Laminated glass is a sandwich element consisting of two or more glass sheets, with one or more interlayers of polyvinyl butyral (PVB). The dynamic response of laminated glass beams and plates can be predicted using analytical or numerical models in which the glass and the PVB are usually modelled as linear-elastic and linear viscoelastic materials, respectively. In this work the dynamic behavior of laminated glass beams are predicted using a finite element model and the analytical model of Ross-Kerwin-Ungar. The numerical and analytical results are compared with those obtained by operational modal analysis performed at different temperatures.
La mayoría de las estructuras de hormigón pretensadas construidas en los últimos 50 años han demostrado una excelente durabilidad cuando su construcción se realiza atendiendo las recomendaciones de un buen diseño así como una buena ejecución y puesta en obra de la estructura. Este hecho se debe en gran parte al temor que despierta el fenómeno de la corrosión bajo tensión típico de las armaduras de acero de alta resistencia. Menos atención se ha prestado a la susceptibilidad a la corrosión bajo tensión de los anclajes de postensado, posiblemente debido a que se han reportado pocos casos de fallos catastróficos. El concepto de Tolerancia al Daño y la Mecánica de la Fractura en estructuras de Ingeniería Civil ha empezado a incorporarse recientemente en algunas normas de diseño y cálculo de estructuras metálicas, sin embargo, aún está lejos de ser asimilado y empleado habitualmente por los ingenieros en sus cálculos cuando la ocasión lo requiere. Este desconocimiento de los aspectos relacionados con la Tolerancia al Daño genera importantes gastos de mantenimiento y reparación. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la aplicabilidad de los conceptos de la Mecánica de la Fractura a los componentes de los sistemas de postensado empleados en ingeniería civil, empleándolo para analizar la susceptibilidad de las armaduras activas frente a la corrosión bajo tensiones y a la pérdida de capacidad portante de las cabezas de anclajes de postensado debido a la presencia de defectos. Con este objeto se han combinado tanto técnicas experimentales como numéricas. Los defectos superficiales en los alambres de pretensado no se presentan de manera aislada si no que existe una cierta continuidad en la dirección axial así como un elevado número de defectos. Por este motivo se ha optado por un enfoque estadístico, que es más apropiado que el determinístico. El empleo de modelos estadísticos basados en la teoría de valores extremos ha permitido caracterizar el estado superficial en alambres de 5,2 mm de diámetro. Por otro lado la susceptibilidad del alambre frente a la corrosión bajo tensión ha sido evaluada mediante la realización de una campaña de ensayos de acuerdo con la actual normativa que ha permitido caracterizar estadísticamente su comportamiento. A la vista de los resultados ha sido posible evaluar como los parámetros que definen el estado superficial del alambre pueden determinar la durabilidad de la armadura atendiendo a su resistencia frente a la corrosión bajo tensión, evaluada mediante los ensayos que especifica la normativa. En el caso de las cabezas de anclaje de tendones de pretensado, los defectos se presentan de manera aislada y tienen su origen en marcas, arañazos o picaduras de corrosión que pueden producirse durante el proceso de fabricación, transporte, manipulación o puesta en obra. Dada la naturaleza de los defectos, el enfoque determinístico es más apropiado que el estadístico. La evaluación de la importancia de un defecto en un elemento estructural requiere la estimación de la solicitación local que genera el defecto, que permite conocer si el defecto es crítico o si puede llegar a serlo, si es que progresa con el tiempo (por fatiga, corrosión, una combinación de ambas, etc.). En este trabajo los defectos han sido idealizados como grietas, de manera que el análisis quedara del lado de la seguridad. La evaluación de la solicitación local del defecto ha sido calculada mediante el empleo de modelos de elementos finitos de la cabeza de anclaje que simulan las condiciones de trabajo reales de la cabeza de anclaje durante su vida útil. A partir de estos modelos numéricos se ha analizado la influencia en la carga de rotura del anclaje de diversos factores como la geometría del anclaje, las condiciones del apoyo, el material del anclaje, el tamaño del defecto su forma y su posición. Los resultados del análisis numérico han sido contrastados satisfactoriamente mediante la realización de una campaña experimental de modelos a escala de cabezas de anclaje de Polimetil-metacrilato en los que artificialmente se han introducido defectos de diversos tamaños y en distintas posiciones. ABSTRACT Most of the prestressed concrete structures built in the last 50 years have demonstrated an excellent durability when they are constructed in accordance with the rules of good design, detailing and execution. This is particularly true with respect to the feared stress corrosion cracking, which is typical of high strength prestressing steel wires. Less attention, however, has been paid to the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of anchorages for steel tendons for prestressing concrete, probably due to the low number of reported failure cases. Damage tolerance and