939 resultados para Lightcone fluctuation


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Ten years of demographic and genetic monitoring of Stachys maritima in Catalonia (2001-2010). Implications for a recovery plan.- Stachys maritima is a species typical of the coastal dunes, with a wide distribution within the Mediterranean Basin. In spite of this, the species shows a clear regression. In Catalonia, it has been observed an important reduction of its populations since early 20th century, where it has disappeared from several localities in which it was relatively common (Tarragonès, Barcelonès). Herein we present the results of the demographic monitoring of the species during the last 10 years (2001-2010) in the known localities in Catalonia. Besides corroborating the disappearance (northern Sant Martí d'Empúries), the re-discovering (Llobregat Delta beach) and the detection of new populations (inner dunes of the Montgrí), a large year-to-year fluctuation of the monitored populations is stated; the possible reasons are discussed. In addition, the present work also includes the results of the allozyme diversity analysis of the new detected populations as well as the rediscoveries of the period 2004-2008, which were not included in a former study of genetic diversity carried out in 2002-2003. It is necessary to emphasize that the contribution of the new populations to the genetic diversity of Stachys maritima is very small, which can be attributed to their limited population size and /or to founder effects. Despite that the species is included in the Annex 2 ('En Perill d'Extinció') within the Catàleg de Flora Amenaçada de Catalunya (Catalogue of Endangered Flora of Catalonia), and some 'soft' conservation measures have been applied at local level (signposting of the beach accesses, environmental education, etc.) coupled with other more significant measures (e.g. translocation of individuals discovered in an artificial sandbank), it would be necessary the coordinated action and the scientific support of any initiative of conservation that could be carried out. The general frame to initiate actions of conservation should be the recovery plan of Stachys maritima, whose draft and application is mandatory in accordance to the Catàleg.


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To evaluate the effect of soil management systems on population of white grubs, (Phyllophaga cuyabana Moser), and on its damage in soybean, experiments were set up under no-tillage and conventional tillage (one disk plow, and a leveling disk harrow) areas. Primary tillage equipment, used in other soil management systems, such as moldboard plow, disk plow, chisel plow and heavy duty disk harrow were also tested. Fluctuation of P. cuyabana population and the extent of its damage to soybean was similar under no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. Results comparing a range of primary tillage equipment showed that it affected soil insect populations differently, depending on the time during the season in which tillage was executed. Larval mortality could mostly be attributed to their exposure to adverse factors, soon after tillage, than to changes in soil conditions. Reduction of white grub population was more evident in plots managed by heavier equipment, such as the moldboard plow. Soil tillage could be one component within the soil pest management system in soybean, however, its use can not be generalized.


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Purpose: Although several approaches have been already used to reduce radiation dose, CT doses are still among the high doses in radio-diagnostic. Recently, General Electric introduced a new imaging reconstruction technique, adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR), allows to taking into account the statistical fluctuation of noise. The benefits of ASIR method were assessed through classic metrics and the evaluations of cardiac structures by radiologists. Methods and materials: A 64-row CT (MDCT) was employed. Catphan600 phantom acquisitions and 10 routine-dose CT examinations performed at 80 kVp were reconstructed with FBP and with 50% of ASIR. Six radiologists then assessed the visibility of main cardiac structures using the visual grading analysis (VGA) method. Results: On phantoms, for a constant value of SD (25 HU), CTDIvol is divided by 2 (8 mGy to 4 mGy) when 50% of ASIR is used. At constant CTDIvol, MTF medium frequencies were also significantly improved. First results indicated that clinical images reconstructed with ASIR had a better overall image quality compared with conventional reconstruction. This means that at constant image quality the radiation dose can be strongly reduced. Conclusion: The first results of this study shown that the ASIR method improves the image quality on phantoms by decreasing noise and improving resolution with respect to the classical one. Moreover, the benefit obtained is higher at lower doses. In clinical environment, a dose reduction can still be expected on 80 kVp low dose pediatric protocols using 50% of iterative reconstruction. Best ASIR percentage as a function of cardiac structures and detailed protocols will be presented for cardiac examinations.


