ANOVA showed, except for lipids, difference (p < 0.01) in the parameters. The in natura açaí beverage presented an elevated contamination by total and heat-tolerant coliforms at 45 ºC, moulds and yeasts, being in hygienic-sanitary conditions both unsatisfactory and unsafe for consumption. Pasteurization was efficient in reducing the beverage microbiota; it reduced contamination to an acceptable level according to the legislation, warranting food quality and safety. The acidified treatment partially reduced the microbiota. The beverage was classified as fine or type C.
O presente estudo aborda o tema da integração em fronteiras do MERCOSUL. São focalizadas as fronteiras do Brasil com o Uruguai, Jaguarão / Rio Branco e Sant’ana do Livramento / Rivera e a fronteira do Brasil com a Argentina, Uruguaiana / Paso de Los Libres. A integração nas Áreas de Controle Integrado de cargas – ACI/ cargas, foi o foco principal do estudo. A abordagem considerou os fundamentos sobre áreas de controle integrado do MERCOSUL, em relação aos procedimentos e a operacionalização e avalia o nível de integração através da satisfação dos usuários destas fronteiras. Após a revisão do referencial teórico, definiu-se por uma pesquisa em duas partes. A primeira foi de cunho exploratório junto aos especialistas do tema e com a aplicação da técnica Rede Repertório Kelly, quando se delineou os aspectos fundamentais para os usuários e organismos intervenientes no sistema. A segunda parte foi uma pesquisa descritiva realizada em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa realizou-se trinta e três entrevistas, junto às chefias dos organismos públicos e não públicos. Na segunda etapa aplicou-se 882 questionários junto aos despachantes aduaneiros e motoristas de carga com um retorno de 53,2 %. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados e devidamente comentados evidenciandose os pontos críticos e os aspectos favoráveis do processo de integração em cada Área de Controle Integrado.
This research¿s main goal was to analyze the existing relationship between both environmental and organizational values from three State Schools located in the city of Curitiba. These are: Protásio de Carvalho School, Guaíra School and Rio Branco School. At a theoretical empirical reference, an environmental approach has been performed, followed by aspects regarding organizational values, including the discussion on the theme of organizational culture, and, finally, a study on the prevalent values in public educational institutions. The method that best features this research is a comparative case report, with the use of multiple sources of evidence. Secondary data in order to identify the environmental values has been obtained through references of two of the most important newspapers in the State of Paraná, reports published by the State¿s Secretary of Education, publications from the State¿s Teachers Union and through the Educational Legislation in both Federal and State levels. The organizational values have been identified from primary data obtained through semi-structured interviews, performed with the School Principals and through questionnaires distributed to the School Principals and Teachers. The analysis over this data has been carried out in a descriptive-qualitative way by using both documentary and content analysis techniques. The database revealed that there are a few consistencies between environmental and organizational values, in a way that certain values identified in society and in the Government are, several times, more congruent with the values identified in the group of School Principals, whereas the values identified in the Teacher¿s Union have a higher consistency with the prevalent values in the group of teachers. At schools, mainly in the group of teachers, there¿s a noticeable refraction towards actions promoted by the government, and a certain skepticism towards actions promoted by the Teacher¿s Union. The student¿s education is given a higher value than one¿s cognitive education, in the work atmosphere as much as in the organizations; the Society has been gradually taking the responsibility regarding public education, with the support of school boards, teachers, and even of the Government, at a time when teachers, unlike the Society and the Government, appear to give very little value to their own profession.
