989 resultados para Laser-plasma-hybrid welding
Joining of components with structural adhesives is currently one of the most widespread techniques for advanced structures (e.g., aerospace or aeronautical). Adhesive bonding does not involve drilling operations and it distributes the load over a larger area than mechanical joints. However, peak stresses tend to develop near the overlap edges because of differential straining of the adherends and load asymmetry. As a result, premature failures can be expected, especially for brittle adhesives. Moreover, bonded joints are very sensitive to the surface treatment of the material, service temperature, humidity and ageing. To surpass these limitations, the combination of adhesive bonding with spot-welding is a choice to be considered, adding a few advantages like superior static strength and stiffness, higher peeling and fatigue strength and easier fabrication, as fixtures during the adhesive curing are not needed. The experimental and numerical study presented here evaluates hybrid spot-welded/bonded single-lap joints in comparison with the purely spot-welded and bonded equivalents. A parametric study on the overlap length (LO) allowed achieving different strength advantages, up to 58% compared to spot-welded joints and 24% over bonded joints. The Finite Element Method (FEM) and Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) for damage growth were also tested in Abaqus® to evaluate this technique for strength prediction, showing accurate estimations for all kinds of joints.
A bi-enzymatic biosensor (LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE) for carbamates was prepared in a single step by electrodeposition of a hybrid film onto a graphene doped carbon paste electrode (GPE). Graphene and the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were morphologically characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler velocimetry. The electrodeposited hybrid film was composed of laccase (LACC), tyrosinase (TYR) and AuNPs entrapped in a chitosan (CS) polymeric matrix. Experimental parameters, namely graphene redox state, AuNPs:CS ratio, enzymes concentration, pH and inhibition time were evaluated. LACC–TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE exhibited an improved Michaelis–Menten kinetic constant (26.9 ± 0.5 M) when compared with LACC–AuNPs–CS/GPE (37.8 ± 0.2 M) and TYR–AuNPs–CS/GPE (52.3 ± 0.4 M). Using 4-aminophenol as substrate at pH 5.5, the device presented wide linear ranges, low detection limits (1.68×10− 9 ± 1.18×10− 10 – 2.15×10− 7 ± 3.41×10− 9 M), high accuracy, sensitivity (1.13×106 ± 8.11×104 – 2.19×108 ± 2.51×107 %inhibition M− 1), repeatability (1.2–5.8% RSD), reproducibility (3.2–6.5% RSD) and stability (ca. twenty days) to determine carbaryl, formetanate hydrochloride, propoxur and ziram in citrus fruits based on their inhibitory capacity on the polyphenoloxidases activity. Recoveries at two fortified levels ranged from 93.8 ± 0.3% (lemon) to 97.8 ± 0.3% (orange). Glucose, citric acid and ascorbic acid do not interfere significantly in the electroanalysis. The proposed electroanalytical procedure can be a promising tool for food safety control.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais
Shape memory alloys are characterized by the ability of recovering their initial shape after being deformed and by superelasticity. Since the discovery of these alloys, a new field of interest emerged not only for the scientific community but also to many industries. However, these alloys present poor machinability which constitute a constrain in the design of complex components for new applications. Thus, the demand for joining techniques able to join these alloys without compromising their properties became of great importance to enlarge the complexity of existing applications. Literature shows that these alloys are joined mainly using laser welding. In the present study, similar NiTi butt joints, were produced using TIG welding. The welds were performed in 1.5 mm thick plates across the rolling direction. A special fixture and gas assist device was designed and manufactured. Also a robot arm was adapted to accommodate the welding torch to assure the repeatability of the welding parameters. Welds were successfully achieved without macroscopic defects, such as pores and distortions. Very superficial oxidation was seen on the top surface due to insufficient shielding gas flow on the weld face. The welded joints were mechanically tested and structurally characterized. Testing methods were used to evaluate macro and microstructure, as well as the phase transformation temperatures, the mechanical single and cyclic behaviour and the shape recovery ability. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), microhardness measurements were techniques also used to evaluate the welded joints. A depletion in Ni in the fusion zone was seen, as well as a shift in Ms temperature. For strain values of 4% the accumulated irrecoverable strain was of about 30% and increased with the strain imposed during cycling. Nevertheless, a complete recovery of initial shape was observed when testing the shape memory effect on a dedicated device that introduces a deformation of 6.7%. That is, the welding procedure does not remove the ability of the specimens to recover their initial shape.
