943 resultados para Melting points.


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Over the last few decades, advances have been made in the understanding of myofascial pain syndrome epidemiology, clinical characteristics and aetiopathogenesis, but many unknowns remain. An integrated hypothesis has provided a greater understanding of the physiopathology of trigger points, which may allow the development of new diagnostic, and above all, therapeutic methods, as well as the establishment of prevention policies and protocols by the health profession. Nevertheless, randomized studies are needed to provide a better understanding and detection of the different factors involved in the origin of trigger points.


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Experimental research has identified many putative agents of amphibian decline, yet the population-level consequences of these agents remain unknown, owing to lack of information on compensatory density dependence in natural populations. Here, we investigate the relative importance of intrinsic (density-dependent) and extrinsic (climatic) factors impacting the dynamics of a tree frog (Hyla arborea) population over 22 years. A combination of log-linear density dependence and rainfall (with a 2-year time lag corresponding to development time) explain 75% of the variance in the rate of increase. Such fluctuations around a variable return point might be responsible for the seemingly erratic demography and disequilibrium dynamics of many amphibian populations.


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PURPOSE: At high magnetic field strengths (B0 ≥ 3 T), the shorter radiofrequency wavelength produces an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit magnetic field. This can lead to variable contrast across the brain which is particularly pronounced in T2 -weighted imaging that requires multiple radiofrequency pulses. To obtain T2 -weighted images with uniform contrast throughout the whole brain at 7 T, short (2-3 ms) 3D tailored radiofrequency pulses (kT -points) were integrated into a 3D variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence. METHODS: The excitation and refocusing "hard" pulses of a variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence were replaced with kT -point pulses. Spatially resolved extended phase graph simulations and in vivo acquisitions at 7 T, utilizing both single channel and parallel-transmit systems, were used to test different kT -point configurations. RESULTS: Simulations indicated that an extended optimized k-space trajectory ensured a more homogeneous signal throughout images. In vivo experiments showed that high quality T2 -weighted brain images with uniform signal and contrast were obtained at 7 T by using the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that T2 -weighted images devoid of artifacts resulting from B1 (+) inhomogeneity can be obtained at high field through the optimization of extended kT -point pulses. Magn Reson Med 71:1478-1488, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Fekete points are the points that maximize a Vandermonde-type determinant that appears in the polynomial Lagrange interpolation formula. They are well suited points for interpolation formulas and numerical integration. We prove the asymptotic equidistribution of Fekete points in the sphere. The way we proceed is by showing their connection to other arrays of points, the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund arrays and interpolating arrays, that have been studied recently.


