866 resultados para Information literacy training
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals. NOTE: The last issue before this October 29, 2012.
Frente a los discursos que anuncian el final de la lectura y la muerte del lector, hay razones para pensar que la lectura va a ser también en la sociedad de la información uno de los instrumentos fundamentales para comunicarnos, pensar, aprender y atribuir sentido a las experiencias propias y ajenas. Sin embargo, hay también pocas dudas de que en este nuevo escenario, y de la mano sobre todo de las tecnologías digitales de la información y la comunicación y los textos electrónicos, se están produciendo cambios importantes en la definición del texto, del autor, del lector, de los modos de leer y de las prácticas de lectura. El concepto mismo de alfabetismo, de lo que significa estar alfabetizado en la cultura escrita, está en proceso de cambio y transformación. Por una parte, el concepto de alfabetismo se expande y, al lado de la alfabetización relativa a la cultura letrada, empiezan a tomar cuerpo otros alfabetismos relacionados con la cultura tecnológica y demás elementos característicos de la sociedad de la información. Por otra parte, junto con esta expansión o ensanchamiento del concepto, se produce una transformación de lo que significa y exige el hecho de estar alfabetizado en la cultura letrada. Internet y los textos electrónicos modifican los elementos básicos que intervienen en los procesos de lectura comprensiva. Ahora bien, la emergencia de nuevos alfabetismos, así como los conocimientos y habilidades que plantea la exigencia del alfabetismo en los textos electrónicos, comporta inexorablemente el riesgo de sus correspondientes analfabetismos. Este riesgo es tanto mayor cuanto que la realidad sobre la que se proyectan estas necesidades de alfabetización sigue estando marcada por graves carencias en el dominio y las prácticas de la lectura entre amplios sectores de la población.
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a competência informacional (information literacy), que surgiu nos Estados Unidos na década de 1970 e representa o esforço da classe bibliotecária americana para ampliar o seu papel dentro das instituições educacionais. O movimento ocorreu em circunstâncias peculiares ao contexto daquele país, acompanhando a evolução das ações educativas da classe bibliotecária. O discurso da competência informacional desenvolve-se ao redor de quatro aspectos: a sociedade da informação, as teorias educacionais construtivistas, a tecnologia da informação e o bibliotecário. Considerando-se que o termo começa a aparecer na literatura brasileira de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, propõem-se o estudo mais aprofundado do conceito e o estabelecimento de uma agenda de pesquisa para o Brasil, buscando sua inserção nas teorias sobre letramento, que se vêm desenvolvendo na área de educação.
Este artigo é o resultado de um esforço para conceituar inclusão digital, feito pelo Grupo de Estudos em Políticas de Informação e Inclusão Digital (Gepindi), vinculado ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação, do Instituto de Ciência da Informação, da Universidade Federal da Bahia (Posici/ICI/UFBA). O texto discute inclusão digital à luz de outros conceitos encontrados na ciência da informação e em áreas correlatas. No imbricado entrelaçamento desses conceitos complexos, o resultado final pretendido é um marco de compreensão para a vinculação entre ética e cidadania, de um lado, e educação para a informação na Internet ou information literacy education, de outro, com vistas à inclusão social.
The Update is a bi-weekly web newsletter published by the Iowa Department of Public Health's Bureau of Family Health. It is posted the second and fourth week of every month, and provides useful job resource information for departmental health care professionals, information on training opportunities, interdepartmental reports and meetings, and additional information pertinent to health care professionals.