985 resultados para Lake trout fisheries
Génomique des populations et association génotype-phénotype des écotypes de touladi du Lac Supérieur
L’apparition et le maintien d’écotypes adaptés à différentes niches écologiques, en situation de sympatrie, est régit par une multitude de facteurs. Ceux-ci sont essentiels pour la compréhension des processus évolutifs impliqués mais aussi pour la gestion et la conservation des populations en question. Le touladi (Salvelinus namaycush) est un salmonidé reconnu pour la présence d’écotypes liée à l’utilisation des ressources et de l’habitat à travers l’Amérique du Nord. Un total de quatre écotypes a été décrit vivant dans le lac Supérieur, se différenciant par l’habitat utilisé, l’alimentation, la morphologie ainsi que l’ostéologie. L’objectif principal de la présente étude était de quantifier l’étendue de la différentiation génétique entre les différents sites d’échantillonnage ainsi qu’entre les différents écotypes. Un second objectif était d’identifier des marqueurs potentiellement sous sélection entre les différents écotypes reflétant de possibles adaptations locales. Pour ce faire, un total de 486 individus, représentant les quatre écotypes pour chacun des quatre sites d’échantillonnages, a été génotypé à 6822 SNPs (polymorphisme de nucléotide simple). De plus, des analyses morphométriques ont été effectuées afin de caractériser l’ampleur de la divergence morphologique entre les écotypes à chacun des sites. Les résultats ont montré une différentiation génétique, bien que faible, plus prononcée entre les sites d’échantillonnage qu’entre les écotypes à chacun de ces sites. Des indices indiquant la présence de sélection divergente ont aussi été décelés entre les écotypes ou en association avec des variations morphologiques, dont certains marqueurs représentant des traits importants dans la divergence des différents écotypes. Les résultats de cette étude permettront une meilleure gestion et conservation des populations de touladi du lac Supérieur en plus d’éclairer le choix possible de populations sources pour l’ensemencement des autres Grands Lacs.
Common terns currently are listed as endangered or threatened in many states, including Illinois, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and New York, and a species of special concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS, 2002). The sole remaining nesting colony in Illinois is located at the Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) in Lake County where intensive management by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources has reduced nest predation and increased the number of eggs that hatch. However, the overall reproductive success (the number of young successfully reaching independence) has not improved. Observations of gross deformities in hatchlings (i.e. compromised feather development and cross-bill), lethargic behavior of young birds, and lesions, suggested the influence of environmental contaminants (Jablonski et al., 2005). I investigated if there were significant levels of environmental contaminants in eggs and nestlings of common terns. While there were minimal concentration of selenium, mercury, lead, and cadmium, there were large concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in both the eggs and nestlings. The greater amounts of PCBs in older chicks than younger chicks suggest local contamination. In order to potentially manage the factors responsible for exposing the terns to PCBs I investigated the pathway by which PCBs were exposed to terns. The two most likely biological pathways as determined by research on Great Lake fishes were investigated. The first pathway is through atmospheric deposition of PCBs and resuspension of PCB-ladel sediment which are subsequently acquired by filter-feeding fish (e.g. alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus) and then pelagic fish (e.g. lake trout, Salvelinus namaychus) or in this case terns. The second pathway explored was via the biodeposits of zebra mussels which are consumed by round gobies (Neogobius melanostromus) and ultimately littoral fish (e.g. small-mouthed bass, Micropterus dolomieui) or terns. Because common terns breed in near-shore sites where concentrations of zebra mussels are found, as well as forage in more pelagic environments it is possible that either or both pathways may be contributing to their PCB exposure. Field experiments and stable isotope analyses demonstrated that the most likely pathway by which terns are exposed to PCBs is via alewives, similar to how apex predators such as lake trout acquire PCBs. Biodeposits from zebra mussels do not appear to be a significant factor in PCB accumulation in terns. The impact of PCB exposure on birds can vary widely, however in this situation we choise to investigate one specific behavior often affected by PCB exposure, parental attentiveness. PCBs are known to cause endocrine disruption which ultimately results in reduced brooding of young and incubation of eggs. I used temperature sensors to quantify nest temperatures and parental attentiveness during incubation. High concentrations of PCBs in our study population appear to be leading to poor parental attentiveness, and extended periods of absence during incubation and brooding, ultimately leading to poor reproductive success. Common terns are perilously close to being extirpated in Illinois and management of PCB exposure will be difficult. I propose that additional testing should be conducted to locate a site with less PCB contamination and then to move the tern colony to this location, possibly using social cues as has been done with other tern species in Illinois. PCBs are having a profound impact on common tern populations in Illinois and without moving the colony it is likely that the population will continue to decline.