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We present measurements of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in MORB glasses from Macquarie Island (SW. Pacific Ocean) coupled with determination of bulk H2O content by two independent techniques: total dehydration and FTIR. The incompatible trace elements in these glasses vary by a factor of 12 to 17, with K2O varying from 0.1 to 1.7 wt.%; these ranges reflect a variable degree of closed-system mantle melting, estimated from 1 to 15%. Water concentrations determined by the two techniques match well, yielding a range from 0.25 to 1.49 wt.% which correlates positively with all of the measured incompatible trace elements, suggesting that water is un-degassed, and behaves conservatively during mantle melting. Also, the agreement between the FTIR-determined and extracted water contents gives us confidence that the measured isotopic values of hydrogen reflect that of the mantle. Comparison of the range of water content with that of other incompatible trace elements allows estimation of the water partition coefficient in lherzolite, 0.0208 (ranging from 0.017 to 0.023), and the water content in the source, 386 ppm (ranging from 370 to 440 ppm). We observe a fairly narrow range in delta D and delta O-18 values of -75.5 +/- 4.5 parts per thousand and 5.50 +/- 0 .05 parts per thousand respectively, that can be explained by partial melting of normal lherzolitic mantle. The measured delta D and delta O-18 values of Macquarie Island glasses that range from nepheline- to hypersthene-normative, and from MORB to EMORB in composition, are identical to those in average global MORB. The observed lack of variation of delta D and delta O-18 with 1 to 15% degree of mantle melting is consistent with a bulk melting model of delta D and delta O-18 fractionation, in which water is rapidly scavenged into the first partial melt. The narrow ranges of delta D and delta O-18 in normal mantle are mostly due to the buffering effect of clino- and orthopyroxenes in the residual assemblage; additionally, fast ``wet'' diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes through the melting regions may further smooth isotopic differences. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Uusi EPR-reaktorikonsepti on suunniteltu selviytymään tapauksista, joissa reaktorinsydän sulaa ja sula puhkaisee paineastian. Suojarakennuksen sisälle on suunniteltu alue, jolle sula passiivisesti kerätään, pidätetään ja jäähdytetään. Alueelle laaditaan valurautaelementeistä ns.sydänsieppari, joka tulvitetaan vedellä. Sydänsulan tuottama jälkilämpö siirtyyveteen, mistä se poistetaan suojarakennuksen jälkilämmönpoistojärjestelmän kautta. Suuri osa lämmöstä poistuu sydänsulasta sen yläpuolella olevaan veteen, mutta lämmönsiirron tehostamiseksi myös sydänsiepparin alapuolelle on sijoitettu vedellä täytettävät jäähdytyskanavat. Jotta sydänsiepparin toiminta voitaisiin todentaa, on Lappeenrannan Teknillisellä Yliopistolla rakennettu Volley-koelaitteisto tätä tarkoitusta varten. Koelaitteisto koostuu kahdesta täysimittaisesta valuraudasta tehdystä jäähdytyskanavasta. Sydänsulan tuottamaa jälkilämpöä simuloidaan koelaitteistossa sähkövastuksilla. Tässä työssä kuvataan simulaatioiden suorittaminen ja vertaillaan saatuja arvoja mittaustuloksiin. Työ keskittyy sydänsiepparista jäähdytyskanaviin tapahtuvan lämmönsiirron teoriaan jamekanismeihin. Työssä esitetään kolme erilaista korrelaatiota lämmönsiirtokertoimille allaskiehumisen tapauksessa. Nämä korrelaatiot soveltuvat erityisesti tapauksiin, joissa vain muutamia mittausparametreja on tiedossa. Työn toinen osa onVolley 04 -kokeiden simulointi. Ensin käytettyä simulointitapaa on kelpoistettuvertaamalla tuloksia Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeisiin, joissa koetta voitiin jatkaa tasapainotilaan ja joissa jäähdytteen käyttäytyminen jäähdytyskanavassa on tallennettu myös videokameralla. Näiden simulaatioiden tulokset ovat hyvin samanlaisiakuin mittaustulokset. Korkeammilla lämmitystehoilla kokeissa esiintyi vesi-iskuja, jotka rikkoivat videoinnin mahdollistavia ikkunoita. Tämän johdosta osassa Volley 04 -kokeita ikkunat peitettiin metallilevyillä. Joitakin kokeita jouduttiin keskeyttämään laitteiston suurten lämpöjännitysten johdosta. Tällaisten testien simulaatiot eivät ole yksinkertaisia suorittaa. Veden pinnan korkeudesta ei ole visuaalista havaintoa. Myöskään jäähdytteen tasapainotilanlämpötiloista ei ole tarkkaa tietoa, mutta joitakin oletuksia voidaan tehdä samoilla parametreilla tehtyjen Volley 05 -kokeiden perusteella. Mittaustulokset Volley 04 ja 05 -kokeista, jotka on videoitu ja voitu ajaa tasapainotilaan saakka, antoivat simulaatioiden kanssa hyvin samankaltaisia lämpötilojen arvoja. Keskeytettyjen kokeiden ekstrapolointi tasapainotilaan ei onnistunut kovin hyvin. Kokeet jouduttiin keskeyttämään niin paljon ennen termohydraulista tasapainoa, ettei tasapainotilan reunaehtoja voitu ennustaa. Videonauhoituksen puuttuessa ei veden pinnan korkeudesta saatu lisätietoa. Tuloksista voidaan lähinnä esittää arvioita siitä, mitä suuruusluokkaa mittapisteiden lämpötilat tulevat olemaan. Nämä lämpötilat ovat kuitenkin selvästi alle sydänsiepparissa käytettävän valuraudan sulamislämpötilan. Joten simulaatioiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, etteivät jäähdytyskanavien rakenteet sula, mikäli niissä on pienikin jäähdytevirtaus, eikä useampia kuin muutama vierekkäinen kanava ole täysin kuivana.