O revestimento com laser permite criar revestimentos localizados pela adição de uma liga similar ou dissimilar. O revestimento visa melhorar as características da superfície metálica, tais como a dureza, a resistência ao desgaste por atrito, à corrosão e à fadiga térmica dos componentes sujeitos a condições adversas de trabalho por prolongados períodos de tempo. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o melhoramento da configuração, a automatização do sistema de revestimento com laser do Laboratório de Laser do Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) da Universidade de Lisboa, utilizado pelo Centro de Física e Engenharia de Materiais Avançados do Instituto Superior Técnico – CeFEMA e a realização de ensaios de deposições com o fim de validação. Foram estudadas as configurações possíveis para o sistema de posicionamento da amostra, do laser e a configuração para o posicionamento com precisão do bocal de adição de pós ao banho de fusão. Após este estudo foram apresentadas e implementadas as propostas de melhoria do sistema inicial. Para tornar o sistema funcional, foi desenvolvido um controlador para comandar as três guias motorizadas de movimento linear OWIS, o laser IPG YLR e o alimentador de pós PLASMA-TECHNIK. Para simplificar a utilização aos investigadores do CeFEMA foi ainda desenvolvida uma interface gráfica que permite ao utilizador definir os principais parâmetros do processo Para a validação do trabalho desenvolvido foram realizados diversos ensaios de deposição da liga Ti52Ta num substrato de titânio. Através dos ensaios de deposição foi estudada a influência de alguns parâmetros do processo na geometria do revestimento obtido, como a altura, a profundidade, o ângulo do cordão, a diluição entre o material de adição e o substrato, tendo ainda sido estudada a influência dos parâmetros do processo na eficiência de deposição.
This work presents the results of an investigation of processes in the melting zone during Electron Beam Welding(EBW) through analysis of the secondary current in the plasma.The studies show that the spectrum of the secondary emission signal during steel welding has a pronounced periodic component at a frequency of around 15–25 kHz. The signal contains quasi-periodic sharp peaks (impulses). These impulses have stochastically varying amplitude and follow each other inseries, at random intervals between series. The impulses have a considerable current (up to 0.5 A). It was established that during electron-beam welding with the focal spot scanning these impulses follow each other almost periodically. It was shown that the probability of occurrence of these high-frequency perturbation increases with the concentration of energy in the interaction zone. The paper also presents hypotheses for the mechanism of the formation of the high-frequency oscillations in the secondary current signal in the plasma.
Internalization of components of the host cell plasma membrane during infection by Trypanosoma cruzi
Epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi attach to the macrophage surface and are internalized with the formation of a membrane bounded vacuole, known as the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). In order to determine if components of the host cell membrane are internalized during formation of the PV we labeled the macrophage surface with fluorescent probes for proteins, lipids and sialic acid residues and then allowed the labeled cells to interact with the parasites. The interaction process was interrupted after 1 hr at 37ºC and the distribution of the probes analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. During attachment of the parasites to the macrophage surface an intense labeling of the attachment regions was observed. Subsequently labeling of the membrane lining the parasitophorous vacuole containing epimastigote and trypomastigote forms was seen. Labeling was not uniform, with regions of intense and light or no labeling. The results obtained show that host cell membrane lipids, proteins and sialoglycoconjugates contribute to the formation of the membrane lining the PV containing epimastigote and trypomastigote T. cruzi forms. Lysosomes of the host cell may participate in the process of PV membrane formation.