fracture mechanics concepts in civil engineering structures have recently started to be incorporated in some design and calculation rules for metallic structures, however it is still far from being assimilated and used by civil engineers in their calculations on a regular basis. This limited knowledge of the damage tolerance basis could lead to significant repair and maintenance costs. This work deals with the applicability of fracture mechanics and damage tolerance concepts to the components of prestressed systems, which are used in civil engineering. Such concepts have been applied to assess the susceptibility of the prestressing steel wires to stress corrosion cracking and the reduction of load bearing capability of anchorage devices due to the presence of defects. For this purpose a combination of experimental work and numerical techniques have been performed. Surface defects in prestressing steel wires are not shown alone, though a certain degree of continuity in the axial direction exist. A significant number of such defects is also observed. Hence a statistical approach was used, which is assumed to be more appropriate than the deterministic approach. The use of statistical methods based in extreme value theories has allowed the characterising of the surface condition of 5.2 mm-diameter wires. On the other hand the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of the wire has been assessed by means of an experimental testing program in line with the current regulations, which has allowed statistical characterisasion of their performances against stress corrosion cracking. In the light of the test results, it has been possible to evaluate how the surface condition parameters could determine the durability of the active metal armour regarding to its resistance against stress corrosion cracking assessed by means of the current testing regulations. In the case of anchorage devices for steel tendons for prestressing concrete, the damage is presented as point defects originating from dents, scratches or corrosion pits that could be produced during the manufacturing proccess, transport, handling, assembly or use. Due to the nature of these defects, in this case the deterministic approach is more appropriate than the statistical approach. The assessment of the relevancy of defect in a structural component requires the computation of the stress intensity factors, which in turn allow the evaluation of whether the size defect is critical or could become critical with the progress of time (due to fatigue, corrosion or a combination of both effects). In this work the damage is idealised as tiny cracks, a conservative hypothesis. The stress intensity factors have been calculated by means of finite element models of the anchorage representing the real working conditions during its service life. These numeric models were used to assess the impact of some factors on the rupture load of the anchorage, such the anchorage geometry, material, support conditions, defect size, shape and its location. The results from the numerical analysis have been succesfully correlated against the results of the experimental testing program of scaled models of the anchorages in poly-methil methacrylate in which artificial damage in several sizes and locations were introduced.
Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete due to chloride ingress is one of the main causes of the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures. Structures most affected by such a corrosion are marine zone buildings and structures exposed to de-icing salts like highways and bridges. Such process is accompanied by an increase in volume of the corrosión products on the rebarsconcrete interface. Depending on the level of oxidation, iron can expand as much as six times its original volume. This increase in volume exerts tensile stresses in the surrounding concrete which result in cracking and spalling of the concrete cover if the concrete tensile strength is exceeded. The mechanism by which steel embedded in concrete corrodes in presence of chloride is the local breakdown of the passive layer formed in the highly alkaline condition of the concrete. It is assumed that corrosion initiates when a critical chloride content reaches the rebar surface. The mathematical formulation idealized the corrosion sequence as a two-stage process: an initiation stage, during which chloride ions penetrate to the reinforcing steel surface and depassivate it, and a propagation stage, in which active corrosion takes place until cracking of the concrete cover has occurred. The aim of this research is to develop computer tools to evaluate the duration of the service life of reinforced concrete structures, considering both the initiation and propagation periods. Such tools must offer a friendly interface to facilitate its use by the researchers even though their background is not in numerical simulation. For the evaluation of the initiation period different tools have been developed: Program TavProbabilidade: provides means to carry out a probability analysis of a chloride ingress model. Such a tool is necessary due to the lack of data and general uncertainties associated with the phenomenon of the chloride diffusion. It differs from the deterministic approach because it computes not just a chloride profile at a certain age, but a range of chloride profiles