879 resultados para Medical-Patient Relations
RESUMO - Os erros de medicação (EM) são uma das principais causas de eventos adversos, estimando-se serem as causas não relacionados com procedimentos cirúrgicos mais frequentes. Estes podem ser classificados por erros latentes ou erros ativos. Objetivos Definiram-se como principais objetivos deste estudo, determinar a prevalência de EM ativos num internamento hospitalar evitados e não evitados, nos momentos da prescrição escrita, transcrição, distribuição e administração, bem como a sua relação com algumas variáveis, como o Grupo farmacológico, Via de administração, Especialidade médica do prescritor e Área médica do médico responsável pelo episódio de internamento (MREI). Metodologia O estudo foi do tipo observacional descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, transversal com recrutamento prospetivo. Foi utilizado um instrumento de observação (check-list) para o registo de todos os EM e das variáveis em cada fase. Resultados Foram observadas 513 unidades amostrais com uma prevalência de 98,2% de EM, num total de 1655 erros dos quais 75% foram evitados. Nas variáveis Grupo farmacológico e Área médica do MREI não foram encontradas relações estatísticas relevantes. Obteve-se um OR=1,97 [1,18;3,27] para medicamentos orais quando comparados aos endovenosos nos erros de prescrição (EP) e um OR=7 [2,77;17,71] quando comparados com os endovenosos na transcrição dos Serviços Farmacêuticos (TSF). A anestesiologia apresentou um OR=0,41 [0,27;0,63] nos EP comparativamente às outras especialidades. Do total de EM observaram-se 30% de erros de prescrição (EP), 20% de erros na transcrição do internamento, 36% de erros na TSF, 2% de erros na distribuição e 12% de erros na administração. Os erros mais prevalentes foram a identificação do prescritor ilegível (16%) e a identificação do doente omissa na TSF (16%). Conclusão Apesar da elevada prevalência de EM observados, a maioria dos erros foram corrigidos e não chegaram ao doente. Tendo em conta os EM observados, a utilização de meios informáticos e o aumento da adesão dos enfermeiros ao procedimento de identificação dos doentes poderão permitir a redução do número de EM em cerca de 80%, reduzindo também a probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos adversos relacionados com os erros ativos na utilização de medicamentos.
A survey was done to determine the most common hospital accidents with biologically contaminated material among students at the Medical College of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Six hundred and ninety-four students (between fifth and twelfth semesters of the college course) answered the questionnaire individually. Three-hundred and forty-nine accidents were reported. The accident rate was found to be 33.9% in the third semester of the course, and increased over time, reaching 52.3% in the last semester. Sixty-three percent of the accidents were needlestick or sharp object injuries; 18.3% mucous membrane exposure; 16.6% were on the skin, and 1.7% were simultaneously on the skin and mucous membrane exposure. The contaminating substances were: blood (88.3%), vaginal secretion (1.7%), and others (9.1%). The parts of the body most frequently affected were: hands (67%), eyes (18.9%), mouth (1.7%), and others (6.3%). The procedures being performed when the accidents occurred were: suture (34.1%), applying anesthesia (16.6%), assisting surgery (8.9%), disposing of needles (8.6%), assisting delivery (6.3%), and others (25.9%). Forty-nine percent of those involved reported the accident to the accident control department. Of these 29.2% did not receive adequate medical assistance. Eight percent of those involved used antiretroviral drugs and of these 86% discontinued the treatment on receiving the Elisa method applied to the patient (HIV-negative); 6.4% discontinued the treatment due to its side-effects; and 16% completed the treatment.
Non-adherence is one of the primary obstacles to successful antiretroviral therapy in HIV+ patients worldwide. In Brazil, the Domiciliary Therapeutic Assistance is a multidisciplinary and integrated home-based assistance program provided for HIV+ patients confined in their homes due to physical deficiency. This study investigated ADT's ability to monitor and promote appropriate adherence to ARV therapy. Fifty-six individuals were recruited from three study groups: Group 1 - patients currently in the ADT program, Group 2 - 21 patients previously treated by the ADT program, and Group 3 - 20 patients who have always been treated using conventional ambulatory care. Using multivariable self-reporting to evaluate adherence, patients in the ADT program had significantly better adherence than patients in ambulatory care (F = 6.66, p = 0.003). This effect was independent of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as well as medical history. Patients in the ADT program also showed a trend towards greater therapeutic success than ambulatory patients. These results suggest the incorporation of characteristics of ADT in conventional ambulatory care as a strategy to increase adherence to ARV therapy.
