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This work involved the synthesis and characterization of Cu0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 ferrite powders prepared by combustion reaction for use as soft magnetic materials. The powders were characterized by nitrogen adsorption (BET), XRD, Rietveld refinement, SEM, TEM and magnetic measures. The results indicate that the combustion reaction yielded crystalline powders containing spinel ferrite as the primary phase and traces of Fe2O3 as secondary phase. The crystallite size and lattice microdeformation calculated from Rietveld refinements were 36 and 0.24 nm, respectively. The micrographic analysis revealed particles smaller than 100 nm and fine particle agglomerates. The particles were approximately spherical and their size, calculated by TEM, was 29 nm. The magnetic parameters indicated that the Cu-Zn ferrite powders presented closed hysteresis loops and soft magnetic properties. © (2012) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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The structural and magnetic properties of the cubic spinel oxide Co 2MnO4 (Fd3m space group) doped with different concentrations of bismuth, were investigated by X-ray diffraction and SQUID magnetometry. The Bi3+ ions entering into the CoIII octahedral sites do not alter the effective moment, μeff ∼8.2 μB, whereas both the magnetization M50 kOe at the highest field (50 kOe) and the field-cooled MFC magnetizations increased when increasing the Bi content. The ferrimagnetic character of the parent compound, Co2MnO4, is maintained for all materials although the antiferromagnetic interactions Co2+-Co2+ are affected, resulting in higher values of the Curie-Weiss temperature. Due to the large ionic radius of Bi, octahedra distortions occur as well as valence fluctuations of the Mn ions, giving rise to Jahn-Teller effects and enhancing the exchange interactions. The off-center Bi3+ ion is responsible of non-centrosymmetric charge ordering and should lead to multiferroïsme conditions for the BixCo2-xMnO4 material. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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We report the structural and magnetic properties of Co2MnO 4, partially substituted by Bi at the octahedral site. Bismuth enhances ferromagnetism due to a decrease of the Co2+-Co2+ antiferromagnetic interactions and an increase of the Mn3+-Mn 4+ exchanges. Spurious phases (magnetic and/or nonmagnetic oxides) can easily form because of the large differences between the ionic radii of Bi3+ and Co3+, hiding or altering the intrinsic physical properties of the main BixCo2-xMnO4 phase. An easy way to eliminate the secondary phases is using acid reagents. Short-time etching of Bi0.1Co1.9MnO4 using nitric acid was successfully used, keeping most of the properties of the initial compound, with no alteration of the crystallographic structure. Final stoichiometry was respected (∼Bi0.08Co1.82MnO4), meaning that the material after etching definitely contains bismuth elements in its structure and the observed properties are intrinsic to the oxide spinel. Additional experiments were performed as a function of the synthesis conditions, showing that an optimal pH value of 7 allowed the best magnetic response of the non-doped material. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of current density, at the interval 5-100 mA cm-2, on the structural and magnetic properties of electrodeposited (Co 100-xNix)100-yWy alloys (x = 23-33.5 at. % Ni, y = 1.7-7.3 at. % W) was studied from a glycine-containing bath. W-content decreases with the increase of the current density magnitude. X-ray data have shown stabilization of hexagonal close packed, face centered cubic or a mixture of these structures by modulating the applied cathodic current density, for values lower than 50 mA cm-2. Two structural phase transitions were observed: one from hexagonal close packed to face centered cubic structural transition occurring for a current density of 20 mA cm -2, and another one, from cubic crystalline phase to amorphous state, which happens for values higher than 50 mA cm-2. These structural phase transitions seem to be associated with the W-content as well as average crystalline grain sizes that reduce with increasing the current density value. The grain size effect may explain the face centered cubic stabilization in Co-rich CoNiW alloys, which was initially assumed to be basically due to H-adsorption/incorporation. Magnetic properties of Co-rich CoNiW alloys are strongly modified by the current density value; as a result of the changes on the W-content and their structural properties© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A renormalization-group calculation of the temperature-dependent nuclear spin relaxation rate for a magnetic impurity in a metallic host is reported. The calculation follows a simplified procedure, which produces accurate rates in the low-temperature Fermi-liquid regime, although yielding only qualitatively reliable results at higher temperatures. In all cases considered, as the temperature T diminishes, the rates peak before decaying linearly to zero in the Fermi-liquid range. For T → 0, the results agree very well with Shiba's expression relating the low-temperature coefficient of the relaxation rate to the squared zero-temperature susceptibility. In the Kondo limit, the enhanced susceptibility associated with the Kondo resonance produces a very sharp peak in the relaxation rate near the Kondo temperature. © 1991.