The fisheries section of the Annual report provides information on the following: (1) General information (2) Legislation (3) Nets (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish B) Economic:- (1) Lake Victoria (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile) (3) Report by Lake Albert Fisheries Officer (4) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries (5) Lake Kyoga (6) Minor Lakes and the Victoria Nile (7) Dams and (8)Fish Transfers
I utilized state the art remote sensing and GIS (Geographical Information System) techniques to study large scale biological, physical and ecological processes of coastal, nearshore, and offshore waters of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. These processes ranged from chlorophyll a and primary production time series analysies in Lake Michigan to coastal stamp sand threats on Buffalo Reef in Lake Superior. I used SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) satellite imagery to trace various biological, chemical and optical water properties of Lake Michigan during the past decade and to investigate the collapse of early spring primary production. Using spatial analysis techniques, I was able to connect these changes to some important biological processes of the lake (quagga mussels filtration). In a separate study on Lake Superior, using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and aerial photos, we examined natural coastal erosion in Grand Traverse Bay, Michigan, and discussed a variety of geological features that influence general sediment accumulation patterns and interactions with migrating tailings from legacy mining. These sediments are moving southwesterly towards Buffalo Reef, creating a threat to the lake trout and lake whitefish breeding ground.
Lake Chad is a very large, shallow eutrophic lake shared by Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroun. It supplies approximately 13% of Nigeria's inland fish. It however lies in an unstable ecological environment characterised by intermittent period of rainfall and drought. This creates a very large draw down area. Consequently, the fisheries are affected by the oscillation in the size of lake due to the drought. Other factors affecting the volume of water are the numerous dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effect of dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effects of dams and overexploitation. Previous records of fish production, species composition and distribution, the status of the fish stocks, their sizes are compared with more recent data. The status of the fishery before and after the contraction of the lake is discussed. Suggestion for a national exploitation of the lake based on habitat improvement, increasing the volume of the water in the lake through controlled use of the influent rivers as well as reduction in overfishing are made
After several years of surveys on the Kainji Lake fisheries activities by the Nigerian German Kainji Lake Fish promotion Project (KLFPP) trends regarding catches, yield and other parameter begin to emerge. However, it became obvious that some of the data were not quite as accurate as they were believed to be. Looking at the different editions of the statistical bulletin of Kainji Lake, concerning one given fisheries parameter, sometimes it is possible to reveal inconsistencies and unexplained trends. As compared to the survey method, PRA is primarily for analysis of differences in local phenomenon and processes. Therefore, PRA was used as a complementary tool to enhance the knowledge on issues like fisher women, entrepreneurs, gear ownership structure, mode of operation by owners of large gear number, preference in the use of twine and nylon gill nets, and reasons for misinformation on the number of fishing equipment owned by entrepreneurs, which cannot be done with frame survey. PRA techniques like timeline, mapping, seasonal calendar, transect walk and key informant interviews were utilized in the study process
The impact of radio as a medium of communication in all human endeavours cannot be over emphasized. It is the cheapest means of reaching large number of people in illiterate society. Thus, the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project used radio in reaching fishers around Kainji Lake basin (Nigeria). Two radio stations namely Radio Niger (Koro station in New Bussa) and Federal Radio Corporation (FRCN), Kaduna were used. Open broadcast using Hausa language, which is commonly spoken among the target group, was used for the broadcast.A total of 152 programmes were produced and broadcasted 720 times.After five years of broadcast, impact assessment studies were carried out using focus group discussion method in 25 randomly selected fishing villages out of 309 villages. The paper reports the result of the impact of the radio broadcast on fishing and related activities and how this affects management strategies adopted by the Project
