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O trabalho estuda a reclamação como instrumento de controle de precedentes do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça. O estudo se inicia com a análise do desenvolvimento do instituto desde sua origem correicional, passando por sua constitucionalização até sua previsão no novo Código de Processo Civil, que generaliza seu cabimento como meio de controle da eficácia vinculante dos precedentes. Em seguida, passamos à análise do sistema brasileiro de respeito aos precedentes, fazendo uma breve comparação com países do common law, e concluímos que, no Brasil, o efeito vinculante, assim entendida a força que torna obrigatória a observância da norma extraível das decisões judiciais, só existe se houver previsão expressa na Constituição ou na lei. Também constatamos que o sistema adotou a reclamação a ser ajuizada diretamente perante o STF e o STJ como instrumento processual de controle da observância dessa força vinculante. Verificamos que, além de valorizar a segurança jurídica, a isonomia e a justiça das decisões, a adoção de um sistema de respeito a precedentes no Brasil tem como confessado objetivo a otimização do serviço judiciário e a redução dos processos pendentes nos tribunais superiores. Todavia, a utilização da reclamação como meio de controle da eficácia vinculante dos precedentes vai de encontro àqueles objetivos, pois reatomiza os litígios sem que isso signifique maior respeito à obrigatoriedade dos precedentes.


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A adesão ao tratamento ocorre quando o conselho médico ou de saúde coincide com o comportamento do indivíduo, ao uso de medicamentos, cumprimento da dieta e mudanças no estilo de vida, não sendo, portanto, um ato não passivo do paciente. Em pacientes com hipertensão arterial sistêmica a adesão ao tratamento pode ser definida como o grau de cumprimento das medidas terapêuticas indicadas, sejam elas medicamentosas ou não, com o objetivo de manter a pressão arterial em níveis pressóricos normais. A não adesão em pacientes com doenças crônicas em tratamento a longo prazo em países desenvolvidos é em média de 50%, revelando a importância de serem avaliados os motivos que levam a esse comportamento. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a não adesão em idosos hipertensos de uma unidade pública de saúde de Ribeirão Preto - SP. Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal, desenvolvido com uma amostra de 196 pessoas. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre agosto de 2014 até junho de 2015, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Para essa etapa foram utilizados os instrumentos Brief Medication Questionnaire, Medical Outcomes Studies 36-item Short Form Survey, Escore de Risco Global e Escore de Risco pelo Tempo de Vida. Após a coleta dos dados, as entrevistas foram codificadas, os dados foram tabulados e foi realizada a análise estatística descritiva e de correlação. Como resultado, constatou-se que houve predomínio de mulheres, com idade média de 69,4 anos, casados/união estável, não moravam sozinhos, com 1,85 pessoas na casa em média, de cor branca, com ensino fundamental incompleto, renda de até dois salários mínimos e aposentados/pensionistas, atendidos pelo SUS. Apresentaram hábitos de vida razoáveis, sem predomínio de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, tabagismo, uso excessivo de sal e sedentarismo. A mais frequente comorbidade associada à HAS foi a dislipidemia. Foi observado elevado predomínio de fatores de risco cardiovasculares como obesidade abdominal, obesidade geral, comorbidades, razão de lipídeos e fatores agravantes como proteína c reativa ultrassensível, microalbuminúria e síndrome metabólica. A maioria da amostra foi classificada como sendo portador de risco cardiovascular alto após estratificação do risco. A percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde foi considerada baixa na maioria principalmente devido a limitações emocionais. A não adesão esteve presente em quase metade dos idosos, relacionada principalmente à complexidade da farmacoterapia e dificuldade em lembrar sobre o uso de seus medicamentos. Não foi observada correlação entre a não adesão e as variáveis estudadas. Conclui-se que o comportamento de não adesão observado não esteve relacionada às variáveis estudadas nessa amostra e que são necessárias intervenções urgentes para reduzir o risco cardiovascular e prevenir doenças cardiovasculares e mortalidade, bem como melhora da percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde.