for each probability or occurrence. Program TavProbabilidade_Fiabilidade: carries out reliability analyses of the initiation period. It takes into account the critical value of the chloride concentration on the steel that causes breakdown of the passive layer and the beginning of the propagation stage. It differs from the deterministic analysis in that it does not predict if the corrosion is going to begin or not, but to quantifies the probability of corrosion initiation. Program TavDif_1D: was created to do a one dimension deterministic analysis of the chloride diffusion process by the finite element method (FEM) which numerically solves Fick’second Law. Despite of the different FEM solver already developed in one dimension, the decision to create a new code (TavDif_1D) was taken because of the need to have a solver with friendly interface for pre- and post-process according to the need of IETCC. An innovative tool was also developed with a systematic method devised to compare the ability of the different 1D models to predict the actual evolution of chloride ingress based on experimental measurements, and also to quantify the degree of agreement of the models with each others. For the evaluation of the entire service life of the structure: a computer program has been developed using finite elements method to do the coupling of both service life periods: initiation and propagation. The program for 2D (TavDif_2D) allows the complementary use of two external programs in a unique friendly interface: • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. This program (TavDif_2D) is responsible to decide in each time step when and where to start applying the boundary conditions of fracture mechanics module in function of the amount of chloride concentration and corrosion parameters (Icorr, etc). This program is also responsible to verify the presence and the degree of fracture in each element to send the Information of diffusion coefficient variation with the crack width. • GMSH - an finite element mesh generator and post-processing viewer • OOFEM – a finite element solver. The advantages of the FEM with the interface provided by the tool are: • the flexibility to input the data such as material property and boundary conditions as time dependent function. • the flexibility to predict the chloride concentration profile for different geometries. • the possibility to couple chloride diffusion (initiation stage) with chemical and mechanical behavior (propagation stage). The OOFEM code had to be modified to accept temperature, humidity and the time dependent values for the material properties, which is necessary to adequately describe the environmental variations. A 3-D simulation has been performed to simulate the behavior of the beam on both, action of the external load and the internal load caused by the corrosion products, using elements of imbedded fracture in order to plot the curve of the deflection of the central region of the beam versus the external load to compare with the experimental data.
Corrosion of a reinforcement bar leads to expansive pressure on the surrounding concrete that provokes internal cracking and, eventually, spalling and delamination. Here, an embedded cohesive crack 2D finite element is applied for simulating the cracking process. In addition, four simplified analytical models are introduced for comparative purposes. Under some assumptions about rust properties, corrosion rate, and particularly, the accommodation of oxide products within the open cracks generated in the process, the proposed FE model is able to estimate time to surface cracking quite accurately. Moreover, emerging cracking patterns are in reasonably good agreement with expectations. As a practical case, a prototype application of the model to an actual bridge deck is reported.
This paper summarizes the work developed in order to establish a framework for seismic retrofitting of bridges. In this context, the first objetive is to find a numerical model to evaluate the damage induced in a structure, under seismic action, as an index of its vulnerability. The model used has the adventage that is based on concepts of fracture mechanics and concentrated plasticity. As a result, the work is based on basic principles. The performance of this model is being evaluated. Some results of the computer program developed for this purpose are shown.
This paper presents a numerical implementation of the cohesive crack model for the anal-ysis of quasibrittle materials based on the strong discontinuity approach in the framework of the finite element method. A simple central force model is used for the stress versus crack opening curve. The additional degrees of freedom defining the crack opening are determined at the crack level, thus avoiding the need for performing a static condensation at the element level. The need for a tracking algorithm is avoided by using a consistent pro-cedure for the selection of the separated nodes. Such a model is then implemented into a commercial program by means of a user subroutine, consequently being contrasted with the experimental results. The model takes into account the anisotropy of the material. Numerical simulations of well-known experiments are presented to show the ability of the proposed model to simulate the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as mortar, concrete and masonry.
