921 resultados para Jerusa Pires Ferreira
This study presents the ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay and the expression of tactility in humanescente self-training of future teachers of geography. The overall objective was to analyze and interpret as the tactility in the ludopoietic experiences with Sandplay facilitates the sentipensar and boosts the humanescent self-training. The qualitative research approach follows the principles of existential research-action into the etnofenomenologic perspective, that considers studies of the ethnography and the phenomenology with ethnomethodology. In this study we used the sedimentary rock called sandstone and your mineral grains as cognitive operator to stimulate the discussions of the ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay. The members of research were students of the Geography degree of IFRN. To achieve the research objectives were organized experiential meetings and virtual meetings. The ludopoietic experiences in Sandplay revealed the impact of tactility to humanescente self-training, indicating the importance of touch for apprehend and experience the world with beauty, joy and tenderness. These experiences showed the ludopoietic system properties, the threads of embodiment and the meaning of the sentipensar of tactility as a phenomenon that drives the humanescent self-training, evidenced by etnofenomenologie. Data were obtained through Sandplay, sensitive listening, experiential diary, photographic and movie records. In the process of data analysis were revealed the of etnofenomenological principles of experientiality indiciality, reflexivity, self-organizability, filiability, archetypality and humanescencialidade. Through the tactility, the Sandplay favors the awareness of the condition of being, takes life stories, providing the construction of knowledge in a meaningful and contextual way
Cette étude a comme sujet principal la formation humaine de l instituteur. L objectif général est d analyser et décrire les conditions créées par les vécus d un atelier corps biographique pour la resignification de la corporéité de l instituteur, fixant les questions suivantes pour l investigation : Quelles sont les implications du vécu de l atelier corps biographique dans la vie des instituteurs ? La recherche a été exposée sur l approche qualitative, suivant les principes de la recherche-action reliée à la méthode des histoires de vie. Pour révéler la beauté et la complexité du processus poïétique de la formation humaine, nous nous sommes servi de la métaphore du "dessus de lit en patchwork" comme opérateur cognitif en attachant les principes de la corporéité fondés sur la Théorie de la complexité (MORIN, 2005), la Théorie autopoïétique (MATURANA ; VARELA, 2001), la Théorie du flux (CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, 1999), les approches de transdisciplinarité (LA TORRE; MORAES, 2008), et d autobiographie (JOSSO, 2004; PINEAU, 2003; PASSEGGI, 2000;), joignant la conception de l éducation comme pratique d autonomie, de liberté, d espoir et de l enchantement (FREIRE, 1996, 1992; ASSMANN, 1995). Nous avons eu comme scène du développement de la recherche, l Unidade Educacional Infantil (UEI), la garderie qui accueille les enfants des fonctionnaires de l Université Fédérale du Rio Grande do Norte. Treise élèves (enfants), des institutrices titulaires, vacataires, boursières ont participé de l'investigation. En conptant sur eux, nous avons développé un atelier corps biographique, dans lequel nous avons réalisé 10 vécus dans la période qui a couvert le deuxième semestre de 2007 jusqu au deuxième semestre de 2008, en manifestant la réflexivité autobiographique, le ludique, la créativité, la sensibilité et la réflexivité du vécu. Nous avons utilisé comme instruments pour la construction des donnés, l observation participante, les propres vécus, le port folio, la technique du jeu de sable et l'enregistrement photographique. L analyse a montré que le vécu de la formation humaine à partir des principes de la corporéité, implique dans un parcours vers soi-même dans lequel émergent les expériences qui nous ont constitués en tant qu êtres existentiels. Pour finaliser, nous avons aperçu les répercussions dans la vie professionnelle et personnelle de ces institutrices, qui comme moi pensaient avoir besoin d exposer leur luminosité intérieure pour que l on la redécouvre. Lors des vécus des tissages, les institutrices se sont montrées impliquées aux moments de jeux, de création, de réalisation, d afection et d action réflexive, dans lesquelles la teneur humaine cachée, a été révélée, en ouvrant les possibilités pour le sentiment du mouvement de naissance de l humanisation intérieure. Pour conclure, le corps joyeux de savoir et de beauté a été révélé, et dans sa rencontre avec soi-même et avec l autre, a pu être auto- recréé
