779 resultados para Innovation institutionnelle


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Contemporary thoracic and cardiovascular surgery uses extensive equipment and devices to enable its performance. As the specialties develop and new frontiers are crossed, the technology needs to advance in a parallel fashion. Strokes of genius or problem-solving brain-storming may generate great ideas, but the metamorphosis of an idea into a physical functioning tool requires a lot more than just a thinking process. A modern surgical device is the end-point of a sophisticated, complicated and potentially treacherous route, which incorporates new skills and knowledge acquisition. Processes including technology transfer, commercialisation, corporate and product development, intellectual property and regulatory routes all play pivotal roles in this voyage. Many good ideas may fall by the wayside for a multitude of reasons as they may not be marketable or may be badly marketed. In this article, we attempt to illuminate the components required in the process of surgical innovation, which we believe must remain in the remit of the modern-day thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.


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Introduction et but de l'étude. - Le Nutrition Day 2010 réalisédans le service de dialyse aiguë de notre CHU a montré un taux dedénutrition de 64 % chez le patient dialysé hospitalisé avec un déficitnutritionnel moyen le jour de dialyse de 1 000 kcal et 45 g deprotéines. Les horaires de repas dans l'unité d'hospitalisation et dedialyse au centre de dialyse se chevauchent. Le but de cette étude estd'évaluer l'impact de l'organisation institutionnelle sur l'apportprotéino-énergétique du patient hémodialysé hospitalisé.Matériel et Méthodes. - Étude exploratoire et transversale. Laconsommation alimentaire et les obstacles potentiels à l'alimentationd'origine logistique ont été relevés durant deux jours consécutifs,un jour de dialyse (JD) et un jour sans dialyse (JSD). Les motifsde non consommation ou de consommation partielle des repas etcollations ont été relevés auprès des patients immédiatement aprèsles repas principaux, au moyen d'entretiens semi-dirigés. Lesingesta ont été comparés aux besoins protéino-énergétiques pour lespatients hémodialysés (ESPEN, 2006). Une évaluation nutritionnellea été réalisée chez tous les patients.Résultats. - Vingt-six patients (85 % d'hommes) ont été inclus,âgés de 65,7 ± 10,6 ans (moy ± ET). Le BMI moyen est de 24,9± 5,9 kg/m2, le score de Charlson de 7,2 ± 2,7 et 54 % ont un NRS-2002 ≥ 3. Plus de deux tiers des patients (68 %) ont perdu du poidset 64 % sont dénutris. Au total, 147 repas et 56 collations ont été étudiés,dont 74 repas et 32 collations pour le JD. Le JD, 56 % des collationsne sont pas consommées contre 21 % le JSD. La couverturemoyenne des besoins énergétiques et protéiques le JD est respectivementde 48 % et 57 %, sans différence avec le JSD. Les motifs denon consommation les plus fréquemment cités sont, par ordredécroissant : satiété précoce, inappétence, dégoût des mets proposés,peurs et représentations alimentaires et mises à jeun pour procéduresmédicales. Ils sont identiques les JD et les JSD. Lesobstacles à l'alimentation inhérents au patient sont 2,6 fois plus fréquentsque ceux liés à l'organisation hospitalière. Une douleur(légère à modérée), une dyspnée et une xérostomie affectent respectivement100 %, 54 % et 48 % des patients, qui ne considèrent pasces symptômes comme une cause de non consommation alimentaire.Conclusion. - Les apports protéino-énergétiques sont insuffisantset près de deux tiers des sujets sont dénutris. L'organisationhospitalière n'est pas identifiée par les patients comme un obstacleexpliquant le déficit énergétique et protéique quotidien. Les obstaclesà l'alimentation orale sont principalement inhérents à l'état desanté des patients. L'instauration d'une alimentation spécifique auxpatients dialysés hospitalisés (« humide », fractionnée, enrichie enprotéines et en énergie) de même que la prescription plus systématiqued'un support nutritionnel devraient contribuer à la couverturede leurs besoins nutritionnels.


