987 resultados para Light gauge steel frame walls


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The rationale behind this work is to design an implant device, based on a ferromagnetic material, with the potential to deform in vivo promoting osseointegration through the growth of a healthy periprosthetic bone structure. One of the primary requirements for such a device is that the material should be non-inflammatory and non-cytotoxic. In the study described here, we assessed the short-term cellular response to 444 ferritic stainless steel; a steel, with a very low interstitial content and a small amount of strong carbide-forming elements to enhance intergranular corrosion resistance. Two different human cell types were used: (i) foetal osteoblasts and (ii) monocytes. Austenitic stainless steel 316L, currently utilised in many commercially available implant designs, and tissue culture plastic were used as the control surfaces. Cell viability, proliferation and alkaline phosphatase activity were measured. In addition, cells were stained with alizarin red and fluorescently-labelled phalloidin and examined using light, fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy. Results showed that the osteoblast cells exhibited a very similar degree of attachment, growth and osteogenic differentiation on all surfaces. Measurement of lactate dehydrogenase activity and tumour necrosis factor alpha protein released from human monocytes indicated that 444 stainless steel did not cause cytotoxic effects or any significant inflammatory response. Collectively, the results suggest that 444 ferritic stainless steel has the potential to be used in advanced bone implant designs. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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The paper presents results front an experimental investigation of the propagation of gaseous detonation waves over tube sections lined with acoustically absorbent materials. The measurements were compared with results from control tests in a smooth wall section. The results show the increasing effectiveness of a perforated steel plate, wire mesh and steel wool in attenuating detonation.


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A study has been made of the microstructure of the thermally assisted band in a low carbon ferrite-pearlite steel, resulting from high speed torsional testing with an average strain rate of about 1500 s−1. Metallographic examination showed that there are several fine shear bands distributed over a deformed region (the gauge length of the specimen). The width of these bands is estimated to be of the order of magnitude of 50 μm, and the spacing between them is roughly about 100 μm. Detailed scanning electron microscopy studies indicate that damage of the microstructure within the band is very apparent, as evidenced by microcrack initiation and coalescence along the shear deformation band. However, there is no evidence that the material in the band had become microcrystalline or non-crystalline.


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This paper studies the feasibility of calculating strains in aged F114 steel specimens with Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors and infrared thermography (IT) techniques. Two specimens have been conditioned under extreme temperature and relative humidity conditions making comparative tests of stress before and after aging using different adhesives. Moreover, a comparison has been made with IT tecniques and conventional methods for calculating stresses in F114 steel. Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring techniques on real aircraft during their life cycle requires a study of the behaviour of FBG sensors and their wiring under real conditions, before using them for a long time. To simulate aging, specimens were stored in a climate chamber at 70 degrees C and 90% RH for 60 days. This study is framed within the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non Destructuve Evaluation (NDE) research lines, integrated into the avionics area maintained by the Aeronautical Technologies Centre (CTA) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).


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Since 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gearSince 1993, annual frame surveys have been conducted by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to determine the distribution and number of fishing localities, fishing canoes and fishing gears around Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The total number of fishing localities has increased from 221 in 1993 to 286 in 1996. The fishing localities included 245 permanent fishing villages, 29 permanent fishing camps, 8 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from Kainji Lake) and 4 temporary fishing camps (with fishermen from outside Kainji Lake area). There was an increase in the total number of fishing entrepreneurs, fishing assistants and fishing canoes over the years. A total number of 5,499 fishing entrepreneurs, 12,449 fishing assistants and 9,278 fishing canoes were recorded during the 1996 frame survey. From 1995 there was a decrease in the number of shoreline fisherfolk and a decrease in the number of transport canoes, the number of engines remained the same. During the 1996 survey, a total number of 18,655 gill nets, 1,560 drift nets, 753 beach seines, 5,548 cast nets, 7,400 longlines and 36,979 traps were recorded. The concentration of the gears (number per km shoreline) was highest in substrata 06 and 08. The total number of gill nets increased from 17,680 in 1995 to 18,655 in 1996. For the remaining 5 gear types a decrease in number was observed. Despite increasing numbers of gears on the lake, of concern is the decline recorded in all the fishing methods of the number of gears owned by individual entrepreneurs. This was most notable in the gill net and longline fisheries. These two fisheries have the lowest daily catch values and coupled with the problem of gear theft on the lake, ownership in future, may be expected to fall further. The number of larger fishing units also declined as did the number of gears new entrants enter the fishery with. The decline is particularly worrying for the beach seine fishery where diversification into other fishing methods would be beneficial in light of the present ban on seines. The group of not active fishing entrepreneurs (those who do not themselves participate in fishing activities) had the highest ownership of gears whilst the new entrants into the fishery had the lowest. There was evidence that these new entrants into the fishery were using cast nets which is worrying given the trend of using smaller mesh size of this gear. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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In the quest to develop viable designs for third-generation optical interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, one strategy is to monitor the relative momentum or speed of the test-mass mirrors, rather than monitoring their relative position. The most straightforward design for a speed-meter interferometer that accomplishes this is described and analyzed in Chapter 2. This design (due to Braginsky, Gorodetsky, Khalili, and Thorne) is analogous to a microwave-cavity speed meter conceived by Braginsky and Khalili. A mathematical mapping between the microwave speed meter and the optical interferometric speed meter is developed and used to show (in accord with the speed being a quantum nondemolition observable) that in principle the interferometric speed meter can beat the gravitational-wave standard quantum limit (SQL) by an arbitrarily large amount, over an arbitrarily wide range of frequencies . However, in practice, to reach or beat the SQL, this specific speed meter requires exorbitantly high input light power. The physical reason for this is explored, along with other issues such as constraints on performance due to optical dissipation.

