905 resultados para KD England and Wales


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Discusses the Chancery Division judgment in Thorner v Curtis on a claim by an unpaid farm worker, who was led to expect that he would inherit the farm. Examines whether proprietary estoppel could be proved even if the deceased landowner made no express promise. Reviews case law on proprietary estoppel.


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Examines the Chancery Division ruling in London Development Agency v Nidai on whether a number of agreements providing for the construction of a bridge and shop premises on the retaining walls of a river resulted in a binding legal lease or a series of bare licences. Comments on the failure of the judgment to mention the House of Lords ruling in Bruton v London & Quadrant Housing Trust and discusses whether a Bruton tenancy is capable of binding third parties.


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The experience of saving a dog that later turned out to be a Pit Bull and therefore banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, made me investigate the Act and its implications. The Act is not built on evidence and by compiling results from different studies on dog bites and breed‐specific legislation in different countries the conclusion is that there is not much empirical support for breed bans either. ‘Dangerous breeds’ do not bite more frequently than German Shepherds and directing legislation towards certain breeds deemed as ‘dangerous’ cannot therefore be seen as justified. The strength of the label ‘dangerous dog’ seems to rule out policies that follow the facts and there is more treating of symptoms than causes. [From the Author]


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Reviews case law concerning proprietary and testamentary estoppel. Examines two cases in which an elderly person made certain comments and encouraged an understanding between themselves and the claimants, that on death properties would be left to them, but where the requisite legal formalities were not undertaken. Illustrates the contrasting courts' approach, once estoppel has been established, in finding the appropriate remedy to satisfy and considers the challenges faced by the courts in differentiating between constructive trust and proprietary estoppel. [From Legal Journals Index]


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Considers some of the potential legal difficulties that can occur on the breakdown of a cohabiting couple's relationship. Covers disputes surrounding the ownership of the family home and the use of constructive trusts following the House of Lords decision in Lloyds Bank Plc v Rosset. Outlines the recommendations of the Law Commission in its report Cohabitation: the Financial Consequences of Relationship Breakdown. [From Legal Journals Index]


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Provides a detailed analysis of the Fraud Act 2006 provisions on the offence of fraud by false representation (s.2) and the offence of obtaining services dishonestly (s.11) and assesses the extent to which they address problems arising in connection with the former deception offences under the Theft Acts 1968 and 1978. [From Legal Journals Index]


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Considers the reasons for the low rate of reported female rape. Examines statistics on reported rape and rape convictions. Reviews reasons for the low rate of reported rape progressing to trial and low conviction rates. Comments on substantive and evidential measures introduced to improve conviction rates and on measures to improve the level of reported rape and reported cases progressing to trial. Assesses the impact of the measures. [From Legal Journals Index]


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Examines the House of Lords ruling in Thorner v Curtis on whether the claimant could rely on proprietary estoppel against the estate of the deceased, who had died intestate, based on an assurance given by the deceased that the claimant would inherit the deceased's farm. Reviews case law on proprietary estoppel and testamentary promises, and considers the possible application of constructive trust doctrine in similar cases.


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Comments on the Chancery Division decision in Clarence House Ltd v National Westminster Bank Plc on whether the alienation covenant in a lease of commercial premises had been breached by the tenant effecting a virtual assignment of it, under which all the economic benefits and burdens of the lease were transferred to a third party without there being any actually assignment of the leasehold interest or change in occupancy.


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Discusses the House of Lords ruling in Stack v Dowden on the size of each legal owner's share of the equity in the family home in the event of the relationship breakdown of an unmarried couple. Considers whether the parties intended their beneficial interests to be different to their legal interests in the property. Comments on the court's primary concern of establishing, from the parties' conduct, their intention as regards beneficial ownership. Looks at whether indirect financial contributions give rise to a beneficial interest under a constructive trust and notes the relevance of the doctrine of proprietary estoppel.


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Reviews the approach adopted in Stack v Dowden to determination of beneficial interests in a property purchased in the joint names of cohabitees. Considers two cases which extended the Stack v Dowden approach to encompass the beneficial entitlement of family members, namely: (1) Adekunle v Ritchie on beneficial entitlement in a property jointly purchased by a mother and son, where the transfer document contained no express declaration of trust; and (2) Abbott v Abbott on the impact of a wife's indirect financial contributions in determining her beneficial entitlement in the matrimonial home.


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Discusses by reference to case law, including Commonwealth authorities, the rights and duties of landlords where demised premises are abandoned by a tenant who has defaulted on the rent, including the remedies available to the landlord, the limitations on his right to sue for loss of rent due between abandonment and expiration of the term, and the applicability of the contractual doctrine of mitigation of damages in leasehold law. Examines the Court of Appeal decision in Reichman v Beveridge on the duty of mitigate loss in an action merely seeking recovery of rent as it accrues due.


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Discusses the entitlement to occupation rent where one party to a relationship no longer lives in the matrimonial or family home in which he/she has an interest and a right of occupation. Describes the case law illustrating that forceful exclusion of the non-occupying party is not a prerequisite to entitlement to an occupation rent. Considers the calculation of the parties' respective credits where the occupying party has made mortgage repayments since the separation and the other is entitled to an occupation rent.


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Considers the circumstances in which repair works may be more appropriate than replacement where a landlord is attempting to claim under a repair covenant. Examines case law on which method is more appropriate and on the standard of remedial work to be undertaken. Reflects on the situation where performance of remedial works would be futile. Comments on the Technology and Construction Court ruling in Carmel Southend Ltd v Strachan & Henshaw Ltd on whether a landlord had been correct to carry out overcladding works to a roof where surveyors had agreed that patch repairs would be adequate.