Rapport de synthèse : Introduction: la prévalence de l'insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) augmente et malgré les traitements de remplacement rénal telle que la transplantation ou la dialyse, la mortalité chez des patients atteints d'une IRC reste très élevée. Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la cause principale de mortalité chez ces patients, et le risque de décès dú à une complication cardiovasculaire est chez eux accru de 10 à 20 fois par rapport à la population générale. Méme si les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires «traditionnels », principalement l'hypertension artérielle et le diabète sont très prévalents chez les patients avec IRC, ils sont insuffisants pour expliquer l'excès de mortalité cardiovasculaire. D'autres facteurs de risques « nontraditionnels » comme l'accumulation du diméthylarginine asymétrique (ADMA), un inhibiteur endogène de la synthase d'oxyde d'azote (NO), semblent aussi être importants. Chez les patients avec IRC, des taux élevés d'ADMA sont un puissant facteur prédictif indépendant de la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Il a également été démontré chez des souris que l'ADMA peut étre une cause directe de dysfonction endothéliale. Cette dernière joue un rôle primordial dans le développement de l'athérosclérose, cause principale des complications cardiovasculaires. Le but du présent travail est de tester l'hypothèse qu'une réduction du taux d'ADMA après une séance unique d'hémodialyse améliore la dysfonction endothéliale. Méthodes: la dysfonction endothéliale peut être évaluée dans les microvaisseaux de la péan de façon non invasive par fluxmétrie laser Doppler. La vasodilatation cutanée induite par un échauffement local de 34° à 41 °C (hyperémie thermique) est connue pour être dépendante de la production endothéliale de NO et a été utilisée dans plusieurs études cliniques pour évaluer la dysfonction endothéliale. Nous avons recruté 24 patients traités par hémodialyse chronique et également 24 sujets contrôles du même âge et sexe. Chez les patients dialysés, l'hyperémie thermique est mesuré une fois directement avant une séance d'hémodialyse, et une fois directement après une autre séance, toutes deux distantes de 2 à 7 jours. En même temps, les taux plasmatiques d'ADMA sont mesurés par la méthode de spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Chez les sujets contrôle, l'hyperémie thermique est également mesurée à deux reprises, à un intervalle de 2 à 7 jours comme chez les patients dialysés et les taux d'ADMA sont déterminés qu'une seule fois. Résultats: chez les patients dialysés, les réactions d'hyperémie thermique étaient superposables avant et après dialyse, mais moindre que chez les sujets contrôles. Par contre, les taux d'ADMA étaient plus élevés avant qu'après dialysé. Les taux d'ADMA après dialyse étaient similaires aux taux chez les sujets contrôles. Conclusion: cette étude montre que la vasodilatation dépendante de la production endothéliale de NO dans la microcirculation cutanée n'est pas influencée par les taux plasmatiques d'ADMA chez les patients dialysés. Ces résultats suggèrent que d'autres mécanismes sont responsables de la dysfonction endothéliale chez ces patients. Ceci met en question le concept que l'accumulation d'ADMA est un facteur causal du risque cardiovasculaire élevé et suggère que l'ADMA est juste un marqueur du milieu très athérogénique causé par l'IRC.
We present a study about the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of pure silane gas in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor. Two different behaviors are observed depending on deposition pressure conditions. At high pressure (30 Pa) the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate is mainly through a modification of gas density, in such a way that the substrate temperature of deposition rate is similar to pressure dependence at constant temperature. On the contrary, at low pressure (3 Pa), a gas density effect cannot account for the observed increase of deposition rate as substrate temperature rises above 450 K with an activation energy of 1.1 kcal/mole. In accordance with laser‐induced fluorescence measurements reported in the literature, this rise has been ascribed to an increase of secondary electron emission from the growing film surface as a result of molecular hydrogen desorption.
