814 resultados para Micro-grid


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Nas últimas décadas, as empresas têm sido sujeitas a uma maior concorrência, ao desenvolvimento tecnológico mais acelerado e a novos desafios no que respeita à qualidade. A Metrologia deverá assim acompanhar estas tendências do mercado. O Departamento de Metrologia (DMET) do Instituto Português da Qualidade, I.P. (IPQ) tem vindo a desenvolver esforços significativos que visam a melhoria contínua das técnicas e dos processos de medição e de calibração realizados nos laboratórios. A presente dissertação de mestrado foi realizada no Laboratório de Volume e Caudal (LVC) do DMET. Os objetivos iniciais do trabalho centraram-se na caraterização metrológica de contadores de fluidos, tendo como base a medição do caudal, utilizando como método de referência o método gravimétrico. De forma a validar o sistema de medição foram realizados ensaios entre 1 mL/h a 100 mL/h, em condições de reprodutibilidade, com dois sistemas padrão distintos de acordo com o caudal a ensaiar. Em todos os ensaios efetuados foi necessário monitorizar as condições ambientais, i.e. temperatura, pressão atmosférica, humidade relativa e a temperatura do líquido padrão, para a aplicação das correções necessárias. Outro feito importante foi a caraterização das fontes de incerteza, que permitiram caraterizar o resultado das medições. A metodologia utilizada para a avaliação e para a estimativa da incerteza de medição encontra-se descrita no Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM). Neste projeto foram contempladas fontes de incerteza como as associadas à evaporação, à impulsão do tubo, à resolução da balança, entre outras. Com os resultados obtidos foi possível elaborar um procedimento técnico para a Calibração de Caudalímetros de Líquidos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram garantir a rastreabilidade das medições de caudal de líquidos ao SI, essencial para a calibração de equipamentos no Laboratório Nacional de Metrologia (LNM) do IPQ, nomeadamente para micro caudalímetros no intervalo de medição entre 0,12 mL/h e 600 mL/h.


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Doctoral Program in Computer Science


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This paper proposes a multifunctional converter to interface renewable energy sources (e.g., solar photovoltaic panels) and electric vehicles (EVs) with the power grid in smart grids context. This multifunctional converter allows deliver energy from the solar photovoltaic panels to an EV or to the power grid, and exchange energy in bidirectional mode between the EV and the power grid. Using this multifunctional converter are not required multiple conversion stages, as occurs with the traditional solutions, where are necessary two power converters to integrate the solar photovoltaic system in the power grid and also two power converters to integrate an off-board EV battery charger in the power grid (dc-dc and dc-ac power converters in both cases). Taking into account that the energy provided (or delivered) from the power grid in each moment is function of the EV operation mode and also of the energy produced from the solar photovoltaic system, it is possible to define operation strategies and control algorithms in order to increase the energy efficiency of the global system and to improve the power quality of the electrical system. The proposed multifunctional converter allows the operation in four distinct cases: (a) Transfer of energy from the solar photovoltaic system to the power grid; (b) Transfer of energy from the solar photovoltaic system and from the EV to the power grid; (c) Transfer of energy from the solar photovoltaic system to the EV or to the power grid; (d) Transfer of energy between the EV and the power grid. Along the paper are described the system architecture and the control algorithms, and are also presented some computational simulation results for the four aforementioned cases. It is also presented a comparative analysis between the traditional and the proposed solution in terms of operation efficiency and estimated cost of implementation.


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Solar photovoltaic systems are an increasing option for electricity production, since they produce electrical energy from a clean renewable energy resource, and over the years, as a result of the research, their efficiency has been increasing. For the interface between the dc photovoltaic solar array and the ac electrical grid is necessary the use of an inverter (dc-ac converter), which should be optimized to extract the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar array. In this paper is presented a solution based on a current-source inverter (CSI) using continuous control set model predictive control (CCS-MPC). All the power circuits and respective control systems are described in detail along the paper and were tested and validated performing computer simulations. The paper shows the simulation results and are drawn several conclusions.


