977 resultados para Industries, Location of


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"This brief supersedes the former brief filed by the proponent herein. It embodies all that is to be found in that brief relevant to the questions presented therein."


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Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 105-112)


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Techniques for improving the signal to clutter ratio of an. ultra-wideband SAR designed to detect small mine-like objects in the surface of the ground were investigated. In particular, images were collected using different bistatic antenna configurations in an attempt to decorrelate the clutter with respect to the targets. The images were converted to a reference depression angle, summed, and then converted to ground coordinates. The resulting target strengths were then compared with the amplitude distribution of the ground clutter to show the improvement obtained. While some improvement was demonstrated, this was for the relatively easy scenario of targets on the surface partially obscured by grass. Detection based on thresholding the raw RF signal (the bipolar response) rather than the envelope (baseband I-2 + Q(2)) was also considered to further enhance target-to-clutter ratios.


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Despite a century's knowledge that soluble aluminum (Al) is associated with acid soils and poor plant growth, it is still uncertain how Al exerts its deleterious effects. Hypotheses include reactions of Al with components of the cell wall, plasmalemma, or cytoplasm of cells close to the root tip, thereby reducing cell expansion and root growth. Digital microscopy was used to determine the initial injuries of soluble Al to mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) roots. Roots of young seedlings were marked with activated carbon particles and grown in 1 mm CaCl2 solution at pH 6 for ca. 100 min (control period), and AlCl3 solution was added to ensure a final concentration of 50 muM Al (pH 4). Further studies were conducted on the effects of pH 4 with and without 50 muM Al. Four distinct, but possibly related, initial detrimental effects of soluble Al were noted. First, there was a 56-75% reduction in the root elongation rate, first evident 18-52 min after the addition of Al, root elongation continuing at a decreased rate for ca. 20 It. Decreasing solution pH from 6 to 4 increased the root elongation rate 4-fold after 5 min, which decreased to close to the original rate after 130 min. The addition of Al during the period of rapid growth at pH 4 reduced the root elongation rate by 71% 14 min after the addition of Al. The activated carbon marks on the roots showed that, during the control period, the zone of maximum root growth occurred at 2,200-5,100 mum from the root tip (i.e. the cell elongation zone). It was there that Al first exerted its detrimental effect and low pH increased root elongation. Second, soluble Al prevented the progress of cells from the transition to the elongation phase, resulting in a considerable reduction of root growth over the longer term. The third type of soluble Al injury occurred after exposure for ca. 4 h to 50 mum Al when a kink developed at 2,370 mum from the root tip. Fourth, ruptures of the root epidermal and cortical cells at 1,900-2,300 mum from the tip occurred greater than or equal to4.3 h after exposure to soluble Al. The timing and location of Al injuries support the contention that Al initially reduces cell elongation, thus decreasing root growth and causing damage to epidermal and cortical cells.


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The generalized secant hyperbolic distribution (GSHD) proposed in Vaughan (2002) includes a wide range of unimodal symmetric distributions, with the Cauchy and uniform distributions being the limiting cases, and the logistic and hyperbolic secant distributions being special cases. The current article derives an asymptotically efficient rank estimator of the location parameter of the GSHD and suggests the corresponding one- and two-sample optimal rank tests. The rank estimator derived is compared to the modified MLE of location proposed in Vaughan (2002). By combining these two estimators, a computationally attractive method for constructing an exact confidence interval of the location parameter is developed. The statistical procedures introduced in the current article are illustrated by examples.


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This paper seeks to examine the relationship between smoking bans and the propensity of tobacco firms to engage in foreign direct investment (FDI). Using international business theory based on the firm-specific advantage/country-specific advantage (FSA/CSA) matrix, the authors show that, contrary to what one may expect, smoking bans at home are an important institutional intervention, reducing the propensity for firms to engage in FDI, even to countries without a ban themselves.


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This article examines notions of cultural identity and authenticity and how these notions are articulated in the small city of Kaili in Guizhou Province, an ethnically diverse region. Despite its urban status, Kaili has been branded by the local government as a yuanshengtai tourist destination. This Chinese term literally translates as “original ecology” but is used in ordinary conversation to denote a cultural authenticity in which people exist in quiet harmony with nature. Promotional literature uses the term to tout the ethnic cultural practices that mainly occur in the villages of Kaili’s municipal periphery. In contrast, many local urban inhabitants—although amenable to the promotion of Kaili as a tourist destination—have rejected the notion that the city itself could be considered culturally authentic, and proudly declare themselves “fake” ethnic minorities, as against the “genuine” ethnic people of surrounding villages. These small-city inhabitants have also defined themselves against big-city visitors by attributing to the visitors a naïve fascination with cultural authenticity, while themselves remaining aloof from such practices. The cultural authenticity discourse in Kaili has thus facilitated a reordering of social and spatial hierarchies, as blasé small-city residents define themselves against both culturally authentic rural people and authenticity-seeking big-city tourists. In analyzing this, the article draws out the broader implications regarding PRC notions of ethnicity, cultural practices, heritage, and identity.


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The waste’s rise is a problem that affects the environment as a whole and we cannot forget about it. A good waste’s management is the key to improve the future prospect, and the waste collection is key within the management activities. To find out the better way to collect wastes leads to a reduction of the social, economic and environmental cost. With the use of the Geographic Information Systems it has been intended to elaborate a methodology which allowed us to identify the most suitable places for the location of the collection containers of the different sorts of the solid urban wastes. Taking into account that different types of wastes exist, not all of them should be managed in the same way. Therefore we have to differentiate between models where we apply efficiency and models where we apply equity for the collection of wastes, bearing in mind the necessities of each waste.


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Relief shown by hachures.