A aplicação de isolantes térmicos em sistemas construtivos promove vantagens com vistas ao conforto térmico de ambientes. E com isso, o aumento da produtividade em locais de trabalho, a sensação de bem-estar e a diminuição dos custos com climatização. A demanda por conforto ambiental, no âmbito da isolação térmica, somada ao advento de novas leis que regulam os requisitos mínimos de conforto, as exigências dos consumidores pela adoção de métodos de produção mais “limpos”, a fiscalização quanto à destinação de resíduos industriais, além da inserção de produtos no mercado com apelos ambientais, incentivaram o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa. O presente trabalho trata da aplicação do poliuretano, visando comparar o desempenho térmico do derivado de origem vegetal (óleo de mamona) com adição de resíduo plástico termofixo em diferentes proporções (5%, 10%, 15% e 20%), com o poliuretano petrolífero, a lã de vidro e a lã de rocha através da análise de suas propriedades térmicas (condutividade térmica – k, difusividade térmica – e capacidade calorífica – Cp). . Após a realização dos ensaios, os compósitos estudados foram moídos e reutilizados como carga para novos compósitos. Com base nos resultados dos ensaios de propriedades térmicas, constatou-se que o material desenvolvido conduz menos calor que o poliuretano de petróleo, a lã de vidro e a lã de rocha, além de oferecer alta inércia térmica, bom desempenho térmico e baixo custo. Assim como foi comprovada a possibilidade de fabricação de novos compósitos para fins de isolamento, reutilizando os compósitos testados
A possible approach to the cosmological coincidence problem is to allow dark matter and dark energy to interact with each other also nongravitationally. Two general classes of interaction were considered in this thesis, characterized by a constant interaction parameter ( or
This assignment ains to prove the pertinency of using the wittgenstein´s argument against private language as a criticism to cartesian fundacionism. Therefore, I want to demonstrate in the first chaper the conceptual viability of facing the cartesian argument of cogito not as a simple silogism but as an exemple of a private experience (process of thinking). At the second chaper, the subordination of the argument against private language give us the idea that rules can only be followed by means of corrections givem by a linguistic community that is external to the private subject, in a way to be unviable the assumption that is possible to name an internal experience without searching external rules of the use of terms. At the chaper 3 the pertinency of the hypothesis raised by A. Kenny, about the overtaking of the argument against private language can be extended to the idea of epistemic and ontologic privacy that would lend validity to the fundacion present at the argument at the cartesian cogito. In oder to become evident the pertinency of use of Wittgenstein´s argument agaist Descartes´ fundation, it´s necessary, at the chaper 3, to demonstrate the impertinency of the objection to the A. Kenny´s hypothesis, based on the experiency of the thought of the brain at the recipient, to make clear the incompatibility existing between the cartesian idea of cogito and Wittgenstein´s notion that language is an activitie followed by rules, wich correction criterion may be external and intersubjective
Trata-se de estudo sobre educação médica, focalizado no ensino de pediatria na atenção básica, com o objetivo de analisar a contribuição da disciplina de Pediatria Social e Comunitária no 4º ano de graduação em medicina da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista.Utilizou-se metodologia qualitativa de pesquisa, tendo como estratégia o estudo de caso. A análise foi fundamentada na abordagem sócio-histórica, subsidiada pelos estudos de Vigotski. Identificou-se o que os supervisores consideraram como aprendizados relevantes a sua contribuição no processo de mediação para que os estudantes aprendam sobre o processo de trabalho na atenção básica, o que não poderiam alcançar sozinhos. As entrevistas transcritas revelaram núcleos de significação comuns: importância da diversificação de cenários de ensino, aprendizado dos principais problemas de saúde, integralidade no atendimento da criança, com ênfase no vínculo e oportunidade do estudante aprender sobre promoção da saúde.
We report the results of a transcript finishing initiative, undertaken for the purpose of identifying and characterizing novel human transcripts, in which RT-PCR was used to bridge gaps between paired EST Clusters, mapped against the genomic sequence. Each pair of EST Clusters selected for experimental validation was designated a transcript finishing unit (TFU). A total of 489 TFUs were selected for validation, and an overall efficiency of 43.1% was achieved. We generated a total of 59,975 bp of transcribed sequences organized into 432 exons, contributing to the definition of the structure of 211 human transcripts. The structure of several transcripts reported here was confirmed during the course of this project, through the generation of their corresponding full-length cDNA sequences. Nevertheless, for 21% of the validated TFUs, a full-length cDNA sequence is not yet available in public databases, and the structure of 69.2% of these TFUs was not correctly predicted by computer programs. The TF strategy provides a significant contribution to the definition of the complete catalog of human genes and transcripts, because it appears to be particularly useful for identification of low abundance transcripts expressed in a restricted Set of tissues as well as for the delineation of gene boundaries and alternatively spliced isoforms.
