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We present broad-band pulsation and spectral characteristics of the accreting X-ray pulsar OAO 1657-415 with a 2.2 d long Suzaku observation carried out covering its orbital phase range similar to 0.12-0.34, with respect to the mid-eclipse. During the last third of the observation, the X-ray count rate in both the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) and the HXD-PIN instruments increased by a factor of more than 10. During this observation, the hardness ratio also changed by a factor of more than 5, uncorrelated with the intensity variations. In two segments of the observation, lasting for similar to 30-50 ks, the hardness ratio is very high. In these segments, the spectrum shows a large absorption column density and correspondingly large equivalent widths of the iron fluorescence lines. We found no conclusive evidence for the presence of a cyclotron line in the broad-band X-ray spectrum with Suzaku. The pulse profile, especially in the XIS energy band, shows evolution with time but not so with energy. We discuss the nature of the intensity variations, and variations of the absorption column density and emission lines during the duration of the observation as would be expected due to a clumpy stellar wind of the supergiant companion star. These results indicate that OAO 1657-415 has characteristics intermediate to the normal supergiant systems and the systems that show fast X-ray transient phenomena.


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Variations in surface water extent and storage are poorly characterized from regional to global scales. In this study, a multi-satellite approach is proposed to estimate the water stored in the floodplains of the Orinoco Basin at a monthly time-scale using remotely-sensed observations of surface water from the Global Inundation Extent Multi-Satellite (GIEMS) and stages from Envisat radar altimetry. Surface water storage variations over 2003-2007 exhibit large interannual variability and a strong seasonal signal, peaking during summer, and associated with the flood pulse. The volume of surface water storage in the Orinoco Basin was highly correlated with the river discharge at Ciudad Bolivar (R = 0.95), the closest station to the mouth where discharge was estimated, although discharge lagged one month behind storage. The correlation remained high (R = 0.73) after removing seasonal effects. Mean annual variations in surface water volume represented similar to 170 km(3), contributing to similar to 45% of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE)-derived total water storage variations and representing similar to 13% of the total volume of water that flowed out of the Orinoco Basin to the Atlantic Ocean.


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Structural variations of different Z pi-aromatic three-membered ring systems of main group elements, especially group 14 and 13 elements as compared to the classical description of cyclopropenyl cation has been reviewed in this article. The structures of heavier analogues as well as group 13 analogues of cyclopropenyl cation showed an emergence of dramatic structural patterns which do not conform, to the general norms of carbon chemistry. Isolobal analogies between the main group fragments have been efficiently used to explain the peculiarities observed in these three-membered ring systems.


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Thin films of SbxSe60-xS40( x= 10, 20, 30, and 40) were deposited by thermal evaporation from the prepared bulk materials on glass substrates held at room temperature. The film compositions were confirmed by using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that all the as- deposited films have amorphous structure. The optical constants ( n, k, E-g, E-e, B-1/2) of the films were determined from optical transmittance data, in the spectral range 500-1200 nm, using the Swanepoel method. An analysis of the optical absorption spectra revealed an Urbach's tail in the low absorption region, while in the high absorption region an indirect band gap characterizes the films with different compositions. It was found that the optical band gap energy decreases as the Sb content increases. Finally, in terms of the chemical bond approach, degree of disorderness has been applied to interpret the decrease in the optical gap with increasing Sb content in SbxSe60-xS40 thin films. The changes in X-ray photo electron spectra and Raman shift in the films show compositional dependence. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Secondary-structure elements (SSEs) play an important role in the folding of proteins. Identification of SSEs in proteins is a common problem in structural biology. A new method, ASSP (Assignment of Secondary Structure in Proteins), using only the path traversed by the C atoms has been developed. The algorithm is based on the premise that the protein structure can be divided into continuous or uniform stretches, which can be defined in terms of helical parameters, and depending on their values the stretches can be classified into different SSEs, namely -helices, 3(10)-helices, -helices, extended -strands and polyproline II (PPII) and other left-handed helices. The methodology was validated using an unbiased clustering of these parameters for a protein data set consisting of 1008 protein chains, which suggested that there are seven well defined clusters associated with different SSEs. Apart from -helices and extended -strands, 3(10)-helices and -helices were also found to occur in substantial numbers. ASSP was able to discriminate non--helical segments from flanking -helices, which were often identified as part of -helices by other algorithms. ASSP can also lead to the identification of novel SSEs. It is believed that ASSP could provide a better understanding of the finer nuances of protein secondary structure and could make an important contribution to the better understanding of comparatively less frequently occurring structural motifs. At the same time, it can contribute to the identification of novel SSEs. A standalone version of the program for the Linux as well as the Windows operating systems is freely downloadable and a web-server version is also available at .


