531 resultados para Mems
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) are micro scale devices that are able to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy or vice versa. In this paper, the mathematical model of an electronic circuit of a resonant MEMS mass sensor, with time-periodic parametric excitation, was analyzed and controlled by Chebyshev polynomial expansion of the Picard interaction and Lyapunov-Floquet transformation, and by Optimal Linear Feedback Control (OLFC). Both controls consider the union of feedback and feedforward controls. The feedback control obtained by Picard interaction and Lyapunov-Floquet transformation is the first strategy and the optimal control theory the second strategy. Numerical simulations show the efficiency of the two control methods, as well as the sensitivity of each control strategy to parametric errors. Without parametric errors, both control strategies were effective in maintaining the system in the desired orbit. On the other hand, in the presence of parametric errors, the OLFC technique was more robust.
We propose a slow-wave MEMS phase shifter that can be fabricated using the CMOS back-end and an additional maskless post-process etch. The tunable phase shifter concept is formed by a conventional slow-wave transmission line. The metallic ribbons that form the patterned floating shield of this type of structure are released to allow motion when a control voltage is applied, which changes the characteristic impedance and the phase velocity. For this device a quality factor greater than 40 can be maintained, resulting in a figure of merit on the order of 0.7 dB/360 degrees and a total area smaller than 0.14 mm(2) for a 60-GHz working frequency. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Electrothermomechanical MEMS are essentially microactuators that operate based on the thermoelastic effect induced by the Joule heating of the structure. They can be easily fabricated and require relatively low excitation voltages. However, the actuation time of an electrothermomechanical microdevice is higher than the actuation times related to electrostatic and piezoelectric actuation principles. Thus, in this research, we propose an optimization framework based on the topology optimization method applied to transient problems, to design electrothermomechanical microactuators for response time reduction. The objective is to maximize the integral of the output displacement of the actuator, which is a function of time. The finite element equations that govern the time response of the actuators are provided. Furthermore, the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization model and Sequential Linear Programming are employed. Finally, a smoothing filter is implemented to control the solution. Results aiming at two distinct applications suggest the proposed approach can provide more than 50% faster actuators. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In questa tesi verranno trattati sia il problema della creazione di un ambiente di simulazione a domini fisici misti per dispositivi RF-MEMS, che la definizione di un processo di fabbricazione ad-hoc per il packaging e l’integrazione degli stessi. Riguardo al primo argomento, sarà mostrato nel dettaglio lo sviluppo di una libreria di modelli MEMS all’interno dell’ambiente di simulazione per circuiti integrati Cadence c . L’approccio scelto per la definizione del comportamento elettromeccanico dei MEMS è basato sul concetto di modellazione compatta (compact modeling). Questo significa che il comportamento fisico di ogni componente elementare della libreria è descritto per mezzo di un insieme limitato di punti (nodi) di interconnessione verso il mondo esterno. La libreria comprende componenti elementari, come travi flessibili, piatti rigidi sospesi e punti di ancoraggio, la cui opportuna interconnessione porta alla realizzazione di interi dispositivi (come interruttori e capacità variabili) da simulare in Cadence c . Tutti i modelli MEMS sono implementati per mezzo del linguaggio VerilogA c di tipo HDL (Hardware Description Language) che è supportato dal simulatore circuitale Spectre c . Sia il linguaggio VerilogA c che il simulatore Spectre c sono disponibili in ambiente Cadence c . L’ambiente di simulazione multidominio (ovvero elettromeccanico) così ottenuto permette di interfacciare i dispositivi MEMS con le librerie di componenti CMOS standard e di conseguenza la simulazione di blocchi funzionali misti RF-MEMS/CMOS. Come esempio, un VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in cui l’LC-tank è realizzato in tecnologia MEMS mentre la parte attiva con transistor MOS di libreria sarà simulato in Spectre c . Inoltre, nelle pagine successive verrà mostrata una soluzione tecnologica per la fabbricazione di un substrato protettivo (package) da applicare a dispositivi RF-MEMS basata su vie di interconnessione elettrica attraverso un wafer di Silicio. La soluzione di packaging prescelta rende possibili alcune tecniche per l’integrazione ibrida delle parti RF-MEMS e CMOS (hybrid packaging). Verranno inoltre messe in luce questioni riguardanti gli effetti parassiti (accoppiamenti capacitivi ed