914 resultados para Linear boundary value control problems


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The problem motivating this investigation is that of pure axisymmetric torsion of an elastic shell of revolution. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the three-dimensional linear theory of elastic equilibrium for homogeneous, isotropic solids. The objective is the rigorous estimation of errors involved in the use of approximations based on thin shell theory.

The underlying boundary value problem is one of Neumann type for a second order elliptic operator. A systematic procedure for constructing pointwise estimates for the solution and its first derivatives is given for a general class of second-order elliptic boundary-value problems which includes the torsion problem as a special case.

The method used here rests on the construction of “energy inequalities” and on the subsequent deduction of pointwise estimates from the energy inequalities. This method removes certain drawbacks characteristic of pointwise estimates derived in some investigations of related areas.

Special interest is directed towards thin shells of constant thickness. The method enables us to estimate the error involved in a stress analysis in which the exact solution is replaced by an approximate one, and thus provides us with a means of assessing the quality of approximate solutions for axisymmetric torsion of thin shells.

Finally, the results of the present study are applied to the stress analysis of a circular cylindrical shell, and the quality of stress estimates derived here and those from a previous related publication are discussed.


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Climate change is arguably the most critical issue facing our generation and the next. As we move towards a sustainable future, the grid is rapidly evolving with the integration of more and more renewable energy resources and the emergence of electric vehicles. In particular, large scale adoption of residential and commercial solar photovoltaics (PV) plants is completely changing the traditional slowly-varying unidirectional power flow nature of distribution systems. High share of intermittent renewables pose several technical challenges, including voltage and frequency control. But along with these challenges, renewable generators also bring with them millions of new DC-AC inverter controllers each year. These fast power electronic devices can provide an unprecedented opportunity to increase energy efficiency and improve power quality, if combined with well-designed inverter control algorithms. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop scalable power flow optimization and control methods that achieve system-wide efficiency, reliability, and robustness for power distribution networks of future with high penetration of distributed inverter-based renewable generators.

Proposed solutions to power flow control problems in the literature range from fully centralized to fully local ones. In this thesis, we will focus on the two ends of this spectrum. In the first half of this thesis (chapters 2 and 3), we seek optimal solutions to voltage control problems provided a centralized architecture with complete information. These solutions are particularly important for better understanding the overall system behavior and can serve as a benchmark to compare the performance of other control methods against. To this end, we first propose a branch flow model (BFM) for the analysis and optimization of radial and meshed networks. This model leads to a new approach to solve optimal power flow (OPF) problems using a two step relaxation procedure, which has proven to be both reliable and computationally efficient in dealing with the non-convexity of power flow equations in radial and weakly-meshed distribution networks. We will then apply the results to fast time- scale inverter var control problem and evaluate the performance on real-world circuits in Southern California Edison’s service territory.

The second half (chapters 4 and 5), however, is dedicated to study local control approaches, as they are the only options available for immediate implementation on today’s distribution networks that lack sufficient monitoring and communication infrastructure. In particular, we will follow a reverse and forward engineering approach to study the recently proposed piecewise linear volt/var control curves. It is the aim of this dissertation to tackle some key problems in these two areas and contribute by providing rigorous theoretical basis for future work.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma estimativa a priori para o limite superior da distribuição de temperatura considerando um problema em regime permanente em um corpo com uma condutividade térmica dependente da temperatura. A discussão é realizada supondo que as condições de contorno são lineares (lei de Newton do resfriamento) e que a condutividade térmica é constante por partes (quando considerada como uma função da temperatura). Estas estimativas consistem em uma ferramenta poderosa que pode prescindir da necessidade de uma simulação numérica cara de um problema de transferência de calor não linear, sempre que for suficiente conhecer o valor mais alto de temperatura. Nestes casos, a metodologia proposta neste trabalho é mais eficaz do que as aproximações usuais que assumem tanto a condutividade térmica quanto as fontes de calor como constantes.


