366 resultados para Maladaptive cognitions


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Challenging behaviours may elicit negative emotional reactions and increase stress within care staff. The Leeds Attributional Coding System (LACS) was used to elicit spontaneous causal attributions of staff toward hypothetical clients with challenging behaviours. It was hypothesized that there would be relationships (1) between staff exposure to challenging behaviours and burnout, and (2) between staff cognitions and burnout. Using a cross-sectional correlational design, 41 care staff took part in a 10 minute interview about two vignettes depicting self-injurious behaviour. Staff also completed measures of demographic information and burnout. Participants made attributions toward self-injurious behaviour that were typically internal to the client, uncontrollable, unstable and specific.There was a significant association between number of clients cared for and emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment. Staff who made fewer stable attributions had higher levels of burnout. There were no other relationships found between staff cognition and burnout. The LACS can be successfully employed in this context, and may have some benefits over other methods. Future research is required to explore the relationship between cognition and burnout.


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Repeated exposure to pain can result in sensitization of the central nervous system, enhancing subsequent pain and potentially leading to chronicity. The ability to reverse this sensitization in a top-down manner would be of tremendous clinical benefit, but the degree that this can be accomplished volitionally remains unknown. Here we investigated whether a brief (~5 min) cognitive-behavioural intervention could modify pain perception and reduce central sensitization (as reflected by secondary hyperalgesia). In each of 8 sessions, 2 groups of healthy human subjects received a series of painful thermal stimuli that resulted in secondary hyperalgesia. One group (regulate) was given brief pain-focused cognitive training at each session, while the other group (control) received a non-pain-focused intervention. The intervention selectively reduced pain unpleasantness but not pain intensity in the regulate group. Furthermore, secondary hyperalgesia was significantly reduced in the regulate group compared with the control group. Reduction in secondary hyperalgesia was associated with reduced pain catastrophizing, suggesting that changes in central sensitization are related to changes in pain-related cognitions. Thus, we demonstrate that central sensitization can be modified volitionally by altering pain-related thoughts.


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Background and Aims Compulsive Internet Use (CIU) describes a maladaptive relationship with the Internet characterised by loss of control and conflict. Although also affecting adults, most studies use teenage samples, and theoretical development on risk factors is scarce. According to Davis (2001), the social connectivity function of the Internet is key in identifying traits associated with CIU. Since Self-Concept Clarity (SCC) is strongly related to social anxiety, and virtual interactions allow “self-edition”, we hypothesized that individuals low in SCC could choose virtual interactions as safer alternative to satisfy their social needs. This could in turn increase the risk of CIU. Building on a previous study, we also expected CIU to be more harmful in the unemployed. Methods We collected samples from the UK (N = 532) and US (N = 502) with equal distribution of employed and unemployed individuals. We ran Measurement Invariance tests to confirm that the constructs were equivalent across countries. Subsequently, we conducted mediation and moderation analysis to test our hypothesis with Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Results Measurement Invariance was confirmed. The relationship between SCC and CIU was partially mediated by preference of virtual interactions in both countries. This preference was significantly related to lower social support. Short term unemployment seemed to accentuate the negative impact of CIU on life satisfaction in both countries, although only marginally significantly in the US. The unemployed reported significantly lower levels of life satisfaction. Conclusion We demonstrated that SCC is a key vulnerability factor to CIU in adults, and confirmed the additional risks for the unemployed.


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In this study, we investigated the oxidative stress influence in some prosurvival and proapoptotic proteins after myocardial infarction (MI). Male Wistar rats were divided in two groups: Sham-operated (control) and MI. MI was induced by left coronary artery occlusion. 28-days after surgery, echocardiographic, morphometric, and hemodynamic parameters were evaluated. Redox status (reduced to oxidized glutathione ratio, GSH/GSSG) and hydrogen peroxide levels (H(2)O(2)) were measured in heart tissue. The p-ERK/ERK, p-Akt/Akt, p-mTOR/mTOR and p-GSK-3 beta/GSK-3 beta ratios, as well as apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) myocardial protein expression were quantified by Western blot. MI group showed an increase in cardiac hypertrophy (23%) associated with a decrease in ejection fraction (38%) and increase in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (82%) when compared to control, characterizing ventricular dysfunction. Redox status imbalance was seen in MI animals, as evidenced by the decrease in the GSH/GSSG ratio (30%) and increased levels of H(2)O(2) (45%). This group also showed an increase in the ERK phosphorylation and a reduction of Akt and mTOR phosphorylation when compared to control. Moreover, we showed a reduction in the GSK-3 beta phosphorylation and an increase in AIF protein expression in MI group. Taken together, our results show increased H(2)O(2) levels and cellular redox imbalance associated to a higher p-ERK and AIF immunocontent, which would contribute to a maladaptive hypertrophy phenotype.