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This paper presents the proposal of a three phase current source shunt active power filter (CS-SAPF) with photovoltaic grid interface. The proposed system combines the compensation of reactive power and harmonics with the injection of energy from a solar photovoltaic array into the electrical power grid. The proposed equipment presents the advantage of giving good use to the current source inverter, even when the solar photovoltaic array is not producing energy. The paper describes the control system of the CS SAPF, the energy injection control strategy, and the current harmonics and power factor compensation strategy. Simulation results to assess the performance of the proposed system are also presented.


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This paper presents the development of na on-board bidirectional battery charger for Electric Vehicles (EVs) targeting Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V), Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G), and Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) technologies. During the G2V operation mode the batteries are charged from the power grid with sinusoidal current and unitary power factor. During the V2G operation mode the energy stored in the batteries can be delivered back to the power grid contributing to the power system stability. In the V2H operation mode the energy stored in the batteries can be used to supply home loads during power outages, or to supply loads in places without connection to the power grid. Along the paper the hardware topology of the bidirectional battery charger is presented and the control algorithms are explained. Some considerations about the sizing of the AC side passive filter are taken into account in order to improve the performance in the three operation modes. The adopted topology and control algorithms are accessed through computer simulations and validated by experimental results achieved with a developed laboratory prototype operating in the different scenarios.


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Considerando a ampla variabilidade genética de cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal), quantificaram-se os macro e micro-nutrientes, objetivando a ampliação da tabela de composição química de alimentos típicos da região amazônica. Os frutos provenientes da Estação Experimental de Hortaliças Alejo von der Pahlen (EEH) do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), localizados no km 14 da Rodovia AM 010 em Manaus, AM, foram processados no Laboratório de Alimentos e Nutrição do INPA. Avaliaram-se oito etnovariedades de cubiu identificados como: 2 I, 3 I, 6, 7, 12, 14, 17, 29 I e III em estádio de maturação comercial. Os teores de elementos minerais foram quantificados pela técnica de Ativação por Nêutrons Instrumental e a fibra alimentar pelo método enzímico-gravimétrico. Os resultados demonstram ser o cubiu um fruto com baixo conteúdo energético (média de 33 kcal), com conteúdo de fibra alimentar total na ordem de 1,6%. Em relação aos macros elementos minerais, a etnovariedade 6, apresentou a maior concentração em potássio (513,5±3,1mg), cálcio (18,9±0,6mg) e a etnovariedade 2 I em Fe (564,4±58,1µg) e Cr (99,3±8,3µg). A menor concentração foi constatada na etnovariedade 12 para os elementos K (229,0±4,5mg), Na (53,7±5,5µg) e Zn (89,3±4,7µg). Apesar das variações em relação as diferentes etno variedades e conseqüentemente concentrações em elementos minerais, o cubiu, pode estar contribuindo para atingir as recomendações desses nutrientes.


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This paper deals with a computing simulation for an offshore wind energy system taking into account the influence of the marine waves action throughout the floating platform. The wind energy system has a variable-speed turbine equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous generator and a full-power five level converter, injecting energy into the electric grid through a high voltage alternate current link. A reduction on the unbalance of the voltage in the DC-link capacitors of the five-level converter is proposed by a strategic selection of the output voltage vectors. The model for the drive train of the wind energy system is a two mass model, including the dynamics of the floating platform. A case study is presented and the assessment of the quality of the energy injected into the electric grid is discussed.


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We study the interaction between polarized terahertz (THz) radiation and micro-structured large-area graphene in transmission geometry. In order to efficiently couple the radiation into the two-dimensional material, a lateral periodic patterning of a closed graphene sheet by intercalation doping into stripes is chosen. We observe unequal transmittance of the radiation polarized parallel and perpendicular to the stripes. The relative contrast, partly enhanced by Fabry-Perot oscillations reaches 20 %. The effect even increases up to 50 % when removing graphene stripes in analogy to a wire grid polarizer. The polarization dependence is analyzed in a large frequency range from < 80 GHz to 3 THz, including the plasmon-polariton resonance. The results are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations based on the electronic energy spectrum of graphene and the electrodynamics of the patterned structure