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We study N-layer samples (N ≤ 10) for the Heisenberg model, with ferro- and antiferromagnetic exchange couplings, using a modified version of the Onsager reaction field approximation. The present scheme includes short-range spin-spin correlations, and allows for layer-dependent order parameters when free surface boundary conditions are imposed. The limits N = 1 (two dimensions) and N → ∞ (three dimensions) can be solved analytically, while systems with several layers have to be numerically calculated. We found no indication of a phase transition at finite temperature up to the sizes investigated (N = 10), the layered systems behaving essentially as two-dimensional. A phase transition is only obtained for the three-dimensional limit. © 1993.


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The structural and magnetic properties of a Fe-based alloy before and after sintering have been analyzed. X ray diffraction measurements confirm the deformation of the magnetic particles in the compacted samples. After sintering, hysteresis energy dissipation, remanence and intrinsic coercivity differ by less than 10% as porosity changes from 15 to 7%.


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The magnetic susceptibility of Pb(1-x)Ce(x)A (A=S, Se and Te) crystals with Ce3+ concentrations 0.006 <= x <= 0.036 was investigated in the temperature range from 2 K to 300 K. The magnetic susceptibility data was found to be consistent with a E-2(5/2) lowest manifold for Ce3+ ions with a crystal-field splitting Delta=E(Gamma(8))-E(Gamma(7)) of about 340 K, 440 K and 540 K for Pb1-xCexTe, Pb1-xCexSe, and Pb1-xCexS, respectively. For all the three compounds the doublet Gamma(7) lies below the Gamma(8) quadruplet which confirms the substitution of Pb2+ by Ce3+ ions in the host crystals. The observed values for the crystal-field splitting are in good agreement with the calculated ones based on the point-charge model. Moreover, the effective Lande factors were determined by X-band (similar to 9.5 GHz), electron paramagnetic measurements (EPR) to be g=1.333, 1.364, and 1.402 for Ce ions in PbA, A = S. Se and Te, respectively. The small difference with the predicted Lande factor g of 10/7 for the Gamma(7) (J=5/2) ground state was attributed to crystal-field admixture. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) technique can evaluate both micro- and macro-residual stresses, and provides indication about the relevance of contribution of these different stress components. MBN measurements were performed in AISI 1070 steel sheet samples, where different strains were applied. The Barkhausen emission is also analyzed when two different sheets, deformed and non-deformed, are evaluated together. This study is useful to understand the effect of a deformed region near the surface on MBN. The low permeability of the deformed region affects MBN, and if the deformed region is below the surface the magnetic Barkhausen signal increases. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of oligo-phenylene dendronised conjugated polymers was prepared. The divergent synthetic approach adopted allowed for the facile synthesis of a range of dendronised monomers from a common intermediate, e.g. first and second generation fluorene. Only the polymerisation of the first generation and alkylarylamine substituted dendronised fluorene monomers yielded high molecular weight materials, attributed to the low solubility of the remaining dendronised monomers. The alkylarylamine substituted dendronised poly(fluorene) was incorporated into an organic light emitting diode (OLED) and exhibited an increased colour stability in air compared to other poly(fluorenes). The concept of dendronisation was extended to poly(fluorenone), a previously insoluble material. The synthesis of the first soluble poly(fluorenone) was achieved by the incorporation of oligo-phenylene dendrons at the 4-position of fluorenone. The dendronisation of fluorenone allowed for a polymer with an Mn of 4.1 x 104 gmol-1 to be