RESUMO: Os indivíduos com doença mental grave, assim como os seus familiares, podem ser caracterizados como uma população em que ocorre uma combinação complexa de necessidades médicas e psicossociais, nomeadamente a nível do diagnóstico e do acesso aos serviços de saúde mental. A avaliação de necessidades pode fornecer informações importantes para o desenvolvimento de intervenções eficazes, tanto a nível da população como a nível individual. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as diferentes necessidades reportadas pelos pacientes com doença mental grave e seus familiares , assim como investigar as possíveis relações entre o estado de necessidades e as variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas. Simultaneamente, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sobrecarga familiar e a satisfação dos utentes com os serviços de saúde mental. Foi elaborado um estudo transversal, realizado numa amostra de conveniência de cinquenta díades de paciente/membro da família, seguidos em regime de ambulatório no Centro Nacional de Saúde Mental. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de avaliação um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala Breve de Avaliação Psiquiátrica (BPRS), o questionário de Avaliação de Necessidades de Camberwell (CAN), o Questionário de Avaliação do Envolvimento (IEQ) e a Escala de Verona de Satisfação com os Serviços (VSSS). As mais frequentes necessidades não-satisfeitas foram o ‘sofrimento psicológico’, as ‘atividades sociais’ e os ‘benefícios sociais’. O estudo mostrou uma sobrecarga significativa nas famílias que cuidam de pessoas com doença mental grave, que se correlacionou com as suas opiniões sobre as necessidades dos pacientes e teve um impacto negativo sobre o bem-estar psicológico. Os três mais importantes predictores de sofrimento psíquico em familiares foram o sexo, a situação laboral e a relação com o paciente. A avaliação da satisfação com os serviços revelou a existência de um hiato significativo entre os serviços prestados e os serviços desejados, reportados pelos pacientes e seus familiares. A maioria dos participantes do estudo desejavam ter um trabalho protegido, ou receber ajuda para encontrar emprego. Os resultados deste estudo poderão ser usados para fins de planeamento desenvolvimento e avaliação de serviços de saúde mental no Azerbeijão. Algumas recomendações sobre a melhoria dos serviços de saúde mental para pacientes com doença mental grave e suas famílias são feitas na secção final do trabalho.----------ABSTRACT: Patients suffering from severe mental illness, in addition to their family members, may be characterized as a population with a complex combination of medical and psychosocial needs, which are under-recognized and under-addressed by mental health services. At the same time, needs assessment provides important information necessary for developing effective interventions at both population and individual level. The study was aimed to determine various needs perceived by patients with SMI and their family members, as well as to find out possible relations between the needs and socio-demographic and clinical variables. Similarly the study was intended to evaluate family burden and users’ satisfaction with services. This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a convenience sample. Fifty dyads of a patient and family member applying for out-patient services to the National Mental Health Centre participated in the study. Sociodemographic questionnaire, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Camberwell Assessment of Need, Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire, and Verona Service Satisfaction Scale were used as assessment tools. The most prominent unmet needs reported by people with SMI and their relatives were psychological distress, social activities and welfare benefits. The study showed significant burden in families caring for people with SMI, which correlated with their views about patients’ needs and had a negative impact on the psychological well-being. The three most important predictors of psychological distress in family members were gender, employment status and relationship to patient. Evaluation of satisfaction with services pointed out the gap between provided and desired services reported by patients and their relatives. Most of study participants wished to have sheltered work, or receive help in finding employment. The results of this study may be used for the purposes of mental health service planning, development and evaluation in our country. Some recommendations on improvement of mental health services for patients with SMI and their families have been made in the conclusion.