To determine self‐consistently the time evolution of particle size and their number density in situ multi‐angle polarization‐sensitive laser light scattering was used. Cross‐polarization intensities (incident and scattered light intensities with opposite polarization) measured at 135° and ex situ transmission electronic microscopy analysis demonstrate the existence of nonspherical agglomerates during the early phase of agglomeration. Later in the particle time development both techniques reveal spherical particles again. The presence of strong cross‐polarization intensities is accompanied by low‐frequency instabilities detected on the scattered light intensities and plasma emission. It is found that the particle radius and particle number density during the agglomeration phase can be well described by the Brownian free molecule coagulation model. Application of this neutral particle coagulation model is justified by calculation of the particle charge whereby it is shown that particles of a few tens of nanometer can be considered as neutral under our experimental conditions. The measured particle dispersion can be well described by a Brownian free molecule coagulation model including a log‐normal particle size distribution.
The plume generated by ablation of hydroxyapatite targets under ArF excimer laser irradiation has been investigated by means of fast intensified CCD-imaging and optical emission spectroscopy. Results have shown that the plume splits into two plasma clouds as it expands. Time and spatial resolved spectra have revealed that under the experiment conditions emission is mostly due to calcium neutral atoms and calcium oxide molecular radicals. Imaging of the plume with the aid of bandpass filters has demonstrated that the emissive species in the larger and faster plasma cloud are calcium neutral atoms, whereas in the smaller and slower one they are calcium oxide molecular radicals
Time-resolved imaging is carried out to study the dynamics of the laser-induced forward transfer of an aqueous solution at different laser fluences. The transfer mechanisms are elucidated, and directly correlated with the material deposited at the analyzed irradiation conditions. It is found that there exists a fluence range in which regular and well-defined droplets are deposited. In this case, laser pulse energy absorption results in the formation of a plasma, which expansion originates a cavitation bubble in the liquid. After the further expansion and collapse of the bubble, a long and uniform jet is developed, which advances at a constant velocity until it reaches the receptor substrate. On the other hand, for lower fluences no material is deposited. In this case, although a jet can be also generated, it recoils before reaching the substrate. For higher fluences, splashing is observed on the receptor substrate due to the bursting of the cavitation bubble. Finally, a discussion of the possible mechanisms which lead to such singular dynamics is also provided.
U-Pb dating of zircons by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) is a widely used analytical technique in Earth Sciences. For U-Pb ages below 1 billion years (1 Ga), Pb-206/U-238 dates are usually used, showing the least bias by external parameters such as the presence of initial lead and its isotopic composition in the analysed mineral. Precision and accuracy of the Pb/U ratio are thus of highest importance in LA-ICPMS geochronology. We consider the evaluation of the statistical distribution of the sweep intensities based on goodness-of-fit tests in order to find a model probability distribution fitting the data to apply an appropriate formulation for the standard deviation. We then discuss three main methods to calculate the Pb/U intensity ratio and its uncertainty in the LA-ICPMS: (1) ratio-of-the-mean intensities method, (2) mean-of-the-intensity-ratios method and (3) intercept method. These methods apply different functions to the same raw intensity vs. time data to calculate the mean Pb/U intensity ratio. Thus, the calculated intensity ratio and its uncertainty depend on the method applied. We demonstrate that the accuracy and, conditionally, the precision of the ratio-of-the-mean intensities method are invariant to the intensity fluctuations and averaging related to the dwell time selection and off-line data transformation (averaging of several sweeps); we present a statistical approach how to calculate the uncertainty of this method for transient signals. We also show that the accuracy of methods (2) and (3) is influenced by the intensity fluctuations and averaging, and the extent of this influence can amount to tens of percentage points; we show that the uncertainty of these methods also depends on how the signal is averaged. Each of the above methods imposes requirements to the instrumentation. The ratio-of-the-mean intensities method is sufficiently accurate provided the laser induced fractionation between the beginning and the end of the signal is kept low and linear. We show, based on a comprehensive series of analyses with different ablation pit sizes, energy densities and repetition rates for a 193 nm ns-ablation system that such a fractionation behaviour requires using a low ablation speed (low energy density and low repetition rate). Overall, we conclude that the ratio-of-the-mean intensities method combined with low sampling rates is the most mathematically accurate among the existing data treatment methods for U-Pb zircon dating by sensitive sector field ICPMS.
