780 resultados para Lithium Dissilicate
Lithium is used in the cathode and electrolyte of rechargeable batteries in many portable electronics and electric vehicles, and is thus seen as a critical component of modern technology (Gruber et al., 2011). Electric vehicles are promoted as a way to reduce carbon emissions associated with the transportation sector, which accounts for 14.3% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (OECD International Transport Forum, 2010). However, the sustainability of lithium procurement will influence the overall environmental impact of this proposed “green” solution. It is estimated that 66% of the world’s lithium resource is contained in natural brines, 24% in pegmatites, and 8% in sedimentary rocks such as hectorite clays (Gruber et al., 2011). It has been shown that “[r]ecycling of lithium from Li-ion batteries may be a critical factor in balancing the supply of lithium with future demand” (Gruber et al., 2011). In an attempt to quantify energy and materials consumption associated with production of a unit of useful lithium compounds, industry reports and peer-reviewed scientific literature concerning lithium mining and lithium recycling were reviewed and compared. Other aspects of sustainability, such as waste or by-products produced in the production of a unit of useful lithium, were also explored. Thus, this paper will serve to further the evaluation of the comparative environmental consequences associated with lithium production via extraction versus recycling. Efficiencies must be made in both processes to maximize productivity while minimizing ecological harm.
Pore fluid and sediment Li concentrations and isotopic ratios provide important insights on the hydrology, sediment contribution to the arc volcanoes and fluid-sediment reactions at the dominantly non-accretionary Costa Rica subduction zone. Ocean Drilling Program Site 1039 in the trench axis provides a reference section of 400 m of the incoming sediments, and Site 1040, situated arcward from the trench, consists of a deformed sedimentary wedge and apron sediments, the décollement, and the partially dewatered underthrust sediment section. At the reference site, pore fluids show important isotopic variations (delta6Li=-21.7 to -37.8 per mil), reflecting the interplay of in situ alteration of volcanic material and ion exchange with clay minerals. In the basal section, a reversal of Li concentration and delta6Li toward seawater values is observed, providing supporting evidence for a lateral seawater flow system in the upper oceanic basement underlying this sediment section. At Site 1040, pore fluid of the lower deformed wedge sediments and within the décollement is enriched in Li and the isotopic compositions are relatively light, suggesting infiltration of a deep-seated fluid. The delta6Li value of -22 per mil of this Li-enriched fluid (261 µM), when compared with the delta6Li value of the subducted sediment section (-11 per mil), suggests that the deep source fluid originates from mineral fluid dehydration and transformation reactions at temperatures of 100 to 150°C, consistent with the temperature range of the up-dip seismogenic zone and of transformation of smectite to illite. The distribution of Li and its isotopes in the underthrust section are similar to those at the reference site, indicating near complete subduction of the incoming sediments and that early dewatering of the underthrust sediments occurs predominantly by lateral flow into the ocean. The hemipelagic clay-rich sediment section of the subducting plate carries most of the Li into this subduction zone, and the pelagic diatomaceous and nannofossil calcareous oozes contain little Li. The Li isotopes of both the clay-rich hemipelagic sediments and of the pelagic oozes are, however, similar, with delta6Li values of -9 to -12 per mil. The observations that (1) the delta6Li values of the underthrust sediments are distinctly lower than that of the mantle, and (2) the lavas of the Costa Rican volcanoes are enriched in Li and 7Li, provide an approximation of the contribution of the subducted sediments to the arc volcanoes. A first order mass balance calculation suggests that approximately half of the Li flux delivered by subducted sediments and altered oceanic crust into the Middle American Trench is recycled to the Costa Rican arc and at most a quarter of sedimentary Li is returned into the ocean through thrust faults, primarily the décollement thrust.
