907 resultados para Licenciatura em Física -Desistência


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Since its origin, soccer has been conquering followers all over the world. As a consequence of this cultural phenomenon, countless works are being done aiming to analyze the game systems and the fundamentals carried out by a team. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Brazilian Soccer Team’s game systems and actions with ball possession in the 1958, 1962 and 2002 World Cup finals. Specifically, the paper analyzed the actions that occur during the match, such as control, dribble, pass, shot, foul and tackling. In order to achieve that, the Skout software (Barros et al., 2006) was utilized and, through it, all fundamentals carried out by the Brazilian team were identified and codified in a virtual field. The data from each match was transported into the Matlab® software, in which the zone of major action of each player was analyzed, represented by the main axis. The outcome showed that the game systems put into practice by the Brazilian team in the 1958 and 1962 World Cup finals didn’t present significant changes, nevertheless, regarding the 2002 final, there was a great difference. The Brazilian team got similar percentages in the technical actions carried out in the three World Cup finals analyzed, however, in absolute numbers, the passes, the shots and the dribbles decreased while the fouls increased.


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Falls among older people is a major clinical problem due to its high incidence, with consequent implications for the health and care costs. Elderly patients with dementia of Alzheimer type (AD) are more susceptible to falls due to the impairment of executive functions and gait, with the risk of falls 3 times higher than non-demented elderly. This study used a longitudinal design and aimed to analyze the effects of a regular and systematized physical activity program on the frequency of falls in patients with AD. Additionally, we aimed to correlate the frequency of falls with the executive functions and equilibrium, after and before the physical activity program. The study included 21 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD, divided into two groups: control group (CG), composed of 11 subjects not engaged in any systematized physical activity and training group (TG): 10 seniors who participated in the Cinesioterapia Functional and Cognitive in Elderly with Alzheimer's disease program (PRO-CDA). The physical activity program lasted four months, with weekly frequency of three times, with each session lasting 60 minutes. Were administered the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to assess cognitive functioning and global score of the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) to classify the severity of dementia. For the evaluation of executive functions were used the Clock Drawing Test (TDR) and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). In addition, we used the Functional Balance Scale, Berg test (EEFB) and Timed Up-and-Go (TUG) to assess the equilibrium and risk of falls. Falls were recorded by means of a questionnaire, which included the number of falls in the last four months. Analyzing the results, it was observed that TG obtained significant improvements in equilibrium and in executive functions, highlighting the beneficial effects of physical activity in these variables... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A psicologia do esporte se constitui como uma vasta área, tanto de atuação profissional como de produção de conhecimento. Sua importância se dá no sentido de preparar o praticante de atividade física psicologicamente para que, diante de momentos decisivos, apresente um rendimento ótimo e preparo para lidar com as situações que a modalidade exprime. Em todo nível de atividade física ou esporte deve haver um motivo que leve o indivíduo a optar por determinada prática esportiva. A motivação é caracterizada como um processo ativo, intencional e dirigido a uma meta, o qual depende de fatores pessoais (intrínsecos) e ambientais (extrínsecos). Ela denota os fatores e processos que levam as pessoas a uma ação ou inércia em diversas situações. As Atividades Físicas de Aventura vêm ganhando adeptos, despertando o interesse e a curiosidade de muitas pessoas. Diversos são os motivos que acarretam na prática das Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Diante disso, torna-se relevante identificar as razões pelas quais mais e mais pessoas procuram as Atividades Físicas de Aventura como prática de atividade física. Embasado em um estudo qualitativo, buscou-se, por meio de uma extensa revisão de literatura, elencar os principais motivos que fomentam a prática das Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Espera-se que o presente estudo possa contribuir para o melhor entendimento da razão pela qual as pessoas optam por praticar Atividades Físicas de Aventura. Diversos estudos sugerem que a escolha por tais atividades pode ser traduzida pelo desejo de aproximação maior e mais intensa com o meio natural. As pessoas procuram o contato mais substancial e constante com o ambiente natural, não somente no intuito de beneficiar a saúde, mas, inclusive, para promover atitudes que beneficiem a preservação do ambiente, sendo este um fator essencial no equilíbrio existencial das espécies. Conclui-se que o contato com a natureza e a superação de..