induttivi) introdotti dal package che influenzano le prestazioni RF dei dispositivi MEMS incapsulati. Nel dettaglio, tutti i gradi di libertà del processo tecnologico per l’ottenimento del package saranno ottimizzati per mezzo di un simulatore elettromagnetico (Ansoft HFSSTM) al fine di ridurre gli effetti parassiti introdotti dal substrato protettivo. Inoltre, risultati sperimentali raccolti da misure di strutture di test incapsulate verranno mostrati per validare, da un lato, il simulatore Ansoft HFSSTM e per dimostrate, dall’altro, la fattibilit`a della soluzione di packaging proposta. Aldilà dell’apparente debole legame tra i due argomenti sopra menzionati è possibile identificare un unico obiettivo. Da un lato questo è da ricercarsi nello sviluppo di un ambiente di simulazione unificato all’interno del quale il comportamento elettromeccanico dei dispositivi RF-MEMS possa essere studiato ed analizzato. All’interno di tale ambiente, l’influenza del package sul comportamento elettromagnetico degli RF-MEMS può essere tenuta in conto per mezzo di modelli a parametri concentrati (lumped elements) estratti da misure sperimentali e simulazioni agli Elementi Finiti (FEM) della parte di package. Infine, la possibilità offerta dall’ambiente Cadence c relativamente alla simulazione di dipositivi RF-MEMS interfacciati alla parte CMOS rende possibile l’analisi di blocchi funzionali ibridi RF-MEMS/CMOS completi.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Eignung und Nutzen des „Objective therapy Compliance Measurement“ (OtCMTM)-Systems, einer innovativen Weiterentwicklung im Bereich der elektronischen Compliance-Messung, untersucht. Unter experimentellen Bedingungen wurden Funktionalität und Verlässlichkeit der elektronischen OtCMTM-Blisterpackungen überprüft, um deren Eignung für den klinischen Einsatz zu zeigen. Funktionalität (≥90% lesbare Blister), Richtigkeit (≤2% Fehler) und Robustheit waren bei den OtCMTM-Blistern der Version 3 gegeben, nachdem die Fehler der Versionen 1 und 2 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hersteller TCG identifiziert und eliminiert worden waren. Der als Alternative zu den elektronischen Blistern für die Verpackung von klinischen Prüfmustern entwickelte OtCMTM e-Dispenser wurde bezüglich Funktionalität und Anwenderfreundlichkeit in einer Pilotstudie untersucht. Dabei wurde ein Optimierungsbedarf festgestellt. In einer klinischen Studie wurde das OtCMTM-System mit dem als „Goldstandard“ geltenden MEMS® verglichen. Vergleichskriterien waren Datenqualität, Akzeptanz und Anwenderfreundlichkeit, Zeitaufwand bei der Bereitstellung der Medikation und Datenauswertung, sowie Validität. Insgesamt 40 Patienten, die mit Rekawan® retard 600mg behandelt wurden, nahmen an der offenen, randomisierten, prospektiven Studie teil. Das OtCMTM-System zeigte sich bezüglich Validität, Akzeptanz und Anwenderfreundlichkeit mit MEMS® vergleichbar. Eine erwartete Zeitersparnis wurde mit dem OtCMTM-System gegenüber MEMS® nicht erreicht. Vorteile des OtCMTM-Systems sind eine höhere Datenqualität und die Möglichkeit zum Einsatz in der Telemedizin.
La rotazione dell’apice del cuore è una delle espressioni della complessa cinematica del miocardio e rappresenta un importante indice di funzionalità cardiaca. Disporre di un sensore impiantabile che permetta un monitoraggio continuo di tale parametro consentirebbe di individuare precocemente un deterioramento della performance cardiaca e di adattare tempestivamente la terapia. L’obiettivo del lavoro di tesi è la realizzazione di un sistema di acquisizione dati per segnali provenienti da un giroscopio MEMS triassiale da utilizzarsi per lo studio della cinematica cardiaca, in particolare della rotazione del cuore. Per leggere e decodificare i segnali digitali in uscita dal giroscopio MEMS triassiale utilizzato (CMR3100, VTI Technologies) è stata progettata e sviluppata un’unità di condizionamento composta da una board Arduino ADK, associata ad un adattatore di tensione PCA9306 e a 3 convertitori digitali/analogici MCP4921, che ha richiesto lo sviluppo di software per la gestione del protocollo di comunicazione e della decodifica del segnale digitale proveniente dal sensore. Per caratterizzare e validare il sistema realizzato sono state effettuate prove di laboratorio, che hanno permesso di individuare i parametri di lavoro ottimali del sensore. Una prima serie di prove ha dimostrato come l’unità di condizionamento realizzata consenta di acquisire i segnali con una velocità di processo elevata (1 kHz) che non comporta perdita di dati in uscita dal sensore. Successivamente, attraverso un banco prova di simulazione appositamente assemblato allo scopo di riprodurre rotazioni cicliche nel range dei valori fisio-patologici, è stato quantificato lo sfasamento temporale (St) tra il segnale rilevato dal CMR3100 e decodificato dall'unità di condizionamento e un segnale analogico in uscita da un giroscopio analogico, ottenendo un valore medio St=4 ms. Attraverso lo stesso banco di simulazione, è stata infine dimostrata una buona accuratezza (errore percentuale <10%) nella misura dell'angolo di rotazione derivato dal segnale di velocità angolare rilevato direttamente dal sensore CRM300.