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Os mecanismos de defesa representam uma dimensão importante da estrutura da personalidade e do funcionamento psicodinâmico, sendo uma das formas de medir como o indivíduo habitualmente responde aos estressores. O estudo dos mecanismos de defesa utilizados por pacientes com Transtorno do Pânico (TP) pode ter utilidade no entendimento e no tratamento desse transtorno. O objetivo deste trabalho é o de avaliar os mecanismos de defesa do ego, nos pacientes com TP, e sua associação com gravidade, resposta ao tratamento e alteração pós tratamento. Sessenta pacientes com TP e 31 controles participaram da primeira fase do trabalho. O Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview foi usado para confirmar o diagnóstico de TP e estabelecer o diagnóstico de co-morbidades. A Impressão Clínica Global (CGI) foi usada para avaliar a gravidade do TP e o Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-40) foi usado para avaliar os mecanismos de defesa. Em uma segunda etapa, 33 pacientes com TP sintomáticos e 33 voluntários normais foram avaliados com os mesmos instrumentos, aplicados no início do estudo e após 16 semanas. Os pacientes receberam durante esse período tratamento farmacológico com sertralina. Ambos os estudos demonstraram que pacientes com TP utilizam mais defesas neuróticas e imaturas comparados ao grupo controle. Os pacientes com pânico grave (CGI>4) apresentaram maior co-morbidade com depressão atual e usaram mais defesas imaturas do que os pacientes com CGI< 4 (média=4.2 vs. 3.5; p<0.001). Após 4 meses de tratamento, houve diminuição no uso de defesas neuróticas (4.6 vs. 4.2; p=0.049) e imaturas (3.6 vs. 3.4 p=0.035) no grupo de pacientes. Pacientes que usavam mais defesas neuróticas e imaturas apresentaram pior resposta ao tratamento. Pacientes com TP usaram mais defesas mal-adaptativas quando comparados ao grupo controle, no basal e após 4 meses. O uso de defesas neuróticas e imaturas está associado à gravidade do TP e à pior resposta ao tratamento. Os mecanismos de defesa são, então, parte de uma maneira estável do indivíduo lidar com conflitos, mas também são influenciados pelo estado agudo da doença.


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The study it was considered to carry through an analysis of the city of Rio de Janeiro using the point of view of not Carioca citizens - in this case Baianos and Paulistas. The optics chosen for the analysis was the image, that is the resultant of aspects such as: mental ideas, feelings, emotions, attitudes, thoughts, cognitions, expectations, representations, perceptions, certainties and associations. A research with qualitative focus was carried through, of exploratory character, with not Carioca individuals, Baianos and Paulistas, with and without experience in Rio de Janeiro. The results point the main reason of the visit - or not - to Rio de Janeiro, the symbol of the city, the perception concerning its image and about its inhabitant - the Carioca.