Chapter 3 proposes a more sophisticated version of a speed meter. This new design requires only a modest input power and appears to be a fully practical candidate for third-generation LIGO. It can beat the SQL (the approximate sensitivity of second-generation LIGO interferometers) over a broad range of frequencies (~ 10 to 100 Hz in practice) by a factor h/hSQL ~ √W^(SQL)_(circ)/Wcirc. Here Wcirc is the light power circulating in the interferometer arms and WSQL ≃ 800 kW is the circulating power required to beat the SQL at 100 Hz (the LIGO-II power). If squeezed vacuum (with a power-squeeze factor e-2R) is injected into the interferometer's output port, the SQL can be beat with a much reduced laser power: h/hSQL ~ √W^(SQL)_(circ)/Wcirce-2R. For realistic parameters (e-2R ≃ 10 and Wcirc ≃ 800 to 2000 kW), the SQL can be beat by a factor ~ 3 to 4 from 10 to 100 Hz. [However, as the power increases in these expressions, the speed meter becomes more narrow band; additional power and re-optimization of some parameters are required to maintain the wide band.] By performing frequency-dependent homodyne detection on the output (with the aid of two kilometer-scale filter cavities), one can markedly improve the interferometer's sensitivity at frequencies above 100 Hz.

Chapters 2 and 3 are part of an ongoing effort to develop a practical variant of an interferometric speed meter and to combine the speed meter concept with other ideas to yield a promising third- generation interferometric gravitational-wave detector that entails low laser power.