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Résumé: Le complexe du Mont Collon (nappe de la Dent Blanche, Austroalpin) est l'un des exemples les mieux préservés du magmatisme mafique permien des Alpes occidentales. Il est composé d'affleurements discontinus et d'une stratification magmatique en son centre (Dents de Bertol) et est composé à 95% de roches mafiques cumulatives (gabbros à olivine et/ou cpx, anorthositiques, troctolites, wehrlites et wehrlites à plagioclase) et localement de quelques gabbros pegmatitiques. Ces faciès sont recoupés par de nombreux filons acides (aphtes, pegmatites quartziques, microgranodiorites et filons anorthositiques) et mafiques tardifs (dikes mélanocrates riches en Fe et Ti). Les calculs thermométriques (équilibre olivine-augite) montrent des températures de 1070-1120 ± 6°C, tandis que le thermomètre amphibole-plagioclase indique une température de 740 ± 40°C à 0.5 GPa pour les amphiboles magmatiques tardives. La geobarométrie sur pyroxène donne des pressions moyennes de 0.3-0.6 GPa, indiquant un emplacement dans la croûte moyenne. De plus, les températures obtenues sur des amphiboles coronitiques indiquent des températures de l'ordre de 700 ± 40°C confirmant que les réactions coronitiques apparaissent dans des conditions subsolidus. Les âges concordants U/Pb sur zircons de 284.2 ± 0.6 et 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma obtenus sur un gabbro pegmatitique et une pegmatitique quartzique, sont interprétés comme des âges de cristallisation. Les datations 40Ar/39Ar sur amphiboles des filons mélanocrates donnent un âge plateau de 260.2 ± 0.7 Ma, qui est probablement très proche de l'âge de cristallisation. Ainsi, cet age 40Ar/39Ar indique un second évènement magmatique au sein du complexe. Les compositions des roches totales en éléments majeurs et traces montrent peu de variations, ainsi que le Mg# (75-80). Les éléments traces enregistrent le caractère cumulatif des roches (anomalie positive en Eu) et révèlent des anomalies négatives systématiques en Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf et Ti dans les faciès basiques. Le manque de corrélation entre éléments majeurs et traces est caractéristique d'un processus de cristallisation in situ impliquant une quantité variable de liquide interstitiel (L) entre les phases cumulus. Les distributions des éléments traces dans les minéraux sont homogènes, indiquant une rééquilibration .subsolidus entre cristaux et liquide interstitiel. Un modèle quantitatif basé sur les équations de cristallisation in situ de Langmuir reproduisent correctement les concentrations en terres rares légères des minéraux cumulatifs montrant la présence de 0 à 35% de liquide interstitiel L pour des degrés de différenciation F de 0 à 45%, par rapport au faciès les moins évolués du complexe. En outre, les valeurs de L sont bien corrélées avec les proportions modales d'amphibole interstitielle et les concentrations en éléments incompatibles des roches (Zr, Nb). Le liquide parental calculé des cumulats du Mont Collon est caractérisé par un enrichissement relatif en terres rares légères et Th, un appauvrissement en terres rares lourdes typique d'une affinité transitionnelle (T-MORB) et une forte anomalie négative en Nb-Ta. Les roches cumulatives montrent des compositions isotopiques en Nd-Sr proches de la terre globale silicatée (BSE), soit 0.6<εNdi<+3.2, 0.7045<87Sr/86Sri<0.7056. Les rapports initiaux en Pb indiquent une source dans le manteau enrichi subcontinental lithosphérique, préalablement contaminé par des sédiments océaniques. Les dikes mélanocrates Fe-Ti sont représentatifs de liquides et ont des spectres de terres rares enrichis, une anomalie positive en Nb-Ta et des εNdi de +7, des 87Sr/86Sri de 0.703 et des rapports initiaux en Pb, similaires à ceux des basaltes d'île océanique, indiquant une source asthénosphérique modérément appauvrie. Ainsi, la fusion partielle du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental est induite par l'amincissement post-orogénique et la remontée de l'asthénosphère. Les filons mélanocrates proviennent, après délamination du manteau lithosphérique, de la fusion de l'asthénosphère. Abstract The early Permian Mont Collon mafic complex (Dent Blanche nappe, Austroalpine nappe system) is one of the best preserved examples of the Permian mafic magmatism in the Western Alps. It is composed of discontinuous exposures and a well-preserved magmatic layering (the Dents de Bertol cliff) crops out in the center part of the complex. It mainly consists of cumulative mafic rocks, which represent 95 vol-% of the mafic complex (ol- and cpx-bearing gabbros and rare anorthositic layers, troctolites, wehrlites and plagioclase-wehrlites) and locally pegmatitic gabbros. All these facies are crosscut by widespread acidic (aplites, quartz-rich pegmatites, microgranodiorites) and late mafic Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes. Olivine-augite thermometric calculations yield a range of 1070-1120 ± 6°C, while amphibole-plagioclase thermometer yields a temperature of 740 ± 40°C at 0.5 GPa. Pyroxene geobarometry points to a pressure of 0.3-0.6 GPa, indicating a middle crustal level of emplacement. Moreover, temperature calculations on the Mont Conon coronitic amphiboles indicate temperatures of 700 ± 40°C, close to those calculated for magmatic amphiboles. These temperatures confirm that coronitic reactions occurred at subsolidus conditions. ID-TIMS U/Pb zircon ages of 284.2 ± 0.6 and 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma obtained on a pegmatitic gabbro and a quartz-pegmatitic dike, respectively, were interpreted as the crystallization ages of these rocks. 40Ar/39Ar dating on amphiboles from Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes yields a plateau age of 260.2 ± 0.7 Ma, which is probably very close to the crystallization age. Consequently, this 40Ar/P39Ar age indicates a second magmatic event. Whole-rock major- and trace-element compositions show little variation across the whole intrusion and Mg-number stays within a narrow range (75-80). Trace-element concentrations record the cumulative nature of the rocks (e.g. positive Eu anomaly) and reveal systematic Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti negative anomalies for all basic facies. The lack of correlation between major and trace elements is characteristic of an in situ crystallization process involving variable amounts of interstitial liquid (L) trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distributions in minerals are homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in situ crystallization equation successfully reproduced the Rare Earth Element (REE) concentrations in cumulitic minerals. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 45%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. Furthermore, L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. The calculated parental melt of the Mont Collon cumulates is characterized by a relative enrichment in Light REE and Th, a depletion in Heavy REE, typical of a transitional affinity (T-MORB), and strong negative Nb-Ta anomaly. Cumulative rocks display Nd-Sr isotopic compositions close to the BSE (-0.6 < εNdi < +3.2, 0.7045 < 87Sr/86Sri < 0.7056). Initial Pb ratios point to an origin from the melting of an enriched subcontinental lithospheric mantle source, previously contaminated at the source by oceanic sediments. The contrasted alkaline Fe-Ti melanocratic dikes are representative of liquids. They display enriched fractionated REE patterns, a positive Nb-Ta anomaly and εNdi of +7, 87Sr/86Sri of 0.703 and initial Pb ratios, all reminiscent of Ocean Island Basalt-type rocks, pointing to a moderately


