993 resultados para Mérode, Cléo de (1875-1966)
The objectives of this "Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan" are to inventory existing recreation areas in Iowa, determine current demand, define and analyze problems, determine needs, delineate responsibilities, correlate planning, present an action plan and establish a priority system for the development of outdoor recreational facilities.
Esitelmä Jyväskylässä 1994
Flood records for regular and partial-record gaging stations are contained in the following pages. Each listing contains the station number .and name, descriptive paragraphs pertaining to the station, and a listing of the flood peaks available through the 1965 water year 2/. 2/ A water year is the period from October 1 to the following September 30 and has the same yearly designation as September. Peaks above a base as well as annual peaks are listed. These provide the data for a partial-duration flood-frequency curve. Most of the material is self-explanatory and needs no discussion. However, a few items may be made clearer by the brief explanation which follows.
Demande le concours des chanteurs Edmond Vergnet et Pedro Gailhard pour l'exécution du poème lyrique "Le paradis perdu" de Théodore Dubois
Au sujet du procès intenté par Offenbach à Albert Vizentini : "Le procès d'Offenbach est absurde. J'espère qu'il le perdra. Comment ne comprend-t-il pas qu'au lieu de faire le procès à Vinzentini, il devrait lui donner les "Contes d'Hoffmann"?". - Papier bordé de noir
[Exposition. Paris, Opéra national de Paris. 1938]
Aquest treball pretén, en primer lloc, analitzar la història del Centre d’Estudis de Llagostera. Durant les dècades dels quaranta, cinquanta i seixanta a les comarques gironines es creen un seguit de centres d’estudis amb la missió de fer recerca del passat a través de l’arqueologia. En segon lloc, pretén saber quina consideració tenia l’arqueologia després dels primers anys del règim franquista. En tercer lloc, es pretén estudiar com va renéixer l’arqueologia al municipi de la mà d’uns pocs membres cultes de la societat civil, la qual cosa ens permet esbossar com neixen les inquietuds pel descobriment dels orígens de la vila. En quart lloc, es pretén, recuperar la memòria oral mitjançant entrevistes a aquells membres cultes van que encara viuen al poble. El contacte amb aquestes persones que van estar immerses en el desenvolupament del Centre d’Estudis ha permès compilar alguns documents gràfics que posseïen alguns d’ells a les seves biblioteques particulars
Helsingfors 1875, F. Tilgmann
As the frontispiece of Book One of Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, the phrase ‘Et in Arcadia ego’ announces the author’s intention of making the classical Arcadian theme a key reference in a text that speaks of nostalgia for a joyful past in times marked by sadness and pain. However, an interpretation may be approached from several directions even within the classical tradition. Thus, without ignoring philological or artistic aspects of the topic, this article focuses on a close study of the author’s most original message: the notion that a youthful Arcadian experience confers on young men and women a ‘residue of happiness’ able to sustain their future development and assist them in dealing with the challenges of personal tragedy.