Chapter 4 is a contribution to the foundations for analyzing sources of gravitational waves for LIGO. Specifically, it presents an analysis of the tidal work done on a self-gravitating body (e.g., a neutron star or black hole) in an external tidal field (e.g., that of a binary companion). The change in the mass-energy of the body as a result of the tidal work, or "tidal heating," is analyzed using the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor and the local asymptotic rest frame of the body. It is shown that the work done on the body is gauge invariant, while the body-tidal-field interaction energy contained within the body's local asymptotic rest frame is gauge dependent. This is analogous to Newtonian theory, where the interaction energy is shown to depend on how one localizes gravitational energy, but the work done on the body is independent of that localization. These conclusions play a role in analyses, by others, of the dynamics and stability of the inspiraling neutron-star binaries whose gravitational waves are likely to be seen and studied by LIGO.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar, in vitro, a influência do material de confecção das matrizes, traçando um perfil da conversão monomérica de um compósito micro-híbrido, além de avaliar qual dos materiais testados mais se assemelha a uma matriz de dentina. A avaliação foi feita através da análise do grau de conversão (GC). Foram confeccionadas 3 matrizes bipartidas, sendo estas de teflon negro, tefon branco e aço inoxidável, ambas com 10mm de diâmetro e 2 mm de profundidade. Para o grupo controle foi utilizado um incisivo central bovino, o qual teve sua face vestibular aplainada em uma lixadeira sob refrigeração constante, com o auxílio de uma lixa de carbeto de silício, número 800. Após, este dente foi preparado com uma broca diamantada número 2294 (KG Sorensen) em alta rotação, própria para a preparação de cavidades padronizadas para ensaios de laboratório, apresentando um limitador de penetração. Em seguida, com um motor de baixa rotação foi realizado o acabamento das paredes, obtendo-se uma cavidade de 2,0 mm de profundidade por 9,0 mm de diâmetro. Pela palatina desse dente, com uma broca carbide cilíndrica de numeração 2056 (KG Sorensen), fez-se uma penetração até se obter uma parede de dentina extremamente fina, porém sem que esta fosse rompida. Assim, com uma agulha, fez-se uma pequena perfuração no centro dessa dentina para que este instrumental servisse como um pino para remoção do corpo de prova de dentro da matriz de dente. Os corpos de prova (CP) foram obtidos a partir da inserção do compósito no interior da perfuração das matrizes em um único incremento e cobertos na superfície externa com uma matriz de poliéster mais uma lamínula de vidro. Os CP foram fotopolimerizados por 40 s pela fonte de luz halógena Optilux 501 (Demetron), com 500 mW/cm. Imediatamente após a polimerização, os corpos de prova eram submetidos no topo e na base para a análise de espectrometria no infravermelho para a determinação da profundidade de polimerização, pela técnica do filme vazado para o compósito não polimerizado e pela técnica da pastilha de brometo de potássio (KBr) para o compósito polimerizado. Foram confeccionados 5 CP de cada grupo. Em cada grupo, o compósito da base e do topo das amostras foi moído até se obter de 1,5 a 2,0 mg de pó e misturado com 70 mg de KBr, para obtenção da pastilha de KBr. Foi feita a análise de espectrofotometria no infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). As absorções selecionadas para o cálculo foram 1610 cm-1 e 1637 cm-1, os picos dos espectros das ligações dos carbonos aromáticos e alifáticos, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente. Os grupos Gr1B, Gr2B, Gr3B e Gr4B representam, respectivamente, as bases dos CP confeccionados pelas matrizes de DB, TN, TB e AI. Já os Gr1T, Gr2T, Gr3T e Gr4T representam os topos. Médias (%) e DP: Gr1T (46,461,99), Gr2T (39,864,51), Gr3T (44,053,44) e Gr4T (38,045,08). Gr1B (40,441,49), Gr2B (36,153,81), Gr3B (40,093,18) e Gr4B (35,593,35). Em posse dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que os grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não apresentaram diferenças entre o grau de conversão do topo e da base, enquanto que o grupo da dentina apresentou maior conversão do topo. Comparando as matrizes entre elas, pôde-se perceber que no topo, o GC do dente bovino é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro, o GC do teflon branco é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro. Já o topo dos grupos de dente bovino e teflon banco foram semelhantes. Nas bases dos CPs, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos testados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no experimento, pôde-se concluir que nos grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não houve diferença entre 0 e 2 mm, ou seja, topo e base, o que mostra que o material de confecção da matriz não influênciou o grau de conversão do compósito. Já para o grupo da matriz de dentina, o topo apresentou valor de conversão monomérica maior, mostrando que, neste caso, o material da matriz interferiu no grau de conversão. Pode-se perceber também que existe uma tendência da matriz de teflon branco se assemelhar mais a matriz de dentina, pois foi o único grupo que apresentou semelhança nos valores de conversão monomérica no topo das amostras. Porém analisando a base das amostras, percebe-se que todos os grupos se comportaram de forma semelhante, obtendo valores do grau de conversão sem diferença significante.


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In the sinusoidal phase modulating interferometer technique, the high-speed CCD is necessary to detect the interference signals. The reason of ordinary CCD's low frame rate was analyzed, and a novel high-speed image sensing technique with adjustable frame rate based on ail ordinary CCD was proposed. And the principle of the image sensor was analyzed. When the maximum frequency and channel bandwidth were constant, a custom high-speed sensor was designed by using the ordinary CCD under the control of the special driving circuit. The frame rate of the ordinary CCD has been enhanced by controlling the number of pixels of every frame; therefore, the ordinary of CCD can be used as the high frame rate image sensor with small amount of pixels. The multi-output high-speed image sensor has the deficiencies of low accuracy, and high cost, while the high-speed image senor with small number of pixels by using this technique can overcome theses faults. The light intensity varying with time was measured by using the image sensor. The frame rate was LIP to 1600 frame per second (f/s), and the size of every frame and the frame rate were adjustable. The correlation coefficient between the measurement result and the standard values were higher than 0.98026, and the relative error was lower than 0.53%. The experimental results show that this sensor is fit to the measurements of sinusoidal phase modulating interferometer technique. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The seismic behaviour of anchored sheet pile walls is a complex soil-structure interaction problem. Damaged sheet pile walls are very expensive to repair and their seismic behaviour needs to be investigated in order to understand their possible mechanisms of failure. The research described in this paper involves both centrifuge testing and Finite Element (FE) analyses aimed at investigating the seismic behaviour of an anchored sheet pile wall in dry sand. The model wall is tied to the backfill with two tie rods connected to an anchor beam. The accelerations of the sheet pile wall, the anchor beam and the soil around the wall were measured using miniature piezoelectric accelerometers. The displacement at the tip of the wall was also measured. Stain gauges at five different locations on the wall were used to measure the bending moments induced in the the wall. The anchor forces in the tie rods were also measured using load cells. The results from the centrifuge tests were compared with 2-D, plane strain FE analyses conducted using DIANA-SWANDYNE II and the observed seismic behaviour was explained in the light of these findings. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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A series of dynamic centrifuge tests on reduced scale models of flexible retaining structures were conducted on the Turner beam centrifuge at the Schofield Centre of the University of Cambridge. The paper illustrates the main results of the experimental work in terms of observed amplifications of ground motion and mobilised shear stiffness and damping ratio for all tests. The experimental results for one test on a pair of cantilevered walls in dense sand are also presented in terms of measured bending moments and horizontal displacements of the walls during (maximum values) and at the end of (residual values) each seismic event. Finally, the experimental data are discussed in the light of the results obtained from dynamic numerical analyses of the behaviour of cantilevered walls under real seismic actions. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.


