993 resultados para Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi
The yield as well as phenotypic and functional parameters of canine peripheral blood monocyte-derived macrophages were analyzed. The cells that remained adherent to Teflon after 10 days of culture had high phagocytic activity when inoculated with Leishmania chagasi. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that more than 80% of cultured cells were positive for the monocyte/macrophage marker CD14.
Lutzomyia longipalpis s.l., the main vector of Leishmania chagasi in Latin America, is a species complex although the exact number of siblings is yet unknown. In Brazil, the siblings differ in male copulatory courtship songs and pheromones that most certainly act as pre-zygotic reproductive barriers. Here we analysed the reproductive isolation between three allopatric and two sympatric populations of Lu. longipalpis s.l. from Brazil. The results indicate a strong copulatory and pre-mating isolation between the three allopatric populations. In addition, the results also indicate a stronger pre-mating isolation between the two sympatric siblings than between the three allopatric ones, suggesting a role for reinforcement in the speciation of the Lu. longipalpis s.l. complex.
In Brazil, visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by Leishmania chagasi parasites that are transmitted to man through the bites of infected females of Lutzomyia longipalpis sand flies. In order to evaluate transmission risk and to clarify the epidemiology of this tropical disease, studies focused on the vector and favorable environmental conditions are of fundamental importance. In this work, we surveyed the phlebotomine sand fly fauna in Janaúba, a Brazilian municipality that is endemic for VL. During a two-year period, entomological captures were performed monthly in 15 districts with high, moderate and low profiles of VL transmission. A total of 14,591 phlebotomine sand flies were captured (92% L. longipalpis), with a predominance of males. Most specimens were captured in the peri-domicile setting, although the number of specimens captured in the intra-domicile setting emphasises the anthropophilic behaviour of this insect. The population density of L. longipalpis was modulated by climate variations, particularly with clear increases immediately after the rainy season. However, the pattern of distribution did not coincide with the occurrence of human or canine cases of VL. This suggests that the eco-epidemiology of VL is particular to each area of transmission and must be taken into account during the design of public health control actions.
The occurrence of an outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis associated with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis in the municipality of Bela Vista, state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and the absence of information on its vectors in this area led the authors to undertake captures of phlebotomine sand flies, using Shannon traps and automatic CDC light traps, in domiciles, forested areas and animal shelters from February 2004-January 2006. A total of 808 specimens belonging to 18 sandfly species have been identified: Bichromomyia flaviscutellata,Brumptomyia avellari, Brumptomyia brumpti, Brumptomyia sp, Evandromyia aldafalcaoae, Evandromyia cortelezzii, Evandromyia evandroi, Evandromyia lenti, Evandromyia teratodes, Evandromyia termitophila, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Nyssomyia whitmani, Pintomyia christenseni, Psathyromyia aragaoi, Psathyromyia campograndensis, Psathyromyia punctigeniculata, Psathyromyia shannoni and Sciopemyia sordellii. The presence of Lu. longipalpis, Ny. whitmani and Bi. flaviscutellata, vectors of Leishmania chagasi, Leishmania braziliensis and L. amazonensis, respectively, has increased.
The chemical composition and biological activities of 19 essential oils and seven of their major components were tested against free and intracellular forms of Leishmania chagasi and Trypanosoma cruzi parasites as well as Vero and THP-1 mammalian cell lines. The essential oils were obtained from different species of Lippia, a widely distributed genus of Colombian plants. They were extracted by microwave radiation-assisted hydro-distillation and characterised by GC-FID and GC-MS. The major components were geranial, neral, limonene, nerol, carvacrol, p-cymene, γ-terpinene, carvone and thymol. The essential oil of Lippia alba exhibited the highest activity against T. cruzi epimastigotes and intracellular amastigotes with an IC50 of 5.5 μg/mL and 12.2 μg/mL, respectively. The essential oil of Lippia origanoides had an IC50 of 4.4 μg/mL in L. chagasi promastigotes and exhibited no toxicity in mammalian cells. Thymol (IC50 3.2 ± 0.4 μg/mL) and S-carvone (IC50 6.1 ± 2.2 μg/mL), two of the major components of the active essential oils, were active on intracellular amastigotes of T. cruziinfected Vero cells, with a selective index greater than 10. None of the essential oils or major components tested in this study was active on amastigotes of L. chagasi infected THP-1 cells.