A model for chloride transport in concrete is proposed. The model accounts for transport several transport mechanisms such as diffusion, advection, migration, etc. This work shows the chloride transport equations at the macroscopic scale in non-saturated concrete. The equations involve diffusion, migration, capillary suction, chloride combination and precipitation mechanisms. The material is assumed to be infinitely rigid, though the porosity can change under influence of chloride binding and precipitation. The involved microscopic and macroscopic properties of the materials are measured by standardized methods. The variables which must be imposed on the boundaries are temperature, relative humidity and chloride concentration. The output data of the model are the free, bound, precipitated and total chloride ion concentrations, as well as the pore solution content and the porosity. The proposed equations are solved by means of the finite element method (FEM) implemented in MATLAB (classical Galerkin formulation and the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) method to avoid spatial instabilities for advection dominated flows).
Cracking of reinforced concrete can occur in certain environments due to rebar corrosion. The oxide layer growing around the bars introduces a pressure which may be enough to lead to the fracture of concrete. To study such an effect, the results of accelerated corrosion tests and finite ele- ment simulations are combined in this work. In previous works, a numerical model for the expansive layer, called expansive joint element , was programmed by the authors to reproduce the effect of the oxide over the concrete. In that model, the expansion of the oxide layer in stress free conditions is simulated as an uniform expansion perpendicular to the steel surface. The cracking of concrete is simulated by means of finite elements with an embedded adaptable cohesive crack that follow the standard cohesive model. In the present work, further accelerated tests with imposed constant cur- rent have been carried out on the same type of specimens tested in previous works (with an embedded steel tube), while measuring, among other things, the main-crack mouth opening. Then, the tests have been numerically simulated using the expansive joint element and the tube as the corroding electrode (rather than a bar). As a result of the comparison of numerical and experimental results, both for the crack mouth opening and the crack pattern, new insight is gained into the behavior of the oxide layer. In particular, quantitative assessment of the oxide expansion relation is deduced from the ex- periments, and a narrower interval for the shear stiffness of the oxide layer is obtained, which could not be achieved using bars as the corroding element, because in that case the numerical results were insensitive to the shear stiffness of the oxide layer within many orders of magnitude
In this work, cracking of concrete due to steel reinforcement corrosion is experimentally and numerically studied. The tests combined accelerated corrosion—to generate the cracks—with impregnation under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein—to enhance their visibility under ultraviolet light. In parallel, a model—called expansive joint element—was developed to simulate the expansion of the oxide and finite elements with an embedded adaptable cohesive crack were used to describe concrete cracking. The results show that a good agreement exists between the experimental and numerical crack patterns, which constitutes promising progress towards a comprehensive understanding of corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete.
8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS8).
Discussion of “Initial Pore Pressure from Vertical Surface Loads” by Jacobo Bielak (September, 1982)
The author presents a very interesting application of the ideas developed by Scott to determine the initial pore pressure in excess of the hydrostatic pore pressure in linear, elastic, homogeneous and isotropic soil-skeleton. Scott demonstrates that under vertical surface loads the problem is governed by Laplace's equation. Nevertheless the writers' think that it could be interesting to state clearly the conditions under which this analogy can be applied.
Las estructuras de hormigón son susceptibles de sufrir los efectos asociados a las acciones de fatiga cuando estas se ven sometidas a un elevado número de cargas repetidas. Muchas de estas estructuras no requieren armadura transversal para cumplir los condicionantes de dimensionamiento estático como por ejemplo las losas superiores de tableros de puentes, los muros de contención, las losas de transición de puentes, las torres eólicas o las estructuras marítimas. La mayor parte de los códigos de diseño vigentes no incluyen una comprobación específica del nivel de seguridad a cortante de estas estructuras para acciones de fatiga, y aquellas que lo hacen prefieren utilizar expresiones de tipo empírico basadas en curvas S-N que relacionan el número de ciclos resistentes con el valor de la carga aplicada. A pesar de que el empleo de curvas S-N es de gran utilidad desde un punto de vista práctico, estas