886 resultados para Marginal areas
Although ultrathin Au nanowires (similar to 2 nm diameter) are expected to demonstrate several interesting properties, their extreme fragility has hampered their use in potential applications. One way to improve the stability is to grow them on substrates; however, there is no general method to grow these wires over large areas. The existing methods suffer from poor coverage and associated formation of larger nanoparticles on the substrate. Herein, we demonstrate a room temperature method for growth of these nanowires with high coverage over large areas by in situ functionalization of the substrate. Using control experiments, we demonstrate that an in situ functionalization of the substrate is the key step in controlling the areal density of the wires on the substrate. We show that this strategy works for a variety of substrates ranging like graphene, borosil glass, Kapton, and oxide supports. We present initial results on catalysis using the wires grown on alumina and silica beads and also extend the method to lithography-free device fabrication. This method is general and may be extended to grow ultrathin Au nanowires on a variety of substrates for other applications.
The loss of tropical forests and associated biodiversity is a global concern. Conservation efforts in tropical countries such as India have mostly focused on state-administered protected areas despite the existence of vast tracts of forest outside these areas. We studied hornbills (Bucerotidae), an ecologically important vertebrate group and a flagship for tropical forest conservation, to assess the importance of forests outside protected areas in Arunachal Pradesh, north-east India. We conducted a state-wide survey to record encounters with hornbills in seven protected areas, six state-managed reserved forests and six community-managed unclassed forests. We estimated the density of hornbills in one protected area, four reserved forests and two unclassed forests in eastern Arunachal Pradesh. The state-wide survey showed that the mean rate of encounter of rufous-necked hornbills Aceros nipalensis was four times higher in protected areas than in reserved forests and 22 times higher in protected areas than in unclassed forests. The mean rate of encounter of wreathed hornbills Rhyticeros undulatus was twice as high in protected areas as in reserved forests and eight times higher in protected areas than in unclassed forests. The densities of rufous-necked hornbill were higher inside protected areas, whereas the densities of great hornbill Buceros bicornis and wreathed hornbill were similar inside and outside protected areas. Key informant surveys revealed possible extirpation of some hornbill species at sites in two protected areas and three unclassed forests. These results highlight a paradoxical situation where individual populations of hornbills are being lost even in some legally protected habitat, whereas they continue to persist over most of the landscape. Better protection within protected areas and creative community-based conservation efforts elsewhere are necessary to maintain hornbill populations in this biodiversity-rich region.
In this paper, the importance of investigation on terrestrical processes in arid areas for mankind's living environment protection and local economy development as well as its present state of the art are elucidated. A coupling model, which evaluates heat, mass, momentum and radiative fluxes in the SPAC system, is developed for simulating microclimate over plant and bare soil. Especially, it is focussed on the details of turbulence transfer. For illustration, numerical simulation of the water-heat exchange processes at Shapotou Observatory, GAS, Ninxia Province are conducted, and the computational results show that the laws of land-surface processes are rather typical in the arid areas.
