915 resultados para Igreja Católica, Brasil


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A peça A vida de Galileu escrita por Brecht, um grande dramaturgo do século passado, retrata o julgamento de Galileu pela Inquisição da Igreja Católica. Essa peça nos coloca em contato no embate entre a fé e a ciência, pois a partir do momento que Galileu afirma que a terra não é o centro do universo ele desmistifica diversas doutrinas estabelecidas pela igreja católica que era o centro de poder da época. Sendo assim, Galileu acaba negando as suas ideias para não sofrer as consequências de quem desafiasse a igreja católica. Na peça de Brecht, quando Galileu nega o sistema heliocêntrico ele acaba frustrando um de seus aprendizes, Andrea, que admirava muito o seu mestre. Ao fim da peça, Andrea que já se tornou um cientista, reencontra Galileu e descobre que este mesmo em exílio continuou escrevendo e um desses trabalhos é um grande tratado da física. Daí, então, Andrea consegue compreender a razão do seu mestre ter negado os seus estudos. É nesse diálogo que acaba se desenvolvendo um conversa muito interessante que nos permite refletir essa relação aluno e professor nos dias atuais.


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A tendência geral da educação ocidental no período do século XVI ao XIX é a construção e a consolidação da escola estado, ou seja, a escola pública para todos. No século XVI temos o reaparecimento da escola de estado formulada por Aristóteles na antiguidade grega. No entanto, cumpre acrescentar que ela aparece em outras bases, em outro contexto e de formas diferentes. É nesse século que nascem duas concepções que irão vigorar no século XVII: a concepção que nasceu da reforma protestante defendida principalmente por Lutero e a concepção da própria igreja católica. De um lado tínhamos Lutero defendendo uma escola para todas as crianças e afirmando que o dever de manter essa escola é uma obrigação da autoridade política. Do outro lado estava a igreja católica que não aceitava essa nova concepção. O século marca a expansão da educação na Europa e isso se dá por causa das reformas religiosas. Um nome que merece destaque na pedagogia moderna é Comenius que com a sua didática magna. No século XVIII surge uma nova concepção de educação que enfatiza a necessidade de uma escola para os cidadãos. Rousseau é quem cria essa nova concepção sobre a criança e como essa deve ser tratada pela escola e pela família. Com a revolução industrial houve diversas mudanças sociais que refletiram no ensino. Cumpre ressaltar que a tônica principal desse século são os sistemas nacionais de educação.


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This study aimed at examining the representation and the level of knowledge as well as getting acquainted whether there had been significant divergence among three social groups of 3rd year Law students, 7th period Medical students at UFPB and a group of people from the Catholic Church in vila dos pescadores in João Pessoa - about organ donation, transplant law and ethical issues that raise questions. In order to accomplish the qualitative analysis, Bardin´s content analysis technique was applied in conjunction with the Chisquare test which was applied with significance level of 5% to quantitative data. The data revealed that most informants agree with organ donation, Although they are not acquainted with the law of transplants, and with the lack of confidence in the single list of recipients. The problem is that there is an encouragement to trades with organs and the possibility of any person legally authorized to donate organs in life. The statistically significant difference was observed in only two questions, ie, in response to the confidence in the diagnosis of brain death: 64% of 7th period Medical students at UFPB trust this diagnosis versus 12% of the evangelizing group of vila dos pescadores. The other difference refers to the answer about the confidence in the single list of recipients: 36% of the 7th period Medical students of UFPB said to trust the list versus 12% of the 3rd law students of UFPB. This is was a multidisciplinary study with Involvement of lawyers and doctors


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The present work treats the movements dedicated to reinvidication per land and social rights for the field works, among 1960 and 1964. Trying to understand this question in the Rio Grande do Norte it is necessary to consider the connection between the catholic church and the rural syndicates besides the influence of the Brazilian communist party, and still other social movements and the state. The structures politics local, national and international, had considerable importance to the organization rural potiguares workers. The rural potiguares syndicate appear in 1961 - after a hard organization work starting of the Service of Rural Assistance - and expand itself through state until the middle of 1962. Soon the first big conflicts an important manifestation are perceive, indirectly referring to a increasing movement's performance. The Favoring Progresses chains co quested a biggest influence in the politics destiny of the Rio Grande do Norte, in front of integration among syndicates, educational projects, and favoring progress's politics. But the military coup hired that the hope overflow the field


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The study is a survey conducted for the Master of Social Sciences carried out in partnership between the Universidade Tiradentes-UNIT/SE and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Being a religious event, we seek to show that the religious parties generally have particular meanings for each nation or region. Amaral (1998) informs that the Brazilian parties regardless of where they occur are popular demonstrations that, as the context in which they present themselves, can dilute to crystallize, to celebrate, to ritualize or sacralize the particular social experience of the groups that do. They happen as a way to thank victories or important religious passages as Christmas, the June saints celebration, patron saints and patron saints considered. Thus, The Bom Jesus dos Navegantes party in Propriá-SE: story of faith, a space of social relations and cultural ties, is presented as our field of study because it is one of those celebrations that while celebrated in Sergipe, always on Sundays in January, by some municipalities situated along the river San Francisco, has the characteristic of overlap any others placed in town, including the one of the city's patron saint, Saint Anthony, held on June 13. Concerning the materials and methods, we opted for qualitative research and participant direct observation, using the techniques of personal notes, interviews, newspapers, websites, photos, videos and testimonials from participants and organizers, as well as references offered by experts of the area. With this research answers were sought to questions about what could keep alive the celebration of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes each year in order that this is a patron saint, not saint; the way as the investment of local government with more resources in this period, during the organization of arts festivals, has created a thread of tension with the Catholic Church promoting the religious rituals was reviewed. It was also analyzed how the sacred and profane spaces present themselves inseparable from the celebration and, finally, it was revealed that the party retains its value by preserving its tradition and making room for modernity, not weakening but suffering metamorphoses of time and space and can be seen in the social and cultural bonds wrapped by the time of religious faith