curvas no permiten comprender el proceso de rotura por cortante para cargas repetidas. El objetivo principal de esta Tesis es el de estudiar el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado sin cercos sometidos a fatiga. Además, el análisis es ampliado al estudio del comportamiento transversal de los voladizos de las losas superiores de tableros de puentes de hormigón que de forma habitual son diseñados sin armadura de cortante. De forma habitual estos elementos se diseñan atendiendo a criterios de dimensionamiento estáticos sin tener en cuenta la resistencia a cortante cuando se ven sometidos a cargas cíclicas. A pesar de que las cargas de fatiga son inferiores a aquellas que producen el fallo estático, es importante tener en cuenta el comportamiento de estos elementos ante cargas repetidas. Los trabajos experimentales existentes en vigas de hormigón armado sin cercos evidenciaron diferencias significativas entre los modos de fallo ante cargas estáticas y cíclicas. Estos trabajos llegaron a la conclusión de que estos elementos diseñados para tener un fallo dúctil por flexión pueden llegar a desarrollar un tipo de fallo frágil por cortante cuando se ven sometidos a cargas repetidas. El proceso de rotura por cortante en elementos de hormigón armado sin cercos sometidos a fatiga es un proceso complejo que debe ser estudiado en profundidad debido al carácter frágil de este tipo de fallo. Los trabajos experimentales permitieron comprobar que el origen de este fallo tiene lugar tras la formación de una fisura de cortante a partir de una fisura de flexión formada durante los primeros ciclos en el vano de cortante. Tras la formación de esta fisura, esta se va propagando hacia la cabeza de compresión hasta que finalmente se produce el fallo como consecuencia de la destrucción de la cabeza de compresión cuando la altura alcanzada por esta es insuficiente para resistir la fuerza de compresión aplicada en esta zona. Por otra parte, la propagación de esta fisura diagonal puede desarrollarse por completo en el instante en el que esta se forma derivando en un tipo de fallo por cortante más frágil que el anterior. El proceso de fatiga es estudiado en esta Tesis mediante un modelo mecánico. Por una parte, se propone un modelo predictivo para determinar el número de ciclos acumulados hasta que se forma la fisura diagonal en función del estado tensional que se tiene en la punta de una fisura crítica de flexión formada en los primeros ciclos. Por otra parte, la resistencia a fatiga tras la formación de la fisura diagonal se analiza teniendo en cuenta el daño por fatiga acumulado en la cabeza de compresión y las variables que afectan a la propagación de esta fisura de cortante. Para la evaluación de la resistencia a fatiga tras la formación de la fisura crítica de cortante en este tipo de elementos, se plantea un modelo teórico basado en conceptos de Mecánica de la Fractura adaptados al hormigón. Este modelo puede ser aplicado a vigas de hormigón armado sin cercos de canto constante o variable siguiendo diferentes procedimientos. Una campaña experimental ha sido llevada a cabo con el objetivo de estudiar el comportamiento a cortante de vigas de hormigón armado sin cercos de canto variable sometidas a cargas estáticas y de fatiga. Se han desarrollado un total de diez ensayos estáticos y de fatiga para diferentes niveles de carga y esbelteces de cortante, teniendo lugar diferentes modos de fallo. Estos elementos fueron diseñados para reproducir, a escala real y de forma simplificada, los voladizos laterales de las losas superiores de tableros de puentes de carretera de hormigón. Los resultados experimentales demostraron que el tipo de fallo desarrollado depende de varios parámetros como por ejemplo el nivel de carga máxima, el nivel de oscilación de tensiones en la armadura longitudinal, la esbeltez de cortante o la calidad del hormigón utilizado entre otros. Para valores similares de esbeltez de cortante, los ensayos de fatiga realizados permitieron comprobar que la rotura por cortante de estos elementos está asociada a niveles de carga máxima elevados, mientras que el fallo por fatiga de la armadura longitudinal tiene mayor probabilidad de ocurrir en elementos sometidos a elevados niveles de oscilación de tensiones en esta armadura. Además, estos ensayos han sido analizados a través del modelo propuesto para tratar de comprender el comportamiento resistente de estos elementos sometidos a cargas de fatiga. Concrete structures are able to suffer fatigue when they are subjected to high number of cyclic loads. Many of these need not shear reinforcement to satisfy static design requirements, such as bridge deck slabs, retaining walls, bridge approach slabs, wind towers or maritime structures among others. Many codes of practice do not include a verification of the shear fatigue safety. Moreover, those which include it still prefer empirical S-N-based approaches that provide the number of cycles as a function of applied forces. S-N models are practical but they do not provide information to understand the shear fatigue process. The main objective of this Thesis is to study shear behaviour of reinforced concrete elements without stirrups