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A boundary integral technique has been developed for the numerical simulation of the air flow for the Aaberg exhaust system. For the steady, ideal, irrotational air flow induced by a jet, the air velocity is an analytical function. The solution of the problem is formulated in the form of a boundary integral equation by seeking the solution of a mixed boundary-value problem of an analytical function based on the Riemann-Hilbert technique. The boundary integral equation is numerically solved by converting it into a system of linear algebraic equations, which are solved by the process of the Gaussian elimination. The air velocity vector at any point in the solution domain is then computed from the air velocity on the boundary of the solution domains.


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An online scheduling of the parameter ensuring in addition to closed loop stability was presented. Attention was given to saturated linear low-gain control laws. Null controllability of the considered linear systems was assumed. The family of low gain control laws achieved semiglobal stabilization.


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The perturbation method is developed to deal with the effective nonlinear dielectric responses of weakly nonlinear graded composites, which consist of the graded inclusion with a linear dielectric function of spatial variables of inclusion material. For Kerr-like nonlinear graded composites, as an example in two dimensions, we have used the perturbation method to solve the boundary value problems of potentials, and studied the effective responses of nonlinear graded composites, where a cylindrical inclusion with linear dielectric function and nonlinear dielectric constant is randomly embedded in a homogeneous host with linear and nonlinear dielectric constants. For the exponential function and the power-law dielectric profiles of cylindrical inclusions, in the dilute limit, we have derived the formulae of effective nonlinear responses of both graded nonlinear composites.


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This thesis is concerned with uniformly convergent finite element and finite difference methods for numerically solving singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems. We examine the following four problems: (i) high order problem of reaction-diffusion type; (ii) high order problem of convection-diffusion type; (iii) second order interior turning point problem; (iv) semilinear reaction-diffusion problem. Firstly, we consider high order problems of reaction-diffusion type and convection-diffusion type. Under suitable hypotheses, the coercivity of the associated bilinear forms is proved and representation results for the solutions of such problems are given. It is shown that, on an equidistant mesh, polynomial schemes cannot achieve a high order of convergence which is uniform in the perturbation parameter. Piecewise polynomial Galerkin finite element methods are then constructed on a Shishkin mesh. High order convergence results, which are uniform in the perturbation parameter, are obtained in various norms. Secondly, we investigate linear second order problems with interior turning points. Piecewise linear Galerkin finite element methods are generated on various piecewise equidistant meshes designed for such problems. These methods are shown to be convergent, uniformly in the singular perturbation parameter, in a weighted energy norm and the usual L2 norm. Finally, we deal with a semilinear reaction-diffusion problem. Asymptotic properties of solutions to this problem are discussed and analysed. Two simple finite difference schemes on Shishkin meshes are applied to the problem. They are proved to be uniformly convergent of second order and fourth order respectively. Existence and uniqueness of a solution to both schemes are investigated. Numerical results for the above methods are presented.


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A Newton–Raphson solution scheme with a stress point algorithm is presented for the implementation of an elastic–viscoplastic soilmodel in a finite element program. Viscoplastic strain rates are calculated using the stress and volumetric states of the soil. Sub-incrementsof time are defined for each iterative calculation of elastic–viscoplastic stress changes so that their sum adds up to the time incrementfor the load step. This carefully defined ‘iterative time’ ensures that the correct amount of viscoplastic straining is accumulated overthe applied load step. The algorithms and assumptions required to implement the solution scheme are provided. Verification of the solutionscheme is achieved by using it to analyze typical boundary value problems.