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An effect of drift is investigated on the segregation pattern in diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) with two components (A and B species). The sticking probability PAB (=PBA) between the different species is introduced into the DLA model with drift, where the sticking probability PAA (=PBB) between the same species equals 1. By using computer simulation it is found that the drift has an important effect on not only the morphology but also the segregation pattern. Under the drift and the small sticking probability, a characteristic pattern appears where elongated clusters of A species and of B species are periodically dispersed. The period decreases with increasing drift. The periodic structure of the deposits is characterized by an autocorrelation function. The shape of the cluster consisting of only A species (or B species) shows a vertically elongated filamentlike structure. Each cluster becomes vertically longer with decreasing sticking probability PAB. The segregation pattern is distinctly different from that with no drift and a small sticking probability PAA. The effect of the concentration on the segregation pattern is also shown.


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Morphological transitions are analyzed for a radial multiparticle diffusion-limited aggregation process grown under a convective drift. The introduction of a tangential flow changes the morphology of the diffusion-limited structure, into multiarm structures, inclined opposite to the flow, whose limit consists of single arms, when decreasing density. The case of shear flow is also considered. The anisotropy of the patterns is characterized in terms of a tangential correlation function based analysis. Comparison between the simulation results and preliminary experimental results has been done.


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Abstract The late Neoproterozoic or Ediacaran period, (635 to -543 Ma) is a primordial time in the Earth history corresponding to the beginning of animal life and the most extreme ice ages on Earth. In this dissertation, palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed for Ediacaran, post-Gaskiers shelf deposits in SW- Gondwana and their changes were evaluated according to the diversity of organisms. The present study addresses the question of interactions between biodiversity and environmental change by using the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of sedimentary rocks and associated organic matter, as well as the distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers. The studied sedimentary sequences are from a large basin extended from the Paraguay belt to the Rio de la Plata craton, including the Corumbâ Group in SW-Brazil (Paraguay belt), the Arroyo del Soldado Group in Uruguay and the Sierras Bayas Group in Argentina (both in the Rio de la Plata craton). Several geochemical signatures of the sediments from Corumbâ and Sierras Bayas groups provides evidence for an euxinic setting in the Ediacaran Ocean: 1) The occurrence of syngenetic pyrite in the Corumbâ Group together with hydrocarbon biomarkers of an anoxic microbial consortium including traces of gammacerane, a distribution of hopanes with maxima at C29 as well as a low pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio; 2) the occurrence of 34S enrichments within sulfides of the Sierras Bayas Group exceeding the sulfur isotopic composition of coeval carbonate-associated sulfate. In the Arroyo del Soldado Group, an event of reducing conditions was revealed by higher concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements and negative 513Ccar shifts in all sections. This event is extended to the whole unit in the deepest section and is restricted to tempestites in the two other shallow sections. The persistent negative. ôl3Ccar values recorded at the basinal setting implies strong isotopic gradient between shallow and deep water environments and therefore, a locus of deposition below the redox chemocline. In all studied sections, the excursions, the strong enrichment of authigenic trace-elements, the occurrence of longer chain «-alkanes, gammacerane and low Pr/Ph and Ph/>;-C]a ratios, combined with the previous sedimentological and paleontological observations indicate that the chemistry of the ocean was strongly controlled by the oxygen availability; waters being moderately oxic at the surface and anoxic at depth for much of the Neoproterozoic. This water column stratification was favourable to the storage of large amounts of nutrients in the deep ocean. During upwelling periods, the export of these nutrient-rich waters may have triggered an important bioproductivity in surface waters. Drops in Al3Cc,,.](Cr and positive ôl3Ccllr excursions highlight the increase in primary productivity. Preservation of organic carbon was ensured by reducing conditions at the bottom. The Al3ccar.kcr excursions could also reflect changes in the composition of the primary biomass. New geochemical evidence from SW-Gondwana sections supports a stratified Ediacaran ocean, outside restricted or hypersaline environments, in the aftermath of glaciations. The association of ocean stratification and the appearance of metazoans support the model that the evolution of eukaryotic life was related to the increase of oxygen levels in surface environments due to an efficient recycling of nutrients in the anoxic deep ocean. Résumé Le Néoprotérozoïque terminal, ou Édiacarien (635 à -543 Ma), est un période de première importance dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle correspond a l'apparition des métazoaires pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Le présent mémoire se propose de reconstituer les conditions paléoenvironnementales des dépôts de plateforme mis en place durant l'Édiacarien, au sud-ouest du Gondwana. Les interactions entre changements environnementaux et biodiversité sont évaluées en s'appuyant d'une part sur la composition élémentaire et isotopique des roches sédimentaires et de leur matière organique, et d'autre part sur la distribution moléculaire de biomarqueurs hydrocarbonés. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées proviennent d'un grand bassin qui s'étend de la chaîne du Paraguay jusqu'au craton du Rio de la Plata. La séquence du Groupe Corumbâ au Sud Ouest du Brésil se situe dans la chaîne du Paraguay, tandis que le Groupe Arroyo del Soldado en Uruguay et le Groupe Sierras Bayas en Argentine sont situés sur le craton du Rio de la Plata. L'étude géochimique des sédiments des groupes Corumbâ et Sierras Bayas révèle de façon claire des conditions euxiniques dans l'océan édiacarien. On trouve ainsi, dans le Groupe Corumbâ, les biomarqueurs d'un cortège microbien anoxique et sulfurique comprenant des bactéries sulfato-réductrices, et dans les sulfures du Groupe Sierras Bayas, des enrichissements en Î4S excédant les rapports isotopiques du soufre dans le sulfate cogénétique associé aux carbonates. Dans la séquence de l'Arroyo del Soldado, un événement réducteur est mis en évidence par des teneurs plus élevées en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox et par des excursions négatives du 613Ccardans toutes les coupes. Cet événement affecte la totalité de la section la plus profonde et n'apparaît que dans les tempestites dans les sections les moins profondes. La persistance de valeurs négatives du ô13Ccarau large implique un gradient isotopique prononcé entre les environnements superficiels et profonds, et donc, ta présence d'une chémocline redox. Les excursions du. ôBCcar, l'enrichissement authigène en éléments traces, la présence de gammacérane et de rt-alcanes à longue chaîne, ainsi que de faibles rapports Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Cl8, viennent s'ajouter aux observations préliminaires sur la sédimentologie et la paléontologie pour indiquer que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, les eaux étant modérément oxiques à la surface et anoxiques en profondeur pendant la plus grande partie du Néoprotérozoïque. La stratification de la colonne d'eau était favorable au stockage de grandes quantités de nutriments dans l'océan profond. Dans les zones d'upwelling, la migration d'eaux profondes riches en nutriment vers la surface a pu provoquer une bioproductivité prononcée dans les eaux de surface. La conservation du carbone organique était assurée par les conditions anoxiques prévalant au fond. Les excursions du A13Ccar.kt.r pourraient aussi refléter des changements dans la biomasse primaire. Le présent travail apporte donc de nouvelles preuves qu'un océan stratifié s'est maintenu à la suite des glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le Sud Ouest du Gondwana. L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Résumé pour le grand public La période Ediacarienne (635 à -543 Ma) à la fin du Précambrien est l'une de plus énigmatiques dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle est caractérisée par la diversification de la vie multicellulaire (eucaryote) pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous cherchons à déceler l'existence éventuelle d'un lien entre ces changements environnementaux et l'évolution de la vie eucaryote à travers une étude biogéochimique. La biogéochimie est l'étude des activités biologiques dans la géosphère, telles que celles intervenant dans les cycles des éléments chimiques (y compris les isotopes stables) et celles de production de composés carbonés caractérisant certains groups d'organismes ou taxons. La recherche des signatures paléoenvironnementales dans les roches précambriennes a été fortement facilitée par l'utilisation des biomarqueurs ou fossiles moléculaires. Ces composés, provenant des lipides biologiques (molécules avec des fonctions spécifiques dans les organismes), peuvent être reliés à des taxons spécifiques ou à des voies métaboliques. La transformation d'un biolipide en fossile moléculaire intervient lorsque des restes organiques déposés dans un substrat subissent un enfouissement et une augmentation de la pression (diagenèse). Ce processus mène à la formation de kérogène, un grand agrégat chimique de matière organique insoluble dans des solvants organiques, et de bitume ou fraction soluble (extractible) de la matière organique. L'analyse intégrée du kérogène et du bitume fournit des indications précieuses pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales. Des conditions paléoenvironnementales ont ainsi été déterminées pour une plateforme marine Ediacarienne située dans la partie sud-américaine du bloc occidental du paléocontinent Gondwana. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées appartiennent au même bassin qui s'étend de la ceinture du Paraguay (Groupe Corumbâ, Brésil) au craton du Rio de la Plata (Groupes Arroyo del Soldado, Uruguay et Sierras Bayas, Argentina). Nous nous sommes intéressés aux isotopes stables de carbonates et de la matière organique associée (kérogène et bitume), aux éléments majeurs et traces, ainsi qu'aux biomarqueurs caractérisant ces roches. Les résultats de cette dissertation suggèrent qu'au cours de l'Édiacarien, suite aux glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le bloc occidental du Gondwana, l'océan était stratifié en zones spécifiques d'eaux riches en sulfures et dépourvues d'oxygène (euxiniques). L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Les excursions isotopiques (tendance à des valeurs positives ou négatives) en constante fluctuation pour le carbone et très positives pour le soufre des sulfures, l'enrichissement en éléments trace et la présence de certains composés (e.g. gammacerane; Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Ci8 en basse proportion) conjugués aux observations sédimentologiques et paléontologiques des différents profils étudiés indiquent que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, avec des eaux modérément oxygénées en surface et euxiniques en profondeur pour la plupart du Néoprotérozoïque.