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Se estudia la relación entre variables sociodemográficas, médicas y psicológicas y el comportamiento de fumar y los intentos de dejar de fumar. La muestra (n=291) se ha extraído al azar de una población comunitaria rural de 4300 habitantes. Todas las variables se han medido con un único cuestionario, a través de entrevista personal domiciliaria. Mediante análisis discriminantes las variables sexo, consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y el uso de medicamentos son las que más explican estadísticamente el comportamiento de fumar. Sorprendentemente, sólo una variable, haber visitado al médico en los últimos 12 meses, se asoció, bivariadamente, con los intentos de dejar de fumar, y no se procedía, lógicamente, con el análisis multivariante. Por último, se discuten los hallazgos a la luz de la literatura internacional y nacional.


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Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación están consiguiendo que la información geográfica sea asequible a un mayor número de profesionales a través de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica. La intervención multidisciplinar en el territorio enriquece la investigación y las formas de aplicación de este tipo de recursos tecnológicos. Pero esta facilidad tecnológica puede suponer el riesgo de un uso inadecuado, por falta de conocimientos técnicos adecuados a la complejidad de la información geográfica o por el mal uso de las aplicaciones informáticas. El trabajo catastral puede beneficiarse mucho del empleo de estas tecnologías de información geográfica, al facilitar el uso, la comunicación y su administración electrónica, pero el desconocimiento de las propiedades geométricas y topológicas de la información geográfica puede llevar a cometer errores de graves consecuencias a profesionales no especializados. En este artículo ofrecemos el resultado de la investigación del trabajo de diversos juristas y técnicos, con el objetivo de desarrollar métodos automatizados y aplicaciones informáticas que permitan a los especialistas no expertos en Cartografía usar este tipo de información con garantías de exactitud al más alto nivel, como una solución eficaz para que la información geográfica con calidad topológica enriquezca la seguridad jurídica en el tráfico inmobiliario.


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A sociedade moderna tem instituído novos valores, crenças e formas de vida. Estamos sempre à procura de novas maneiras de tornar a vida do ser humano mais fácil e prática, privilegiando o menor esforço, o conforto e o sedentarismo. No entanto, este tipo de vida tem as suas consequências. Uma das principais decorre do facto de haver uma diminuição da atividade física, enquanto a ingestão calórica habitual do indivíduo pouco ou nada varia. Isto vai levar a que a maior parte da capacidade energética da comida que ingerimos não seja gasta e, como tal, vai depositar-se e acumular-se nos tecidos, originando aos poucos camadas de gordura cuja formação, não sendo controlada (o que é possível com uma mudança de hábitos), pode conduzir à obesidade. A obesidade não é só um problema estético, mas também um factor de risco para muitas doenças. São-nos apresentadas muitas opções para solucionar este problema, sendo que a grande maioria dos utentes prefere a opção que implica menos esforço: uso de medicamentos. Neste artigo são exploradas as vantagens e as contrapartidas deste tipo de ajuda, expondo factos que talvez o público desconheça e que devem ser considerados na hora da decisão.