RESUMO - Introdução: A Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 (DM2) tem uma elevada prevalência em todo o mundo, com impacto significativo a nível de Saúde Pública, na vida dos doentes e nos custos que lhe são associados. O Patiente Activation Measure 13 (PAM13) é um questionário que possibilita a avaliação das crenças, conhecimentos, motivação e capacidades de uma pessoa em relação à sua saúde; pelo que a sua utilização na DM2 é pertinente. Objetivos: Traduzir o PAM 13, versão curta, para Português de Portugal; Estabelecer as propriedades psicométricas da versão Portuguesa do PAM 13 (PAM13-P); Validar a PAM 13-P num grupo de pessoas com DM2. Material e métodos: O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural do questionário foi composto pelas fases: 1-Tradução, 2-Reconciliação e síntese, 3-Back translation, 4-Rever e sintetizar a Back translation, 5-Harmonização, 6-Revisão do comité de peritos, 7-Cognitive debriefing e 8-Avaliação final. Para validar o PAM13-P realizou-se um estudo observacional transversal analítico com uma amostra de conveniência, de pessoas com DM2, seguidas na Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal. O questionário foi de autopreenchimento e foi consultado o processo clínico para obtenção da HbA1c. O tratamento estatístico foi realizado através do SPSS 21® e Winsteps v3.8.1®. Resultados e discussão: O processo de tradução e adaptação cultural foi realizado de acordo com as guidelines. Foram realizados 3 painéis de e-Delphi, com 21 participantes de áreas distintas, tendo-se obtido bons níveis de concordância. As principais modificações realizadas ao questionário foram a simplificação da linguagem e dos itens, obtendo-se as equivalências necessárias. O PAM13-P foi aplicado a 201 pessoas, sendo que a taxa de resposta foi de 83%. Na amostra analisada 57.3% eram homens. Obtiveram-se as médias de idade 67.1 anos e de duração de diabetes 17.3 anos. A média do score do PAM foi 58.5±10.1(41.8-90.5) pontos e 49,7% da amostra estava no nível 3 de ativação. Relativamente aos itens verificou-se que os itens mais difíceis foram o 13(56.1) e o 8(55.4) e o com menor dificuldade foi 4(38.5). As categorias de resposta tiveram um bom ajuste ao Modelo de Rasch. O ajustamento dos itens foi infit entre 0.779-1.177 e outfit entre 0.794-1.315. A fiabilidade dos indivíduos variou entre 0.77(real) e 0.83(modelo) e dos itens foi de 0.97 (real e modelo). O Alfa de Cronbach foi bom (α=0.82). Estas estatísticas foram semelhantes aos da validação do PAM13. Existiu uma relação entre o score do PAM e os itens de validação em 51%. Das variáveis analisadas, existia um relação do nível de ativação com a idade e com a HbA1c. Conclusões: O PAM13-P foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente para Português e foi validado em pessoas com DM2, sendo as propriedades psicométricas boas.
This paper studies the effects of reimbursement for medical tourism within the European Union. We use a spatial competition framework to study the effects on prices, qualities and patient flows between two countries. Patient mobility increases with the implementation of reimbursement mechanisms. The resulting equilibria in prices and qualities depend on the rule of reimbursements and possible differences in country specific parameters. Soft budget constraints that public providers may have, pose a competitive advantage over private providers and divert demand toward the former. Supranational coordination concerning soft budgets constraints is needed to address the potentially detrimental effects on aggregate welfar
The treatment of malignant or benign colorectal pathologies that require more complex management are priorities in tertiary hospitals such as "Hospital das Clínicas" University of São Paulo Medical Center (HCFMUSP). Therefore, benign, uncomplicated orifice conditions are relegated to second place. The number of patients with hemorrhoids, perianal fistulas, fissures, condylomas and pilonidal cysts who seek treatment at the HFMUSP is very great, resulting in over-crowding in the outpatient clinics and a long waiting list for recommended surgical treatment (at times over 18 months). The authors describe the experience of the HCFMUSP over an eight-day period with day-hospital surgery in which 140 patients underwent surgery. Data was prospectively taken on the patients undergoing surgery for benign orifice pathologies including age, sex, diagnosis, surgery performed, immediate and late postoperative complications, and follow-up. 140 patients operated on over eight days were studied. 68 were males (48.75%) with ages ranging from 25 to 62 (mean 35.2 yrs.). Hemorrhoids was the most frequent condition encountered (82 hemorrhoidectomies, 58.6%), followed by perineal fistula (28 fistula repairs, 20.0%). The most common complication was headache secondary to rachianesthesia occurring in 9 patients (6.4%). One patient (0.7%) developed bleeding immediately PO that required reoperation. Mean follow-up was 104 days. Day-surgery characterized by quality care and low morbidity is feasible in tertiary public hospitals, permitting surgery for benign orifice pathologies on many patients within a short period of time.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate and characterize the professional stereotypes associated with general medicine and surgery among Brazilian medical residents. METHODS: A randomized sample of residents of the General Medicine and Surgery Residence Programs were interviewed and their perceptions and views of general and surgical doctors were compared. RESULTS: The general practitioner was characterized by the residents in general to be principally a sensitive and concerned doctor with a close relationship with the patient; (45%); calm, tranquil, and balanced (27%); with intellectual skills (25%); meticulous and attentive to details (23%); slow to resolve problems and make decisions (22%); and working more with probabilities and hypotheses (20%). The surgeon was considered to be practical and objective (40%); quickly resolving problems (35%); technical with manual skills (23%); omnipotent, arrogant, and domineering (23%); anxious, stressed, nervous, and temperamental (23%); and more decided, secure, and courageous (20%). Only the residents of general medicine attributed the surgeon with less knowledge of medicine and only the surgeons attributed gender characteristics to their own specialty. CONCLUSION: There was considerable similarity in the description of a typical general practitioner and surgeon among the residents in general, regardless of the specialty they had chosen. It was interesting to observe that these stereotypes persist despite the transformations in the history of medicine, i.e. the first physicians (especially regarding the valorization of knowledge) and the first surgeons, so-called "barber surgeons" in Brazil (associated with less knowledge and the performance of high-risk procedures).