prepared. Cyclic voltammetry of the dendronised poly(fluorenone) showed that the electron affinity of the polymer was high and that the polymer is a promising n-type material. A dimer and trimer of indenofluorene (IF) were prepared from the monobromo IF. These oligomers were investigated by 2-dimensional wide angle x-ray spectroscopy (2D-WAXS), polarised optical microscopy (POM) and dielectric spectroscopy, and found to form highly ordered smetic phases. By attaching perylene dye as the end-capper on the IF oligomers, molecules that exhibited efficient Förster energy transfer were obtained. Indenofluorene monoketone, a potential defect structure for IF based OLED’s, was synthesised. The synthesis of this model defect structure allowed for the long wavelength emission in OLED’s to be identified as ketone defects. The long wavelength emission from the indenofluorene monoketone was found to be concentration dependent, and suggests that aggregate formation is occurring. An IF linked hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) dimer was synthesised. The 2D-WAXS images of this HBC dimer demonstrate that the molecule exhibits intercolumnar organisation perpendicular to the extrusion direction. POM images of mixtures of the HBC dimer mixed with an HBC with a low isotropic temperature demonstrated that the HBC dimer is mixing with the isotropic HBC.


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Diese Arbeit ist ein Beitrag zu den schnell wachsenden Forschungsgebieten der Nano-Biotechnologie und Nanomedizin. Sie behandelt die spezifische Gestaltung magnetischer Nanomaterialien für verschiedene biomedizinische Anwendungsgebiete, wie beispielsweise Kontrastmittel für die magnetische Resonanztomographie (MRT) oder "theragnostische" Agenzien für simultane optische/MR Detektion und Behandlung mittels photodynamischer Therapie (PDT).rnEine Vielzahl magnetischer Nanopartikel (NP) mit unterschiedlichsten magnetischen Eigenschaften wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisiert und erschöpfend charakterisiert. Darüber hinaus wurde eine ganze Reihe von Oberflächenmodifizierungsstrategien entwickelt, um sowohl die kolloidale als auch die chemische Stabilität der Partikel zu verbessern, und dadurch den hohen Anforderungen der in vitro und in vivo Applikation gerecht zu werden. Diese Strategien beinhalteten nicht nur die Verwendung bi-funktionaler und multifunktioneller Polymerliganden, sondern auch die Kondensation geeigneter Silanverbindungen, um eine robuste, chemisch inerte und hydrophile Siliziumdioxid- (SiO2) Schale um die magnetischen NP auszubilden.rnGenauer gesagt, der Bildungsmechanismus und die magnetischen Eigenschaften monodisperser MnO NPs wurden ausgiebig untersucht. Aufgrund ihres einzigartigen magnetischen Verhaltens eignen sich diese NPs besonders als (positive) Kontrastmittel zur Verkürzung der longitudinalen Relaxationszeit T1, was zu einer Aufhellung im entsprechenden MRT-Bild führt. Tatsächlich wurde dieses kontrastverbessernde Potential in mehreren Studien mit unterschiedlichen Oberflächenliganden bestätigt. Au@MnO „Nanoblumen“, auf der anderen Seite, sind Vertreter einer weiteren Klasse von Nanomaterialien, die in den vergangenen Jahren erhebliches Interesse in der wissenschaftlichen Welt geweckt hat und oft „Nano-hetero-Materialien“ genannt wird. Solche Nano-hetero-partikel vereinen die individuellen physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der jeweiligen Komponenten in einem nanopartikulärem System und erhöhen dadurch die Vielseitigkeit der möglichen Anwendungen. Sowohl die magnetischen Merkmale von MnO, als auch die optischen Eigenschaften von Au bieten die Möglichkeit, diese „Nanoblumen“ für die kombinierte MRT und optische Bildgebung zu verwenden. Darüber hinaus erlaubt das Vorliegen zweier chemisch unterschiedlicher Oberflächen die gleichzeitige selektive Anbindung von Katecholliganden (auf MnO) und Thiolliganden (auf Au). Außerdem wurde das therapeutische Potential von magnetischen NPs anhand von MnO NPs demonstriert, die mit dem Photosensibilisator