The need for drug combinations to treat visceral leishmaniasis (VL) arose because of resistance to antimonials, the toxicity of current treatments and the length of the course of therapy. Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) have shown anti-leishmanial activity; therefore their use in combination with standard drugs could provide new alternatives for the treatment of VL. In this work, in vitro isobolograms of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi using promastigotes or intracellular amastigotes were utilised to identify the interactions between five CCBs and the standard drugs pentamidine, amphotericin B and glucantime. The drug interactions were assessed with a fixed ratio isobologram method and the fractional inhibitory concentrations (FICs), sum of FICs (ΣFICs) and the overall mean ΣFIC were calculated for each combination. Graphical isobologram analysis showed that the combination of nimodipine and glucantime was the most promising in amastigotes with an overall mean ΣFIC value of 0.79. Interactions between CCBs and the anti-leishmanial drugs were classified as indifferent according to the overall mean ΣFIC and the isobologram graphic analysis.
A rapid indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed for measuring antibodies against Leishmania chagasi using total antigen from lysed promastigotes. Fifty symptomatic mixed breed dogs from a region of high incidence of visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil were examined. The results showed that in the positive animals, diagnosed by cytological examination, the ELISA using protein A assay system (mean optical density ± SD / 2.078 ± 0.631) detected more antibodies than the anti-IgG assay (mean optical density ± SD / 1.008 ± 0.437), while in the negative animals, the results by both systems were similar. These results suggest that the ELISA assay using protein A peroxidase conjugated could be useful to detect early infected animals in endemic areas, and thus help to control the spread of the infection.
Foram investigadas áreas de risco de leishmaniose visceral canina no município de Camaçari, Bahia. Um total de 278 cães distribuídos em 141 residências, pertencentes a 20 áreas de risco investigadas, foi examinado sorologicamente (ELISA). A soroprevalência geral foi 21,7% (56/258) depois da exclusão dos 20 cães usados no início do estudo para delimitar a área. Os resultados respectivos das análises univariada e multivariada dos fatores relacionados à infecção do cão por Leishmania chagasi, a captura e distribuição do vetor na área e a metodologia usada para localizar os focos caninos são discutidos.
Uninfected dogs and those naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi exhibiting different clinical forms of disease were evaluated for the presence of anti-Neospora caninum and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies. Blood samples were collected from 110 mongrel dogs. Sera were tested using the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and the animals with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) (n=60) were classified clinically. Out of the 110 sera investigated, 5 (4.5%) were positive for N. caninum (IFAT>50) and 36 (32.7%) for T. gondii (IFAT>16). Anti-L. chagasi antibody titers in asymptomatic dogs (n=10) were found to be significantly lower (P<0.05) than those in oligosymptomatic ones (n=22), which were in turn significantly lower (P<0.05) than those in symptomatic ones (n=28). No association between Leishmania and N. caninum infections was observed. Among dogs infected with L. chagasi, a tendency (P=0.053) towards an association between the infection with T. gondii and the appearance of VL symptoms was observed, suggesting that the clinical manifestation of VL in dogs may enhance their susceptibility to T. gondii. The possible influence of the immunosuppressive status of canine leishmaniasis in the different clinical forms of the disease is discussed.