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Esta dissertação buscou aumentar os conhecimentos sobre os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional (CCO), que são ações informais de trabalhadores que beneficiam a empresa, através da análise de como estes comportamentos se manifestam em empresas que adotam estruturas temporárias para realização de suas atividades, ou seja, estruturas organizacionais temporárias (EOT). Nos estudos desenvolvidos, um modelo representativo das relações dos constructos referentes aos antecedentes cognitivos e afetivos com as dimensões que compõem os CCO foi proposto e as respectivas relações foram testadas. O estudo contou com a participação de 86 profissionais que trabalham em empresas com características equivalentes às EOT e permitiu avançar no conhecimento a respeito deste tipo de organização que carece de estudos empíricos a respeito. Estes profissionais responderam a um instrumento contendo 7 escalas de medidas das variáveis constituintes do modelo, desenvolvidas e validadas por outros autores. Os dados foram tratados por meio de análises fatoriais e por modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados mostraram que os CCO são significativos em EOT, apesar da ideia de temporalidade e das características referentes aos profissionais e tipo de atividades presentes (alta especificidade do produto e alta qualificação dos profissionais) sugerir inicialmente o contrário. Além disso, os resultados confirmaram que as cognições sobre a organização constituem um fator preponderante na formação dos afetos que os profissionais nutrem pela empresa e estes, por sua vez, mostraram possuir relação significativa sobre as ações que correspondem aos CCO.


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A vergonha é uma emoção autoconsciente e avaliadora que depende de uma série de cognições relacionadas ao self para ser experimentada. Apesar de amplamente estudada na psicologia, no marketing pouco se sabe sobre os antecedentes da vergonha e seu efeito no comportamento do consumidor, em especial no consumo de produtos falsificados. O objetivo geral desse estudo é entender a relação entre vergonha e comportamentos de consumo de produtos falsificados. Dois procedimentos experimentais, numa amostra de 129 pessoas com idade entre 18 e 50 anos, foram realizados para analisar seis hipóteses apresentadas. O primeiro experimento verificou (a) se o risco social percebido alto aumenta a vergonha, (b) se a qualidade da falsificação (alta/baixa) modera a relação entre risco social percebido e vergonha, caso esta relação exista. Os resultados confirmaram o efeito esperado do risco social percebido na vergonha, mas não confirmaram a moderação da qualidade da falsificação nessa relação. Mostraram ainda um efeito inesperado do gênero na vergonha: homens sentem mais vergonha que mulheres no contexto de consumo de falsificados. O segundo experimento verificou (a) se a antecipação da vergonha reduz a intenção de compra de produtos falsificados, (b) se a antecipação de vergonha influencia a atitude (favorável/desfavorável) em relação a produtos falsificados, e (c) se estas duas últimas relações, caso existam, são moderadas pelo custo-benefício do produto. Os resultados não confirmaram a influência da antecipação da vergonha na atitude em relação a falsificados e na intenção de compra de falsificados, mas mostraram que quanto menor o custo-benefício, maior o efeito da antecipação da vergonha na redução da intenção de produtos falsificados. Os resultados mostraram ainda um efeito moderador inesperado da renda na relação entre antecipação da vergonha e intenção de compra de falsificados. A antecipação da vergonha reduz a intenção de compras em consumidores com renda mais alta.


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This study aimed to analyze some indicators of the restructuring process of place identity of natives resident in Tibau do Sul, a coastal town in the state of Rio Grande do Norte state, in relation to changes occurring in this locale in the last few decades. The concept of place identity a complex psychological structure in constant process of restructuring stresses the focus of this analysis on the aspects referring to the relationships of people with their physical and social environment throughout the transition process from the former village of fishermen and peasant farmers to the current growing town. Interviews with insider informants on local history were carried out as a preliminary step to getting in touch with the native participants. In total, 29 native local residents were interviewed, according to a wide range of personal and professional roles, focusing on their cognitions in regard to their past and present relationships with this context, as well as those related to expectancy for the future. The analysis focused both on the elements of distinctiveness, continuity, self-esteem and self-efficacy, and on how each of them have been valued (positive or negative). The participants evaluations of themselves and of the locale, as well as their distinctions in relation to others (people and places) were, in general, very positive. Many elements of group and place continuity, and the possibility of the satisfaction of their needs were highlighted positively, especially comparing to similar situations in the past. The development of the town, related to tourism as well as to other former economic activities, seemed to contribute to the restructuring process of place identity in a way of achieving desirable states for its structure. The broadening of the analysis to consider a wider spatial and temporal context, however, shows that such positive evaluation can be said to hinder some coping strategies of local residents faced with unsustainable economic activities, oftentimes handled to favor a minority of the population


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)