998 resultados para Konrath, Sara


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Background: Regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development from microscopic images. Methods: The outer contour was defined using an adaptive and multi-scale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelial was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds were counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelial. Results: The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to the manual method. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Non-significant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions: The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lightning characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.


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Regulating mechanisms of branchingmorphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool formolecular research.This work presents a new methodology to accurately quantify the epithelial, outer contour, and peripheral airway buds of lung explants during cellular development frommicroscopic images. Methods.Theouter contour was defined using an adaptive and multiscale threshold algorithm whose level was automatically calculated based on an entropy maximization criterion. The inner lung epithelium was defined by a clustering procedure that groups small image regions according to the minimum description length principle and local statistical properties. Finally, the number of peripheral buds was counted as the skeleton branched ends from a skeletonized image of the lung inner epithelia. Results. The time for lung branching morphometric analysis was reduced in 98% in contrast to themanualmethod. Best results were obtained in the first two days of cellular development, with lesser standard deviations. Nonsignificant differences were found between the automatic and manual results in all culture days. Conclusions. The proposed method introduces a series of advantages related to its intuitive use and accuracy, making the technique suitable to images with different lighting characteristics and allowing a reliable comparison between different researchers.


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Recently, regulating mechanisms of branching morphogenesis of fetal lung rat explants have been an essential tool for molecular research. The development of accurate and reliable segmentation techniques may be essential to improve research outcomes. This work presents an image processing method to measure the perimeter and area of lung branches on fetal rat explants. The algorithm starts by reducing the noise corrupting the image with a pre-processing stage. The outcome is input to a watershed operation that automatically segments the image into primitive regions. Then, an image pixel is selected within the lung explant epithelial, allowing a region growing between neighbouring watershed regions. This growing process is controlled by a statistical distribution of each region. When compared with manual segmentation, the results show the same tendency for lung development. High similarities were harder to obtain in the last two days of culture, due to the increased number of peripheral airway buds and complexity of lung architecture. However, using semiautomatic measurements, the standard deviation was lower and the results between independent researchers were more coherent.


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A Sociedade do Conhecimento caracteriza a envolvente económica em que nos encontramos, logo, o valor dos activos intangíveis é o principal responsável pelo gap entre o valor contabilístico e o valor de mercado das organizações. A utilização de modelos e indicadores que considerem informação não financeira é fundamental para que se ultrapassem as limitações do modelo tradicional de contabilidade. Por outro lado, urge a normalização da divulgação da “Demonstração de Capital Intelectual” para melhorar os índices de divulgação deste tipo de informação e permitir a sua comparabilidade. Relativamente às empresas portuguesas cotadas na Euronext em 2003, verificou-se ainda uma grande diversificação nas práticas de divulgação do Capital Intelectual, sendo a informação relatada predominantemente de carácter descritivo, notando-se uma tendência para o aumento da informação numérica e monetária, essencialmente no Capital Relacional. O Capital Estrutural é a componente que apresenta maior índice de divulgação, contrariamente ao Capital Humano que é o menos divulgado.


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A IAS 38 (International Accounting Standard 38), emitida em 1998, e revista em Março de 2004, visa a harmonização no tratamento dos intangíveis de modo a tornar mais claro e uniforme o entendimento sobre estes activos fixos. O estudo e análise dos activos fixos intangíveis tem suscitado o interesse da comunidade académica em geral, devido à problemática do seu reconhecimento, avaliação e divulgação nas demonstrações financeiras. Apesar da importância da IAS 38, várias críticas são colocadas ao seu conteúdo, nomeadamente ao carácter conservador da norma no reconhecimento dos elementos intangíveis como activos. No estudo realizado verificamos que as empresas portuguesas cotadas na Euronext, em 2003, apresentam um reduzido grau de adaptação dos conteúdos da IAS 38, significando uma diminuta sensibilidade ao fenómeno da internacionalização das normas contabilísticas. As empresas de serviços, nomeadamente as do sector financeiro e das telecomunicações são as que apresentam maiores índices de divulgação pelo facto de efectuaram maiores investimentos em tecnologias, novos sistemas de informação e processos de gestão. Os resultados obtidos podem justificar-se por dois factores: o carácter não obrigatório da norma no momento da realização do trabalho (uma vez que esta entrou em vigor desde Janeiro de 2005); o carácter restritivo da norma no reconhecimento dos activos fixos intangíveis.