Na América do Sul, alguns canídeos silvestres são considerados reservatórios naturais da Leishmania chagasi. A resposta imunológica desses animais à Leishmania é pouco conhecida, havendo a necessidade de métodos diagnósticos adequados para esse fim. No presente estudo, é descrita a padronização do ensaio imunoenzimático indireto (ELISA) para o diagnóstico sorológico de leishmaniose visceral em canídeos silvestres brasileiros. Foram estudadas amostras de soro e plasma de 12 canídeos cativos: sete lobos-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus), três raposinhas (Lycalopex vetulus) e dois cachorros-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous). As amostras de um C. brachyurus e uma L. vetulus, cativos em área endêmica para LV, que apresentavam doença clínica e positividade em testes de Imunofluorescência Indireta e Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase, foram utilizadas como controles positivos. Foram comparados os conjugados anti-IgG de cão e proteína A, ambos ligados a peroxidase, cujos testes detectaram quatro (04/12) e três (03/12) C. brachyurus soropositivos para anticorpos anti-Leishmania sp., respectivamente. As médias das densidades ópticas (DOs) das amostras negativas foram nitidamente mais baixas do que as médias das DOs dos positivos tanto no ELISA com anti-IgG de cão (4,8 vezes) como com proteína A (15,5 vezes). Os soros de três C. brachyurus positivos no ELISA indireto foram avaliados por Western blotting e identificaram 22 bandas, sendo imunodominantes as de peso molecular de 19, 22, 24, 45 e 66 kDa. Os testes ELISA com a proteína A e o conjugado anti-IgG de cão apresentaram respectivamente concordância excelente (Kappa = 1; p<0,001) e moderada (Kappa = 0,8; p<0,0015), com o Western blotting. Ambos foram, portanto, considerados adequados a avaliações de triagem de animais cuja resposta humoral de anticorpos indica contato com o parasito, úteis para subsidiar estudos para adequação de metodologias específicas para os canídeos silvestres.
The clinical spectrum of leishmaniasis and control of the infection are influenced by the parasite-host relationship. The role of cellular immune responses of the Th1 type in the protection against disease in experimental and human leishmaniasis is well established. In humans, production of IFN-g is associated with the control of infection in children infected by Leishmania chagasi. In visceral leishmaniasis, an impairment in IFN-g production and high IL-4 and IL-10 levels (Th2 cytokines) are observed in antigen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Moreover, IL-12 restores IFN-g production and enhances the cytotoxic response. IL-10 is the cytokine involved in down-regulation of IFN-g production, since anti-IL-10 monoclonal antibody (mAb) restores in vitro IFN-g production and lymphoproliferative responses, and IL-10 abrogates the effect of IL-12. In cutaneous and mucosal leishmaniasis, high levels of IFN-g are found in L. amazonensis-stimulated PBMC. However, low or absent IFN-g levels were observed in antigen-stimulated PBMC from 50% of subjects with less than 60 days of disease (24 ± 26 pg/ml). This response was restored by IL-12 (308 ± 342 pg/ml) and anti-IL-10 mAb (380 ± 245 pg/ml) (P<0.05). Later during the disease, high levels of IFN-g and TNF-a are produced both in cutaneous and mucosal leishmaniasis. After treatment there is a decrease in TNF-a levels (366 ± 224 pg/ml before treatment vs 142 ± 107 pg/ml after treatment, P = 0.02). Although production of IFN-g and TNF-a might be involved in the control of parasite multiplication in the early phases of Leishmania infection, these cytokines might also be involved in the tissue damage seen in tegumentary leishmaniasis
The antimonial drug, meglumine antimoniate, was successfully encapsulated in dehydration-rehydration vesicles and in freeze-dried empty liposomes (FDELs). High encapsulation efficiencies (from 28 to 58%) and low weight ratios of lipids to encapsulated antimony (from 1:0.15 to 1:0.3) were achieved. These formulations, contrary to those obtained by conventional methods, can be stored as intermediate lyophilized forms and reconstituted just before use. The efficacy of FDEL-encapsulated meglumine antimoniate was evaluated in hamsters experimentally infected with Leishmania chagasi. A significant reduction of liver parasite burdens was observed in animals treated with this preparation, when compared to control animals treated with empty liposomes. In contrast, free meglumine antimoniate was found to be inefficient when administered at a comparable dose of antimony. This novel liposome-based meglumine antimoniate formulation appears to be promising as a pharmaceutical product for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis.