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Neste trabalho, a espécie Piper hispidinervum (pimenta longa), endêmica do estado do Acre, foi cultivada na região do Vale do Itajaí - SC, e sua adaptação foi avaliada em relação à composição química do óleo essencial obtido pelos processos de hidrodestilação convencional e por micro-ondas. O safrol foi identificado como o constituinte majoritário do óleo essencial desta espécie, o qual foi empregado como parâmetro de avaliação da capacidade de adaptação desta planta à região sul do Brasil, já que a proposta abrange avaliar a utilização desta espécie como fonte alternativa de safrol, em substituição a Canela Sassafrás (Ocotea odorifera), espécie muito explorada até a década de 90 nesta região. As amostras da planta foram obtidas de diferentes regiões do Acre e foram cultivadas na estação experimental da EPAGRI - Itajaí-SC. O óleo essencial das folhas forneceu um teor médio de safrol entre 76,6% e 89,9%. A análise por CG-DIC e CG-EM do óleo com maior concentração de safrol, apresentou os seguintes constituintes: safrol (89,93%), α-terpineno (0,35%), (E)-β-ocimeno (0,54%), terpinoleno (3,10%), valenceno (0,21%), (Z)-β-bisaboleno (1,70%) e guaiol (0,29%).


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica


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Nanocomposite materials with an organic-inorganic urea-silicate (di-ureasil) based matrix containing gold nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized and characterized by optical (UV/Vis) spectroscopy and indentation measurement. The urea silicate gels were obtained by reaction between silicon alkoxyde modified by isocyanate group and polyethylene glycol oligomer with amine terminal groups in presence of catalyst. The latter ensures the successful incorporation of citrate-stabilized gold NPs in the matrix. It is shown that using a convenient destabilizing agent (AgNO3) and governing the preparative conditions, the aggregation degree of gold NPs can be controlled. The developed synthesis procedure significantly simplifies the preparative procedure of gold/urea silicate nanocomposites, compared to the procedure using gold NPs, preliminary covered with silica shells. Mechanical properties of the prepared sample were characterised using depth sensing indentation methods (DSI) and an idea about the type of aggregation structures was suggested.


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The potential of salicylic acid (SA) encapsulated in porous materials as drug delivery carriers for cancer treatment was studied. Different porous structures, the microporous zeolite NaY, and the mesoporous SBA-15 and MCM-41 were used as hosts for the anti-inflammatory drug. Characterization with different techniques (FTIR, UV/vis, TGA, 1H NMR, and 13C CPMAS NMR) demonstrated the successful loading of SA into the porous hosts. The mesoporous structures showed to be very efficient to encapsulate the SA molecule. The obtained drug delivery systems (DDS) accommodated 0.74 mmol (341 mg/gZEO) in NaY and 1.07 mmol (493 mg/gZEO) to 1.23 mmol (566 mg/gZEO) for SBA-15 and MCM-41, respectively. Interactions between SA molecules and pore structures were identified. A fast and unrestricted liberation of SA at 10 min of the dissolution assay was achieved with 29.3, 46.6, and 50.1 µg/mL of SA from NaY, SBA-15, and MCM-41, respectively, in the in vitro drug release studies (PBS buffer pH 7.4, 37 °C). Kinetic modeling was used to determine the release patterns of the DDS. The porous structures and DDS were evaluated on Hs578T and MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell lines viability. The porous structures are nontoxic to cancer cells. Cell viability reduction was only observed after the release of SA from MCM- 41 followed by SBA-15 in both breast cancer cell lines.


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Inspired by natural structures, great attention has been devoted to the study and development of surfaces with extreme wettable properties. The meticulous study of natural systems revealed that the micro/nano-topography of the surface is critical to obtaining unique wettability features, including superhydrophobicity. However, the surface chemistry also has an important role in such surface characteristics. As the interaction of biomaterials with the biological milieu occurs at the surface of the materials, it is expected that synthetic substrates with extreme and controllable wettability ranging from superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic regimes could bring about the possibility of new investigations of cellâ material interactions on nonconventional surfaces and the development of alternative devices with biomedical utility. This first part of the review will describe in detail how proteins and cells interact with micro/nano-structured surfaces exhibiting extreme wettabilities.


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Mulher de 43 anos, sintomática (dispnéia e palpitações), apresentava múltiplas fístulas de alto débito de ambas coronárias para a artéria pulmonar, embolizadas percutaneamente com micro-molas de liberação controlada e balões destacáveis, com sucesso.