404 resultados para Intuition.


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Mallon, Machery, Nichols and Stich (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79: 332–356, 2009) argue that the use of intuitions in the philosophy of reference is problematic as recent studies show intuitions about reference vary both within and between cultures. I use some ideas from the recent literature on disagreement and truth relativism to shed light on the debate concerning the appropriate reaction to these studies. Mallon et al. argue that variation is problematic because if one tries to use intuitions which vary to find the correct theory of reference one will end up endorsing an absurd position: referential pluralism. I argue that there is hope for intuition-based philosophy of reference. One can avoid endorsing referential pluralism (as Mallon et al. understand it). Furthermore, referential pluralism may not be so absurd after all.


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Are philosophers’ intuitions more reliable than philosophical novices’? Are we entitled to assume the superiority of philosophers’ intuitions just as we assume that experts in other domains have more reliable intuitions than novices? Ryberg raises some doubts and his arguments promise to undermine the expertise defence of intuition-use in philosophy once and for all. In this paper, I raise a number of objections to these arguments. I argue that philosophers receive sufficient feedback about the quality of their intuitions and that philosophers’ experience in philosophy plausibly affects their intuitions. Consequently, the type of argument Ryberg offers fails to undermine the expertise defence of intuition-use in philosophy.


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In recent decades, intuitions' role in philosophy has been hotly debated. Many claim intuitions play an important role. Others, some armed with data, challenge the use of intuitions. This thesis reflects on this debate and advances the debate in two main ways. Having a clear understanding of the challenge which intuition-use in philosophy faces is important. Part I focuses on this. Chapters 1-2 introduce the topic of intuitions, motivate the methodological study of intuitions, and present the historical background to recent empirical challenges to intuition-use. Chapters 3-5 concern the contemporary challenge. I present the empirical evidence the challenge uses, present what I argue to be the strongest version of the challenge, and defend that challenge against some objections. How one characterises intuitions is incredibly important in philosophical methodology. If we are to properly evaluate philosophical methods vis-a-vis their use of something called intuitions { if we are to assess the empirical challenge { it is important to be clear exactly what we mean by `intuitions'. Part II focuses on this. Chapter 6 argues there is little consensus among philosophers as to what intuitions are and their role in philosophy. Chapter 7 questions whether philosophers have developed an idiolect in which `intuition' has distinctive meaning | as frequently supposed. Chapter 8 points out a common misunderstanding about intuitions in philosophy; using quantitative tools to challenge the idea that an increased use of `intuition' in philosophy is the result of an increased use of intuition. So, the developing picture is one of confusion, without a clear idea of what sense of `intuition' is important. Fortunately, Chapter 9 sets us back on the right track. It sets out a positive programme for evaluative methodology: methodologists should adopt a permissive conception of intuitions and make fine distinctions between different intuitions, so long as we can track those distinctions while philosophising.


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We systematically explore decision situations in which a decision maker bears responsibility for somebody else's outcomes as well as for her own in situations of payoff equality. In the gain domain we confirm the intuition that being responsible for somebody else's payoffs increases risk aversion. This is however not attributable to a 'cautious shift' as often thought. Indeed, looking at risk attitudes in the loss domain, we find an increase in risk seeking under responsibility. This raises issues about the nature of various decision biases under risk, and to what extent changed behavior under responsibility may depend on a social norm of caution in situations of responsibility versus naive corrections from perceived biases. To further explore this issue, we designed a second experiment to explore risk-taking behavior for gain prospects offering very small or very large probabilities of winning. For large probabilities, we find increased risk aversion, thus confirming our earlier finding. For small probabilities however, we find an increase of risk seeking under conditions of responsibility. The latter finding thus discredits hypotheses of a social rule dictating caution under responsibility, and can be explained through flexible self-correction models predicting an accentuation of the fourfold pattern of risk attitudes predicted by prospect theory. An additional accountability mechanism does not change risk behavior, except for mixed prospects, in which it reduces loss aversion. This indicates that loss aversion is of a fundamentally different nature than probability weighting or utility curvature. Implications for debiasing are discussed.


