894 resultados para Liquidity premium


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Despite many interest in e-grocery, little has changed, over the years, in the offering that is often geared only towards low value staple products. Yet, from an e-supermarket perspective, the number of sourcing stores is increasing regularly providing an illusion of service improvement. This situation, we argue is leading e-grocery providers to forego profits as consumers need to look both at the competition online and offline to satisfy their overall regular grocery needs. Expansion of e-grocery operations could be better achieved, we argue, by serving diverse and premium priced products (e.g. organic, limited production, regional items; special occasions items and products related to health e.g. allergies, diabetes) and utilizing more efficiently modern logistic techniques. A framework is offered presenting a model including the delivery of premium products from various suppliers and providing an integrated service solution to e-grocery customers that complete traditional supermarket ranges, creating potential high value added products niches. In this context, the objective was to understand the consumer discrimination factors (ie: range of product, delivery timing, location, service quality) leading to intentions towards purchasing more items from e-grocery retailers. Data are derived from a survey of 356 respondents in Turkey’s three biggest metropolitan areas. The relationship between consumer attitudes and demographic characteristics are also analyzed. Factor and SEM analyses are used to discriminate within the sample (n=356, no of items=150). Results, future research and policy implications are discussed.


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Premium intraocular lenses (IOLs) aim to surgically correct astigmatism and presbyopia following cataract extraction, optimising vision and eliminating the need for cataract surgery in later years. It is usual to fully correct astigmatism and to provide visual correction for distance and near when prescribing spectacles and contact lenses, however for correction with the lens implanted during cataract surgery, patients are required to purchase the premium IOLs and pay surgery fees outside the National Health Service in the UK. The benefit of using toric IOLs was thus demonstrated, both in standard visual tests and real-world situations. Orientation of toric IOLs during implantation is critical and the benefit of using conjunctival blood vessels for alignment was shown. The issue of centration of IOLs relative to the pupil was also investigated, showing changes with the amount of dilation and repeat dilation evaluation, which must be considered during surgery to optimize the visual performance of premium IOLs. Presbyopia is a global issue, of growing importance as life expectancy increases, with no real long-term cure. Despite enhanced lifestyles, changes in diet and improved medical care, presbyopia still presents in modern life as a significant visual impairment. The onset of presbyopia was found to vary with risk factors including alcohol consumption, smoking, UV exposure and even weight as well as age. A new technique to make measurement of accommodation more objective and robust was explored, although needs for further design modifications were identified. Due to dysphotopsia and lack of intermediate vision through most multifocal IOL designs, the development of a trifocal IOL was shown to minimize these aspects. The current thesis, therefore, emphasises the challenges of premium IOL surgery and need for refinement for optimum visual outcome in addition to outlining how premium IOLs may provide long-term and successful correction of astigmatism and presbyopia.


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We analyze detailed monthly data on U.S. open market stock repurchases (OMRs) that recently became available following stricter disclosure requirements. We find evidence that OMRs are timed to benefit non-selling shareholders. We present evidence that the profits to companies from timing repurchases are significantly related to ownership structure. Institutional ownership reduces companies' opportunities to repurchase stock at bargain prices. At low levels, insider ownership increases timing profits and at high levels it reduces them. Stock liquidity increases profits from timing OMRs.


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This paper studies the impact that a change from a dealer system to a market-maker supported auction system has on market quality. We study the impact that the introduction of SETSmm at the London Stock Exchange had on firm value, price efficiency and liquidity. We discover a small SETSmm return premium associated with the announcement that securities are to migrate to the new trading system. Moreover, securities that migrate to SETSmm are characterized by improvements to liquidity and pricing efficiency. We find that these changes are related to the return premium.


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Can companies reduce the volatility and increase the liquidity of their stocks by trading them? In the context of the Italian stock market, where companies have far more leeway to sell as well as buy their own stocks than in the U.S., the answer is yes. We examine the effects of trading (open-market share repurchases and treasury shares sales) on liquidity (bid–ask spread) and volatility (return variance). Further, we examine the impact of shareholder approvals of repurchase programs on liquidity and volatility. We find clear evidence that trading increases liquidity and reduces volatility. These results are consistent with our analysis of the motives Italian companies give for making share repurchases.