Background: Cognitive decline has a negative impact on functional activities in Alzheimer's disease. Investigating the effects of motor intervention with the intent to reduce the decline in functionality is an expected target for patients and caregivers. The aim of this study was to verify if a 6-month motor intervention programme promoted functionality in Alzheimer's patients and attenuated caregivers' burden. Methods: The sample comprised 32 community patients with Alzheimer's disease and their 32 respective caregivers. Patients were divided into two groups: 16 participated in the motor intervention programme and 16 controls. Subjects performed 60 minutes of exercises, three times per week during the 6-month period, to improve flexibility, strength, agility and balance. Caregivers followed the procedures with their patients during this period. Functionality was evaluated by the Berg Functional Balance Scale and the Functional Independence Measure. Caregivers completed the Neuropsychiatric Inventory Caregiver Distress Scale and the Zarit Carer Burden Scale. Two-way ANOVA was used to verify the interaction between time (pre- and post-intervention) and the motor intervention program. Results: While patients in the motor programme preserved their functionality, as assessed by the Functional Independence Measure, the controls suffered a relative decline (motor intervention group: from 109.6 to 108.4 vs controls: from 99.5 to 71.6; P= 0.01). Patients from motor intervention also had better scores than the controls on functional balance assessed by Berg scale (F: 22.2; P= 0.001). As assessed by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory and Zarit scale, burden was reduced among caregivers whose patients participated in the motor intervention programme compared with caregivers whose patients did not participate in this programme (Neuropsychiatric Inventory, caregiver's part: F: 9.37; P= 0.01; Zarit: F: 11.28; P= 0.01). Conclusion: Patients from the motor intervention group showed reduced functional decline compared to the controls, and there was an associated decrease in caregivers' burden.
The decline in frontal cognitive functions contributes to alterations of gait and increases the risk of falls in patients with dementia, a category which included Alzheimer's disease (AD). The objective of the present study was to compare the gait parameters and the risk of falls among patients at different stages of AD, and to relate these variables with cognitive functions. This is a cross-sectional study with 23 patients with mild and moderate AD. The Clinical Dementia Rating was used to classify the dementia severity. The kinematic parameters of gait (cadence, stride length, and stride speed) were analyzed under two conditions: (a) single task (free gait) and (b) dual task (walking and counting down). The risk of falls was evaluated using the Timed Up-and-Go test. The frontal cognitive functions were evaluated using the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), the Clock Drawing Test (CDT) and the Symbol Search Subtest. The patients who were at the moderate stage suffered reduced performance in their stride length and stride speed in the single task and had made more counting errors in the dual task and still had a higher fall risk. Both the mild and the moderate patients exhibited significant decreases in stride length, stride speed and cadence in the dual task. Was detected a significant correlation between CDT, FAB, and stride speed in the dual task condition. We also found a significant correlation between subtest Similarities, FAB and cadence in the dual task condition. The dual task produced changes in the kinematic parameters of gait for the mild and moderate AD patients and the gait alterations are related to frontal cognitive functions, particularly executive functions.
O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar a reprodução de Cichla kelberi em um lago artificial no município de Leme, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. A época reprodutiva ocorreu na primavera e verão. O L50 e o L100 desta espécie foram de 192 e 235 mm (L50) para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente e 290 mm (L100) para ambos os sexos. A desova foi do tipo parcelado. O tamanho dos ovócitos maduros foi de 428,4 µm, atingindo o máximo em 2.203,2 µm. A média da fecundidade foi de 12.129,2 ovócitos com média de cada desova de 4.897,7 ovócitos. Esta espécie adequou-se à definição de peixes com fecundação externa, não migradoras e com cuidado parental da prole. Os atributos para a introdução dos tucunarés podem ser tentadores. Porém, suas características reprodutivas e alimentares fazem com que não existam competidores ou predadores naturais e, assim, a sua expansão populacional seja de difícil controle e erradicação.
A dieta de Cichla kelberi introduzido em um lago artificial em Leme-SP foi composta predominantemente pelas espécies de peixes mais comuns nesse lago (Oreochromis niloticus e o próprio C. kelberi). Na primavera e no verão, o item mais consumido foi O. niloticus. Porém, o canibalismo foi muito comum para esta espécie. As altas frequências de O. niloticus e de C. kelberi revelam que a espécie apresenta um ciclo sazonal, se alimentando das presas mais comuns em cada período do ano, com uma redução da sua atividade alimentar durante o inverno. As dietas foram diferentes entre os exemplares imaturos e maduros, sugerindo que existem diferenças ontogenéticas, principalmente relacionadas ao tipo de presa, como: Ephemeroptera, consumidos pelos tucunarés imaturos e peixes, pelos maduros, além do tamanho das presas.
O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar sazonalmente a dieta de Cichla kelberi em um lago artificial em Leme-SP, determinando os itens alimentares e as relações com os sexos e com a maturação gonadal dos exemplares amostrados. A dieta de C. kelberi apresenta uma dinâmica em três diferentes períodos: os meses de inverno foram caracterizados por baixa atividade alimentar e alta concentração de peixes indeterminados, durante a primavera ocorreu um aumento na atividade alimentar, sendo Tilapia sp. o item alimentar dominante e durante o verão e início do outono foi evidenciada alta taxa de canibalismo. A plasticidade na composição da dieta foi marcada pela quantidade de presas disponíveis durante os períodos do ano e pelo período reprodutivo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)