The Nigeria-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP) promoted the distribution of genetically improved cocks to the Kainji Lake (Nigeria) fishing communities aiming to compensate for possible short-term income losses due to the implementation of fisheries management measures restricting the use of the Lake's resources and to provide alternative sources for income generation, especially for the women. Out of 5,075 cocks produced, 4,171 cocks were distributed at subsidized prices mainly to women in 116 fishing villages of Kainji Lake. During an impact survey carried out in 12 villages, 6-24 months after distribution, only 25% of the cocks distributed were seen. However, potential income for each beneficiary from the hybrid offspring was estimated at minimum 1,000 Naira per year
Kainji Lake, the first man-made lake in Nigeria is one of the most researched water bodies in Africa. Earlier studies indicated that there was no systematic management of the lake fisheries involving the participation of the fishers in the decision-making processes before 1993. In 1993, the Nigeria-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP) started the introduction of a bottom-up approach in the management of the fishery resources through a random selection of some fishers representatives for the decision making body of the project. The paper traces the democratization process of the management approach to the lake fisheries culminating in the systematic selection, appointment, training and assignment of responsibilities to twenty-four Wakilis covering the 316 fishing communities around Lake Kainji
The fisheries of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, experienced a boom year following impoundment, then decline post impoundment and now is in a period of stabilisation of the fish resources. Several reasons have been advanced on factors responsible for these changes, but two outstanding factors are those of nutritional status and fishing methods of the lake. Two important fish families however continue to dominate the lake fisheries in daily fisherman catches: Clupeidae and Cichlidae (tilapias). Recent studies have also shown that the dominance of the tilapias and clupeids is an important factor in the understanding of the stability of fisheries of Lake Kainji. One area which has remained undiscussed concerns the parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias which can affect the population dynamics of tilapias. This paper examines therefore some aspects of the fisheries of Lake Kainji and the potential roles that parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias can contribute in developing strategies for consideration in the sustainable management of the fisheries
The bulletin presents summary tables and charts on levels of fishing activity, fishing effort, yields and economic values of yields for the fisheries of Kainji Lake, Nigeria for the year 1997. Frame survey data and fishing gear measurements are also included. (PDF contains 34 pages)
Results are presented for the first 4 years data (1994-1998) of the Kainji Lake catch assessment survey, collected and analysed by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project. The following areas are covered: Methodology and alterations of the original sampling concept; Frame survey results - factors relating to the CAS; Catch assessment survey results - general; Gill net fishery; Drift net fishery; Beach seine fishery; Cast net fishery; Longline fishery; Trap fishery; and, Catch statistics from fisherwomen. (PDF contains 143 pages)
A tabulated summary is presented of the main fisheries data collected to date (1998) by the Nigerian-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project, together with a current overview of the fishery. The data are given under the following sections: 1) Fishing localities and types; 2) Frame survey data; 3) Number of licensed fishermen by state; 4) Mesh size distribution; 5) Fishing net characteristics; 6) Fish yield; 7) Total annual fishing effort by gear type; 8) Total annual value of fish landed by gear type; 9) Graphs of effort and CPUE by gear type. (PDF contains 36 pages)
The paper highlighted the overall goal and purpose of the Nigerian German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project. The main goal is to increase the standard of living of fishing communities in the project area. The target groups are the fishermen and fisherwomen in the area. The project also developed in effective extension delivery system in the basin. Also developed at the project headquarters are facilities for the execution of the project. The project are able to carry out frame, gear and stock assessment surveys on the Lake and able to formulate a fisheries management plan for the fisheries of Kainji Lake