867 resultados para Isabel


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"Apéndice do documentos ineditos": p. 577-611.


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Female sexuality has commonly been viewed as the passive counterpart of male sexuality. Building upon Adrienne Rich's theory of compulsive heterosexuality, I would suggest that the fundamental location of this problem lies within the subconscious. Cristina Escofet's stance on this issue is to argue in favor of a deconstruction of Jungian archetypes, revealing their constructed rather than intrinsic character. In this dissertation, I study representative texts by Escofet and Isabel Allende and show not only how they depict patriarchal compulsive heterosexuality, but also try to reconceptualize female sexuality through surrealist and postmodern techniques such as self-reflection, dialogue with our double or Other, and sensorial perception. These techniques are designed to create a new epistemology of jouissance and excess, as defined by contemporary French theory. The significance of my study resides in the interdisciplinary analysis of female sexuality in Hispanic feminist writers. The first chapter proposes that surrealism, postmodernism, and feminism are theoretical frameworks which create new paradigms for social change. In their feminist philosophies, Escofet and Allende emphasize the use of subconscious knowledge as a means of helping them understand the world and create alternative realities. The second chapter shows how Escofet and Allende deconstruct the mysoginist archetype of Eve, which has been largely responsible for identifying women's sexual identity with the disreputable qualities of the femme fatale and whose mirror-image has long plagued women. In accordance with this stereotype, Lillith (Adam's sexually active ex-partner), has typically been portrayed as the negative Other, and for generations the she-devil myth which surrounds her has resurfaced in the media, where she assumes the role of innumerable evil female characters. In the third chapter, I examine how class and race differences have been used to intensify the demonization of different types of sexuality. In the same manner as Lillith and Eve, black and indigenous characters express dissent by retelling their stories in words and performance, and by seeking to form a dialog with their readers. The last chapter deals with the importance of the senses for female characters as they try to create their own sexuality from the fragmented bodies we find in surrealist and postmodern art. In this section we shall see how Luce Irigaray and Hélène Cixous's theories about multiple sexualities are in evidence when Escofet and Allende reconceptualize female sexuality. As no previous scholarship has analyzed the use of the subconscious, the senses, and performance when understanding female sexuality in Latin American literature, this dissertation seeks to provide a tentative exploration of the issues that may help to open up a new field of research in Hispanic feminist cultural studies.


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[ES]Análisis del patrocinio artístico ejercido por soberanas españolas de los siglos XI al XVIII. Las reinas elegidas son: Sancha de León (m. 1067) y su legitimación del poder a través de las artes y el tesoro de San Isidoro de León; Isabel de Castilla (1451-1504) y la pintura flamenca: su pintor de cámara Juan de Flandes; e Isabel de Farnesio (1692-1766) y la imposición del arte italiano en el siglo XVIII español con sus colecciones de escultura y pintura.


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El presente documento contiene información sobre el establecimiento de una panadería en la comunidad de Santa I sabel, del municipio de Somoto, dicha información fue recolectado durant e un voluntariado que organizo, RALEIGH Internacional , con el apoyo INPRU y en el que participaron dos jóvenes estudiantes de la carrera de Agro negocios de la UNA, Las estudiantes diseñaron un plan de negocios a través de la metodología CANVAS , est e se proyectó a cinco años y su objetivo es establec er una panadería para producir y comercializar pan en la comunidad por medio de las pulperías locales. El plan de negocio lo compone n; L a naturaleza del negoció, en el que se muestran elementos que identifican al negocio, y se determinan a través de la matriz FODA el ent orno en que se desarrolla la ejecución del plan, el plan de marketing, contiene el estudio de mercado, la demanda de pan se estima en 15,860 bolsas de pan simple; 20, 280 de pico; 13,520 de empanada 6,760 de polvorón. Para la recolección de datos se apl icó una encuesta a los dueño s de las pulperí as, a través de una muestra tipo razonada . la definición de los productos, sus precios, y las proyecciones de ventas, en el plan de producción, se especifican los aspectos y requerimientos para llevar a cabo la elaboración de diferent es variedades de pan , e n el plan organizacional están diseñados la estructura organizacional y los cargos y funciones del personal (trabajadores del negocio serán los jóvenes emprendedore s propietarios del mismo) y en el plan financiero se determina la invers ión inicial del negocio la que s e estima en C$ 44,520 córdobas, con una TIR del 4 3 % y un VAN de C$ 20,011.19 , demostrándose la rentabilidad del negocio, el documento finaliza con un plan ambiental en el que se expresan la acciones de mitigación que se ejecutaran para contribuir a mantener el ambiente.


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Resumen: Henry James (1880-81) narrates the story of a fictional American lady called Isabel Archer who decides to move to England to live with her aunt and later inherits a great fortune. The novel?s story is set during the late nineteenth century, which is an epoch that has a broad historical context with transitions and revolutions in different academic fields. This analysis treats the issues developed in the book that explore, on the one hand the possibility of a woman to be free in a nineteenth century Victorian society that demands adherence to traditional beliefs in order to belong to the high, intellectual and respectful elite. On the other hand, the book presents the possibility of marriage in which women have autonomy over their decisions and lives in general.