G-protein-signaling pathways convey extracellular signals inside the cells and regulate distinct physiological responses. This type of signaling pathways consists of three major components: G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), heterotrimeric G proteins (G-proteins) and downstream effectors. Upon ligand binding, GPCRs activate heterotrimeric G proteins to initiate the signaling cascade. Dysfunction of GPCR signaling correlates with numerous diseases such as diabetes, nervous and immune system deficiency, and cancer. As the signaling switcher, G-proteins (Gs, Gq/11, G12/13, and Gi/o) have been an appealing topic of research for decades. A heterotrimeric G-protein is composed of three subunits, the guanine nucleotide associated a-subunit, ß and y subunits. In general, the duration of signaling is determined by the lifetime of activated (GTP bound) Ga subunits. Identification of novel communication partners of Ga subunits appears to be an attractive way to understand the machinery of GPCR signaling. In our lab, we mainly focus on Gao, which is abundantly expressed in the nervous system. Here we present two novel interacting partners of Drosophila Gao: Dhit and Kermit, identified through yeast two-hybrid screening and genetic screening respectively. Dhit is characterized by a small size with a conserved RGS domain and an N-terminal cysteine rich motif. The RGS domain possesses the GAP (GTPase activating protein) activity towards G proteins. However, we found that Dhit exerts not only the GAP activity but also the GDI (guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor) activity towards Gao. The unexpected GDI activity is preserved in GAIP/RGS19 - a mammalian homologue of Dhit. Further experiments confirmed the GDI activity of Dhit and GAIP/RGS19 in Drosophila and mammalian cell models. Therefore, we propose that Dhit and its mammalian homologues modulate GPCR signaling by a double suppression of Ga subunits - suppression of their nucleotide exchange with GTP and acceleration of their hydrolysis of GTP. Kermit/GEPC was first identified as a binding partner of GAIP/RGS19 in a yeast two- hybrid screen. Instead of interacting with the Drosophila homologue of GAIP/RGS19 (Dhit), Kermit binds to Gao in vivo and in vitro. The functional consequence of Kermit/Gao interaction is the regulation of localization of Vang (one of the planar cell polarity core components) at the apical membrane. Overall, my work elaborated the action of Gao with its two interaction partners in Gao- mediated signaling pathway. Conceivably, the understanding of GPCR signaling including Gao and its regulators or effectors will ultimately shed light on future pharmaceutical research. - Les voies de signalisation médiées par les protéines G transmettent des signaux extracellulaires à l'intérieur des cellules pour réguler des réponses physiologiques distinctes. Cette voie de signalisation consiste en trois composants majeurs : les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (GPCRs), les protéines G hétérotrimériques (G-proteins) et les effecteurs en aval. Suite à la liaison du ligand, les GPCRs activent les protéines G hétérotrimériques qui initient la cascade de signalisation. Des dysfonctions dans la signalisation médiée par les GPCRs sont corrélées avec de nombreuses maladies comme le diabète, des déficiences immunes et nerveuses, ainsi que le cancer. Puisque la voie de signalisation s'active et se désactive, les protéines G (Gs, Gq/11, G12/13 et Gi/o) ont été un sujet de recherche attrayant pendant des décennies. Une protéine G hétérotrimérique est composée de trois sous-unités, la sous-unité a associée au nucléotide guanine, ainsi que les sous-unités ß et y. En général, la durée du signal est déterminée par le temps de demi-vie des sous-unités Ga activées (Ga liées au GTP). Identifier de nouveaux partenaires de