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Many typical ground improvement techniques that are used for liquefaction remediation, such as in situ densification, are not appropriate for application under existing buildings and more novel techniques are required. This paper describes centrifuge tests investigating the performance of rigid containment walls as a liquefaction remediation method. A simple frame structure, founded on a deep layer of loose, liquefiable sand was tested under earthquake shaking. Centrifuge tests were then carried out with containment walls around the base of the structure, extending through the full depth of the liquefiable layer and also partial depth. It is found that rigid containment walls can be very effective in reducing structural settlements primarily by preventing lateral movement of the foundation sand but the impermeability of the walls may also be important. Improvements in structural settlement are observed even when the walls do not extend through the full depth of the liquefiable layer, if the depth of the walls is greater than the depth of the free field liquefaction. In addition, it is found that the accelerations of the structure are not increased, provided there is no rigid, structural connection between the structure and the containment walls. © 2012 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Ground improvement techniques can be adopted to prevent existing buildings built on liquefiable soils sustaining damage in future earthquakes. Impermeable geomembrane containment walls may be an economic and successful technique but their design and performance are currently not well defined or well understood for this application. This paper describes centrifuge testing carried out to investigate the performance of such containment walls as a liquefaction remediation method for a single degree of freedom frame structure. The results were compared with those from similar centrifuge testing carried out with the same structure founded on unimproved sand, to assess the effectiveness of the remediation method. It was found that the geomembrane containment walls tested were effective at reducing structural settlement and did not significantly increase the accelerations transmitted to the structure. Structural settlements were reduced primarily by mobilising hoop stress and preventing lateral soil movement. By preventing surface drainage, a decrease in the volume change of the foundation sand was also observed. In addition, the impermeability of the walls may be important as this prevented rapid migration of pore water fromthe free field to the foundation region.


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Approximately 40% of annual demand for steel worldwide is used to replace products that have failed. With this percentage set to rise, extending the lifespan of steel in products presents a significant opportunity to reduce demand and thus decrease carbon dioxide emissions from steel production. This article presents a new, simplified framework with which to analyse product failure. When applied to the products that dominate steel use, this framework reveals that they are often replaced because a component/sub-assembly becomes degraded, inferior, unsuitable or worthless. In light of this, four products, which are representative of high steel content products in general, are analysed at the component level, determining steel mass and cost profiles over the lifespan of each product. The results show that the majority of the steel components are underexploited - still functioning when the product is discarded; in particular, the potential lifespan of the steel-rich structure is typically much greater than its actual lifespan. Twelve case studies, in which product or component life has been increased, are then presented. The resulting evidence is used to tailor life-extension strategies to each reason for product failure and to identify the economic motivations for implementing these strategies. The results suggest that a product template in which the long-lived structure accounts for a relatively high share of costs while short-lived components can be easily replaced (offering profit to the producer and enhanced utility to owners) encourages product life extension. © 2013 The Author.


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The low speed impact responses of simply-supported and clamped sandwich beams with corrugated and Y-frame cores have been measured in a drop-weight apparatus at 5 m s-1. The AISI 304 stainless steel sandwich beams comprised two identical face sheets and represented 1:20 scale versions of ship hull designs. No significant rate effects were observed at impact speeds representative of ship collisions: the drop-weight responses were comparable to the ones measured quasi-statically. Moreover, the corrugated and Y-frame core beams had similar performances. Three-dimensional finite element (FE) models simulated the experiments and were in good agreement with the measurements. The simulations demonstrated correctly that the sandwich beams collapsed by core indentation under both quasi-static loading and in the drop-weight experiments. These FE models were then used to investigate the sensitivity of impact response to (i) velocity, over a wider range of velocities than achievable with the drop-weight apparatus, and (ii) the presence of the back face sheet. The dynamic responses of sandwich beams with both front and back face sheets were found to be within 20% of the quasi-static responses for speeds less than approximately 5 m s-1. This suggests that quasi-static considerations are adequate to model the collision of a sandwich ship hull. By contrast, beams without a back face collapsed by Brazier buckling under quasi-static loading conditions, and by core indentation at a loading velocity of 5 m s-1. Thus, dynamic considerations are needed in ship hull designs that do not employ a back face. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.