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Premium Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) such as toric IOLs, multifocal IOLs (MIOLs) and accommodating IOLs (AIOLs) can provide better refractive and visual outcomes compared to standard monofocal designs, leading to greater levels of post-operative spectacle independence. The principal theme of this thesis relates to the development of new assessment techniques that can help to improve future premium IOL design. IOLs designed to correct astigmatism form the focus of the first part of the thesis. A novel toric IOL design was devised to decrease the effect of toric rotation on patient visual acuity, but found to have neither a beneficial or detrimental impact on visual acuity retention. IOL tilt, like rotation, may curtail visual performance; however current IOL tilt measurement techniques require the use of specialist equipment not readily available in most ophthalmological clinics. Thus a new idea that applied Pythagoras’s theory to digital images of IOL optic symmetricality in order to calculate tilt was proposed, and shown to be both accurate and highly repeatable. A literature review revealed little information on the relationship between IOL tilt, decentration and rotation and so this was examined. A poor correlation between these factors was found, indicating they occur independently of each other. Next, presbyopia correcting IOLs were investigated. The light distribution of different MIOLs and an AIOL was assessed using perimetry, to establish whether this could be used to inform optimal IOL design. Anticipated differences in threshold sensitivity between IOLs were not however found, thus perimetry was concluded to be ineffective in mapping retinal projection of blur. The observed difference between subjective and objective measures of accommodation, arising from the influence of pseudoaccommodative factors, was explored next to establish how much additional objective power would be required to restore the eye’s focus with AIOLs. Blur tolerance was found to be the key contributor to the ocular depth of focus, with an approximate dioptric influence of 0.60D. Our understanding of MIOLs may be limited by the need for subjective defocus curves, which are lengthy and do not permit important additional measures to be undertaken. The use of aberrometry to provide faster objective defocus curves was examined. Although subjective and objective measures related well, the peaks of the MIOL defocus curve profile were not evident with objective prediction of acuity, indicating a need for further refinement of visual quality metrics based on ocular aberrations. The experiments detailed in the thesis evaluate methods to improve visual performance with toric IOLs. They also investigate new techniques to allow more rapid post-operative assessment of premium IOLs, which could allow greater insights to be obtained into several aspects of visual quality, in order to optimise future IOL design and ultimately enhance patient satisfaction.


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Geography and retail store locations are inherently bound together; this study links food retail changes to systemic logistics changes in an emerging market. The later include raising income and education, access to a wide range of technologies, traffic and transport difficulties, lagging retail provision, changing family structure and roles, as well as changing food culture and taste. The study incorporates demand for premium products defined by Kapferer and Bastien [2009b. The Luxury Strategy. London: Kogan Page] as comprising a broad variety of higher quality and unique or distinctive products and brands including in grocery organic ranges, healthy options, allergy free selections, and international and gourmet/specialty products through an online grocery model (n = 356) that integrates a novel view of home delivery in Istanbul. More importantly from a logistic perspective our model incorporates any products from any online vendors broadening the range beyond listed items found in any traditional online supermarkets. Data collected via phone survey and analysed via structural equation modelling suggest that the offer of online premium products significantly affects consumers’ delivery logistics expectations. We discuss logistics operations and business management implications, identifying the emerging geography of logistic models which respond to consumers’ unmet expectations using multiple sourcing and consolidation points.


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A cikkben a magyar fedezetlen bankközi forintpiac hálózatának időbeli alakulását vizsgáljuk 2002 decemberétől 2009 márciusáig. Bemutatjuk a piac általános jellemzőit (forgalom, kamatláb, koncentráció stb.) és az alapvető hálózati mutatókat. Azt tapasztaljuk, hogy az időszak első felében ezek a jellemzők lényegében stabilak voltak. 2006-2007-től kezdve azonban a mutatók egy része kezdett jelentősen megváltozni: a hitelfelvevők koncentrációja nőtt, az átlagos közelség és az átlagos fokszám csökkent, továbbá a hálózat magjának mérete is csökkent. Ezek a jelek arra utalhatnak, hogy a bankok már a válság kitörése előtt érzékelték a növekvő hitelkockázatot, és egyre inkább megválogatták, hogy kinek adnak hitelt. Figyelemre méltó, hogy mindeközben az általános piaci mutatók (forgalom, kamatláb, illetve ezek volatilitása) semmiféle változásra utaló jelet nem tükröztek egészen 2008 októberéig, de ekkor hirtelen minden mutatóban egyértelművé vált a rezsimváltás. Végül részletesen elemezzük az egyes szereplők viselkedését, és megmutatjuk, hogy válságban az egyes szerepek drasztikusan megváltoztak (például forrásokból nyelők lettek, és fordítva). / === / The article examines the changes in the network of Hungary's uncovered interbank forint market over the period Decembcr 2000 to March 2009. It presents the general features of the market (volume, interest rates, concentration etc.) and its basic network. It is found that the features were largely stable in the first half of the period, but some of the indicators began to change significantly in 2006-7: the concentration of borrowers incrcased, average distance and average degree declined, as did the size of the core of the network. These signs pointed to the fact that the banks had sensed an increase in credit risk even before the crisis broke and were becoming increasingly choosy selective in their lending. Meanwhile, however. there aerc no indications of change in the general market indicators (volume, interest rates, or volatility of these) right up to October 2008, when the change of regime was clear in all indicators. Finally, the authors analyse in detail the behaviour of each participant and show that thc roles of some altered drastically with the crisis (e.g. sources became consumers and vice versa).