Con el objeto de estudiar el comportamiento de (Helminthoporium oryzae L ) en áreas foliares y de panoja en arroz, (Oryza satyva ) se establecieron ensayos donde se estudiaron comportamiento de (Helminthoporium oryzae L ) , organismos asociados al manchado del grano de arroz, la influencia de las condiciones ambientales ante el desarrollo de las enfermedades y su efecto en el rendimiento. Se seleccionaron 2 parcelas en una finca ubicada en el municipio de Sébaco, una parcela con tecnología propia del productor llamada parcela “a” y otra parcela con tres tipos de tratamientos y un testigo, llamada parcela “b”. En la parcela con condiciones del productor se seleccionaron cinco sitios con un área de un metro cuadrado cada sitio donde se realizaron lecturas visuales de severidad. En esta parcela se dio un manejo propio del productor que consistió en aplicar Benlate mas Mancozeb. una aplicación a la semilla ant es de la siembra(pre germinación) y tres aplicaciones cada 30 días en el cultivo ya establecido y una aplicación de Mancozeb 93 días después de la siembra. En la parcela “b” se establecieron cuatro tratamientos con diferentes mezclas de fungicidas y diferentes momentos de aplicación, siendo estos tratamientos Mancozeb más Benlate, aplicado cada 30 días (tratamiento bajo), Mancozeb más Benlate aplicado cada 15 días (tratamiento medio), Hinosan y Mancozeb, aplicado de forma alterna cada10 días (tratamiento alto) y un testigo con cero aplicación. Al igual que el tratamiento productor en cada uno de estos tratamientos se estableció cinco sitios cada sitio con un área de 1m 2 , en las cuales se realizaron lecturas visuales de severidad. En cada una de los Tratamientos se realizaron trece lecturas visuales de severidad a partir de los l4 días después de la siembra, trece lecturas realizadas en hojas y cuatro lecturas en panojas a un intervalo de una vez por semana, además se recolectó información concerniente al nivel tecnológico y manejo agronómico. Al momento de aparecer los síntomas de la enfermedad se tomaron muestras y se estudió el comportamiento de (Helminthosporium oryzae L ) y en condiciones de laboratorio se diagnosticó el agente patógeno asociado al manchado de grano.. Este ensayo se realizó bajo condiciones de riego y con la tecnología de preparación de suelo en fangueo directo, la siembra se hizo con semilla pregerminada con la modalidad de siembra al voleo con semilla de variedad Altamira 9. Las variables estudiadas fueron: Promedio de severidad de la enfermedad en hojas y panojas, determinación del patógeno asociado al manchado del grano, crecimiento del patógeno en condiciones de laboratorio, porcentaje de germinación y producción total. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de las variables estudiadas fueron analizados por el sistema de análisis estadístico (SAS) y los resultados económicos se obtuvieron a través de un presupuesto parcial. El análisis estadístico realizado en lecturas de severidad muestran que hay diferencia significativa en hoja no siendo así para panoja. El análisis estadístico para rendimiento da no significativo y el análisis del presupuesto parcial da al tratamiento testigo, como el único tratamiento no dominado.
Se evaluó la diversidad, estructura y fenología de la flora en las áreas verdes del Aeropuerto Internacional Augusto C. Sandino con el fin de determinar las especies que son atractivas para fauna silvestre de peligro para la aviación, sea por que les provee de alimento o de refugio y hábitat. Y por otro lado, brindar recomendaciones sobre especies con potencial para formar parte de las áreas verdes del aeropuerto. Para ello, se establecieron parcelas anidadas de 2 x 2 m, 5 x 5 m y 10 x 10 m en las cuales se tomaron los datos en los estratos herbáceos, arbustivos y arbóreos respectivamente. Las parcelas se establecieron aleatoriamente en tres sitios dentro del aeropuerto: en el bosque seco al oeste del aeropuerto (BSO), en la Fuerza Aérea (FA) y en el área verde alrededor de la pista de aterrizaje (AVP). Dentro de las parcelas se contaron 117 árboles en todos los sitios, los cuales estaban agrupados en 11 especies, 10 géneros, 8 familias y 4 órdenes. Las especies arbóreas de mayor densidad fueron: