837 resultados para MIXED DEMENTIA
The Conference, which took place on 4th June 1999 in the Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, marked the publication of the Councilâ?Ts latest report â?" An Action Plan for Dementia. The Action Plan takes as its guiding principle the recognition of the individuality of the person with dementia and of his or her needs. It outlines an approach to developing available, accessible and high quality services in the context of existing resources and public expenditure constraints. Its aim is to describe a best practice model of dementia care in Ireland â?" a model which may inform and guide policy makers and others involved in planning service provision, and which may give support and assistance to those who endeavour to provide flexible services at the local level. Download the Report here
The National Council on Ageing and Older People has undertaken a programme of research into dementia in Ireland. An Action Plan for Dementia provided a framework for the provision and planning of services for people with dementia in Ireland The Costs of Caring for People with Dementia and Related Cognitive Impairments is a complementary report to the Action Plan but with a more quantitative focus. The role of carers is one that is often taken for granted and is seen by many as a free resource. Dr Oâ?TShea explores what caring for a person with dementia entails in terms of the carers time, finances and stress. Evaluating the cost of caring for a person with dementia is the main focus of this study Download the Report here
Parasites belonging to Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania mexicana complexes and Trypanosoma cruzi (clones 20 and 39) were searched in blood, lesions and strains collected from 28 patients with active cutaneous leishmaniasis and one patient with visceral leishmaniasis. PCR-hybridization with specific probes of Leishmania complexes (L. braziliensis, L. donovani and L. mexicana) and T. cruzi clones was applied to the different DNA samples. Over 29 patients, 8 (27.6%) presented a mixed infection Leishmania complex species, 17 (58.6%) a mixed infection Leishmania-T. cruzi, and 4 (13.8%) a multi Leishmania-T. cruzi infection. Several patients were infected by the two Bolivian major clones 20 and 39 of T. cruzi (44.8%). The L. braziliensis complex was more frequently detected in lesions than in blood and a reverse result was observed for L. mexicana complex. The polymerase chain reaction-hybridization design offers new arguments supporting the idea of an underestimated rate of visceral leishmanisis in Bolivia. Parasites were isolated by culture from the blood of two patients and lesions of 10 patients. The UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages) dendrogram computed from Jaccard's distances obtained from 11 isoenzyme loci data confirmed the presence of the three Leishmania complexes and undoubtedly identified human infections by L. (V.) braziliensis, L. (L.) chagasi and L. (L.) mexicana species. Additional evidence of parasite mixtures was visualized through mixed isoenzyme profiles, L. (V.) braziliensis-L. (L.) mexicana and Leishmania spp.-T. cruzi.The epidemiological profile in the studied area appeared more complex than currently known. This is the first report of parasitological evidence of Bolivian patients with trypanosomatidae multi infections and consequences on the diseases' control and patient treatments are discussed.
A major challenge facing societies across the world today is population ageing. The fact that people are living longer and the notable improvements in the overall quality of life and well-being of older people today needs to be celebrated. However, population ageing will inevitably result in an increase in disability and a very significant increase in the incidence of age-related health problems especially Alzheimer's disease and the related dementias. Click here to download PDF 2.5mb
Dementia is a progressive condition that largely affects older people, impacting on their memory, language, ability to communicate, mood and personality. The course of the illness may be gradual and sometimes subtle, as is classically the case in Alzheimerâ?Ts disease. While dementia is a medical condition, recent insights from the psychosocial, sociopolitical and public health perspectives have focused attention on the human, social and economic implications of the disease.  Click here to download PDF 2.7mb
The Programme for Government gives a commitment to develop a National Strategy on Dementia by 2013 which will increase awareness, ensure early diagnosis and intervention, and enhance community based services for people living with this condition. During 2012, following the completion of the Research Review in preparation for the National Strategy, the Department carried out a public consultation to inform its development. This report is a summary of the responses and submissions received. Click here to download PDF 271KB Â
Objective. Vibration training (VT) is a new exercise method, with good acceptance among sedentary subjects, due to its passive principle: the machine moves the subject, not the opposite. We hypothesize that untrained subjects can benefit from a greater cardiovascular and metabolic stimulation than trained athletes, resembling classical aerobic-type activity, in addition of eliciting strength gains shown in diverse studies. Methods. 3 group of male subjects, inactive (SED), endurance trained athletes (END) and strength trained athletes (STR) underwent fitness (VO2max) and lower-body strength tests (isokinetic). Subjects were submitted to a session of oscillating VT, composed of 3 exercises (isometric half-squat, dynamic squat, dynamic squat with added load), each of 3 minutes duration, and repeated at 3 frequencies. VO2, heart rate and Borg scale were monitored. Results. 27 healthy subjects (10 SED, 9 END and 8 STR), mean age 24.5 (SED), 25.0 (STR) and 29.8 (END) were included. VO2max was significantly different as expected (47.9 vs. 52.9 vs. 63.9 ml/kg/min, resp. for SED, STR and END). Isokinetic dominant leg extensors strength was higher in STR (3.32 Nm/kg vs. 2.60 and 2.74 in SED and END). During VT, peak oxygen consumption (% of VO2max) attained was 59.3 in SED, 50.8 in STR and 48.0 in END (P<0.001 between SED and other subjects). Peak heart rate (% of heart rate max) was 82.7 in SED, 80.4 in STR and 72.4 in END. In SED, dynamic exercises without extra load elicited 51.0% of VO2max and 72.1% of heart rate max, and perceived effort reached 15.1/20. Conclusions. VT is an unconventional type of exercise, which has been shown to enhance strength, bone density, balance and flexibility. Users are attracted by the relative passivity. In SED, we show that VT elicits sufficient cardiovascular response to benefit overall fitness in addition to the known strength effects. VT's higher acceptance as an exercise in sedentary people, compared to jogging or cycling for example, can lead to better adherence to physical activity. Although long-term effects of VT on health are not avalaible, we believe this type of combination of aerobic and resistance-type exercise can be beneficial on multiple health parameters, especially cardiovascular health.