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A szerző azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy a vállalat működése során a likvid eszközök mekkora arányát tartsa fenn. A kérdést a finanszírozás szemszögéből veti fel, mivel a hitelezés okozta korlátok jelentősen befolyásolják a likvid eszköz tartalékolásának motivációit. A cikk a vállalkozói-hitelezői információs kapcsolat háromféle esetében mutatja be az eszközfedezettel rendelkező hitelek adósságszolgálatát meghatározó tényezőket. Elsőként a teljes információs viszony melletti stratégiákkal meghatározott adósságszolgálatot vizsgálja, majd a második típusú információs kapcsolatban a nem megfigyelhető vállalkozói erőfeszítéseket feltételezve adja meg az adósságszolgálat fizetésének ex ante és ex post egyensúlyát. Harmadikként, a nem igazolható vállalati adatok feltevése mellett teljes és részleges eszközfedezetre is meghatározza az optimális vállalkozói likviditási politikát, és tárgyalja az itt fennálló ellentéteket. Megmutatja, hogy részleges eszközfedezet mellett 1. újratárgyalható a hitelszerződés, és a stratégiai adósságszolgálatot nem lehet elkerülni, 2. a likviditásoptimalizálásnak nincs ex post Pareto-egyensúlyi megoldása, ugyanis a hitelszerződésben részt vevő felek alkuereje határozza meg a vállalat likviditásának szintjét. / === / This paper investigates what the liquid asset ratio for firms should be. Financing constraints significantly influence motivations for liquidity hoarding. The article shows the determinants of secured debt services for three different information cases of a lender-borrower relationship. First, it examines the strategic debt service under full information, and then, assuming non-observable entrepreneurial efforts, it gives the ex ante and ex post equilibria of the strategic debt service. The third case supposes non-verifiable firm information; this provides the optimal corporate liquidity policy and explains the contrary propositions. It shows that under not fully secured collateral, 1. the debt contract is renegotiable; the lender cannot avoid the strategic debt service, 2. there is no ex post optimal Pareto efficient solution to liquidity policy, because the corporate liquidity ratio is determined by the bargaining power of the partners in the debt contract.


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A likviditás mérésére többféle mutató terjedt el, amelyek a likviditás jelenségét különböző szempontok alapján számszerűsítik. A cikk a szakirodalom által javasolt, különféle likviditási mutatókat elemzi sokdimenziós statisztikai módszerekkel: főkomponens-elemzés segítségével keresünk olyan faktorokat, amelyek legjobban tömörítik a likviditási jellemzőket, majd megnézzük, hogy az egyes mutatók milyen mértékben mozognak együtt a faktorokkal, illetve a korrelációk alapján klaszterezési eljárással keresünk hasonló tulajdonságokkal bíró csoportokat. Arra keressük a választ, hogy a rendelkezésünkre álló minta elemzésével kialakított változócsoportok egybeesnek-e a likviditás egyes aspektusaihoz kapcsolt mutatókkal, valamint meghatározhatók-e olyan összetett likviditási mérőszámok, amelyeknek a segítségével a likviditás jelensége több dimenzióban mérhető. / === / Liquidity is measured from different aspects (e.g. tightness, depth, and resiliency) by different ratios. We studied the co-movements and the clustering of different liquidity measures on a sample of the Swiss stock market. We performed a PCA to obtain the main factors that explain the cross-sectional variability of liquidity measures, and we used the k-means clustering methodology to defi ne groups of liquidity measures. Based on our explorative data analysis, we formed clusters of liquidity measures, and we compared the resulting groups with the expectations and intuition. Our modelling methodology provides a framework to analyze the correlation between the different aspects of liquidity as well as a means to defi ne complex liquidity measures.