Renal involvement in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is very frequent. The renal lesions of humans and dogs are similar but their pathogenesis has not been clearly elucidated. There is growing evidence that the cellular immune response is involved in the pathogenesis of immunologically mediated glomerulonephritis. Since T cells could participate in the pathogenesis of nephropathy, in the present study we investigated the possible involvement of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the nephropathy of canine VL. Six dogs naturally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi from the endemic area in the Northeast of Brazil, the town of Teresina in the State of Piauí, were studied. An expressive inflammatory infiltrate of CD4+ T cells both in glomeruli and in interstitium was present in 4 animals and absent in 2. CD8+ T cells were detected only in one animal. CD4+ T cells alone were observed in 3 animals; when CD8+ T cells were present CD4+ T cells were also present. CD4+ T cells were observed in cases of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, diffuse membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis and crescentic glomerulonephritis. CD8+ T cells were present only in a case of crescentic glomerulonephritis. Leishmania antigen was detected in glomeruli and in interstitial inflammatory infiltrate in 4 animals and immunoglobulins were observed in 4 dogs. In this study we observed that T cells, in addition to immunoglobulins, are present in the renal lesion of canine VL. Further studies are in progress addressing the immunopathogenic mechanisms involving the participation of immunoglobulins and T cells in canine VL nephropathy.
Several organs are affected in visceral leishmaniasis, not only those rich in mononuclear phagocytes. Hypergammaglobulinemia occurs during visceral leishmaniasis; anti-Leishmania antibodies are not primarily important for protection but might be involved in the pathogenesis of tissue lesions. The glomerulonephritis occurring in visceral leishmaniasis has been attributed to immune complex deposition but in other organs the mechanism has not been studied. In the current study we demonstrated the presence of IgG in the lung and liver of hamsters with visceral leishmaniasis. Hamsters were injected intraperitoneally with 2 x 10(7) amastigotes of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and the presence of IgG in the liver and lung was evaluated at 7, 15, 30, 45, 80 and 102 days postinfection (PI) by immunohistochemistry. The parasite burden in the spleen and liver increased progressively during infection. We observed a deposit of IgG from day 7 PI that increased progressively until it reached highest intensity around 30 and 45 days PI, declining at later times. The IgG deposits outlined the sinusoids. In the lung a deposit of IgG was observed in the capillary walls that was moderate at day 7 PI, but the intensity increased remarkably at day 30 PI and declined at later times of infection. No significant C3 deposits were observed in the lung or in the liver. We conclude that IgG may participate in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory process of the lung and liver occurring in experimental visceral leishmaniasis and we discuss an alternative mechanism other than immune complex deposition.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of a multiple dose regimen of a liposomal formulation of meglumine antimoniate (LMA) on the pharmacokinetics of antimony in the bone marrow of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis and on the ability of LMA to eliminate parasites from this tissue. Dogs naturally infected with Leishmania chagasi received 4 intravenous doses of either LMA (6.5 mg antimony/kg body weight, N = 9), or empty liposomes (at the same lipid dose as LMA, N = 9) at 4-day intervals. A third group of animals was untreated (N = 8). Before each administration and at different times after treatment, bone marrow was obtained and analyzed for antimony level (LMA group) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, and for the presence of Leishmania parasites (all groups). There was a significant increase of antimony concentration from 0.76 µg/kg wet organ (4 days after the first dose) to 2.07 µg/kg (4 days after the fourth dose) and a half-life of 4 days for antimony elimination from the bone marrow. Treatment with LMA significantly reduced the number of dogs positive for parasites (with at least one amastigote per 1000 host cells) compared to controls (positive dogs 30 days after treatment: 0 of 9 in the LMA group, 3 of 9 in the group treated with empty liposomes and 3 of 8 in the untreated group). However, complete elimination of parasites was not achieved. In conclusion, the present study showed that multiple dose treatment with LMA was effective in improving antimony levels in the bone marrow of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis and in reducing the number of positive animals, even though it was not sufficient to achieve complete elimination of parasites.