Haematobia irritans is a hematophagous parasite of cattle that causes significant economic losses in many parts of the world, including Brazil. In the present work, one American and four Brazilian populations of this species were studied by Random Amplified Polymorpht DNA (RAPD) to assess basically genetic variability within and between populations. Ten different decamer random primers were employed in the genomic DNA amplification, yielding 117 fragments in the five H.. irritans populations. In Drosophila prosaltans, used as an outgroup, 81 fragments were produced. Forty-three of these fragments were shared by both species. Among the H. irritans samples, that from Rio Branco (Acre State, Brazil) produced the smallest numbers of fragments and polymorphic bands. This high genetic homogenity may be ascribed to its geographic origin (in the Northwest of Brazil), which causes high isolation and low gene flow, unlike the other Brazilian populations, from the South Central region, in which cattle trade is very intensive. Marker fragments (exclusive bands) detected in every sample enabled the population origin to be characterized, but they are also potentially useful for further approaches such as the putative origin of Brazilian populations from North America. Similarity indices [Nei & Li, 1979, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76: 5269-5273] and phylogenetic trees, rooted by using the outgroup and produced by the Phylogenetic Analysis using Parsimony (PAUP 4.0-Swofford, 2001) program showed the closest relationships between flies from Sao Jose do Rio Preto and Turiuba (both from São Paulo State, Brazil) while flies from the geographically distant Rio Branco showed the greatest differentiation relative to the others.
A. rupununi Fowler, 1914, considerada sinônimo de A. bimaculatus (Linnaeus) por Eigenmann (1921) é revalidada e duas espécies novas são descritas: A. clavitaeniatus, do alto rio Branco, Roraima, Brasil, e A. siapae, da bacia do Casiquiare-Orinoco, Estados Amazonas e Apure, Venezuela. Essas três espécies apresentam o mesmo padrão básico de coloração: mancha umeral negra horizontalmente ovalada, mancha negra no pedúnculo caudal estendida à extremidade dos raios caudais medianos, duas barras verticais marrons (a primeira cruzando a mancha umeral e a segunda situada 23 escamas atrás) e característica faixa lateral negra em forma de clava. Os caracteres que distinguem as três espécies são discutidos e é apresentada uma chave de identificação para as três espécies.
Além da produtividade física e da conservação do solo, o cultivo protegido e o preparo do solo, na olericultura, requerem altos investimentos, muito trabalho e insumos externos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, foi identificar combinações entre ambiente, preparo do solo e época de plantio capazes de melhorar o desempenho econômico e a produtividade da cultura da alface em cultivo orgânico, em Rio Branco, Acre. O cultivo foi realizado em quatro tipos de ambientes: 1 - sombreamento proporcionado em 52% sob latada de maracujá; 2 - 35% de sombreamento sob estufa; 3 - 50% sob tela de sombreamento; e, 4 - cultivo a pleno sol (testemunha), considerando cada ambiente como um experimento, que avaliou-se três preparos de solo (plantio direto, cultivo mínimo e preparo convencional) em duas épocas de plantio (estiagem e chuvosa), sob delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Considerou-se como custo de produção a soma de todos os valores (insumos) e operações (serviços) utilizados no processo produtivo, incluindo-se os respectivos custos alternativos ou de oportunidade e a depreciação das instalações. O cultivo em estufa e sob tela de sombreamento aumenta a produtividade em época de estiagem, enquanto em época chuvosa, a produtividade é maior em cultivo sob estufa. O plantio direto e cultivo mínimo a pleno sol ou cultivo mínimo sob tela de sombreamento promovem maior produtividade no preparo convencional do solo. Proporcionam lucro supernormal (RMe > CTMe): o cultivo na época chuvosa (verão); sob sombreamento de latada de maracujá-amarelo; a pleno sol; o preparo convencional do solo sob latada e o plantio direto a pleno sol.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Macrobrachium petronioi, a native Brazilian fresh-water shrimp, was captured along the coast of Rio Branco, Cananeia, São Paulo State, Brazil. The eggs were green-black in early development and the average size was 1.21 mm by 0.98 mm. Macrobrachium petronioi has no free-swimming larval phase. However, newly hatched larvae possessed several zoea I characters. Therefore, they were clearly more developed than newly hatched larvae of other species of Macrobrachium with prolonged larval development. The average duration of larval development in M. petronioi was 5.5 days. During early development, the larvae subsisted on stored yolk. After the third molt, the postlarvae accepted food. The three zoeal stages prior to the postlarval stage were described and characterized, with detailed morphological analyses. This species has a partially abbreviated type of development. The larval development of M. petronioi is distinguished from that of M. potiuna.