Infertility affects up to 15% of the sexually active population, and in 50% of cases, a male factor is involved, either as a primary problem or in combination with a problem in the female partner. Because many commonly encountered drugs and medications can have a detrimental effect on male fertility, the medical evaluation should include a discussion regarding the use of recreational and illicit drugs, medications, and other substances that may impair fertility. With the knowledge of which drugs and medications may be detrimental to fertility, it may be possible to modify medication regimens or convince a patient to modify habits to decrease adverse effects on fertility and improve the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy. Concern is growing that male sexual development and reproduction have changed for the worse over the past 30 to 50 years. Although some reports find no changes, others suggest that sperm counts appear to be decreasing and that the incidence of developmental abnormalities such as hypospadias and cryptorchidism appears to be increasing, as is the incidence of testicular cancer. These concerns center around the possibility that our environment is contaminated with chemicals - both natural and synthetic - that can interact with the endocrine system.
The Childhood protection is a subject with high value for the society, but, the Child Abuse cases are difficult to identify. The process from suspicious to accusation is very difficult to achieve. It must configure very strong evidences. Typically, Health Care services deal with these cases from the beginning where there are evidences based on the diagnosis, but they aren’t enough to promote the accusation. Besides that, this subject it’s highly sensitive because there are legal aspects to deal with such as: the patient privacy, paternity issues, medical confidentiality, among others. We propose a Child Abuses critical knowledge monitor system model that addresses this problem. This decision support system is implemented with a multiple scientific domains: to capture of tokens from clinical documents from multiple sources; a topic model approach to identify the topics of the documents; knowledge management through the use of ontologies to support the critical knowledge sensibility concepts and relations such as: symptoms, behaviors, among other evidences in order to match with the topics inferred from the clinical documents and then alert and log when clinical evidences are present. Based on these alerts clinical personnel could analyze the situation and take the appropriate procedures.
In Intensive Medicine, the presentation of medical information is done in many ways, depending on the type of data collected and stored. The way in which the information is presented can make it difficult for intensivists to quickly understand the patient's condition. When there is the need to cross between several types of clinical data sources the situation is even worse. This research seeks to explore a new way of presenting information about patients, based on the timeframe in which events occur. By developing an interactive Patient Timeline, intensivists will have access to a new environment in real-time where they can consult the patient clinical history and the data collected until the moment. The medical history will be available from the moment in which patients is admitted in the ICU until discharge, allowing intensivist to examine data regarding vital signs, medication, exams, among others. This timeline also intends to, through the use of information and models produced by the INTCare system, combine several clinical data in order to help diagnose the future patients’ conditions. This platform will help intensivists to make more accurate decision. This paper presents the first approach of the solution designed
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)
OBJECTIVE - To describe clinical observations of marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction in a medical office environment under circumstances differing from those in study protocols and multicenter studies performed in hospital or with outpatient cohorts. METHODS - Eleven cardiac failure patients with marked ventricular dysfunction receiving treatment at a doctors office between 1994 and 1999 were studied. Their ages ranged from 20 and 66 years (mean 39.42±14.05 years); 7 patients were men, 4 were women. Cardiopathic etiologies were arterial hypertension in 5 patients, peripartum cardiomyopathy in 2, nondefined myocarditis in 2, and alcoholic cardiomyopathy in 4. Initial echocardiograms revealed left ventricular dilatation (average diastolic diameter, 69.45±8.15mm), reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (0.38±0.08) and left atrial dilatation (43.36±5.16mm). The therapeutic approach followed consisted of patient orientation, elimination of etiological or causal factors of cardiac failure, and prescription of digitalis, diuretics, and angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors. RESULTS - Following treatment, left ventricular ejection fraction changed to 0.63±0.09; left ventricular diameters changed to 57.18±8.13mm, and left atrium diameters changed to 37.27±8.05mm. Maximum improvement was noted after 16.9±8.63 (6 to 36) months. CONCLUSION - Patients with serious cardiac failure and ventricular dysfunction caused by hypertension, alcoholism, or myocarditis can experience marked improvement in ventricular dysfunction after undergoing appropriate therapy within the venue of the doctor's office.