Lithium isotopic compositions of hydrothermally altered sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 477/477A, as well as high temperature vent fluids of the Guaymas Basin, have been determined to gain an understanding of lithium exchange during fluid-sediment interaction at this sediment-covered spreading center. Unaltered turbidite of the basin has a d6Li value of -10%, 5-7% heavier than fresh oceanic basalts. Contact metamorphism induced by a shallow sill intrusion results in a decrease of the lithium content of the adjacent sediments and a lighter isotopic value (-8%). Below the sill, sediments altered by a deep-seated hydrothermal system show strong depletions in lithium, while lithium isotopic compositions vary greatly, ranging from -11 to +1%. The shift to lighter composition is the result of preferential retention of the lighter isotope in recrystallized phases after destruction of the primary minerals. The complexity of the isotope profile is attributed to inhomogeneity in mineral composition, the tortuous pathway of fluids and the temperature effect on isotopic fractionation. The range of lithium concentration and d6Li values for the vent fluids sampled in 1982 and 1985 overlaps with that of the sediment-free mid-ocean ridge systems. The lack of a distinct expression of sediment input is explained in terms of a flow-through system with continuous water recharge. The observations on the natural system agree well with the results of laboratory hydrothermal experiments. The experimental study demonstrates the importance of temperature, pressure, water/rock ratio, substrate composition and reaction time on the lithium isotopic composition of the reacted fluid. High temperature authigenic phases do not seem to constitute an important sink for lithium and sediments of a hydrothermal system such as Guaymas are a source of lithium to the ocean. The ready mobility of lithium in the sediment under elevated temperature and pressure conditions also has important implications for lithium cycling in subduction zones.
Data on lithium, rubidium and cesium concentrations in waters of open seas and oceans are summarized. Average amounts of these elements in the World Ocean inferred from published data and those obtained by the author are as follows: Li - 0.18 mg/l, Rb - 0.12 mg/l and Cs - 0.004 mg/l. Rare alkaline elements in the oceans and open seas are distributed (like sodium and potassium) in accordance with salinity. The ability of lithium to become a constituent of clay minerals accounts for its relatively low concentration in sea water as compared with that of sodium and potassium. Compared to rubidium and cesium that have high absorption energy and low hydration energy, lithium relatively enriches sea water. Residence times of these elements in the ocean are: Na - 120 My, Li - 2.7 My, Rb - 2.3 My and Cs - 0.3 My.
This literature search consisting of 187 references to report and published literature taken from Nuclear Science Abstracts (NSA). The period covered is January, 1951 - November 15, 1960. Abstracts for the references can be found in NSA by the abstract numbers provided.
"March 2007."
"Contract AT(11-1)-229."
"Contract AT(30-1)-2789."
"Contract AT(30-1)-2789."
"U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(29-1)-1106."
"Contributions from the Chemical Laboratory of Harvard College."
Thesis (doctoral)--Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelsm-Universitat, Bonn.
NASA SP-5028.
Background: Clinicians frequently use lithium to augment antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia. Therefore, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of the use of lithium in the treatment of schizophrenia. Data sources and study selection: Randomized controlled trials examining lithium (as a sole or an adjunctive compound) in participants with schizophrenia or related disorders were searched in the register of the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group. No language restrictions were applied. The Boolean phrase [lithium* or lithicarb or eskalith or lithobid or lithane or cibalith-s or quilonum or hypnorex] was used to locate articles. The search strategy initially identified 90 references. The authors of the included studies were contacted to obtain original patient data. The data were combined in a meta-analysis. The main outcome parameters were the number of patients with a clinically significant response and the number of patients leaving the studies early. Results: The meta-analysis includes 20 studies (N = 611). The evidence shows that lithium as a sole agent is ineffective in the treatment of schizophrenia. Eleven trials examined the augmentation of antipsychotics with lithium. More patients who received lithium augmentation than those who received antipsychotics alone were classified as responders. However, the superiority was not consistent across different response thresholds, and when patients with prominent affective symptoms were excluded from the analysis, the advantage of lithium augmentation was not significant (p = .07). Significantly more patients taking lithium left the trials early, suggesting a lower acceptability of lithium augmentation compared with that of taking antipsychotics alone. Conclusion: Despite some evidence in favor of lithium augmentation, the overall results are inconclusive. A large trial of lithium augmentation of antipsychotic medications will be required in order to detect a benefit of small effect size in patients with schizophrenia who lack affective symptoms.
Buried, micro-structured waveguides with an equiangular spiral geometry, which can be formed in a lithium niobate crystal by direct femtosecond laser writing, are analysed with the full-vectorial finite element method. The guiding properties of such waveguides are presented.