Calycophyllum candidissimum(450 individuos/ ha), Albizia niopides (344), Azadirachta indica (289) y Senna siamea (261) y el sitio que presento mayor diversidad y densidad de árboles fue FA. Fueron contados 36 individuos de arbustos, pertenecientes a las especiesCapsicum annum (1) yLantana camara (35). En cuanto a especies herbáceas se contaron 11,845 individuos dentro de las unidades de muestreo, agrupados en 28 especies, 23 géneros, 14 familias y 13 órdenes, siendo el AVP el sitio que registró mayor diversidad y densidad de las mismas. Las especies herbáceas con mayores densidades fueron Cenchrus brownii (256,282.05 individuos/ha), Cynodon dactylon (141,538.46), Digitaria decumbens(106,794.87), Bothriochloa pertusa(51,282.05), Elytaria imbricada (38,846.15) y Panicum maximum (30,192.31). De las 41 especies vegetales, se determinó la fenología completa para 3�, de estas, 6 (�9.35%) florecen y fructifican todo el año:Cordia dentata, Boerhavia erecta, Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, Eleucine indica, Melanthera nivea y Rhynchosia minima. Entre las especies arbóreas mayormente atractivas para la fauna silvestre se determinaron: Albizia niopoides, Manguifera indica, Spondias mombin, Cordia dentata, Guazuma ulmifoliay Calycophyllum candidissimum al ser considerados proveedores de alimentos y refugio a la fauna silvestre, por sus frutos, flores con abundante néctar, copas con poca obstrucción visual (alta densidad de hojas) y ramificaciones horizontales propias para el perchaje de las aves de alto tamaño. Dentro de la vegetación herbáceas se determinaron especies como Tridax procumbensy Tribulus terrestis formando densos tapetes de vegetación con flores atractivas para insectos en el período seco, los cuales a la vez eran focos de atracción para aves insectívoras como: Hirundus rustica (Golondrinas), Quiscalus mexicanus (Zanate), Molotrus aeneus (Tordos), Egretta thula (Garza blanca) que permanecen en las áreas verdes alrededor de la pista de aterrizaje y que peligran colisionar con los aviones. Por otra parte, las especies de la familia Poaceae fueron registradas como proveedoras de granos a las aves del grupo de las Columbidae (Palomas). Especies de gramíneas de gran porte como Panicum maximum, P. antidotale, Sorgum halapensis, además de poseer semillas grandes (>0.3 cm), formaban corredores por donde se desplazan mamífero medianos, reptiles y aves. Dentro del mismo áreas se determinaron dos especies (B. pertusay C. dactylon) que por su baja estatura (menos de 0.3 m), reproducción vegetativa y semillas muy pequeña o ausentes, son ideales para establecer en los alrededores de la pista de aterrizaje. Mediante un ensayo se evaluó su establecimiento, el cual resulto satisfactorio al competir y ganar espacio ante otras monocotiledones y dicotiledonesas, principalmente C. dactylon
In the present paper, we have elucidated the importance of energy and water cycling in arid areas to investigate global climate and local economics. Then, we were concerned with the physical arguments as how to stratify the soil, and the stability of the numerical scheme in the mathematical model for predicting temperature variation and water motion. Furthermore, we discuss the methods to estimate evaporation in arid areas. Numerical simulation of energy and water cycling at the Acsu Observatory, CAS, Xinjiang province and Shapuotou Observatory, CAS, Ningxia Province are conducted as case studies. The results show that the laws of terrestrial processes are rather typical in these arid areas. Planting drought-endurable trees can alleviate unfavourable conditions to a certain extent. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Foreword SESSION 1 Evidence and Consequences of Decadal-Scale Climate Variation in the Okhotsk Sea and Northwestern Pacific Ocean SESSION 2 Physical and Chemical Processes in the Okhotsk Sea and Northwestern Pacific Ocean SESSION 3 Biological Variability: Evidence and Consequences SESSION 4 Anthropogenic Impacts on the Okhotsk Sea Ecosystem(s) (265 page document)