subjected to fatigue loads. In addition, the analysis is extended in order to study the transverse behaviour of cantilever slabs of concrete bridges that traditionally are designed without shear reinforcement. These elements usually are designed on the basis of static strength and it is unusual that codes consider fatigue strength of concrete in shear. Accordingly, it is important to take into account the fatigue behaviour of structural members subjected to cyclic loads although these loads are lower than those which produce the static failure. Existing experimental works show important differences between the static and cyclic failure modes of reinforced concrete beams without stirrups. These works concluded that beams without transverse reinforcement, designed to have a ductile failure mode in flexure, can submit a brittle shear failure mode when they are subjected to repeated loads. Shear fatigue failure of reinforced concrete beams without stirrups is a rather complex process from the mechanical viewpoint. Since it leads to a brittle failure mode it should be better understood. Experimental evidence indicates that a diagonal crack first develops from the inclination of flexural cracks in the shear span. Thereafter, the diagonal crack propagates into the compression zone. Failure normally takes place by the destruction of the compression zone when its depth is too small to resist the applied force. The propagation of the diagonal crack can also be instantaneous, leading to sudden diagonal cracking fatigue failure rather than shear-compression failure. Fatigue process is studied in this Thesis on a mechanical basis. On the one hand, a predictive model is derived to obtain the number of cycles up to diagonal cracking, as a function of the stress state at the tip of a critical flexural crack. On the other hand, the residual fatigue strength after diagonal cracking is analyzed taking into account the fatigue damage accumulated by the compression zone and the variables affecting the propagation of the diagonal crack. In order to assess the residual fatigue strength after diagonal cracking of such elements, a theoretical model is proposed based on concepts from fracture mechanics adapted to concrete. This model can be successfully applied for straight or haunched reinforced concrete beams without stirrups following different procedures. In order to achieve a more advanced knowledge in this subject, an experimental campaign has been carried out with the aim of study the shear behaviour of reinforced concrete haunched beams without stirrups subjected to static and fatigue loads. A total of ten static and fatigue tests have been performed with distinct load levels and shear span-to-depth ratios, presenting different failures modes. These elements were designed to reproduce in a simplified form the cantilever slab of concrete bridges at real scale. Experimental results showed that the type of failure depends on several parameters as for example the maximum load level, the stress oscillation level on the longitudinal reinforcement, the shear span-to-depth ratio or the quality of the concrete used among others. For a similar value of the shear span-to-depth ratio, tests evidenced that shear fatigue failure is related to high maximum load levels, while steel fatigue failure is easier to occur in elements subjected to high stress oscillation level on the reinforcement bars. Besides, these tests have been analyzed through the proposed model in order to clarify the structural behaviour of such elements subjected to fatigue loads.
In this paper some aspects of the use of non-reflecting boundaries in dynamic problems, analyzed in time domain, are considered. Current trends for treating the above mentioned problems are summarized with a particular emphasis on the use of numerical techniques, such as Boundary Element Method (BEM) or mixed and hybrid formulations, Finite Element Method (FEM) plus BEM. As an alternative to these methods, an easy time domain boundary condition, obtained from the well known consistent transmitting boundary developed by Waas for frequency domain analysis, can be applied to represent the reactions of the unbounded soil on the interest zone. The behaviour of this proposed boundary condition is studied when waves of different frequency to the one used for its obtention are acting on the physical edge of the model. As an application example,an analysis is made of the soil-structure interaction of a rigid strip foundation on a horizontal non-linear elastic layer on bed rock. The results obtained suggest the need of time domain solutions for this type of problem