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Os pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) apresentam restrições motoras que dificultam sua locomoção. Entretanto, poucos estudos tem atentado para a locomoção de idosos com DP em ambientes irregulares, principalmente relacionados às restrições motoras que os pacientes com DP apresentam para ultrapassar um obstáculo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar se os pacientes com DP são capazes de modular a ultrapassagem de obstáculo de acordo com restrições impostas pela instrução na tarefa de ultrapassagem. Participaram deste estudo 18 idosos com diagnóstico de DP idiopática entre os estágios 1 e 3 da escala de Hoehn & Yahr. Inicialmente, os pacientes passaram por uma avaliação clínica e cognitiva. Para as tarefas experimentais, os pacientes foram convidados a andar sobre uma passarela e ultrapassar um obstáculo de madeira. A altura do obstáculo foi ajustada de acordo com o comprimento da perna do participante (metade do comprimento da perna). Os participantes realizaram a tarefa em quatro condições experimentais: velocidade preferida; elevação máxima do pé para ultrapassagem do obstáculo; máximo comprimento do passo de ultrapassagem; ultrapassagem em máxima velocidade. Foram realizadas três tentativas, em blocos, para cada condição experimental. No primeiro bloco, os participantes andaram em velocidade preferida. As outras três condições experimentais foram randomizadas entre os participantes. Para registro cinemático dos dados, uma câmera digital foi posicionada de modo a visualizar todos os marcadores, no plano sagital direito do participante. Para responder aos objetivos do estudo foi empregada ANOVA two-way, com medidas repetidas para condição experimental. Os resultados indicaram que os pacientes são capazes de lidar (modular) com as restrições impostas pelas tarefas de ultrapassagem do obstáculo. Com isso, os idosos com DP são capazes de alterar o padrão do andar, superando as restrições...


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Nos últimos tempos o futsal tem se desenvolvido muito rapidamente, modificando seu caráter amador e aumentando o número de participantes e de país que o praticam. Essas mudanças têm causado melhoras nas ações técnicas e táticas dos jogadores, além de aumento na rapidez do raciocínio para a tomada de decisão, além da forma física (necessidade de uma capacidade aeróbica e de uma massa muscular desenvolvidas para a melhora do desempenho em quadra). Um dos responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento do futsal foram os avanços na tecnologia que através de ferramentas específicas facilitam e auxiliam na evolução da equipe no decorrer dos treinamentos e jogos. Desta forma, as equipes conseguem controlar os aspectos técnicos, táticos, físicos e psicológicos que ocorrem com a equipe, podendo obter dados quantitativos e qualitativos que ajudam a alcançar melhor performance dos atletas e da equipe. Um exemplo destas ferramentas é o “scout”, o qual se mostra um instrumento viável para uma avaliação técnica e tática de uma equipe. Através desta ferramenta pode-se avaliar detalhes importantes do jogo como o número de finalizações (eficiência do ataque), local de finalização, número de desarmes, passes certos e errados, tanto da sua equipe como também da equipe adversária. Com isso, com o auxilio do “scout” independentemente da tecnologia que se utilize, mais avançadas como softwares específicos ou menos sofisticadas como planilhas de anotações, consegue-se além de realizar uma avaliação individual da condição técnica do atleta também analisar os sistemas de defesa e ataque de uma equipe.Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi de verificar e comparar a relação de acerto e erro das ações de passe, desarme e finalização apresentado pelas equipes vencedoras e as perdedoras de partidas de futsal, vislumbrando...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Aikido é uma arte marcial japonesa que, como todas as outras, tem alguns princípios que norteiam sua prática. Do ponto de vista da estrutura e desenvolvimento de suas técnicas, o Aikido carrega uma peculiaridade por não haver combate em seus treinamentos. É freqüentemente lembrado por essa característica. Na tentativa de descrever como se desenvolve a técnica de uma arte marcial em que não existe a competição entre os praticantes, o Aikido é treinado em katas. Katas são técnicas combinadas, em que o Uke (quem sofre a técnica) se deixa ser conduzido pelo Nague (quem aplica a técnica), para o treinamento da movimentação. Esta pesquisa assume como objeto de estudo a dúvida que persiste sobre o sentido de uma arte marcial em que não é colocada a prova sua eficiência, considerando que as artes marciais são por princípio artes de guerra. Neste recorte cartografamos a fronteira entre a cultura ocidental e a cultura oriental. Identificamos as marcas dessa arte, pois sua finalidade supera a questão do guerrear e passa diretamente para o estudo das possibilidades do corpo, este compreendido de maneira holística O corpus de nosso estudo se constitui dos recortes discursivos recolhidos nos registros das vivências de praticantes de Aikido. No campo tenso demarcado entre a cultura ocidental e a cultura oriental cartografamos o corpo em seus movimentos, no âmbito das possibilidades que o Aikido nos indica.