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BACKGROUND: There is an emerging knowledge base on the effectiveness of strategies to close the knowledge-practice gap. However, less is known about how attributes of an innovation and other contextual and situational factors facilitate and impede an innovation's adoption. The Healthy Heart Kit (HHK) is a risk management and patient education resource for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and promotion of cardiovascular health. Although previous studies have demonstrated the HHK's content validity and practical utility, no published study has examined physicians' uptake of the HHK and factors that shape its adoption. OBJECTIVES: Conceptually informed by Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation theory, and Theory of Planned Behaviour, this study had two objectives: (1) to determine if specific attributes of the HHK as well as contextual and situational factors are associated with physicians' intention and actual usage of the HHK kit; and (2), to determine if any contextual and situational factors are associated with individual or environmental barriers that prevent the uptake of the HHK among those physicians who do not plan to use the kit. METHODS: A sample of 153 physicians who responded to an invitation letter sent to all family physicians in the province of Alberta, Canada were recruited for the study. Participating physicians were sent a HHK, and two months later a study questionnaire assessed primary factors on the physicians' clinical practice, attributes of the HHK (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, observability), confidence and control using the HHK, barriers to use, and individual attributes. All measures were used in path analysis, employing a causal model based on Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour. RESULTS: 115 physicians (follow up rate of 75%) completed the questionnaire. Use of the HHK was associated with intention to use the HHK, relative advantage, and years of experience. Relative advantage and the observability of the HHK benefits were also significantly associated with physicians' intention to use the HHK. Physicians working in solo medical practices reported experiencing more individual and environmental barriers to using the HHK. CONCLUSION: The results of this study suggest that future information innovations must demonstrate an advantage over current resources and the research evidence supporting the innovation must be clearly visible. Findings also suggest that the innovation adoption process has a social element, and collegial interactions and discussions may facilitate that process. These results could be valuable for knowledge translation researchers and health promotion developers in future innovation adoption planning.


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Centrally located in America’s upper Midwest, Iowa lies in the heart of a 12-state region that will have installed an average of 2,701 mfi per year through 2014. In 2009 alone, this region, which is within one day delivery from Iowa, installed turbines valued at $7.8 billion! Once you understand how this exploding growth in the market intersects with the supply chain established by over 250 Iowa companies that are already providing components and services to wind energy manufacturers, you have an outstanding picture of exactly why all major wind manufacturing components are made in Iowa.


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This work focuses on the study of the relationship between ownership and control structure of the company and its innovative activity. Its aim consists of analysing the role that may be played by determinants within the company related to ownership structure when the decision to incur research and development activities is taken as well as on the output of this innovate process. Among these determinants we may think of issues such as who owns the firm and how the control of decision-making is distributed, the nature of this control and the level of concentration of ownership, among others. The study is carried out for the year 2001 using a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing industries.


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Applied studies on the relationship between geography and technological innovation for United States, Germany, France and Italy have shown the positive effects that academic research exerts on the innovate output of firms at spatial level. The purpose of this paper is to look for new evidence on the possible effects of the university research for the case of Spain. To do so, within the framework of a Griliches-Jaffe knowledge production function, and using panel data and count models, the relationship between innovate inputs and patents, in the case of the Spanish regions is explored


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Applied studies on the relationship between geography and technological innovation for United States, Germany, France and Italy have shown the positive effects that academic research exerts on the innovate output of firms at spatial level. The purpose of this paper is to look for new evidence on the possible effects of the university research for the case of Spain. To do so, within the framework of a Griliches-Jaffe knowledge production function, and using panel data and count models, the relationship between innovate inputs and patents, in the case of the Spanish regions is explored


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Applied studies on the relationship between geography and technological innovation for United States, Germany, France and Italy have shown the positive effects that academic research exerts on the innovate output of firms at spatial level. The purpose of this paper is to look for new evidence on the possible effects of the university research for the case of Spain. To do so, within the framework of a Griliches-Jaffe knowledge production function, and using panel data and count models, the relationship between innovate inputs and patents, in the case of the Spanish regions is explored


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This work focuses on the study of the relationship between ownership and control structure of the company and its innovative activity. Its aim consists of analysing the role that may be played by determinants within the company related to ownership structure when the decision to incur research and development activities is taken as well as on the output of this innovate process. Among these determinants we may think of issues such as who owns the firm and how the control of decision-making is distributed, the nature of this control and the level of concentration of ownership, among others. The study is carried out for the year 2001 using a representative sample of Spanish manufacturing industries.


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Although tissue engineering and cell therapies are becoming realistic approaches for medical therapeutics, it is likely that musculoskeletal applications will be among the first to benefit on a large scale. Cell sources for tissue engineering and cell therapies for tendon pathologies are reviewed with an emphasis on small defect tendon injuries as seen in the hand which could adapt well to injectable cell administration. Specifically, cell sources including tenocytes, tendon sheath fibroblasts, bone marrow or adipose-derived stem cells, amniotic cells, placenta cells and platelet-derivatives have been proposed to enhance tendon regeneration. The associated advantages and disadvantages for these different strategies will be discussed and evolving regulatory requirements for cellular therapies will also be addressed. Human progenitor tenocytes, along with their clinical cell banking potential, will be presented as an alternative cell source solution. Similar cell banking techniques have already been described with other progenitor cell types in the 1950's for vaccine production, and these "old" cell types incite potentially interesting therapeutic options that could be improved with modern innovation for tendon regeneration and repair.