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Usually, competitive stress, work life or just the training load in athletes can cause a phenomenon called overtraining syndrome. It is described as imbalance between stimulus and recovery in which decreases performance of athletes without being apparently immersed in a frame of injury or disease. That prolonged fatigue may affect the ability to adapt and thus severely reduce performance. This situation can be prolonged in time despite the existence of weekly or monthly periods of recovery. We want to see if the parameters of HRV, RESTQ-Sport questionnaire and strength values vary significantly in front 2 types of training (an intensive two daily sessions, large volume of work and little rest between the sessions; and another with 4 weekly workouts, with longer recovery time and less volume of work), in national judo players (n=14) to study the relationship between VFC and the imbalance of stress-recovery. METHODOLOGY: We performed a longitudinal and experimental study of HRV in 14 subjects, judo players at the national, randomly divided into 2 groups. One of these was conducted intensive training (high volume and low recovery) and another who made a smoother workout (less volume and less recovery) during a period of 4 weeks. CONCLUTIONS: The correct interpretation of the fluctuation parameters of HRV during the training judo players, may be a good indicator of stress levels, the recovery workload and therefore the observation of VFC is becomes an economic and noninvasive method of monitoring training in judo.


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We analyze the diffusion of a Brownian particle in a fluid under stationary flow. By using the scheme of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in phase space, we obtain the Fokker-Planck equation that is compared with others derived from the kinetic theory and projector operator techniques. This equation exhibits violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. By implementing the hydrodynamic regime described by the first moments of the nonequilibrium distribution, we find relaxation equations for the diffusion current and pressure tensor, allowing us to arrive at a complete description of the system in the inertial and diffusion regimes. The simplicity and generality of the method we propose makes it applicable to more complex situations, often encountered in problems of soft-condensed matter, in which not only one but more degrees of freedom are coupled to a nonequilibrium bath.


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Radiative heat exchange at the nanoscale presents a challenge for several areas due to its scope and nature. Here, we provide a thermokinetic description of microscale radiative energy transfer including phonon-photon coupling manifested through a non-Debye relaxation behavior. We show that a lognormal-like distribution of modes of relaxation accounts for this non-Debye relaxation behavior leading to the thermal conductance. We also discuss the validity of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The general expression for the thermal conductance we obtain fits existing experimental results with remarkable accuracy. Accordingly, our approach offers an overall explanation of radiative energy transfer through micrometric gaps regardless of geometrical configurations and distances.