Abnormal expression of CD54 in mixed reactions of mononuclear cells from hyper-IgE syndrome patients
Hyper-IgE syndrome (HIES) is a rare multisystem disorder characterized by increased susceptibility to infections associated with heterogeneous immunologic and non-immunologic abnormalities. Most patients consistently exhibit defective antigen-induced-T cell activation, that could be partly due to altered costimulation involving accessory molecules; however, the expression of these molecules has never been documented in HIES. Therefore, we investigated the expression of CD11a, CD28, CD40, CD54, CD80, CD86, and CD154 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from six patients and six healthy controls by flow cytometry after autologous and mixed allogeneic reactions. Only the allogeneic stimuli induced significant proliferative responses and interleukin 2 and interferon gamma production in both groups. Most accessory molecules showed similar expression between patients and controls with the exception of CD54, being expressed at lower levels in HIES patients regardless of the type of stimulus used. Decreased expression of CD54 could partly explain the deficient T cell activation to specific recall antigens in HIES patients, and might be responsible for their higher susceptibility to infections with defined types of microorganisms.
This report aims to determine the levels and patterns of drug use, including tobacco and alcohol, among young people in the Kilbarrack area. Questionnaires were sent to students from all primary and secondary schools in the target area, and were also sent to young people in the area who had already left school. The survey showed that 24% of respondents had smoked tobacco at some stage in their lives, with 25% listed as current smokers. Older students reported higher tobacco use, with over 40% of 16-18 year olds currently smoking. Alcohol was the drug most widely used by respondents, with 76% of all students having taken it at some stage in their lives. Prevalence of current alcohol use was higher in older children, with 84% of 16-18 year olds currently drinking as opposed to 61% of 13-15 year olds and 17% for 10 to 12 year olds. Cannabis was the most widely used illicit drug, with 37% of respondents using the drug at some stage. The next most widely used drug was inhalants, with 16% having used them at some stage, with 6% having used cocaine at some stage in their lives; the same proportion had used it within the last 12 months. There little or no significant evidence of heroin use. The report recommends prevention programmes that ensure that young people have other things in their lives other than alcohol/ drugs, such as a comprehensive range of properly resourced sporting and youth work in the community.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
While dementia affects 6-10% of persons 65 years or older, industrialized countries have witnessed an alarming rise in obesity. However, obesity's influence on dementia remains poorly understood. The conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. PUBMED search (1995-2007) resulted in 10 relevant prospective cohort studies of older adults (40-80 years at baseline) with end points being dementia and predictors including adiposity measures, such as body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). There was a significant U-shaped association between BMI and dementia (P= 0.034), with dementia risk increased for obesity and underweight. Pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for underweight, overweight and obesity compared with normal weight in relation to incident dementia were: 1.36 (1.07, 1.73), 0.88 (0.60, 1.27) and 1.42 (0.93, 2.18) respectively. Pooled ORs and 95% CI for obesity and incident Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia were 1.80 (1.00, 3.29) vs. 1.73 (0.47, 6.31) and were stronger in studies with long follow-up (>10 years) and young baseline age (
Dementia and its most common cause, Alzheimer’s disease, affect memory and occur predominantly in the elderly. Dementia has become increasingly prevalent in the world as health has improved and life expectancy has increased. However, the fields of clinical care have not responded adequately to develop diagnostic tools and treatments for this rapidly increasing group of conditions. While scientists search for cures for the numerous causes of dementia, improvement of diagnostic measures are needed now and should begin with screening elderly populations for memory difficulties and other cognitive problems. This review examines the history of cognitive screening tests, the numerous excellent tests that are currently available and ready for use, and directions and methods that will lead to progressively better evaluations.
Dementia services have moved up the agenda in recent years, highlighted by the publication of the National Dementia Strategy in February 2009. The Health Foundation's improvement report on dementia care hopes to bring together data, research and good practice, with an assessment of the current quality gap.Background to The Health Foundation's Improvement Reports in 2010. At the end of 2009 the Health Foundation agreed a new research and development strategy with the following aims:To make a significant contribution to strengthening the evidence base on how to improve quality in the health care systems of the UK To ensure that this body of knowledge, and a commitment to developing the knowledge shapes our work programmes To promote the use of this evidence base by decision makers at all levels in the health care system Improvement reports will aim to engage the reader by presenting best practice evidence alongside data on current performance and introducing commentary and debate, interpretation about possible next steps and case studies.�� They will build on the success of the chart books produced to date: Bridging the Quality Gap in Stroke services�۪ Quality in healthcare in England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland: an intra-UK chart book�۪, together with Bridging the Quality Gap in Heart Failure�۪ to be published early 2010. Improvement reports will be dynamic and flexible through use of a mix of print products and pages on the Health Foundation�۪s website.
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland in conjunction with St. Luke’s Home has published a report ‘Continuing to care for people with dementia’ which explores Irish family carers’ experience of their relative’s transition to a nursing home.�� The report was researched and written by Professor Murna Downs, Bradford Dementia Group, University of Bradford. The full report is available below:Continuing to care for people with dementia����
Alzheimer’s Australia recently commissioned research group Access Economics to model different scenarios for the supply of aged care, to identify strategies to increase consumer choice and to promote service flexibility, and to identify funding options for a sustainable aged care system into the future. The report, Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050, found that the number of people with dementia will quadruple by 2050 to nearly 1 million.Caring places: planning for aged care and dementia 2010-2050