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Predators and preys often form species networks with asymmetric patterns of interaction. We study the dynamics of a four species network consisting of two weakly connected predator-prey pairs. We focus our analysis on the effects of the cross interaction between the predator of the first pair and the prey of the second pair. This is an example where the predator overlap, which is the proportion of predators that a given prey shares with other preys, is not uniform across the network due to asymmetries in patterns of interaction. We explore the behavior of the system under different interaction strengths and study the dynamics of survival and extinction. In particular, we consider situations in which the four species have initial populations lower than their long-term equilibrium, simulating catastrophic situations in which their abundances are reduced due to human action or environmental change. We show that, under these reduced initial conditions, and depending on the strength of the cross interaction, the populations tend to oscillate before re-equilibrating, disturbing the community equilibrium and sometimes reaching values that are only a small fraction of the equilibrium population, potentially leading to their extinction. We predict that, contrary to one`s intuition, the most likely scenario is the extinction of the less predated preys. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This essay set out to propose a problematic interpretation of the socio-cultural perspective on learning. Its purpose is to show how the socio-cultural perspective on learning defines the concept of knowledge in an incomplete way. The aim becomes then that of giving a more comprehensive description of this concept, and, to this end, to construct a new, broader pedagogic discourse. The investigation starts with a deconstructive analysis of Roger Säljö’s socio-cultural text in order to point out the incompleteness of the concept of knowledge. The constructive part of the analysis proceeds using Heidegger’s and Sartre’s philosophical theories which take a general approach on human learning and on human knowledge as dependent on intuition. A dichotomy of two new concepts related to knowledge is thus defined: how-knowledge and why-knowledge. This reconceptualisation of the concept of knowledge allows a reinterpretation of any act of knowledge in a structural way. Hence any act of knowledge includes a moment (a) which defines the initial contextual (conceptual or practical) situation; a moment (b) which represents an algorithm, a procedure, or a theory; and a moment (c) which represents the result of the act, and is the direct application of knowledge as a finalized entity. Knowledge inbuilt in (a) and (c) is characterized as how-knowledge, while that in (b) is characterized as why-knowledge. In a learning situation a focus on how-knowledge implies finality and objectification of students. Conversely, why-knowledge implies students becoming subjects of their own learning.


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Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva distriktssköterskors tankar och upplevelser kring situationer där barn misstänks fara illa och en anmälan till de sociala myndigheterna övervägs. Studien genomfördes genom personliga intervjuer av sex strategiskt utvalda distriktssköterskor, verksamma vid barnavårdscentraler (BVC) i Dalarnas och Värmlands län och som hade erfarenhet av att träffa familjer med olika sociala problem. Intervjuerna inleddes med frågan; ”Berätta om ett möte med föräldrar där Du anar att barnet far illa.” En intervjuguide med tre frågeområden användes därefter för att säkerställa att syftet täcktes in. Efter genomförandet analyserades intervjuerna utifrån fenomenologisk metod, så kallad meningskoncentrering.Resultatet visade att samarbetet med socialtjänsten präglades av stora brister. Socialtjänstens sekretess hindrade viktig information från att nå distriktssköterskan, socialsekreterarnas kompetens var bristfällig och anmälningar togs inte på allvar. Omständigheter som upplevdes utgöra en omedelbar risk för barnet anmälde distriktssköterskan omgående, medan hon i andra fall avvaktade med en anmälan eller ansökte om stöd. Genom att barnet och dess familj gjorde täta besök vid BVC, att det var kontinuitet i personalgruppen och att distriktssköterskan litade på sin intuition, kunde hon lättare finna de barn som hade det svårt.Genom att samverka med professioner med skilda kompetenser var det möjligt att förbättra barns situation.