La presente Tesis Doctoral aborda la introducción de la Partición de Unidad de Bernstein en la forma débil de Galerkin para la resolución de problemas de condiciones de contorno en el ámbito del análisis estructural. La familia de funciones base de Bernstein conforma un sistema generador del espacio de funciones polinómicas que permite construir aproximaciones numéricas para las que no se requiere la existencia de malla: las funciones de forma, de soporte global, dependen únicamente del orden de aproximación elegido y de la parametrización o mapping del dominio, estando las posiciones nodales implícitamente definidas. El desarrollo de la formulación está precedido por una revisión bibliográfica que, con su punto de partida en el Método de Elementos Finitos, recorre las principales técnicas de resolución sin malla de Ecuaciones Diferenciales en Derivadas Parciales, incluyendo los conocidos como Métodos Meshless y los métodos espectrales. En este contexto, en la Tesis se somete la aproximación Bernstein-Galerkin a validación en tests uni y bidimensionales clásicos de la Mecánica Estructural. Se estudian aspectos de la implementación tales como la consistencia, la capacidad de reproducción, la naturaleza no interpolante en la frontera, el planteamiento con refinamiento h-p o el acoplamiento con otras aproximaciones numéricas. Un bloque importante de la investigación se dedica al análisis de estrategias de optimización computacional, especialmente en lo referente a la reducción del tiempo de máquina asociado a la generación y operación con matrices llenas. Finalmente, se realiza aplicación a dos casos de referencia de estructuras aeronáuticas, el análisis de esfuerzos en un angular de material anisotrópico y la evaluación de factores de intensidad de esfuerzos de la Mecánica de Fractura mediante un modelo con Partición de Unidad de Bernstein acoplada a una malla de elementos finitos. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis deals with the introduction of Bernstein Partition of Unity into Galerkin weak form to solve boundary value problems in the field of structural analysis. The family of Bernstein basis functions constitutes a spanning set of the space of polynomial functions that allows the construction of numerical approximations that do not require the presence of a mesh: the shape functions, which are globally-supported, are determined only by the selected approximation order and the parametrization or mapping of the domain, being the nodal positions implicitly defined. The exposition of the formulation is preceded by a revision of bibliography which begins with the review of the Finite Element Method and covers the main techniques to solve Partial Differential Equations without the use of mesh, including the so-called Meshless Methods and the spectral methods. In this context, in the Thesis the Bernstein-Galerkin approximation is subjected to validation in one- and two-dimensional classic benchmarks of Structural Mechanics. Implementation aspects such as consistency, reproduction capability, non-interpolating nature at boundaries, h-p refinement strategy or coupling with other numerical approximations are studied. An important part of the investigation focuses on the analysis and optimization of computational efficiency, mainly regarding the reduction of the CPU cost associated with the generation and handling of full matrices. Finally, application to two reference cases of aeronautic structures is performed: the stress analysis in an anisotropic angle part and the evaluation of stress intensity factors of Fracture Mechanics by means of a coupled Bernstein Partition of Unity - finite element mesh model.
El vidrio no puede ser tratado como un material estructural convencional desde el punto de vista de la resistencia mecánica. Su naturaleza, como material frágil, junto con la inevitable presencia de microfisuras en su superficie y las consecuencias de accidentes por posibles fallos, exigen métodos rigurosos que garanticen un cálculo seguro de los elementos estructurales de vidrio, cuya resistencia a rotura depende en gran medida del tamaño del elemento y del tipo de carga a la que está sometido. Por lo tanto, su cálculo debe basarse en conceptos probabilísticos y en criterios de mecánica de la fractura, en sustitución de un cálculo convencional de vidrio según tablas deducidas de programas experimentales y posterior aplicación del concepto de tensiones admisibles. Con el fin de analizar y comparar las características mecánicas de vidrios templados, termoendurecidos y recocidos, se realizó un amplio programa experimental de ensayos de flexión a cuatro puntos y de anillos concéntricos de pequeña superficie, seguido de un ajuste de los resultados mediante una función de distribución triparamétrica de Weibull. Glass cannot be handled as a conventional structural material from the point of view of the mechanical strength. Its nature as brittle material, together with the inevitable presence of micro-cracks on its surface and the consequences of eventual failures, demand rigorous methods to achieve a safe design for glass elements, whose stress resistance is very much dependent on the integrity of its surface, element size and loading pattern. Thus, its design must rely on probabilistic concepts and fracture mechanics criteria, substitutive of the conventional glass design based on charts derived from experimental programs and subsequent application of the admissible stress concept. In order to analyze and compare the strength characteristics of tempered, heat-strengthened and annealed glass, a large experimental programme based on four-point bending and coaxial double ring tests was performed and the results were fitted using a three-parameter Weibull cumulative distribution function.