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Cette thèse est divisée en deux grands chapitres, dont le premier porte sur des problèmes de commande optimale en dimension un et le deuxième sur des problèmes en dimension deux ou plus. Notons bien que, dans cette thèse, nous avons supposé que le facteur temps n'intervient pas. Dans le premier chapitre, nous calculons, au début, l'équation de programmation dynamique pour la valeur minimale F de l'espérance mathématique de la fonction de coût considérée. Ensuite, nous utilisons le théorème de Whittle qui est applicable seulement si une condition entre le bruit blanc v et les termes b et q associés à la commande est satisfaite. Sinon, nous procédons autrement. En effet, un changement de variable transforme notre équation en une équation de Riccati en G= F', mais sans conditions initiales. Dans certains cas, à partir de la symétrie des paramètres infinitésimaux et de q, nous pouvons en déduire le point x' où G(x')=0. Si ce n'est pas le cas, nous nous limitons à des bonnes approximations. Cette même démarche est toujours possible si nous sommes dans des situations particulières, par exemple, lorsque nous avons une seule barrière. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous traitons les problèmes en dimension deux ou plus. Puisque la condition de Whittle est difficile à satisfaire dans ce cas, nous essayons de généraliser les résultats du premier chapitre. Nous utilisons alors dans quelques exemples la méthode des similitudes, qui permet de transformer le problème en dimension un. Ensuite, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de résolution. Cette dernière linéarise l'équation de programmation dynamique qui est une équation aux dérivées partielles non linéaire. Il reste à la fin à trouver les conditions initiales pour la nouvelle fonction et aussi à vérifier que les n expressions obtenues pour F sont équivalentes.


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The aim of this paper is to extend the method of approximate approximations to boundary value problems. This method was introduced by V. Maz'ya in 1991 and has been used until now for the approximation of smooth functions defined on the whole space and for the approximation of volume potentials. In the present paper we develop an approximation procedure for the solution of the interior Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in two dimensions using approximate approximations. The procedure is based on potential theoretical considerations in connection with a boundary integral equations method and consists of three approximation steps as follows. In a first step the unknown source density in the potential representation of the solution is replaced by approximate approximations. In a second step the decay behavior of the generating functions is used to gain a suitable approximation for the potential kernel, and in a third step Nyström's method leads to a linear algebraic system for the approximate source density. For every step a convergence analysis is established and corresponding error estimates are given.


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Ausgangspunkt der Dissertation ist ein von V. Maz'ya entwickeltes Verfahren, eine gegebene Funktion f : Rn ! R durch eine Linearkombination fh radialer glatter exponentiell fallender Basisfunktionen zu approximieren, die im Gegensatz zu den Splines lediglich eine näherungsweise Zerlegung der Eins bilden und somit ein für h ! 0 nicht konvergentes Verfahren definieren. Dieses Verfahren wurde unter dem Namen Approximate Approximations bekannt. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass diese fehlende Konvergenz für die Praxis nicht relevant ist, da der Fehler zwischen f und der Approximation fh über gewisse Parameter unterhalb der Maschinengenauigkeit heutiger Rechner eingestellt werden kann. Darüber hinaus besitzt das Verfahren große Vorteile bei der numerischen Lösung von Cauchy-Problemen der Form Lu = f mit einem geeigneten linearen partiellen Differentialoperator L im Rn. Approximiert man die rechte Seite f durch fh, so lassen sich in vielen Fällen explizite Formeln für die entsprechenden approximativen Volumenpotentiale uh angeben, die nur noch eine eindimensionale Integration (z.B. die Errorfunktion) enthalten. Zur numerischen Lösung von Randwertproblemen ist das von Maz'ya entwickelte Verfahren bisher noch nicht genutzt worden, mit Ausnahme heuristischer bzw. experimenteller Betrachtungen zur sogenannten Randpunktmethode. Hier setzt die Dissertation ein. Auf der Grundlage radialer Basisfunktionen wird ein neues Approximationsverfahren entwickelt, welches die Vorzüge der von Maz'ya für Cauchy-Probleme entwickelten Methode auf die numerische Lösung von Randwertproblemen überträgt. Dabei werden stellvertretend das innere Dirichlet-Problem für die Laplace-Gleichung und für die Stokes-Gleichungen im R2 behandelt, wobei für jeden der einzelnen Approximationsschritte Konvergenzuntersuchungen durchgeführt und Fehlerabschätzungen angegeben werden.