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The 2011 outburst of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624 followed the canonical track of state transitions along with the evolution of quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) frequencies before it began exhibiting various variability classes similar to GRS 1915+105. We use this canonical evolution of spectral and temporal properties to determine the mass of IGR J17091-3624, using three different methods: photon index (Gamma)-QPO frequency (nu) correlation, QPO frequency (nu)-time (day) evolution, and broadband spectral modeling based on two-component advective flow (TCAF). We provide a combined mass estimate for the source using a naive Bayes based joint likelihood approach. This gives a probable mass range of 11.8 M-circle dot-13.7 M-circle dot. Considering each individual estimate and taking the lowermost and uppermost bounds among all three methods, we get a mass range of 8.7 M-circle dot-15.6 M-circle dot with 90% confidence. We discuss the possible implications of our findings in the context of two-component accretion flow.


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There is a need to use probability distributions with power-law decaying tails to describe the large variations exhibited by some of the physical phenomena. The Weierstrass Random Walk (WRW) shows promise for modeling such phenomena. The theory of anomalous diffusion is now well established. It has found number of applications in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. However, its applications are limited in structural mechanics in general, and structural engineering in particular. The aim of this paper is to present some mathematical preliminaries related to WRW that would help in possible applications. In the limiting case, it represents a diffusion process whose evolution is governed by a fractional partial differential equation. Three applications of superdiffusion processes in mechanics, illustrating their effectiveness in handling large variations, are presented.


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We study the variations in the Cyclotron Resonant Scattering Feature (CRSF) during 2011 outburst of the high mass X-ray binary 4U 0115+63 using observations performed with Suzaku, RXTE, Swift and INTEGRAL satellites. The wide-band spectral data with low-energy coverage allowed us to characterize the broad-band continuum and detect the CRSFs. We find that the broad-band continuum is adequately described by a combination of a low temperature (kT similar to 0.8 keV) blackbody and a power law with high energy cutoff (E-cut similar to 5.4 keV) without the need for a broad Gaussian at similar to 10 keV as used in some earlier studies. Though winds from the companion can affect the emission from the neutron star at low energies (<3 keV), the blackbody component shows a significant presence in our continuum model. We report evidence for the possible presence of two independent sets of CRSFs with fundamentals at similar to 11 and similar to 15 keV. These two sets of CRSFs could arise from spatially distinct emitting regions. We also find evidence for variations in the line equivalent widths, with the 11 keV CRSF weakening and the 15 keV line strengthening with decreasing luminosity. Finally, we propose that the reason for the earlier observed anticorrelation of line energy with luminosity could be due to modelling of these two independent line sets (similar to 11 and similar to 15 keV) as a single CRSF.


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We propose a completely automatic approach for recognizing low resolution face images captured in uncontrolled environment. The approach uses multidimensional scaling to learn a common transformation matrix for the entire face which simultaneously transforms the facial features of the low resolution and the high resolution training images such that the distance between them approximates the distance had both the images been captured under the same controlled imaging conditions. Stereo matching cost is used to obtain the similarity of two images in the transformed space. Though this gives very good recognition performance, the time taken for computing the stereo matching cost is significant. To overcome this limitation, we propose a reference-based approach in which each face image is represented by its stereo matching cost from a few reference images. Experimental evaluation on the real world challenging databases and comparison with the state-of-the-art super-resolution, classifier based and cross modal synthesis techniques show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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Resumen: Empleando la teoría de la “estructura comunitaria”, un muestreo de diarios principales en 28 ciudades grandes en Estados Unidos examina la cobertura del tema “El manejo de contaminación de agua y acceso a agua potable”. Mediante el análisis de todos los artículos de más de 250 palabras publicados a través de diez años entre 01/01/2001 y 01/01/2011 (339 artículos), se compararon sistemáticamente características comunitarias y el “Vector Mediático” de Pollock (combinando en un valor dos medidas de contenido: la “prominencia” de un artículo en un periódico con la orientación o tono). Cobertura “favorable”, que apoya la mayor ayuda gubernamental para mejorar el abastecimiento de agua potable, fue vinculada con medidas de “los interesados”, por ejemplo, con el porcentaje de hispanos (r de Pearson = .349, p = .04). El análisis de las medidas y su regresión reveló dos medidas significativas asociadas con apoyo para manejo gubernamental por agua potable: porcentaje de hispanos (12.2% de la varianza), y con porcentaje de ciudadanos de 18-24 años, 16.7%. Inesperadamente, la cobertura de manejo gubernamental para mejorar las existencias de agua potable no fue vinculado ni con medidas de “vulnerabilidad” (pobreza, desempleo) ni con medidas de “estabilidad” (educación, ingreso).