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In the 70s, a new line of research focused on the study of the influence of the audit report on the decision process of investors, financial analysts and credit analysts. Notwithstanding the numerous studies that have been carried out, results have not been consistent. Given the above, and considering the lack, in Portugal, of a research of this nature, it seems urgent to carry out a study that allows the analysis of the use of the audit report, as well as its influence on the decision making process of Portuguese stakeholders. For that purpose, in the light of the positivist research paradigm, a questionnaire was designed, which was administered by mail and on the Survey Monkey platform to a sample of institutional investors, financial analysts and credit analysts. The statistical analysis of the data obtained was undertaken with resource to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and SmartPLS 2.0. Corroborating the literature review and the assumptions of the Agency Theory and the Stakeholder Theory, used in the theoretical framework of analysis, empirical evidence has shown that the audit report influences the decision of institutional investors, financial analysts and credit analysts, and that the opinion expressed in that document is the most determinant factor of this influence. In addition to this factor, it was found that the degree of utilization of the audit report, as well as the value ascribed to this document, determine its influence in the decision process of research groups studied. Only in the case of institutional investors, the results did not reveal a correlation between the utility ascribed to the audit report and the influence of this document in their decision making process. In turn, the statistical inference of the model explaining the degree of use of the audit report revealed that it is conditioned by the perceived quality of the information enclosed in the audit report, the utility assigned to the audit report on the decision process, as well as the relevance of the other sources of information used by stakeholders. Therefore, this study allowed proving the importance of the audit report to its users. As a result, we believe to have filled a gap in national literature and to have contributed to the enhancement of international literature. The importance that this document has for the development of any country is, therefore, shown, and it is urgent to maintain rigor in the selection of its staff, in the development of its standards, and especially in the development of audits. Moreover, we also consider that this research may contribute to the improvement of the audit report, insofar as it will help professional bodies to understand the information needs and perceptions of stakeholders.


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As constantes mudanças que ocorrem no tecido empresarial instigam a instabilidade e desconfiança dos utilizadores da informação financeira. Neste contexto, os stakeholders procuram informação financeira fiável e clara para tomarem decisões ponderadas e com o menor risco possível. No sentido de satisfazer estas necessidades, os organismos profissionais de contabilidade têm manifestado grande preocupação em garantir a qualidade da informação financeira. A solução para o cumprimento dos objetivos anteriores deve passar pela realização de uma auditoria uma vez que esta função desempenha um importante papel no seio das empresas, quer no processo de prestação de contas, quer na redução das assimetrias de informação. No entanto, o processo de auditoria apresenta limitações que nem sempre são consideradas pelos utilizadores da informação financeira. Há, de facto, uma série de determinantes que pretendemos estudar neste trabalho que são suscetíveis de influenciar a opinião que o auditor irá emitir na certificação legal de contas (CLC). Para o efeito, debruçamo-nos sobre os relatórios e contas, referentes ao ano de 2011, de 50 empresas registadas na Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) para analisar a a influência dos seguintes fatores: tipo de Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas (SROC) a que o auditor pertence, o sexo e a experiência profissional do auditor, os honorários recebidos pelo auditor pelos serviços de Revisão Legal de Contas (RLC) e extra RLC. Os resultados revelaram que a opinião do auditor não é influenciada, significativamente, por nenhum dos fatores estudados, o que pode indiciar grande independência do auditor.


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Face à incerteza económica que se vive e à recente onda de fraudes e escândalos financeiros que têm ocorrido, a posição da auditoria interna para a deteção de fraude aumentou para a maioria das organizações. Face ao exposto, o objetivo desta investigação é descobrir se existe uma relação entre o regime em que é realizada a auditoria interna (in-house, outsourcing ou cosourcing) e a deteção da fraude. Para tal foi elaborado um questionário, o qual foi enviado aos membros do Instituto Português de Auditoria Interna. Os dados obtidos permitiram concluir que os regimes de realização da auditoria interna têm influência na deteção de fraude nas organizações. De um modo geral, os inquiridos consideram que quando a auditoria interna é exercida in-house tem mais probabilidade de detetar fraudes nas organizações. Com este estudo verificamos que o modo de realização da auditoria interna tem influência na deteção de fraudes. Posto isto, esperamos que os resultados aqui alcançados possam constituir uma ferramenta valiosa para os organismos reguladores e para as organizações onde os auditores internos exercem a sua atividade.


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Purpose: to evaluate and study the viability, stability and the ability of the Portuguese Football Federation (PFF) to generate sustained profits. Methodology: Data were collected based on the Audit Reports of the institution during 2012-2014 and a financial and economic analysis was performed in order to establish some indicators of solvability, profitability and financial balance. Findings: It exists a lack of consistency in managing the profits obtained. We can also suggest that should be given a greater interest to the management of their own intangible assets, as brand management, for example. Practical implications: By making known to leaders and managers of this type of institutions that exists a link between participation in international championships and increase of their profitability may encourage them to better managing these cash inputs in order to decrease the dependence of Governmental financing. We also found that the management of their own intangible assets, as brand management, for example, could probably add more positive financial results.