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Ce mémoire a pour but de comparer deux romans policiers contemporains et ayant eu un grand succès, l’un écrit par Henning Mankell dont la traduction française a paru sous le titre Les Morts de la Saint-Jean et le second est Pars vite et reviens tard de Fred Vargas. L’objectif de la candidate est d’essayer de trouver les éléments réalistes dans le décor, les personnages et l’enquête. Pour ce qui est du premier paramètre, la candidate montre que Mankell n’essaie jamais de cacher la vérité derrière une surface idéale ; il en va de même pour Vargas qui accentue les points de vue divergents des Français sur la réalité de leur pays. En ce qui a trait aux personnages, on distingue dans le portrait qu’en fait Mankell un combat compliqué et non manichéen, proche de la réalité psychologique; idem pour ceux de Vargas, mais le réalisme est quelque peu atténué par un recours au mystère. Enfin, l’enquête menée par Wallander aboutit un peu par hasard grâce à son intuition alors qu’Adamsberg résout l’énigme grâce à sa faculté de voir, de s’imaginer et d’aller au-delà de la capacité des autres. La conclusion générale du mémoire est que ces deux œuvres sont tout à fait réalistes, mais à un degré un peu différent. Le roman de Mankell l’est sans doute davantage dans la mesure où le recours au mystère est écarté et que l’enquête est menée de façon logique alors que le roman de Vargas, tout en suivant les règles de la logique, a tendance à faire appel au merveilleux. En tout état de cause, il s’agit de deux œuvres réalistes comportant un côté romantique plus ou moins bien exprimé.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to describe, explain and understand how record companies identify and develop new music and new talent. The analysis is carried out on three levels: individual, organizational and sector level. In a record company, this task formally goes to A&R (Artist and Repertoire). This dissertation takes its point of departure in how the capacity for discovering new talent can be understood in terms of knowledge, creativity and competence and how this capacity is affected in the meeting between the record company and the industry. The theoretical framework of the dissertation spans two sociological fields: the sociology of organizations and the sociology of knowledge. While it takes its organizational starting point in the Knowledge Company Approach, it employs a practice-based approach to discuss knowledge. I argue that within the Knowledge company approach there are two contrasting ways to understand knowledge; a distinction is made between knowledge- and creativity-intensive enterprises. The results show that the record industry’s polarized structure can be seen as a result of the Knowledge Company’s typical problems. The A&R’s work is described as including two phases, one intuitive and one analytical. The intuitive assessment is direct, unconscious and without reflection. This ability has been described as "intuition" and "gut feeling". The analytical phase adds analysis and reflection based on knowledge. The results from the interviews with A&R’s reveal the limit of formal and explicit knowledge not only in the choice of music but also in the marketing strategies. The overarching picture is one in which record companies move in a space characterized by tension between dichotomous forces – art and commercialism, creativity and knowledge, culture and economy, chaos and order, but where opposite poles are not mutually exclusive but complementary.


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To have good data quality with high complexity is often seen to be important. Intuition says that the higher accuracy and complexity the data have the better the analytic solutions becomes if it is possible to handle the increasing computing time. However, for most of the practical computational problems, high complexity data means that computational times become too long or that heuristics used to solve the problem have difficulties to reach good solutions. This is even further stressed when the size of the combinatorial problem increases. Consequently, we often need a simplified data to deal with complex combinatorial problems. In this study we stress the question of how the complexity and accuracy in a network affect the quality of the heuristic solutions for different sizes of the combinatorial problem. We evaluate this question by applying the commonly used p-median model, which is used to find optimal locations in a network of p supply points that serve n demand points. To evaluate this, we vary both the accuracy (the number of nodes) of the network and the size of the combinatorial problem (p). The investigation is conducted by the means of a case study in a region in Sweden with an asymmetrically distributed population (15,000 weighted demand points), Dalecarlia. To locate 5 to 50 supply points we use the national transport administrations official road network (NVDB). The road network consists of 1.5 million nodes. To find the optimal location we start with 500 candidate nodes in the network and increase the number of candidate nodes in steps up to 67,000 (which is aggregated from the 1.5 million nodes). To find the optimal solution we use a simulated annealing algorithm with adaptive tuning of the temperature. The results show that there is a limited improvement in the optimal solutions when the accuracy in the road network increase and the combinatorial problem (low p) is simple. When the combinatorial problem is complex (large p) the improvements of increasing the accuracy in the road network are much larger. The results also show that choice of the best accuracy of the network depends on the complexity of the combinatorial (varying p) problem.


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Abstract. In addition to 9 vowel and 18 consonant phonemes, Swedish has three prosodic phonemic contrasts: word stress, quantity and tonal word accent. There are also examples of distinctive phrase or sentence stress, where a verb can be followed by either an unstressed preposition or a stressed particle. This study focuses on word level and more specifically on word stress and tonal word accent in disyllabic words. When making curriculums for second language learners, teachers are helped by knowing which phonetic or phonological features are more or less crucial for the intelligibility of speech and there are some structural and anecdotal evidence that word stress should play a more important role for intelligibility of Swedish, than the tonal word accent. The Swedish word stress is about prominence contrasts between syllables, mainly signaled by syllable duration, while the tonal word accent is signaled mainly by pitch contour. The word stress contrast, as in armen [´arːmən] ‘the arm’ - armén [ar´meːn] ‘the army’, the first word trochaic and the second iambic, is present in all regional varieties of Swedish, and realized with roughly the same acoustic cues, while the tonal word accent, as in anden [´anːdən] ‘the duck’ - anden [`anːdən] ‘the spirit’ is absent in some dialects (as well as in singing), and also signaled with a variety of tonal patterns depending on region. The present study aims at comparing the respective perceptual weight of the two mentioned contrasts. Two lexical decision tests were carried out where in total 34 native Swedish listeners should decide whether a stimulus was a real word or a non-word. Real words of all mentioned categories were mixed with nonsense words and words that were mispronounced with opposite stress pattern or opposite tonal word accent category. The results show that distorted word stress caused more non-word judgments and more loss, than distorted word accent. Our conclusion is that intelligibility of Swedish is more sensitive to distorted word stress pattern than to distorted tonal word accent pattern. This is in compliance with the structural arguments presented above, and also with our own intuition.