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Native plants and animals are a natural heritage threatened by one of the six greatest extinction events in Earth's history. Humans, through habitat transformation, exploitation, and species introductions, are driving this extinction event. To turn this tide, Speziale et al. (2014) suggest reducing human dependence on non-native species by increasing the use, harvest, planting, and raising of native species, thereby increasing their cultural and economic value. The search for new or under-appreciated uses of native species is laudable, especially if it helps protect them and contributes to local cultural diversity. Such efforts are arguably an inherent trait of human curiosity and entrepreneurship and are a central platform of popular movements such as slow foods and native gardening. However, Speziale et al.'s hypothesis - that using native species can protect them - is less simple than they suggest. We refute the idea of nativism that underpins Speziale et al.'s proposal and makes it poorly defensible and considered the unaddressed consequences of the proposal for people and for conservation.


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Given the cost constraints of the European health-care systems, criteria are needed to decide which genetic services to fund from the public budgets, if not all can be covered. To ensure that high-priority services are available equitably within and across the European countries, a shared set of prioritization criteria would be desirable. A decision process following the accountability for reasonableness framework was undertaken, including a multidisciplinary EuroGentest/PPPC-ESHG workshop to develop shared prioritization criteria. Resources are currently too limited to fund all the beneficial genetic testing services available in the next decade. Ethically and economically reflected prioritization criteria are needed. Prioritization should be based on considerations of medical benefit, health need and costs. Medical benefit includes evidence of benefit in terms of clinical benefit, benefit of information for important life decisions, benefit for other people apart from the person tested and the patient-specific likelihood of being affected by the condition tested for. It may be subject to a finite time window. Health need includes the severity of the condition tested for and its progression at the time of testing. Further discussion and better evidence is needed before clearly defined recommendations can be made or a prioritization algorithm proposed. To our knowledge, this is the first time a clinical society has initiated a decision process about health-care prioritization on a European level, following the principles of accountability for reasonableness. We provide points to consider to stimulate this debate across the EU and to serve as a reference for improving patient management.