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As potencialidades do controlo interno (CI) tornam-no um instrumento indispensável para qualquer organização. Esta necessidade é ainda mais premente nas entidades públicas que gerem recursos públicos. Todavia, o desempenho do sistema de controlo interno (SCI) depende da forma como este se encontra estruturado. Cientes desta premissa, pretendemos analisar o SCI dos municípios portugueses, apurando dados sobre a sua implementação e monitorização. Para tal, foi submetido um questionário aos 308 municípios portugueses, tendo-se obtido 140 respostas. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, apesar da maioria dos municípios reconhecerem as potencialidades do SCI e deste ser obrigatório desde 2002, apenas 82,90% o possuem, sendo a sua monitorização pouco frequente. Ainda assim, consideramos que a promulgação do POCAL foi fundamental para a implementação do SCI nos municípios, destacando-se, ainda, como fator determinante a dimensão do município. Os dados revelaram que quanto maior é o município, maior é a probabilidade de possuir SCI.


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Este artigo visa analisar as práticas de auditoria interna (AI) nas Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior (IPES). A metodologia utilizada para desenvolver este trabalho foi o inquérito por questionário, submetido on-line, às IPES portuguesas. Como resultado foi obtida uma taxa de resposta de 43%. Com este estudo concluímos que a maioria das IPES não tem departamento de AI, nem sabe quando o poderá ter. Nos politécnicos, ao contrário das universidades, a existência de um departamento de AI está relacionada com a dimensão da instituição. De facto, com este projeto verificámos que ainda existe um longo percurso a percorrer para que as IPES e os seus órgãos de gestão estejam sensibilizados para a importância da AI. Assim, esperamos que com o presente artigo tenhamos contribuído para enriquecer um pouco mais a literatura académica, apresentar a importância da AI e os benefícios associados a esta para que possa despertar o interesse para a sua implementação.


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El lanzamiento por parte del IIRC del International Integrated Reporting Framework en 2013, supone un nuevo Marco Internacional para la elaboración de informes financieros y puede marcar un cambio importante en la evolución de la información empresarial. Se trata de conseguir una información confiable, clara y comparable, dirigida a una amplia gama de partes interesadas. Además de información económica-financiera clásica, el Integrated Reporting (IR) abarca cuestiones sobre la estrategia de la organización, la gobernanza, los resultados y las perspectivas, elementos que conducen a la creación de valor a corto, medio y largo plazo. Nos planteamos conocer si la información integrada aumenta la creación de valor para las empresas. Para ello, se analiza la evolución de la Q de Tobin de las empresas españolas que desde 2011 están en el programa piloto sobre información integrada del IIRC en relación con el resto de empresas pertenecientes al IBEX 35. Los resultados muestran que el comportamiento de estas empresas es más positivo que la media del sector aunque los datos están muy influenciados por la situación de crisis.


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Introduction and Objectives. Laparoscopic surgery has undeniable advantages, such as reduced postoperative pain, smaller incisions, and faster recovery. However, to improve surgeons’ performance, ergonomic adaptations of the laparoscopic instruments and introduction of robotic technology are needed. The aim of this study was to ascertain the influence of a new hand-held robotic device for laparoscopy (HHRDL) and 3D vision on laparoscopic skills performance of 2 different groups, naïve and expert. Materials and Methods. Each participant performed 3 laparoscopic tasks—Peg transfer, Wire chaser, Knot—in 4 different ways. With random sequencing we assigned the execution order of the tasks based on the first type of visualization and laparoscopic instrument. Time to complete each laparoscopic task was recorded and analyzed with one-way analysis of variance. Results. Eleven experts and 15 naïve participants were included. Three-dimensional video helps the naïve group to get better performance in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 2 hands, and Knot; the new device improved the execution of all laparoscopic tasks (P < .05). For expert group, the 3D video system benefited them in Peg transfer and Wire chaser 1 hand, and the robotic device in Peg transfer, Wire chaser 1 hand, and Wire chaser 2 hands (P < .05). Conclusion. The HHRDL helps the execution of difficult laparoscopic tasks, such as Knot, in the naïve group. Three-dimensional vision makes the laparoscopic performance of the participants without laparoscopic experience easier, unlike those with experience in laparoscopic procedures.


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Background: Most cancers, including breast cancer, have high rates of glucose consumption, associated with lactate production, a process referred as “Warburg effect”. Acidification of the tumour microenvironment by lactate extrusion, performed by lactate transporters (MCTs), is associated with higher cell proliferation, migration, invasion, angiogenesis and increased cell survival. Previously, we have described MCT1 up-regulation in breast carcinoma samples and demonstrated the importance of in vitro MCT inhibition. In this study, we performed siRNA knockdown of MCT1 and MCT4 in basal-like breast cancer cells in both normoxia and hypoxia conditions to validate the potential of lactate transport inhibition in breast cancer treatment. Results: The effect of MCT knockdown was evaluated on lactate efflux, proliferation, cell biomass, migration and invasion and induction of tumour xenografts in nude mice. MCT knockdown led to a decrease in in vitro tumour cell aggressiveness, with decreased lactate transport, cell proliferation, migration and invasion and, importantly, to an inhibition of in vivo tumour formation and growth. Conclusions: This work supports MCTs as promising targets in cancer therapy, demonstrates the contribution of MCTs to cancer cell aggressiveness and, more importantly, shows, for the first time, the disruption of in vivo breast tumour growth by targeting lactate transport.