938 resultados para Liberius, pope.
Resumen: Este artículo parte del interrogante acerca de la necesidad de volver sobre los conceptos postulados desde la Carta Encíclica Rerum Novarum del Papa León XIII acerca del desarrollo social, y analiza el modo en que estos principios son retomados por el documento pontificio La vocación del líder empresarial: una reflexión. El autor destaca la importancia del documento y su análisis de las tres facetas en que se desenvuelve la vida empresarial: ver, juzgar y actuar. Sólo el empresario capaz de alcanzar un equilibrio entre estos aspectos, podrá ser un verdadero líder de negocios cristiano
El artículo “Una presencia que conoce” presenta una parte del trabajo que el autor realizó sobre los mensajes del papa Juan Pablo II para la Jornada Mundial del Enfermo y que próximamente se podrá conocer con el título “El amor de los que sufren” publicado por Ed. San Benito con prólogo de la Dra. Beatriz Balián de Tagtachian. El profundo estudio de los trece Mensajes del Santo Padre para la Jornada Mundial del Enfermo analiza qué concepto de enfermo tiene el papa Juan Pablo II, cuáles son sus presupuestos antropológicos y qué sentido tiene la enfermedad en el plan de Dios sobre cada uno de los hombres; cuál es la misión de la Iglesia, y qué tipo de acompañamiento necesitan los enfermos para que podamos imitar la solicitud de la Virgen María. En estas páginas se aborda el significado y la finalidad de la Jornada Mundial del Enfermo, la importancia que el Papa atribuye a ésta para la misión de la Iglesia en el mundo, los objetivos que él ha determinado para esta jornada y el modo de celebrarla que ha sugerido.
Resumen: El presente texto analiza dos cuestiones centrales en el pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger: por un lado, el problema de la racionalidad del derecho y, en segundo lugar, el fundamento del Estado de Derecho en el mundo moderno. Para tal fin, previo diagnóstico sobre la situación jurídica contemporánea, se analizan ambos tópicos de acuerdo a los principales discursos realizados por el Cardenal Ratzinger y luego papa Benedicto XVI llegando a la conclusión de que el problema subyacente a ambos es el problema de la verdad tanto metafísica como moral.
Este trabalho é fruto de pesquisas sobre as relações entre Igreja e Estado no Brasil do século XIX. O objetivo é apresentar um panorama dos debates políticos em torno da Questão Religiosa - principal evento no Segundo Reinado (1842-1889) envolvendo, o clero e a política imperial -, cujas discussões percorreram o Senado, a Câmara dos Deputados, o Conselho de Estado, o poder judiciário, e a sociedade como um todo, sobretudo nos jornais, entre 1872 e 1875. O conflito aconteceu a partir da tentativa de dois Bispos de separar o culto católico das práticas maçônicas. A Questão Religiosa revela-se no Brasil como um verdadeiro embate, entre a defesa e o prolongamento dos princípios liberais da Constituição Imperial de 1824, e, o movimento mundial da Igreja católica de reação ao liberalismo, emplacado no Syllabus um documento lançado em 1864 pelo Papa Pio IX listando os 80 erros da sociedade moderna. Nessa perspectiva a dissertação divide-se em duas partes. A primeira trata do conceito de secularização e o quadro político frente à religião católica na Europa. E a segunda lida com a Questão Religiosa no Brasil e com quatro posicionamentos diferentes, sobre as relações entre os poderes político e religioso, que foram expressos na década de 1870.
Wydział Teologiczny: Zakład Teologii Fundamentalnej i Ekumenicznej
Wydział Neofilologii Instytut Filologii Romańskiej
This study investigates the meanings and significance of the seventh-day Sabbath for worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In recent years, both the day and concept of Sabbath have attracted ecumenical attention, but the focus of scholarship has been placed on Sunday as the Lord's Day or Sabbath with little consideration given to the seventh-day Sabbath. In contrast, this project examines the seventh-day Sabbath and worship on that day from theological, liturgical, biblical and historical perspectives. Although not intended as an apology for Seventh-day Adventist practices, the work does strive to promote a critical and creative conversation with other theological and liturgical traditions in order to promote mutual, ecumenical understanding. Historical research into the origins and nature of the principal day for weekly Christian worship provides a starting point for discussion on Sabbath. Reconsideration of the relationship between Judaism and early Christianity in recent studies suggests that the influence of Judaism lasted longer than previously supposed, thereby prolonging the developmental process of Sabbath (seventh day) to Sunday. A possible coexistence of Sabbath and Sunday in early Christianity offers an alternative to perspectives that dichotomize Sabbath and Sunday from Christian antiquity onward, and thus for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, suggests biblical and historical validity for their Sabbath worship practice. Recent theological perspectives on Sabbath and Sunday are examined, particularly those of Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann and Pope John Paul II. While all three of these theologians stress the continuity of Sabbath and Sunday and speak mainly to a theology of Sunday, they do highlight the significance of Sabbath—which is relevant to an interpretation of seventh-day Sabbath worship. The study concludes that the seventh-day Sabbath is significant for worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church because it symbolizes the relationship between God and human beings, reminds humanity of the creating and redeeming God who acts in history, and invites persons to rest and fellowship with God on a day sanctified by God.