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In general, the early career is a period marked by crises. Hubermam (1992) points out that this period is considered by the teacher as one of life's most difficult professional teaching. According to Machado (2004), the physical education worked only in competitive perspective in school, does not contribute to the school to perform its social role. This approach encourages the use of stigmas, labels and prejudices, so common in school, that marginalize even more students from lower classes, and can make the sport of high performance within the school walls create students with low self-esteem and low motivation within other possible disorders . Thus, this study presents the fundamental importance to aid and support to novice teachers, so that they can understand, and address key emotional aspects that interfere in their practice. Thus, our aim was to identify the most recurrent emotional processes in novice teachers identify and also how these emotional states can influence the professional and personal attitudes of these teachers. Through a bibliographic we seek statements, reports and case studies that provide enough material to our analysis and interpretation in order to collaborate with the study area and proceed to proposals that are not unreasonable or tied to the current system. Among the emotional states reported in the literature, we highlight the main, more present and influent in the beginner teacher as listed as follow: Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Shame, Low Self Confidence and Motivation. Considering these states, Damasio (1996) reports that the United Emotional directly influenced the style and efficiency of cognitive processes, in other words, interfere with the performance of teachers in the teaching front. Thus, Machado (2006) points out that the teacher should have a set of techniques and procedures that drive their practice in a manner appropriate to the leading group. Therefore, the knowledge of Psychology of Physical...


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of unilateral isokinetic strength training at high speed (180°.s-1) of the dominant leg on the rate of force development (RFD) of the contralateral limb. The study included 18 male individuals, apparently healthy, with an average of 23 years, and without regular practice of physical activities. The subjects were divided randomly into two groups: control group (GC) and isokinetic group (GISOC). Assessments were made of the values of peak isometric torque (PT isom) and RFD of both lower limbs in the pre-training. So, the GISOC underwent an isokinetic strength training with high speed (180°.s-1) for 6 weeks, with the dominant leg only and then reassessed. It was found that there was no significant improvement in value of PT isom (p> 0.05), and the RFD for the dominant limb had a significant improvement (p< 0.05) compared to the pre-training and that there was no transfer of values to the contralateral side (p> 0.05). It can be concluded that the isokinetic training at high speed was not enough for significant cross education


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a associação entre música e atividade física no que diz respeito ao bem-estar psicológico e o estado de ânimo de participantes de esportes coletivos. Confirmam os estudos, que os benefícios da prática de atividade física juntamente com a música são muitos e inegáveis. Os participantes de esporte coletivo, por estarem sempre em contato com muitas outras pessoas e sempre sofrendo muitas influências de todos os lados (meio e pessoal), foram os escolhidos para o estudo. A literatura disponível e estudada apóia a idéia de que uma pessoa que esteja na presença de uma música de seu gosto, se estruturando de forma correta, pode se sentir mais motivada e psicologicamente preparada. A diferenciação dada nesse estudo foi à idéia de colocar a música “preferida” e “nãopreferida”, assim conseguimos avaliar a influência positiva e também a negativa dada pela música. Por meio de questionários passados pré e pós a atividade física, fizemos a análise, e a conclusão foi o que os estudos já diziam, de que existe uma clara influência da música tanto nos aspectos do humor, quanto nos psicológicos, positivamente e também negativamente. Considerando tudo isso, a idéia de existirem mais trabalhos para o aprimoramento de treinamentos com a presença da música ideal é o foco do estudo.


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Não disponível.


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Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed in the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. This self defense art, as it is known, is trained around the world as a noncompetitive practice. This work aimed to investigate and circumscribe the history of this martial art presenting features of its singularity. Akido´s Cultural History was used as a theoretical approach to build the historical background. The work was divided in five chapters as respectively named and described: Japan´s historical contextualization - it seeks to show the changing processes that happened in Japan which were arising from the insertion of other cultures, and how that insertion led the country to modernize itself and turn into a great world power. The ancient art: Aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu - talks about this samurai martial art which ensured the Aikido to obtain as the source technique the aiki, and the Xintoist practice. The history of a master: Morihei Ueshiba - presents some defining facts and moments from the master Ueshiba´s history, which points both to the changes occurred in the country, and to the ones that led the master to justify and broadcast the martial art. Aikido: The Budo art - portraits the Aikido´s meaning and the way that it was built to present the Aikido as a Budo art. And to finalize, Martial asceticism - seeks to make the dialogue between the cultures, from the meaning of this chapter title words (martial asceticism), as well as to point facts from the contemporaneity which provoke reflections upon the present practice