Table of Contents [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Preface [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Masaaki Aota Long-term tendencies of sea ice concentration and air temperature in the Okhotsk Sea coast of Hokkaido [pdf, 0.05 Mb] Hajime Ito & Miki Yoshioka Geography of the seasonally ice covered seas [pdf, 0.5 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Victor F. Putov On wind and tide induced sea-ice drift on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island (analysis of radar data) [pdf, 0.96 Mb] Boris S. Dyakov, A.A. Nikitin, L. S. Muktepavel & T.A. Shatilina Variability of the Japan and Okhotsk Seas ice cover depending on geopotential field H500 over the Far-Eastern region [pdf, 0.10 Mb] Aleksandr G. Petrov & Nikolay A. Rykov Intermediate cold layer and ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk [pdf, 0.37 Mb] Vladimir Ponomarev, Olga Trusenkova, Elena Ustinova & Dmitry Kaplunenko Interannual variations of oceanographic and meteorological characteristics in the Sea of Okhotsk [pdf, 0.16 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Akie Kato Seasonal and interannual changes of atmospheric pressure, air and water temperature in the area of the Kuril Ridge [pdf, 0.13 Mb] George V. Shevchenko & Vladimir Yu. Saveliev Spatial variability of the wind field in the area of the Kuril Islands [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Alexander L. Figurkin & Igor A. Zhigalov Seasonal variability and specifity of the oceanological conditions in the northern Okhotsk Sea in 1997 [pdf, 1.04 Mb] Igor A. Zhabin Ventilation of the upper portion of the intermediate water in the Okhotsk Sea [pdf, 0.80 Mb] Vladimir A. Luchin & Alexander L. Figurkin Oceanographic conditions over the Kashevarov Bank [pdf, 0.61 Mb] Toshiyuki Awaji, Tomohiro Nakamura, Takaki Hatayama, Kazunori Akimoto & Takatoshi Takizawa Tidal exchange through the Kuril Straits [pdf, 2.01 Mb] Tomohiro Nakamura, Toshiyuki Awaji, Takaki Hatayama, Kazunori Akimoto, Takatoshi Takizawa & Masao Fukasawa Vertical mixing induced by tidally generated internal waves in the Kuril Straits [pdf, 0.83 Mb] Katsuro Katsumata & Ichiro Yasuda Water exchange between the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific Ocean estimated by simple models [pdf, 0.97 Mb] Konstantin A. Rogachev Oyashio west path culmination as the consequence of a rapid thermohaline transition in the Pacific Subarctic [pdf, 0.22 Mb] Yasuhiro Kawasaki On the year-to-year change in subarctic water characteristics around the Kuril Islands [pdf, 0.39 Mb] Alexander L. Figurkin & Evgeniy E. Ovsyannikov Influence of oceanological conditions of the West Kamchatka shelf waters on spawning grounds and on pollock egg distribution [pdf, 0.97 Mb] Igor E. Kochergin & Alexander A. Bogdanovsky Transport and turbulence characteristics for the northeastern Sakhalin shelf conditions [pdf, 0.08 Mb] Igor E. Kochergin, Alexander A. Bogdanovsky, Valentina D. Budaeva, Vyacheslav G. Makarov, Vasily F. Mishukov, S.N. Ovsienko, Victor F. Putov, L.A. Reitsema, J.W. Sciallabba, O.O. Sergucheva & P.V. Yarosh Modeling of oil spills for the shelf conditions of northeastern Sakhalin [pdf, 0.32 Mb] Valentina D. Budaeva & Vyacheslav G. Makarov A peculiar water regime of currents in the area of eastern Sakhalin shelf [pdf, 0.66 Mb] Nikolay A. Rykov The oceanographic databases on the Sakhalin shelf [pdf, 0.27 Mb] Akifumi Nakata, Iori Tanaka, Hiroki Yagi, Tomomi Watanabe, Gennady A. Kantakov & Andrew D. Samatov Formation of high-density water (over 26.8 sigma-t) near the La Perouse Strait (the Soya Strait) [pdf, 0.09 Mb] Minoru Odamaki & Kouji Iwamoto Currents and tidal observations by Hydrographic Department of Maritime Safety Agency, off the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido [pdf, 0.16 Mb] Yasushi Fukamachi, Genta Mizuta, Kay I. Ohshima, Motoyo Itoh, Masaaki Wakatsuchi & Masaaki Aota Mooring measurements off Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido in 1997-1998 [pdf, 0.19 Mb] Mikhail A. Danchenkov, David Aubrey & Stephen C. Riser Oceanographic features of the La Perouse Strait [pdf, 0.91 Mb] Iori Tanaka & Akifumi Nakata Results of direct current measurements in the La Perouse Strait (the Soya Strait), 1995-1998 [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Gennady A. Kantakov & George V. Shevchenko In situ observations of Tsushima and West-Sakhalin currents near La Perouse (Soya) Strait [pdf, 0.79 Mb] Irina Y. Bragina Geographical and biological characteristics of the net zooplankton in the southwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk during 1987-1996 [pdf, 0.27 Mb] List of corresponding authors [pdf, 0.01 Mb] (Document pdf contains 193 pages)