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Resumen: Este artículo analiza la relación entre la agrupación espacial de la distribución del ingreso y la desigualdad en las provincias de Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo es usar técnicas espaciales para analizar hasta que punto la agrupación espacial de la distribución del ingreso afecta la desigualdad de la distribución del ingreso en un contexto regional de Argentina. En general, la literatura de desigualdad implícitamente considera a cada región o provincia como una entidad independiente y el potencial para la observación de la interacción a través del espacio a menudo se ha ignorado. Mientras tanto, la autocorrelación espacial ocurre cuando la distribución espacial de la variable de interés exhibe un patrón sistemático. Yo computo tres medidas de autocorrelación espacial global: La I de Moran, c de Geary, y G de Getis y Ord, como grado de CLUSTERING provincial entre 1991 y 2002. La principal conclusión del trabajo es que hay evidencia que provincias con desigualdad relativamente alta (baja) tienden a ser localizadas cerca de otras provincias con alta (baja) desigualdad más a menudo de lo esperado debido al azar. Por ende cada provincia no debería ser vista como una observación independiente, como ha sido supuesto implícitamente en estudios previos sobre la desigualdad de ingresos regional.


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Coal-fired power plants may enjoy a significant advantage relative to gas plants in terms of cheaper fuel cost. Still, this advantage may erode or even turn into disadvantage depending on CO2 emission allowance price. This price will presumably rise in both the Kyoto Protocol commitment period (2008-2012) and the first post-Kyoto years. Thus, in a carbon-constrained environment, coal plants face financial risks arising in their profit margins, which in turn hinge on their so-called "clean dark spread". These risks are further reinforced when the price of the output electricity is determined by natural gas-fired plants' marginal costs, which differ from coal plants' costs. We aim to assess the risks in coal plants' margins. We adopt parameter values estimated from empirical data. These in turn are derived from natural gas and electricity markets alongside the EU ETS market where emission allowances are traded. Monte Carlo simulation allows to compute the expected value and risk profile of coal-based electricity generation. We focus on the clean dark spread in both time periods under different future scenarios in the allowance market. Specifically, bottom 5% and 10% percentiles are derived. According to our results, certain future paths of the allowance price may impose significant risks on the clean dark spread obtained by coal plants.


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How immigration affects the labor market of the host country is a topic of major concern for many immigrant-receiving nations. Spain is no exception following the rapid increase in immigrant flows experienced over the past decade. We assess the impact of immigration on Spanish natives’ income by estimating the net immigration surplus accruing at the national level and at high immigrant-receiving regions while taking into account the imperfect substitutability of immigrant and native labor. Specifically, using information on the occupational densities of immigrants and natives of different skill levels, we develop a mapping of immigrant-to-native self-reported skills that reveals the combination of natives across skills that would be equivalent to an immigrant of a given self-reported skill level, which we use to account for any differences between immigrant self-reported skill levels and their effective skills according to the Spanish labor market. We find that the immigrant surplus amounts to 0.04 percent of GDP at the national level and it is even higher for some of the main immigrant-receiving regions, such as Cataluña, Valencia, Madrid, and Murcia.


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We analyze the effects of capital income taxation on long-run growth in a stochastic, two-period overlapping generations economy. Endogenous growth is driven by a positive externality of physical capital in the production sector that makes firms exhibit an aggregate technology in equilibrium. We distinguish between capital income and labor income, and between attitudes towards risk and intertemporal substitution of consumption. We show necessary and sufficient conditions such that i) increments in the capital income taxation lead to higher equilibrium growth rates, and ii) the effect of changes in the capital income tax rate on the equilibrium growth may be of opposite signs in stochastic and in deterministic economies. Such a sign reversal is shown to be more likely depending on i) how the intertemporal elasticity of substitution compares to one, and ii) the size of second- period labor supply. Numerical simulations show that for reasonable values of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, a sign reversal shows up only for implausibly high values of the second- period’s labor supply. The conclusion is that deterministic OLG economies are a good approximation of the effect of taxes on the equilibrium growth rate as in Smith (1996).