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Systemic Arterial Hypertension – SAH – is defined as the syndrome which its main feature is the presence of high tensional levels, associated with alterations of functional or structural levels in the organs that it strikes. Its specific causes are not very well bounded and have an asymptomatic character. Due to its chronicity it requires adherence to the treatment plan in a systematic and permanent manner, implicating in lifestyle changes, combined or not with the use of medication. The personality inventories have been largely used in the lineation of indicative traits of difficulties with the adherence to the treatment. In this sense, developed by Theodore Millon, the Millon Behavioural Medicine Diagnostic – MBMD is an instrument made from the consensus among healthcare professionals, aiming at identifying psychological factors that may compromise medical treatment so that they can be conducted in a way to enable a better adherence. Objective: evaluation of the evidence of validity of the Millon Behavioural Medicine Diagnostic – MBMD for a public of patients with hypertension, aiming at investigating the indicators implicated in the adherence or not to the anti-hypertensive treatment. Method: there was a group of 200 participants in a university hospital in the city of Natal/RN, males and females, ranging from 20 to 70 years old. An interview protocol was administered in order to obtain information about socio-demographic data, clinical history, healthcare habits and way of conducting treatment, and after, the administration of the MBMD followed. Results: by means of Factor Analysis it was verified that the organization proposed by the factors is favorable and it adjusts to the theory, allowing the visualization of other underlying constructs to the scales, with adequate adjustment indexes and satisfactory Cronbach’s alpha indicators. Besides, the MBMD revealed itself sensitive to the intragroup differences relative to the sex, age, schooling, marital status, profession, income, SAH history, diagnostic time, medication use, comorbidity presence, hyposodic diet, social support and adherence criteria variables. The utilization of such instrument in the evaluation of the adherence to the anti-hypertensive treatment show, therefore, indicators of validity.


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The insomnia disorder is defined as a difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or waking up earlier than expected unable to return to sleep, followed by a feeling of nonrestorative and poor quality sleep, present for at least three months, with consequences on daytime functioning. Studies have shown that insomnia affects cognitive function, especially executive functions. However, researches that sought to investigate the relationship between primary insomnia and executive functioning were quite inconsistent from a methodological point of view, especially in regard to the variability of the used methods, the heterogeneity of diagnostic criteria for insomnia and the control of sleep altering drugs. In this sense, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between insomnia and executive functions in adults. The participants were 29 people, from both genders, aged 20-55 years old. Participants were divided into three groups, one composed of 10 people with primary insomnia who used sleep medication (GIM), nine people with primary insomnia who did not use medication (GInM) and 10 healthy people who composed the control group (CG). The research was conducted in two stages. The first one involved a diagnostic evaluation for insomnia disorder through a clinical interview and the application of the following protocols: the Athens Insomnia Scale, the Insomnia Severity Index, Sleep Journal (for 14 days), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Stanford Sleepiness Test, depression and anxiety Beck inventories, and Lipp’s Iventory of stress symptoms for adults. After this stage, the evaluation of executive functions was performed by applying a battery of neuropsychological tests composed by the following tests: Wisconsin, Stoop Test, Colored trails Test, the Tower of London Test, Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) and WAIS III subtest digit span, which measured selective attention, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, planning, problem solving, decision making and working memory, respectively. The results showed that insomniacs (GIM and GInM) showed higher sleep latency, shorter sleep duration and lower sleep efficiency compared to the CG. In regard to the performance in executive functions, no statistically significant difference between groups was observed in the evaluated modalities. However, the data show evidence that, compared to GInM and GC, the performance of GIM was lower on tasks that required quick responses and changes in attention focus. On the other hand, GInM, when compared to GIM and GC, showed a better performance on tasks involving cognitive flexibility. Furthermore, impaired sleep measures were correlated with the worst performance of insomniacs in all components evaluated. In conclusion, people with the insomnia disorder showed a performance similar to healthy people’s in components of the executive functioning. Thus, one can infer that there is a relationship between primary insomnia and executive functions in adults.


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The increasing in world population, with higher proportion of elderly, leads to an increase in the number of individuals with vision loss and cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Cataract is an eye disease that is the partial or total opacity of the crystalline lens (natural lens of the eye) or its capsule. It can be triggered by several factors such as trauma, age, diabetes mellitus, and medications, among others. It is known that the attendance by ophthalmologists in rural and poor areas in Brazil is less than needed and many patients with treatable diseases such as cataracts are undiagnosed and therefore untreated. In this context, this project presents the development of OPTICA, a system of teleophthalmology using smartphones for ophthalmic emergencies detection, providing a diagnostic aid for cataract using specialists systems and image processing techniques. The images are captured by a cellphone camera and along with a questionnaire filled with patient information are transmitted securely via the platform Mobile SANA to a online server that has an intelligent system available to assist in the diagnosis of cataract and provides ophthalmologists who analyze the information and write back the patient’s report. Thus, the OPTICA provides eye care to the poorest and least favored population, improving the screening of critically ill patients and increasing access to diagnosis and treatment.