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BACKGROUND: Excessive exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation is involved in the complex biologic process of cutaneous aging. Wavelengths in the ultraviolet-A and -B range (UV-A and UV-B) have been shown to be responsible for the induction of proteases, e. g. the collagenase matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1), which are related to cell aging. As devices emitting longer wavelengths are widely used in therapeutic and cosmetic interventions and as the induction of MMP-1 by water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA) had been discussed, it was of interest to assess effects of wIRA on the cellular and molecular level known to be possibly involved in cutaneous degeneration. OBJECTIVES: Investigation of the biological implications of widely used water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA) radiators for clinical use on human skin fibroblasts assessed by MMP-1 gene expression (MMP-1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression).Methods: Human skin fibroblasts were irradiated with approximately 88% wIRA (780-1400 nm) and 12% red light (RL, 665-780 nm) with 380 mW/cm(2) wIRA(+RL) (333 mW/cm(2) wIRA) on the one hand and for comparison with UV-A (330-400 nm, mainly UV-A1) and a small amount of blue light (BL, 400-450 nm) with 28 mW/cm(2) UV-A(+BL) on the other hand. Survival curves were established by colony forming ability after single exposures between 15 minutes and 8 hours to wIRA(+RL) (340-10880 J/cm(2) wIRA(+RL), 300-9600 J/cm(2) wIRA) or 15-45 minutes to UV-A(+BL) (25-75 J/cm(2) UV-A(+BL)). Both conventional Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and quantitative real-time RT-PCR techniques were used to determine the induction of MMP-1 mRNA at two physiologic temperatures for skin fibroblasts (30 degrees C and 37 degrees C) in single exposure regimens (15-60 minutes wIRA(+RL), 340-1360 J/cm(2) wIRA(+RL), 300-1200 J/cm(2) wIRA; 30 minutes UV-A(+BL), 50 J/cm(2) UV-A(+BL)) and in addition at 30 degrees C in a repeated exposure protocol (up to 10 times 15 minutes wIRA(+RL) with 340 J/cm(2) wIRA(+RL), 300 J/cm(2) wIRA at each time). RESULTS: Single exposure of cultured human dermal fibroblasts to UV-A(+BL) radiation yielded a very high increase in MMP-1 mRNA expression (11 +/-1 fold expression for RT-PCR and 76 +/-2 fold expression for real-time RT-PCR both at 30 degrees C, 75 +/-1 fold expression for real-time RT-PCR at 37 degrees C) and a dose-dependent decrease in cell survival. In contrast, wIRA(+RL) did not produce cell death and did not induce a systematic increase in MMP-1 mRNA expression (less than twofold expression, within the laboratory range of fluctuation) detectable with the sensitive methods applied. Additionally, repeated exposure of human skin fibroblasts to wIRA(+RL) did not induce MMP-1 mRNA expression systematically (less than twofold expression by up to 10 consecutive wIRA(+RL) exposures and analysis with real-time RT-PCR). CONCLUSIONS: wIRA(+RL) even at the investigated disproportionally high irradiances does not induce cell death or a systematic increase of MMP-1 mRNA expression, both of which can be easily induced by UV-A radiation. Furthermore, these results support previous findings of in vivo investigations on collagenase induction by UV-A but not wIRA and show that infrared-A with appropriate irradiances does not seem to be involved in MMP-1 mediated photoaging of the skin. As suggested by previously published studies wIRA could even be implicated in a protective manner.


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Recent single-cell studies in monkeys (Romo et al., 2004) show that the activity of neurons in the ventral premotor cortex covaries with the animal's decisions in a perceptual comparison task regarding the frequency of vibrotactile events. The firing rate response of these neurons was dependent only on the frequency differences between the two applied vibrations, the sign of that difference being the determining factor for correct task performance. We present a biophysically realistic neurodynamical model that can account for the most relevant characteristics of this decision-making-related neural activity. One of the nontrivial predictions of this model is that Weber's law will underlie the perceptual discrimination behavior. We confirmed this prediction in behavioral tests of vibrotactile discrimination in humans and propose a computational explanation of perceptual discrimination that accounts naturally for the emergence of Weber's law. We conclude that the neurodynamical mechanisms and computational principles underlying the decision-making processes in this perceptual discrimination task are consistent with a fluctuation-driven scenario in a multistable regime.