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The method of approximate approximations, introduced by Maz'ya [1], can also be used for the numerical solution of boundary integral equations. In this case, the matrix of the resulting algebraic system to compute an approximate source density depends only on the position of a finite number of boundary points and on the direction of the normal vector in these points (Boundary Point Method). We investigate this approach for the Stokes problem in the whole space and for the Stokes boundary value problem in a bounded convex domain G subset R^2, where the second part consists of three steps: In a first step the unknown potential density is replaced by a linear combination of exponentially decreasing basis functions concentrated near the boundary points. In a second step, integration over the boundary partial G is replaced by integration over the tangents at the boundary points such that even analytical expressions for the potential approximations can be obtained. In a third step, finally, the linear algebraic system is solved to determine an approximate density function and the resulting solution of the Stokes boundary value problem. Even not convergent the method leads to an efficient approximation of the form O(h^2) + epsilon, where epsilon can be chosen arbitrarily small.


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In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Aspekte bei Randwertproblemen der linearen Elastizitätstheorie untersucht: die Approximation von Lösungen auf unbeschränkten Gebieten und die Änderung von Symmetrieklassen unter speziellen Transformationen. Ausgangspunkt der Dissertation ist das von Specovius-Neugebauer und Nazarov in "Artificial boundary conditions for Petrovsky systems of second order in exterior domains and in other domains of conical type"(Math. Meth. Appl. Sci, 2004; 27) eingeführte Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Petrovsky-Systemen zweiter Ordnung in Außenraumgebieten und Gebieten mit konischen Ausgängen mit Hilfe der Methode der künstlichen Randbedingungen. Dabei werden für die Ermittlung von Lösungen der Randwertprobleme die unbeschränkten Gebiete durch das Abschneiden mit einer Kugel beschränkt, und es wird eine künstliche Randbedingung konstruiert, um die Lösung des Problems möglichst gut zu approximieren. Das Verfahren wird dahingehend verändert, dass das abschneidende Gebiet ein Polyeder ist, da es für die Lösung des Approximationsproblems mit üblichen Finite-Element-Diskretisierungen von Vorteil sei, wenn das zu triangulierende Gebiet einen polygonalen Rand besitzt. Zu Beginn der Arbeit werden die wichtigsten funktionalanalytischen Begriffe und Ergebnisse der Theorie elliptischer Differentialoperatoren vorgestellt. Danach folgt der Hauptteil der Arbeit, der sich in drei Bereiche untergliedert. Als erstes wird für abschneidende Polyedergebiete eine formale Konstruktion der künstlichen Randbedingungen angegeben. Danach folgt der Nachweis der Existenz und Eindeutigkeit der Lösung des approximativen Randwertproblems auf dem abgeschnittenen Gebiet und im Anschluss wird eine Abschätzung für den resultierenden Abschneidefehler geliefert. An die theoretischen Ausführungen schließt sich die Betrachtung von Anwendungsbereiche an. Hier werden ebene Rissprobleme und Polarisationsmatrizen dreidimensionaler Außenraumprobleme der Elastizitätstheorie erläutert. Der letzte Abschnitt behandelt den zweiten Aspekt der Arbeit, den Bereich der Algebraischen Äquivalenzen. Hier geht es um die Transformation von Symmetrieklassen, um die Kenntnis der Fundamentallösung der Elastizitätsprobleme für transversalisotrope Medien auch für Medien zu nutzen, die nicht von transversalisotroper Struktur sind. Eine allgemeine Darstellung aller Klassen konnte hier nicht geliefert werden. Als Beispiel für das Vorgehen wird eine Klasse von orthotropen Medien im dreidimensionalen Fall angegeben, die sich auf den Fall der Transversalisotropie reduzieren lässt.