1000 resultados para Le Huen
This article examines how in post-war France slang became a byword for the noir genre. It considers the mechanisms, models, networks and translators' practices which set the tone for the "Série Noire”, whose influence, both written and on the screen, had, within a decade, become, a "mythology" studied by Roland Barthes. It argues that this use of slang is redolent of the inauthenticity which characterises this stage in the reception of the Noir genre in France. It is certain that this artificial French slang is far from devoid of charm, or even mystery. But it tends to depreciate and deform the translated works and seems to be the hallmark of an era that might have defined and acclimatised Noir fiction in France, yet remains one which has not fully understood the gravity of its purpose. While such translations seem outdated nowadays (if not quite incomprehensible ), original works written at the time in French by writers inspired by the model of " pseudo- slang" and the fashionability of American popular culture have benefited from them. In this very inauthenticity, derivative novels have found a licence for invention and freedom, with authors such as Cocteau hailing it as a revival of the French written language. We see here how the adventures of Commissaire San Antonio, by Frédéric Dard constitute the best examples of this new creativity in French and draw upon a template set for the reception of American literature
A brief account of Christian Gottlob Neefe's engagement with Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni as exemplified in his correspondence.
Durante el proceso de escolarización de su hijo con síndrome de Down, la mayoría de las familias escucha que “tiene necesidades educativas especiales”. Son muchas las dudas que asaltan a los padres con relación a este término: ¿A qué se refiere exactamente? ¿Cuándo se puede decir que un alumno tiene necesidades educativas especiales? ¿Qué debemos hacer y cómo actuar si le derivan a un Centro de Educación Especial? La asesora en educación de Down España, Ana Belén Rodríguez Plaza, ofrece en este texto las claves y la orientación para que los padres sepan qué deben hacer frente a esta situación.
Le but de cette recherche exploratoire consiste à dégager les conceptions de la didactiques que véhicule la documentation scientifique québécoise dans le domaine de la didactique. Nous entendons par documentation scientifiques les publications d'auteures et d'auteurs s'intéressant à la didactique dans des perspectives de recherche ou de formation en éducation. Il s'agit donc d'écrits universitaires québécois: tout document ou manuel scolaire utilisés pour l'enseignement est ainsi exclu.