Protoporhyrin IX (PP) funktionalisiert waren. Bei Bestrahlung mit sichtbarem Licht initiiert PP die Produktion von zytotoxisch-reaktivem Sauerstoff. Wir zeigen, dass Nierenkrebszellen, die mit PP-funktionalisierten MnO NPs inkubiert wurden nach Bestrahlung mit Laserlicht verenden, während sie ohne Bestrahlung unverändert bleiben. In einem ähnlichen Experiment untersuchten wir die Eigenschaften von SiO2 beschichteten MnO NPs. Dafür wurde eigens eine neuartige SiO2-Beschichtungsmethode entwickelt, die einer nachfolgende weitere Anbindung verschiedenster Liganden und die Einlagerung von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen durch herkömmliche Silan- Sol-Gel Chemie erlaubt. Die Partikel zeigten eine ausgezeichnete Stabilität in einer ganzen Reihe wässriger Lösungen, darunter auch physiologische Kochsalzlösung, Pufferlösungen und humanes Blutserum, und waren weniger anfällig gegenüber Mn-Ionenauswaschung als einfache PEGylierte MnO NPs. Des Weiteren konnte bewiesen werden, dass die dünne SiO2 Schicht nur einen geringen Einfluss auf das magnetische Verhalten der NPs hatte, so dass sie weiterhin als T1-Kontrastmittel verwendet werden können. Schließlich konnten zusätzlich FePt@MnO NPs hergestellt werden, welche die individuellen magnetischen Merkmale eines ferromagnetischen (FePt) und eines antiferromagnetischen (MnO) Materials vereinen. Wir zeigen, dass wir die jeweiligen Partikelgrößen, und damit das resultierende magnetische Verhalten, durch Veränderung der experimentellen Parameter variieren können. Die magnetische Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Materialien kann dabei auf Spinkommunikation an der Grenzfläche zwischen beiden NP-Sorten zurückgeführt werden.rn


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The dissertation entitled "Tuning of magnetic exchange interactions between organic radicals through bond and space" comprises eight chapters. In the initial part of chapter 1, an overview of organic radicals and their applications were discussed and in the latter part motivation and objective of thesis was described. As the EPR spectroscopy is a necessary tool to study organic radicals, the basic principles of EPR spectroscopy were discussed in chapter 2. rnAntiferromagnetically coupled species can be considered as a source of interacting bosons. Consequently, such biradicals can serve as molecular models of a gas of magnetic excitations which can be used for quantum computing or quantum information processing. Notably, initial small triplet state population in weakly AF coupled biradicals can be switched into larger in the presence of applied magnetic field. Such biradical systems are promising molecular models for studying the phenomena of magnetic field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the solid state. To observe such phenomena it is very important to control the intra- as well as inter-molecular magnetic exchange interactions. Chapters 3 to 5 deals with the tuning of intra- and inter-molecular exchange interactions utilizing different approaches. Some of which include changing the length of π-spacer, introduction of functional groups, metal complex formation with diamagnetic metal ion, variation of radical moieties etc. During this study I came across two very interesting molecules 2,7-TMPNO and BPNO, which exist in semi-quinoid form and exhibits characteristic of the biradical and quinoid form simultaneously. The 2,7-TMPNO possesses the singlet-triplet energy gap of ΔEST = –1185 K. So it is nearly unrealistic to observe the magnetic field induced spin switching. So we studied the spin switching of this molecule by photo-excitation which was discussed in chapter 6. The structural similarity of BPNO with Tschitschibabin’s HC allowed us to dig the discrepancies related to ground state of Tschitschibabin’s hydrocarbon(Discussed in chapter 7). Finally, in chapter 8 the synthesis and characterization of a neutral paramagnetic HBC derivative (HBCNO) is discussed. The magneto liquid crystalline properties of HBCNO were studied by DSC and EPR spectroscopy.rn