Preface [pdf, 0.01 Mb] James J. O'Brien The big picture - The ENSO of 1997-98 [pdf, 0.01 Mb] James E. Overland, Nicholas A. Bond & Jennifer Miletta Adams Atmospheric anomalies in 1997: Links to ENSO? [pdf, 0.54 Mb] Vladimir I. Ponomarev, Olga Trusenkova, Serge Trousenkov, Dmitry Kaplunenko, Elena Ustinova & Antonina Polyakova The ENSO signal in the northwest Pacific [pdf, 0.47 Mb] Robert L. Smith, A. Huyer, P.M. Kosro & J.A. Barth Observations of El Niño off Oregon: July 1997 to present (October 1998) [pdf, 1.31 Mb] Patrica A. Wheeler & Jon Hill Biological effects of the 1997-1998 El Niño event off Oregon: Nutrient and chlorophyll distributions [pdf, 1.13 Mb] William T. Peterson Hydrography and zooplankton off the central Oregon coast during the 1997-1998 El Niño event [pdf, 0.26 Mb] William Crawford, Josef Cherniawsky, Michael Foreman & Peter Chandler El Niño sea level signal along the west coast of Canada [pdf, 1.25 Mb] Howard J. Freeland & Rick Thomson The El Niño signal along the west coast of Canada - temperature, salinity and velocity [pdf, 0.49 Mb] Frank A. Whitney, David L. Mackas, David W. Welch & Marie Robert Impact of the 1990s El Niños on nutrient supply and productivity of Gulf of Alaska waters [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Craig McNeil, David Farmer & Mark Trevorrow Dissolved gas measurements at Stn. P4 during the 97-98 El Niño [pdf, 0.13 Mb] Kristen L.D. Milligan, Colin D. Levings & Robert E. DeWreede Data compilation and preliminary time series analysis of abundance of a dominant intertidal kelp species in relation to the 1997/1998 El Niño event [pdf, 0.05 Mb] S.M. McKinnell, C.C. Wood, M. Lapointe, J.C. Woodey, K.E. Kostow, J. Nelson & K.D. Hyatt Reviewing the evidence that adult sockeye salmon strayed from the Fraser River and spawned in other rivers in 1997 [pdf,0.03 Mb] G.A. McFarlane & R.J. Beamish Sardines return to British Columbia waters [pdf, 0.34 Mb] Ken H. Morgan Impact of the 1997/98 El Niño on seabirds of the northeast Pacific [pdf, 0.06 Mb] Thomas C. Royer & Thomas Weingartner Coastal hydrographic responses in the northern Gulf of Alaska to the 1997-98 ENSO event [pdf, 0.76 Mb] John F. Piatt, Gary Drew, Thomas Van Pelt, Alisa Abookire, April Nielsen, Mike Shultz & Alexander Kitaysky Biological effects of the 1997/98 ENSO in Cook Inlet, Alaska [pdf, 0.22 Mb] H.J. Niebauer The 1997-98 El Niño in the Bering Sea as compared with previous ENSO events and the "regime shift" of the late 1970s [pdf, 0.10 Mb] A.S. Krovnin, G.P. Nanyushin, M.Yu. Kruzhalov, G.V. Khen, M.A. Bogdanov, E.I. Ustinova, V.V. Maslennikov, A.M. Orlov, B.N. Kotenev, V.V. Bulanov & G.P. Muriy The state of the Far East seas during the 1997/98 El Niño event [pdf, 0.15 Mb] Stacy Smith & Susan Henrichs Phytoplankton collected by a time-series sediment trap deployed in the southeast Bering Sea during 1997 [pdf, 0.21 Mb] Cynthia T. Tynan Redistributions of cetaceans in the southeast Bering Sea relative to anomalous oceanographic conditions during the 1997 El Niño [pdf, 0.02 Mb] Akihiko Yatsu, Junta Mori, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Tomowo Watanabe, Kazuya Nagasawa, Yikimasa Ishida, Toshimi Meguro, Yoshihiko Kamei & Yasunori Sakurai Stock abundance and size compositions of the neon flying squid in the central North Pacific Ocean during 1979-1998 [pdf, 0.11 Mb] O.B. Feschenko A new point of view concerning the El Niño mechanism [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Nathan Mantua 97/98 Ocean climate variability in the northeast Pacific: How much blame does El Niño deserve? [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Vadim P. Pavlychev Sharp changes of hydrometeorological conditions in the northwestern Pacific during the 1997/1998 El Niño event [pdf, 0.01 Mb] Jingyi Wang Predictability and forecast verification of El Niño events [pdf, 0.01 Mb] (Document contains 110 pages)