The eight-century Whitby Vita Gregorii is one of the earliest examples of Anglo-Saxon hagiography, and is the earliest surviving life of Gregory the Great (590-604). The work has proved itself an anomaly in subject matter, style and approach, not least because of the writer’s apparently arbitrary insertion of an account of the retrieval of the relics of the Anglo-Saxon King Edwin (d.633). There has, however, been relatively little research on the document to date, the most recent concentrating on elements in the Gregorian material in the work. The present thesis adapts a methodology which identifies patristic exegetical themes and techniques in the Vita. That is not only in material originating from the pen of Gregory himself, which is freely quoted and cited by the writer, but also in the narrative episodes concerning the Pope. It also identifies related exegetical themes underlying the narrative of the Anglo-Saxon material in the document, and this suggests that the work is of much greater coherence then has previously been thought. In the course of the thesis some of the Vita Gregorii’s major patristic themes are compared with Bede and other insular writers in the presentation of topics that have been of considerable interest to insular historians in recent years. That is themes including: the conversion and salvation of the English people; the ideal pastor; monastic influence on formation of Episcopal spiritual authority; relations between king and bishop. The thesis also includes a re-evaluation of the possible historical context and purpose of the work, and demonstrates the value of a proper understanding of the Vita’s spiritual nature in order to achieve this. Finally the research is supported by a new structural analysis of the entire Vita Gregorii as an artefact formed within literary traditions.
We measured canine teeth from 28 woolly spider monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides) to assess sexual dimorphism and population differences. The specimens are from the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. We found strong sexual dimorphism in canine length for individuals belonging to populations south of 22°00′ latitude but no sexual dimorphism in canine length from individuals of populations north of 21°00′ latitude. Canine length did not vary among females of northern and southern populations. However, southern males had significantly longer canines than northern males. This geographical difference in canine morphology, together with the presence or absence of thumbs and published accounts of differences in genetics and social structure between northern and southern populations, suggests that Brachyteles arachnoides may be composed of at least two subspecies, which appear to be separated by the rivers Grande and Paraiba do Sul and the Serra da Mantiqueira. © 1993 Plenum Publishing Corporation.
The time reversal of stochastic diffusion processes is revisited with emphasis on the physical meaning of the time-reversed drift and the noise prescription in the case of multiplicative noise. The local kinematics and mechanics of free diffusion are linked to the hydrodynamic description. These properties also provide an interpretation of the Pope-Ching formula for the steady-state probability density function along with a geometric interpretation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. Finally, the statistics of the local entropy production rate of diffusion are discussed in the light of local diffusion properties, and a stochastic differential equation for entropy production is obtained using the Girsanov theorem for reversed diffusion. The results are illustrated for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
This is the second in a series of six papers presenting key findings from a national study that was undertaken to investigate the role and responsibilities of midwives and to identify and address continuing educational need. The background to the study and the titles of other papers in the series were outlined in the first paper. This paper focuses on two key aspects of the midwife’s role: ‘enhanced role’ activities and social and emotional care. The implications of the findings for practice and education are discussed.
This is the third in a series of six papers presenting key findings from a national study that was undertaken to investigate the role and responsibilities of midwives and to identify continuing educational need. The background to the study and the titles of the other papers in the series have been outlined in the first paper. Issues related to the way midwifery care is organized nationally are discussed in this paper. Midwives and supervisors indicated a strong commitment to providing woman-centred care in a caring and sensitive manner, often in the face of enormous structural and organizational change. This paper addresses key issues that arose for midwives and supervisors when planning and providing an optimum quality service.