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BACKGROUND: An ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion)-pharmacogenetics association study may identify functional variants relevant to the pharmacokinetics of lopinavir co-formulated with ritonavir (LPV/r), a first-line anti-HIV agent. METHODS: An extensive search of literature and web resources helped select ADME genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, functional and HapMap tagging SNPs) with a proven or potentially relevant role in LPV/r pharmacokinetics. The study followed a two-stage design. Stage 1 (discovery) considered a Caucasian population (n=638) receiving LPV/r, where we selected 117 individuals with low LPV clearance (cases) and 90 individuals with high clearance (controls). Genotyping was performed by a 1536-SNP customized GoldenGate Illumina BeadArray. Stage 2 (confirmation) represented a replication study of candidate SNPs from the stage 1 in 148 individuals receiving LPV/r. The analysis led to formal population pharmacokinetic-pharmacogenetic modeling of demographic, environmental and candidate SNP effects. RESULTS: One thousand three hundred and eighty SNPs were successfully genotyped. Nine SNPs prioritized by the stage 1 analysis were brought to replication. Stage 2 confirmed the contribution of two functional SNPs in SLCO1B1, one functional SNP in ABCC2 and a tag SNP of the CYP3A locus in addition to body weight effect and ritonavir coadministration. According to the population pharmacokinetic-pharmacogenetic model, genetic variants explained 5% of LPV variability. Individuals homozygous rs11045819 (SLCO1B1*4) had a clearance of 12.6 l/h, compared with 5.4 l/h in the reference group, and 3.9 l/h in individuals with two or more variant alleles of rs4149056 (SLCO1B1*5), rs717620 (ABCC2) or rs6945984 (CYP3A). A subanalysis confirmed that although a significant part of the variance in LPV clearance was attributed to fluctuation in ritonavir levels, genetic variants had an additional effect on LPV clearance. CONCLUSION: The two-stage strategy successfully identified genetic variants affecting LPV/r pharmacokinetics. Such a general approach of ADME pharmacogenetics should be generalized to other drugs.


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The supply voltage decrease and powerconsumption increase of modern ICs made the requirements for low voltage fluctuation caused by packaging and on-chip parasitic impedances more difficult to achieve. Most of the research works on the area assume that all the nodes of the chip are fed at thesame voltage, in such a way that the main cause of disturbance or fluctuation is the parasitic impedance of packaging. In the paper an approach to analyze the effect of high and fast current demands on the on-chip power supply network. First an approach to model the entire network by considering a homogeneous conductive foil is presented. The modification of the timing parameters of flipflops caused by spatial voltage drops through the IC surface are also investigated.


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Sellun kuivatuksesta ei löydy paljoa tutkimustietoa. Työn tarkoituksena on antaa lyhyt teoriakuvaus sellun kuivatuksesta, kuivatukseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä jasellun kuivatuksen vaikutuksesta sellun laatuun. Käytännön osassa tutkittiin kuivauskoneen poikkiradan hienoainepitoisuuden ja vetolujuussuhteiden vaihtelua, suihkusuhteiden, kenkäpuristimen viivakuorman sekä paalipuristimen puristusvoimanvaikutusta sellun paperiteknisiin ominaisuuksiin. Sellun kuivauskone koostuu perälaatikosta, viiraosasta, puristinosasta sekä kuivausosasta.Perälaatikon tehtävä on syöttää massa tasaisesti viiraosalle. Viiraosalla poistuu suurin osa vedestä (noin 94 %) ja viiraosalla tapahtuu pohjan muodostus. Tässä työssä tutkittu suihkusuhde on yksi rainan muodostukseen vaikuttava tekijä. Puristinosalla voidaan sellun ominaisuuksiin vaikuttaa puristuksen voimalla ja kestolla ja tätä työssä tutkittiin kenkäpuristimen viivakuormaa muuttamalla. Varsinainen kuivatus voi tapahtua joko kuumia sylinteripintoja tai ilmaa hyödyntäen. Kuivauskoneen jälkeen on leikkuri, paalauspöytä ja paalipuristin. Paalipuristuksen vaikutusta sellun ominaisuuksiin tutkittiin keventämällä paalipuristusta nykyisestä.


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The widespread misuse of drugs has increased the number of multiresistant bacteria, and this means that tools that can rapidly detect and characterize bacterial response to antibiotics are much needed in the management of infections. Various techniques, such as the resazurin-reduction assays, the mycobacterial growth indicator tube or polymerase chain reaction-based methods, have been used to investigate bacterial metabolism and its response to drugs. However, many are relatively expensive or unable to distinguish between living and dead bacteria. Here we show that the fluctuations of highly sensitive atomic force microscope cantilevers can be used to detect low concentrations of bacteria, characterize their metabolism and quantitatively screen (within minutes) their response to antibiotics. We applied this methodology to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, showing that live bacteria produced larger cantilever fluctuations than bacteria exposed to antibiotics. Our preliminary experiments suggest that the fluctuation is associated with bacterial metabolism.