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Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial disease of the tear film, resulting from the instability of the lacrimal functional unit that produces volume change, up or tear distribution. In patients in intensive care the cause is enhanced due to various risk factors, such as mechanical ventilation, sedation, lagophthalmos, low temperatures, among others. The study's purpose is to build an assessment tool of Dry Eye Severity in patients in intensive care units based on the systematization of nursing care and their classification systems. The aim of this study is to build an assessment tool of Dry Eye Severity in hospitalized patients in Care Unit Intensiva.Trata is a methodological study conducted in three stages, namely: context analysis, concept analysis, construction of operational definitions and magnitudes of nursing outcome. For the first step we used the methodological framework for Hinds, Chaves and Cypress (1992). For the second step we used the model of Walker and Avant and an integrative review Whitemore seconds, Knalf (2005). This step enabled the identification of the concept of attributes, background and consequent ground and the construction of the settings for the result of nursing severity of dry eye. For the construction of settings and operational magnitudes, it was used Psicometria proposed by Pasquali (1999). As a result of context analysis, visualized from the reflection that the matter should be discussed and that nursing needs to pay attention to the problem of eye injury, so minimizing strategies are created this event with a high prevalence. With the integrative review were located from the crosses 19 853 titles, selected 215, and from the abstracts 96 articles were read in full. From reading 10 were excluded culminating in the sample of 86 articles that were used to analyze the concept and construction of settings. Selected articles were found in greater numbers in the Scopus database (55.82%), performed in the United States (39.53%), and published mainly in the last five years (48.82). Regarding the concept of analysis were identified as antecedents: age, lagophthalmos, environmental factors, medication use, systemic diseases, mechanical ventilation and ophthalmic surgery. As attributes: TBUT <10s, Schimer I test <5 mm in Schimer II test <10mm, reduced osmolarity. As consequential: the ocular surface damage, ocular discomfort, visual instability. The settings were built and added indicators such as: decreased blink mechanism and eyestrain.


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The study aims to analyze the effects of topiramato on the craving of crack users. It is an open crossover clinical trial involving users from the Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad) in city of Parnamirim, RN, approved by the CEP CAAE: 38710614.1.0000.5537, respecting the norms of the resolution n. 466/2012/CNS. The study produced preliminary two scientific papers: a theoretical essay and an integrative review, as a way of seeking the state of art. The first paper was based in the theoretical framework of Hinds, Chaves and Cypress, which focuses different contexts, from the issues of individual use to the coping policies in Brazil, highlighting that the situation and the complexity of the phenome requires coping strategies for the full attention to the user, family and society. As a result of the integrative review, among the 902 retrieved records, eight of them presented therapeutic schemes with positive effects for the craving of cocaine. They used nine different drugs. It is important to spot out that there was no result for the craving of crack. The data collection was conducted from December 2014 to July 2015 and has as sample predominantly single males. The sample was composed of 30 subjects who met the inclusion criteria: adults, age from 18 years, diagnosis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) for cocaine/crack; cognitive capacity preserved; attendance to the service, participated at least three visits in the 12 months prior to data collection; and accepted to be monitored in the proposed treatment. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics from the Statistical Package of Support for Social Sciences (SPSS) on the instruments: 1) Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), pointing out, among other results, that only 14% used crack/cocaine weekly during treatment, while 83% used daily or weekly after the washout period; 2) Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, with an average of 80.23 and 77.47 with and without drug treatment, respectively. An analysis from the Student t test show no significant differences in impulsivity with or without the drug; and 3) Cocaine-Craving Questionnaire-Brief (CCK-B), indicating that the number of users with craving intensity level is significantly higher without drug treatment (86%) than with treatment (33%). The analysis between craving and level of impulsivity showed that there is a low correlation (Pearson) between these two variables during treatment and after the washout, demonstrating that impulsivity has low influence on the outcome of drug therapy. As conclusion, it was noted that the topiramate produces positive effect on reducing the craving for crack users and their use is a relevant strategy for efficacy in the treatment of crack users.