Though 3D computer graphics has seen tremendous advancement in the past two decades, most available mechanisms for computer interaction in 3D are high cost and targeted for industry and virtual reality applications. Recent advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) devices have brought forth a variety of new low-cost, low-power, miniature sensors with high accuracy, which are well suited for hand-held devices. In this work a novel design for a 3D computer game controller using inertial sensors is proposed, and a prototype device based on this design is implemented. The design incorporates MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes from Analog Devices to measure the three components of the acceleration and angular velocity. From these sensor readings, the position and orientation of the hand-held compartment can be calculated using numerical methods. The implemented prototype is utilizes a USB 2.0 compliant interface for power and communication with the host system. A Microchip dsPIC microcontroller is used in the design. This microcontroller integrates the analog to digital converters, the program memory flash, as well as the core processor, on a single integrated circuit. A PC running Microsoft Windows operating system is used as the host machine. Prototype firmware for the microcontroller is developed and tested to establish the communication between the design and the host, and perform the data acquisition and initial filtering of the sensor data. A PC front-end application with a graphical interface is developed to communicate with the device, and allow real-time visualization of the acquired data.
This dissertation discusses structural-electrostatic modeling techniques, genetic algorithm based optimization and control design for electrostatic micro devices. First, an alternative modeling technique, the interpolated force model, for electrostatic micro devices is discussed. The method provides improved computational efficiency relative to a benchmark model, as well as improved accuracy for irregular electrode configurations relative to a common approximate model, the parallel plate approximation model. For the configuration most similar to two parallel plates, expected to be the best case scenario for the approximate model, both the parallel plate approximation model and the interpolated force model maintained less than 2.2% error in static deflection compared to the benchmark model. For the configuration expected to be the worst case scenario for the parallel plate approximation model, the interpolated force model maintained less than 2.9% error in static deflection while the parallel plate approximation model is incapable of handling the configuration. Second, genetic algorithm based optimization is shown to improve the design of an electrostatic micro sensor. The design space is enlarged from published design spaces to include the configuration of both sensing and actuation electrodes, material distribution, actuation voltage and other geometric dimensions. For a small population, the design was improved by approximately a factor of 6 over 15 generations to a fitness value of 3.2 fF. For a larger population seeded with the best configurations of the previous optimization, the design was improved by another 7% in 5 generations to a fitness value of 3.0 fF. Third, a learning control algorithm is presented that reduces the closing time of a radiofrequency microelectromechanical systems switch by minimizing bounce while maintaining robustness to fabrication variability. Electrostatic actuation of the plate causes pull-in with high impact velocities, which are difficult to control due to parameter variations from part to part. A single degree-of-freedom model was utilized to design a learning control algorithm that shapes the actuation voltage based on the open/closed state of the switch. Experiments on 3 test switches show that after 5-10 iterations, the learning algorithm lands the switch with an impact velocity not exceeding 0.2 m/s, eliminating bounce.
Understanding how a living cell behaves has become a very important topic in today’s research field. Hence, different sensors and testing devices have been designed to test the mechanical properties of these living cells. This thesis presents a method of micro-fabricating a bio-MEMS based force sensor which is used to measure the force response of living cells. Initially, the basic concepts of MEMS have been discussed and the different micro-fabrication techniques used to manufacture various MEMS devices have been described. There have been many MEMS based devices manufactured and employed for testing many nano-materials and bio-materials. Each of the MEMS based devices described in this thesis use a novel concept of testing the specimens. The different specimens tested are nano-tubes, nano-wires, thin film membranes and biological living cells. Hence, these different devices used for material testing and cell mechanics have been explained. The micro-fabrication techniques used to fabricate this force sensor has been described and the experiments preformed to successfully characterize each step in the fabrication have been explained. The fabrication of this force sensor is based on the facilities available at Michigan Technological University. There are some interesting and uncommon concepts in MEMS which have been observed during this fabrication. These concepts in MEMS which have been observed are shown in multiple SEM images.
We present the design, fabrication, and testing of a microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) light modulator based on pixels patterned with periodic nanohole arrays. Flexure-suspended silicon pixels are patterned with a two dimensional array of 150 nm diameter nanoholes using nanoimprint lithography. A top glass plate assembled above the pixel array is used to provide a counter electrode for electrostatic actuation. The nanohole pattern is designed so that normally-incident light is coupled into an in-plane grating resonance, resulting in an optical stop-band at a desired wavelength. When the pixel is switched into contact with the top plate, the pixel becomes highly reflective. A 3:1 contrast ratio at the resonant wavelength is demonstrated for gratings patterned on bulk Si substrates. The switching time is 0.08 ms and the switching voltage is less than 15V.
An analysis about the effect of carbon enrichment of allylhydridopolycarbosilane SMP10® with divinylbenzene (DVB) as a promising material for electrical conductive micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS) is presented. The liquid precursors can be micropipetted and cured in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) molds to produce 14 mm diameter disc shaped samples. The effect of pyrolysis temperature and carbon content on the electrical conductivity is discussed. The addition of 28.7 wt.% of DVB was found to be the optimum amount. Carbon was preserved in the microstructure during pyrolysis and the ceramic yield increased from 77.5 to 80.5 wt.%. The electrical conductivity increased from 10−6 to 1 S/cm depending on the annealing temperature. Furthermore, the ceramic samples obtained with this composition were found to be in many cases crack free or with minimal cracks in contrast with the behavior of pure SMP10. Using the same process we demonstrate that also microsized ceramic samples can be produced.