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The Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative and progressive disease, mostly seen in elderly people, characterized by memory loss. This commitment leads causes deficits in functional capacity, compromising the individual in execution of activities of daily living, like dressing and bathing. This study, with a longitudinal character, aimed analyze the effects of a protocol of weights training (WT) in global cognitive status and realization of activities of daily living (ADL´s) basic and instrumental in AD patients, comparing the effects of four months of WT in the performance of ADL´s in global cognitive status. And also aimed to verify the possible relations between ADL's and global cognitive status of patients before and after the experimental period. The study included 24 patients with clinical diagnosis of AD, divided into two groups: a) training group (TG) consisted of 13 patients who underwent a protocol of WT b) Social Gathering Group (SCG) consists of 11 patients participating in a protocol of social gathering not systematized with activities of reading, writing and walking. Both protocols lasted four months, being developed in three non-consecutive weekly sessions, lasting 60 minutes each. To quantify global cognitive status and the basic and instrumental ADLs were used, respectively, the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Self Perception of Performance in Activities of Daily Living, along with the battery of tests of Activities of Daily Life of Andreotti and Okuma (1999). To analyze the results where complied the nature of the data, using analysis of variance for repeated measures ANOVA two-way and Pearson correlation for continuous data and tests of U Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon and Spearman correlation for non-continuous data, assuming level significance of 5% for all analysis. After analysis it´s possible... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Gymnastic as a manifestation of the Body Culture Movement should be part of the contents worked in scholar Physical Education, throughout the process of Basic teaching. However, according to studies conducted by researchers from academic Gymnastics school knowledge involving the gymnastics have been tentatively taught in school by numerous factors. For this, the objective of this research was to understand and analyze the opinion of students in middle and high school about gymnastics classes developed with the involvement of graduation scholarship holder and the coordination of the project Gymnastics Goes to School from the UNESP/Campus Rio Claro “Núcleos de Ensino”, in 2012. This research used a questionnaire with topics about the Gymnastic with options: Never Practiced, Like a Lot, Like, Am Indifferent, Dislike, Hate with a space for writing and drawing, relevant to the research objectives. The research was performed with 79 students in middle and high school. With data analysis, it was observed that the students identified themselves more with the Artistic Gymnastic, followed by Rhythmic and Acrobatic Gymnastic and, at last, the General Gymnastic, both through the questionnaire and trough the drawings, which goes against the results from the article published in 2010 by Pereira et al, entitled The students detest the contents gymnastic in physical education classes: motives and alternatives, where the students understand the gymnastics activities only as support, abdominal and stretching. Therefore, to have a real understanding of gymnastics in school, there is a need for teachers to explain and develop the contents gimmicks, so the students could understand the difference among Gymnastics activities and, at the same time, discovering the pleasures of this body practice


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Currently the company suffers a heavy influence of media, through their tentacles people are reached and clawed into a consumerist context, and the reason for the success of this market share is linked to aesthetics. An ideal beauty standard is followed, aimed at recognizing social, emotional success, professional and loving. Thus, people are accustomed from his childhood with the image of a perfect prince or princess, heroes that is becoming increasingly more muscular and developed throughout the evolution of cinema. While the aesthetic perfection is internalized by society and see that this beauty is not a particular good for some people, but everyone should become pretty standard to suit hence those who do not fit this stereotype are somehow excluded from the circle of society standard. One way people try to develop and hone the look is through weight training exercises in specialized academies. The problem is when it appears not the contentment of the individual in relation to his body. Even when your muscles are increasing, for the person who suffers from Vigorexia changes are significant to the point never to be content with their state of development, which is seen distorted and underestimated. Thus this paper aims to describe the situation and how the routine Vigorexia context and people are distorted to suit the aesthetic and social demands that are made, through a literature search on the muscle dysmorphia. It is of paramount importance to know the pathological picture of Vigorexia not only by professionals of Psychology, Psychiatry and Medicine, but also for Physical Educators that are constantly present in an active and that can positively or negatively influence the routine and pathological picture of these people with Muscular Dysmorphia