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The study aims to analyze the effects of topiramato on the craving of crack users. It is an open crossover clinical trial involving users from the Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad) in city of Parnamirim, RN, approved by the CEP CAAE: 38710614.1.0000.5537, respecting the norms of the resolution n. 466/2012/CNS. The study produced preliminary two scientific papers: a theoretical essay and an integrative review, as a way of seeking the state of art. The first paper was based in the theoretical framework of Hinds, Chaves and Cypress, which focuses different contexts, from the issues of individual use to the coping policies in Brazil, highlighting that the situation and the complexity of the phenome requires coping strategies for the full attention to the user, family and society. As a result of the integrative review, among the 902 retrieved records, eight of them presented therapeutic schemes with positive effects for the craving of cocaine. They used nine different drugs. It is important to spot out that there was no result for the craving of crack. The data collection was conducted from December 2014 to July 2015 and has as sample predominantly single males. The sample was composed of 30 subjects who met the inclusion criteria: adults, age from 18 years, diagnosis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) for cocaine/crack; cognitive capacity preserved; attendance to the service, participated at least three visits in the 12 months prior to data collection; and accepted to be monitored in the proposed treatment. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics from the Statistical Package of Support for Social Sciences (SPSS) on the instruments: 1) Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), pointing out, among other results, that only 14% used crack/cocaine weekly during treatment, while 83% used daily or weekly after the washout period; 2) Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, with an average of 80.23 and 77.47 with and without drug treatment, respectively. An analysis from the Student t test show no significant differences in impulsivity with or without the drug; and 3) Cocaine-Craving Questionnaire-Brief (CCK-B), indicating that the number of users with craving intensity level is significantly higher without drug treatment (86%) than with treatment (33%). The analysis between craving and level of impulsivity showed that there is a low correlation (Pearson) between these two variables during treatment and after the washout, demonstrating that impulsivity has low influence on the outcome of drug therapy. As conclusion, it was noted that the topiramate produces positive effect on reducing the craving for crack users and their use is a relevant strategy for efficacy in the treatment of crack users.


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The research aimed to analyze the role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the control of Dengue and Chikungunya fever in the cities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. It is exploratory and descriptive nature of research, with a qualitative approach, which was developed with nurses of the Family Health Strategy in the municipalities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. All research process followed the ethical standards laid out research in Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council about research involving human beings. Data collection was performed using a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions, organized into three parts: the profile of respondents, knowledge of the disease (transmission, prevention, control) and description of practices. The actions performed by nurses are punctual performed when there is growing disease of the number of cases in order to try to reduce the number of cases. The principal methodology used for them is to talk and guidelines resulting from campaigns and home visits, using leaflets and social networks. Regarding knowledge of nurses in the city of Santa Cruz on Dengue Fever and Chikungunya, is clearly some gaps. Nursing professionals know recognize a suspected case of dengue, but get confused when trying to explain to the Chikungunya fever, exhibiting the same symptoms of dengue. Although everybody had participated in a training on Chikungunya Fever and Dengue, a very limited knowledge of nurses regarding the clinical management. It is suggested that further studies are developed on the ground a few nurses have accepted to participate in the study, so that we can identify strategies, interventions, activities and nursing actions that are consistent with the reality of working in favor of coping Aedes epidemics aegypti that have positive impact on reducing the infestation rates and may be suitable and applied in other regions.