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Bakgrund: Andliga och existentiella frågor hamnar i allt större utsträckning hos sjukvårdspersonal. Det palliativa förhållningssättet betonar vikten av att ge en god omvårdnad vad gäller andliga och existentiella frågor. Sjuksköterskans roll är att genom goda relationer skapa en anpassad och balanserad omvårdnad för att öka välbefinnandet för patienten den sista tiden i livet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa hur andliga och existentiella frågor beskrivs i forskning utifrån sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av palliativ vård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som sammanställer aktuell forskning inom det valda omvårdnadsområdet. Resultat: I resultatet framträdde att tid är det vanligaste hindret och utbildning är det som främjar givandet av andlig och existentiell omvårdnad. Att skapa relationer och kommunicera är viktiga aspekter inom vårdandets konst. Egenskaper som sjuksköterskan bör inneha för att underlätta givandet av andlig och existentiell omvårdnad är; en god självkännedom, empati, intuition och observationsförmåga. Slutsats: För att kunna ge en bättre andlig och existentiell omvårdnad behöver de yttre förutsättningarna ge tid för mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient, vårdmiljön organiseras så detta möjliggörs, teamarbete tillämpas och utbildning ges.


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The demands of image processing related systems are robustness, high recognition rates, capability to handle incomplete digital information, and magnanimous flexibility in capturing shape of an object in an image. It is exactly here that, the role of convex hulls comes to play. The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we summarize the state of the art in computational convex hull development for researchers interested in using convex hull image processing to build their intuition, or generate nontrivial models. Secondly, we present several applications involving convex hulls in image processing related tasks. By this, we have striven to show researchers the rich and varied set of applications they can contribute to. This paper also makes a humble effort to enthuse prospective researchers in this area. We hope that the resulting awareness will result in new advances for specific image recognition applications.


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São Marcos, no Rio Grande do Sul, caracteriza-se por sua participação no setor do transporte rodoviário de cargas, sendo o município brasileiro com maior número de veículos pesados por habitante. Este trabalho busca identificar os fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão dentro desse ramo de negócios. Assim, são estudados quatro casos de profissionais da área. Esses indivíduos iniciaram sua trajetória na condição de empregados, passando em seguida para a fase de autônomos. No entanto, apenas dois deles prosperaram, tornando-se empresários; os outros dois retornaram à condição de empregados. O estudo também possibilitou identificar o nível de insatisfação dos empregados do setor na busca de um progresso dentro do mesmo, assim como observar o perfil de competência daqueles que chegam a implantar suas próprias organizações. Dessa forma, é possível formar um paralelo entre as experiências bem-sucedidas e as tentativas frustradas. Os dados foram levantados a partir de uma série de fontes de evidências como entrevistas, registros de arquivos e documentos dos personagens referidos. A análise desses dados leva à interpretação de dois fatores como fundamentais na tomada de decisões dos indivíduos que trabalham no transporte rodoviário de cargas: a intuição e a influência de outras pessoas que cercam os tomadores de decisão. Esses fatores reforçam a idéia da subjetividade dentro do processo administrativo. O trabalho possibilita a formação de um quadro de dados gerais a respeito do setor. Além disso, serve de referencial às atitudes de organizações públicas e privadas, de pessoas ligadas ao ramo e de jovens que pretendem entrar nesse universo de trabalho.


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We apply the concept of exchangeable random variables to the case of non-additive robability distributions exhibiting ncertainty aversion, and in the lass generated bya convex core convex non-additive probabilities, ith a convex core). We are able to rove two versions of the law of arge numbers (de Finetti's heorems). By making use of two efinitions. of independence we rove two versions of the strong law f large numbers. It turns out that e cannot assure the convergence of he sample averages to a constant. e then modal the case there is a true" probability distribution ehind the successive realizations of the uncertain random variable. In this case convergence occurs. This result is important because it renders true the intuition that it is possible "to learn" the "true" additive distribution behind an uncertain event if one repeatedly observes it (a sufficiently large number of times). We also provide a conjecture regarding the "Iearning" (or updating) process above, and prove a partia I result for the case of Dempster-Shafer updating rule and binomial trials.