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Ebben a cikkben azzal foglalkozom, hogy a kockázat és a vevőkör nagysága együttesen hogyan hat a termék árára. Kétféle piacot hasonlítok össze: egy biztosítási piacot, és egy termékpiacot. A kétféle piac között az a legfontosabb különbség, hogy termékpiac esetében az eladó számára csak ott jelentkezik kockázat, hogy el tudja-e adni a terméket, míg biztosítási piac esetében az eladó a termék értékesítése után is szembesül kockázattal. A cikk során megmutatom, hogy a vevőkör növekedésének ellentétes hatása lehet a termék árára termék- illetve biztosítási piacok esetében. / === / An economic approach for modeling the insurance markets. The study focuses on the monopolistic market, where one insurance company sells a product with predetermined benefits for the customers. An outline of the company and the insureds' behavior with utility functions is given. The study investigates the problem of policy pricing in relation to the number of clients the company acquires. Analytic tools will be used to further clarify the points.


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A 2007-ben kezdődő pénzügyi eredetű világgazdasági válság nyilvánvalóvá tette a kapcsolatot a likviditás két fajtája, a finanszírozási és a piaci likviditás között. A cikk megismertet a piaci likviditással kapcsolatos olyan alapvető fogalmakkal, mint order flow, ajánlati könyv, piaci struktúrák, bemutatja a piaci likviditás dimenzióit, a likviditás néhány mutatószámát és a piaci likviditás stilizált tényeit. A banki likviditáskezelés rövid összefoglalásán túl bevezetést nyújt a portfóliók likviditáskockázat melletti értékelésébe, végezetül összefoglalja, hogy az alapvetően finanszírozási likviditási kockázatnak kitett nem pénzügyi vállalatok hogyan vehetik figyelembe döntéseik meghozatalakor a piaci likviditást. _____________________ The global financial crisis starting in 2007 has showed that the connection between market liquidity and funding liquidity is apparent. This paper introduces the basic notions regarding market liquidity such as order flow, order book, and market structures. The article also presents the various dimensions of market liquidity, several measures of liquidity and the stylized facts of market liquidity. Besides a short description of liquidity management of banks it briefly introduces portfolio valuation in the presence of liquidity risk. Finally, the paper gives insight to non-financial companies, fundamentally exposed to funding liquidity risk, on how to consider market liquidity in their decisions.


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A cikk kiindulópontja, hogy a kettős könyvvitelt vezető vállalkozások által kötelezően elkészítendő éves pénzügyi kimutatások (számviteli beszámolók) olyan információbázist jelentenek, amelyek segítséget nyújthatnak egyrészről a vállalati likviditásmenedzsment támogatásához, másrészről a vállalkozások likviditási helyzetének megítéléséhez. A cikk első fele felvázolja a vállalkozások pénzügyi helyzetét bemutató adatok számviteli kereteit, bemutatja a likviditás fogalmának egyes értelmezéseit, majd részletesen kitér arra, hogy a likviditás utólagos vizsgálatához, illetve előrejelzéséhez milyen korrekciókat kell (lehet) végezni a számviteli beszámoló adatain. A cikk második fele az elemzés lehetséges módjait és eszközeit veszi számba, kitérve a statikus és dinamikus elemzés közötti különbségek bemutatására, az egyes mutatók számításának lehetséges módjaira és értelmezésükre, mindvégig szem előtt tartva az alkalmazás korlátait. ________ The study examines how information provided by accounting information systems could support companies’ liquidity management. The starting point is that compulsory financial statements prepared by economic entities embody an adequate information basis, which could help liquidity management as well as the judgement of liquidity. The first part of the study introduces the various interpretations of liquidity and gives a detailed description of the adjustments that need to be made on accounting data for an a posteriori examination of liquidity and to be able to forecast liquidity. The second part discusses the possible means and tools of analysis, including the differences between static and dynamic methods and the calculation and interpretation of the various ratios widely used by professionals. The conclusion is that there is no best-practice method or ratio, but rather a wide range of tools is to be used when one is willing to gain a complex and comprehensive insight about an entity’s liquidity.