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The research aimed to analyze the role of nurses in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the control of Dengue and Chikungunya fever in the cities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. It is exploratory and descriptive nature of research, with a qualitative approach, which was developed with nurses of the Family Health Strategy in the municipalities of Parnamirim and Santa Cruz. All research process followed the ethical standards laid out research in Resolution No. 466/2012 of the National Health Council about research involving human beings. Data collection was performed using a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions, organized into three parts: the profile of respondents, knowledge of the disease (transmission, prevention, control) and description of practices. The actions performed by nurses are punctual performed when there is growing disease of the number of cases in order to try to reduce the number of cases. The principal methodology used for them is to talk and guidelines resulting from campaigns and home visits, using leaflets and social networks. Regarding knowledge of nurses in the city of Santa Cruz on Dengue Fever and Chikungunya, is clearly some gaps. Nursing professionals know recognize a suspected case of dengue, but get confused when trying to explain to the Chikungunya fever, exhibiting the same symptoms of dengue. Although everybody had participated in a training on Chikungunya Fever and Dengue, a very limited knowledge of nurses regarding the clinical management. It is suggested that further studies are developed on the ground a few nurses have accepted to participate in the study, so that we can identify strategies, interventions, activities and nursing actions that are consistent with the reality of working in favor of coping Aedes epidemics aegypti that have positive impact on reducing the infestation rates and may be suitable and applied in other regions.


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El trabajo se centra en el análisis de los pecados relacionados con el dinero en el Inferno de Dante y en la primera traducción castellana de la primera cantiga de la Commedia, obra del arcediano de Burgos Pedro Fernández de Villegas. La traducción, compuesta en coplas de arte mayor y acompañada de un enciclopédico comentario, se publicó en 1515. Particular atención se dedica a la reflexión sobre el problema del mal uso del dinero que Villegas desarrolla en la glosa de los cantos en que con más vigor se levanta la voz de Dante para denunciar la gravedad del pecado de la sed de riquezas. Se analiza la postura del traductor español ante el tema comparándola no sólo con la de Dante sino también con la de Cristoforo Landino, autor del Comento sopra la Comedia, obra exégetica que se publicó por primera vez en Florencia en 1481 y que representó el punto de referencia privilegiado de Villegas.


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La mastitis es una enfermedad que causa daño en el tejido parenquimatoso y estructural de la glándula mamaria bovina. Los tratamientos usados actualmente tienen muchos problemas colaterales (resistencia de antibióticos, eliminación de antibióticos en la leche, etc) que podrían complicar posteriores infecciones ya que generalmente no existe una buena respuesta terapéutica por agentes antibacterianos. En la presente investigación se ha utilizado la ozonoterapia como método alternativo para el tratamiento de la mastitis, por tener propiedades bactericidas, fungicidas, viricida, mejorar la micro-circulación sanguínea y optimizar el funcionamiento del sistema inmunológico. El objetivo general de la investigación fue buscar una alternativa para el control de la mastitis con ozonoterapia ya que, con los problemas ambientales y mal uso de los antibióticos, las bacterias causales han adquirido resistencia, consecuentemente animales altamente productivos mueren y problemas de salud pública por la calidad sanitaria y bioquímica de la leche se vuelven constantes, afectando la agroindustria en la calidad de sus derivados. Para la investigación, se aplicó ozonoterapia a través de la administración de solución salina ozonificada y solución gaseosa, se la comparó frente a un tratamiento tradicional (Ceftiofur), y se realizó una evaluación económica y sanitaria en la que se comprobó que la ozonoterapia tiene ventajas en ambos aspectos respecto al tratamiento alopático utilizado. Los resultados dejaron conocer que al ganado que se aplicó gas ozono sanaron un 76.7%, que a aquellas que se les aplicó suero ozonificado fueron curadas un 33.3% y a los que se aplicó Ceftiofur sanaron un 83%.