communication des sous-unités Ga se révèle être un moyen attractif de comprendre la machinerie de la signalisation par les GPCRs. Dans notre laboratoire nous nous sommes concentrés principalement sur Gao qui est exprimée de manière abondante dans le système nerveux. Nous présentons ici deux nouveaux partenaires qui interagissent avec Gao chez la drosophile: Dhit et Kermit, qui ont été identifiés respectivement par la méthode du yeast two-hybrid et par criblage génétique. Dhit est caractérisé par une petite taille, avec un domaine RGS conservé et un motif N- terminal riche en cystéines. Le domaine RGS contient une activité GAP (GTPase activating protein) pour les protéines G. Toutefois, nous avons découvert que Dhit exerce non seulement une activité GAP mais aussi une activité GDI (guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor) à l'égard de Gao. Cette activité GDI inattendue est préservée dans RGS19 - un homologue de Dhit chez les mammifères. Des expériences supplémentaires ont confirmé l'activité GDI de Dhit et de RGS19 chez Drosophila melanogaster et les modèles cellulaires mammifères. Par conséquent, nous proposons que Dhit et ses homologues mammifères modulent la signalisation GPCR par une double suppression des sous-unités Ga - suppression de leur nucléotide d'échange avec le GTP et une accélération dans leur hydrolyse du GTP. Kermit/GIPC a été premièrement identifié comme un partenaire de liaison de RGS19 dans le criblage par yeast two-hybrid. Au lieu d'interagir avec l'homologue chez la drosophile de RGS19 (Dhit), Kermit se lie à Gao in vivo et in vitro. La conséquence fonctionnelle de l'interaction Kermit/Gao est la régulation de la localisation de Vang, un des composants essentiel de la polarité planaire cellulaire, à la membrane apicale. Globalement, mon travail a démontré l'action de Gao avec ses deux partenaires d'interaction dans la voie de signalisation médiée par Gao. La compréhension de la signalisation par les GPCRs incluant Gao et ses régulateurs ou effecteurs aboutira à mettre en lumière de futurs axes dans la recherche pharmacologique.
End-stage renal disease patients have endothelial dysfunction and high plasma levels of ADMA (asymmetric omega-NG,NG-dimethylarginine), an endogenous inhibitor of NOS (NO synthase). The actual link between these abnormalities is controversial. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated whether HD (haemodialysis) has an acute impact on NO-dependent vasodilation and plasma ADMA in these patients. A total of 24 patients undergoing maintenance HD (HD group) and 24 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (Control group) were enrolled. The increase in forearm SkBF (skin blood flow) caused by local heating to 41 degrees C (SkBF41), known to depend on endothelial NO production, was determined with laser Doppler imaging. SkBF41 was expressed as a percentage of the vasodilatory reserve obtained from the maximal SkBF induced by local heating to 43 degrees C (independent of NO). In HD patients, SkBF41 was assessed on two successive HD sessions, once immediately before and once immediately after HD. Plasma ADMA was assayed simultaneously with MS/MS (tandem MS). In the Control group, SkBF41 was determined twice, on two different days, and plasma ADMA was assayed once. In HD patients, SkBF41 was identical before (82.2+/-13.1%) and after (82.7+/-12.4%) HD, but was lower than in controls (day 1, 89.6+/-6.1; day 2, 89.2+/-6.9%; P<0.01 compared with the HD group). In contrast, plasma ADMA was higher before (0.98+/-0.17 micromol/l) than after (0.58+/-0.10 micromol/l; P<0.01) HD. ADMA levels after HD did not differ from those obtained in controls (0.56+/-0.11 micromol/l). These findings show that HD patients have impaired NO-dependent vasodilation in forearm skin, an abnormality not acutely reversed by HD and not explained by ADMA accumulation.