292 resultados para Irmãos


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Um dos métodos clássicos da geofísica de exploração é o Método de Eletrorresistividade, estabelecido há um século pelos irmãos Schlumberger e desde então amplamente empregado em prospecção mineral, estudos ambientais e hidrogeologia e em pesquisa de fontes geotermais. Conceitualmente o método consiste de injeção de corrente elétrica na subsuperfície e de medida de diferença de potencial elétrico, resultante da interação da corrente com o meio. As localizações dessas fontes e receptores são determinadas pelo arranjo escolhido para o levantamento. Após o processamento, obtém-se pseudo-seções de resistividade aparente que indicam a distribuição de condutividade em subsuperfície. Devido à simplicidade dos fundamentos físicos de sua formulação, o método apresenta fácil implementação computacional quando comparado aos métodos eletromagnéticos de fonte controlada. Na literatura há inúmeros trabalhos de modelagem computacional, onde se calcula a resposta para problemas 2-D e 3-D. Nestes trabalhos, as pseudo-seções são obtidas a partir do cálculo do potencial elétrico total. Neste trabalho, apresentaremos a resposta da modelagem de eletroresistividade 2-D com o arranjo dipolo-dipolo, obtida a partir do potencial elétrico secundário. A solução é calculada através do método de elementos finitos usando malhas não estruturadas. Para efeito de validação, os resultados são comparados com a resposta 2-D obtida a partir dos potencias totais.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade genética, entre e dentro de progênies de dendezeiro tipo dura, de origem Deli. A caracterização genética foi feita com uso de marcadores microssatélites em 24 progênies usadas na produção comercial de sementes, sendo 22 provenientes de autofecundação e duas de cruzamentos entre irmãos completos. Foi realizada análise de variância molecular entre e dentro das progênies, com posterior construção de um dendrograma. Observou-se baixa variabilidade genética nas progênies, com média de 1,32 alelos por loco e variância genética total igual a 0,3241. A maior parte da variação ocorreu entre progênies. A menor variabilidade genética dentro das progênies pode ser explorada nos cruzamentos com progênies endogâmicas de outras origens, o que facilitaria o alcance de heterose para o desenvolvimento de novas variedades.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA


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E o relato de uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre as traduções do Conto Branca de Neve dos Irmãos Grimm, realizadas por Monteiro Lobato e Tatiana Belinky. Enfoca a importância da tradução de contos infantis no começo do século vinte e de Monteiro Lobato nesse exercício. Realizamos uma análise comparativa das traduções com base em referenciais teóricos sobre tradução. Abordamos também o uso dessas traduções como importante ferramenta pedagógica.


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This study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity and relatedness of 24 accessions of Theobroma grandiflorum, originating from three units of Embrapa, aiming their use as parents in hybridization specie programs. The genetic markers used were heterologous microsatellite loci developed for cocoa. In the population studied 45 alleles were found. The effective average number of alleles per locus (2.33) was less than the average number of alleles per locus (3.21), indicating that many alleles have low frequency. The observed heterozygosity at polymorphic loci ranged from 0.33 to 1.00 with a mean of 0.54 and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.48 to 0.76 with a mean of 0.54. The fixation index medium between loci (0.003) was not significantly different from zero. The estimate of relatedness between pairs of individuals indicates that some may be relatives, including half-brothers and clones. The results suggest that the accesses of T. grandiflorum analyzed contain a moderate level of genetic diversity and absence of inbreeding and therefore great potential for use in breeding programs.


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Due to the expansion of the wild crop to regions with higher temperatures is important to develop cultivars adapted to high heat. The aim was to select tests for evaluating seed physiological quality of wild radish to estimating genetic characters in order to select cultivars adapted to high temperature conditions. Hundred of half-brothers of wild radish were subjected to germination test and vigor (first count of germination, classification of seedling vigor, accelerated aging test, germination and testing of the first count at high temperature as well as seedling emergence in field. The germination test, first count test, accelerated aging and high germination test (20-35°C) can be used for the selection of wild radish crop populations adapted to germination and field emergence under high temperatures.


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Populations of carrot seeds with superior physiological quality and storage potential are of interest to seed companies and growers. Thus, we verified the efficiency of some tests for the selection of carrot populations with greater vigor and longevity of seeds. Seeds of 50 carrots progenies of different half-brothers from Brasilia cultivar were evaluated for the mass of one hundred seeds, the first count, germination, dormancy, accelerated aging with water and saturated NaCl solution. The seeds were stored at moisture contents of 6.1±0.3% in hermetic packaging at temperatures of 15 and 25°C for 12 months and germination was evaluated quarterly. The experimental data were evaluated for variance and phenotypic, genotypic and environmental heritability, coefficient of variation and genetic gain from selection. Selection based on the mass should not be used because it would increase the occurrence of dormancy in seeds of the next generation. The test of the first count, germination and accelerated aging in water or saline solution saturated may be used to select populations of carrot seeds of higher vigor and longevity. The estimated gain genetic selection for germination after 12 months storage at 25°C was 14%.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This research was developed during four years, in different regions of the country. Its purpose was to better understand the possible influences that handicapped siblings have on the development of non- handicapped siblings. Participated in the study 80 siblings, with ages ranging between 14 and 26 years. There were 20 siblings of physical handicapped (PH), 20 siblings of auditory handicapped (AH), 20 of mental handicapped (MH), and 20 of non handicapped, in number and ages equivalent.The participants answered a questionnaire containing “characteristics of handicapped person”, “characteristics of respondent sibling”, “characteristics of family”, a questionnaire with eleven closed questions and one open, but for the control group there was on less question. The phenomena studied in this research in some situations present themselves differently for each group of respondent sibling (ex: greater concern of the parents with the MH sibling, calling attention more for siblings of PH and MH, more responsibility in the family, taking care of the handicapped sibling, fear of having handicapped children, and the perception of (in) dependency of the handicapped sibling) and in others present themselves in similar manner (ex: more concern of the parents with the brother with PH, nature of the relationship, to feel or not ashamed of the sibling, talking about the sibling development). In conclusion, some phenomena, so far socially perceived as causing differences in sibling relations and attributed to de presence of a handicap are not, since between siblings of non handicapped these same phenomena present themselves in a similar way. Differently from the control group, siblings of handicapped need correct information, as well as therapeutic support to elaborate feelings of fear, anger, shame that they may have due to their condition. It is important to stress, also, the need that these siblings have to be themselves without the stigma of sibling of handicapped.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)