Pb, Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd isotope analyses were carried out on amphibolitic rocks from Campo Largo (PR), Rio Branco do Sul (PR) and Adrianópolis (PR) and for the metabasite from Adrianópolis and Apiai (SP), all belonging to the Açungui and Setuva Groups, southern portion of the Ribeira Belt. These occurrences were chosen because each exhibits geochemical data indicative of a mantle source, having different signatures. Geochronologic determinations are available only for the Apiai metagabbro with Neoproterozoic ages of 617 ± 4 Ma (U/Pb in zircon) and 839 ± 85 Ma (Rb/Sr, whole rock). Age determinations by Sm/Nd mineral isochron using whole rock, plagioclase and pyroxene yield values of 885 ± 53 Ma for the Apiai metagabbro and 820 ± 84 Ma for the Adrianópolis metabasite. These results agree within error with the Rb/Sr isochron of 839 ± 85 Ma may possibly be interpreted as the time of extraction of the magma from the mantle, as suggested by positive εNd(850) values (+2,76) from an Adrianópolis sample. An εNd values versus 87Sr/86Sr diagram shows that each studied occurrence plots in a different position, following approximately the mantle array trend, the most primitive being the metabasite of Adrian-acopolis, near the MORB field, and the most enriched being the amphibolite from the same region, near the enriched mantle and or crustal contamination field. The distinct difference in isotopic signatures between the amphibolite and metabasite suggests derivation from different mantle sources, as supported by available geochemical data. Nevertheless, some of the samples show isotopic evidence of the action of metamorphism, crustal contamination and weathering.
In the present study, the karyotype of three species (nine populations) of the Callichthyinae subfamily were investigated with the objective of better understanding the pattern of relationship among the genera that compose the subfamily. Among the four populations of Callichthys callichthys studied, two showed 2n=56 chromosomes and two 2n=58 chromosomes. Up to eight additional microchromosomes were observed in the sample from Marilia. The three populations of Hoplosternum littorale displayed the same number of chromosomes, 2n=60, and karyotypic constitution, 6M+2SM+52A. The two populations of Megalechis personata showed 2n=62 chromosomes and similar karyotypic formulae, 8M+54A and 6M+2SM+54A. Terminal Ag-NORs were found in one chromosome pair of C. callichthys, H. littorale, and M. personata from Itiquira, and in two pairs in M. personata from Rio Branco. The populations of C. callichthys showed C-band positive segments in centromeric and pericentromeric position and the populations of H. littorale and M. personata exhibited C-band positive segments in centromeric and/or interstitial position. Contrarily to the extensive chromosome rearrangements verified in the Corydoradinae subfamily, in the Callichthyinae subfamily a small number of changes seems to have occurred in its karyotypic evolution.
The present paper deals with estimation of variance components, prediction of breeding values and selection in a population of rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell.-Arg.] from Rio Branco, State of Acre, Brazil. The REML/BLUP (restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction) procedure was applied. For this purpose, 37 rubber tree families were obtained and assessed in a randomized complete block design, with three unbalanced replications. The field trial was carried out at the Experimental Station of UNESP, located in Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The quantitative traits evaluated were: girth (G), bark thickness (BT), number of latex vessel rings (NR), and plant height (PH). Given the unbalanced condition of the progeny test, the REML/BLUP procedure was used for estimation. The narrow-sense individual heritability estimates were 0.43 for G, 0.18 for BT, 0.01 for NR, and 0.51 for PH. Two selection strategies were adopted: one short-term (ST - selection intensity of 8.85%) and the other long-term (LT - selection intensity of 26.56%). For G, the estimated genetic gains in relation to the population average were 26.80% and 17.94%, respectively, according to the ST and LT strategies. The effective population sizes were 22.35 and 46.03, respectively. The LT and ST strategies maintained 45.80% and 28.24%, respectively, of the original genetic diversity represented in the progeny test. So, it can be inferred that this population has potential for both breeding and ex situ genetic conservation as a supplier of genetic material for advanced rubber tree breeding programs. Copyright by the Brazilian Society of Genetics.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)