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Under the aegis of the third diocese bishop of Caicó, Dom Manuel Tavares de Araújo, the Broadcasting Station of Rural Education of that city was founded, in May 1 s" 1963 with the ideal of being then an educational city, preferentially for youths and adults, rural meu and women of the arca of Seridó in Rio Grande do Norte state. In the year of its 40th birthday (2003), we began the investigation of that radio station choosing as study object its educational and formative programming, in the inc1usion of the first fifteen years of its existence (1963-1978), period that reaches the official inauguration of the Radio Station and the end of the bishopric of its fOllllder as Bishop of Caicó. Elucidating and showing Man's formative ideaIs longed by that Catholic educational broadcasting station, underlying to its radiophonic programming, such as the idealization for it reached, is the objective of this Doctorate work. It was considered pertinent to discover the guidelines that historically have permeated the Social Doçtrine of the Catholic Church addressing its aggiornamento, especially in what concerns to the employment of the modern ways of communication for the distance with the aim of evangelizing and educating. In arder to understand the ideaIs of the investigated educational Radio, we have delimited the research to the thematic Catholic Church, means of social communication and base education. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of cultural action present in Certeau (1995), and to the understanding of educational formation backgrounded fIam the modern thinkers that discuss it. Such frame references have allowed us to analyze in a wider spectrum tl)e programming broadcasted on the air by the sound wavys of that educ(itional Çatholic Radio, as well as, the very acts of cultural idealizations that has orientated it in its foundations. The thesis here defended is that. the Radio, at procJaiming itself as a broadcasting station of rural education directed preferably to the rural sertanejo countrymen, without neglecting its admitted ends, has surpassed them in its overall range. It was identified an articulate approach of its programmatic modules with the guid,elines emanateq from the Catholic Teaching about the use of the. means of social communication. At conceiving, establishin,g and executing an ec1ectic programmatic and div,ersified grating, the Rural Radio of Caicó has transcended to a strict human-Christian formation to request the development of the human, spiritual and cQrporaldimensions, jointly. With suchprogramming, it addressed to the seridoenses as real meu and women inserted in the "sertanej.o" environment with effective structural and existential problems of alI types, induding the hunger, the thirst, the syndical organization, the cQoperativism, the colIective modero work and the absence of universalizing school education. Its radiophonic transmissions, I}lled by the demands of an enlarged, open, dialogic and responsible communication, wheneIllbracing dedicated modules to religious and catechetical emissions, to the entertainment, to the radiojoumalism, to the country root culture, and to the school education of b se for the modality of the School and of the radiophonic classes, subsumed to ideaIs that longed for the formation of a multifaceted and pluridimensional sertanejo Man; of men and women that, without abjuring the Catholicism, were able to understand, to dialogued and to live together with the general demands of a society in progressive mutation, whose economical, social, cultural and educational demands it IDade themselves to be felt through the sertão potiguar of the Serido region, equal way of the intemationalized world


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The socioeducational program of actions developed by Dom José de Medeiros Delgado, first Bishop of Diocese of Caicó city in Rio Grande do Norte, from 1941 to 1951, is analyzed by the present work in a historical perspective, based upon the school culture refecence.Through this reference point, the general and peculiar school culture proper of catholic schools founded by Dom Delgado was learned.The schools are: the Ginásio Diocesano Seridoense (1942), the Escola Doméstica Popular Darci Vargas (1943, the Prevocacional School of Caicó (1944) and the Santo Cura d ars Seminar (1946). The socioeducational actions of Dom Delgado Bishop affected seven other towns surrounding Caicó. Places where catholic schools were founded and named after Escola do Pobre . In fight for schools for all social segments of city and rural natures, Dom Delgado founded four rural schools in the surroundings of Serra Negra, São João do Sabugi, Jardim do Seridó e Lagoa Nova. It is also part of his beneficial work the creation of rural cooperatives for the parents of the students from such schools


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This research work named São Paulo do Potengi RN: a common town to a uncommon movement in the trails of movement of Natal (1950 1980), has the finality to reconstitute an educational defined moment at São Paulo do Potengi, Rio Grande do Norte county by the movement of Natal experience through archdiocese of this town. The central worry came to the learning of educational practicing by usual activities of radiophonic schools, syndicalism education and leadership training which converged to a public power construction of base democracy in order to incorporate a political project of social transformation of reality. We detach the figure of Monsenhor Expedito Sobral de Medeiros who shared his fifty-six strict life and was the majority leadership on the educational and religious practisimes developed there


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This work treats about the speeches that produced the crisis of symbols of Ceará, researching on matters and ways of expression of space between 1950s and 1970s. Therefore, we search discursive practices that since the end of nineteenth century built the identity of Ceará and in the middle of twentieth century produced the crisis of modes of seeing and telling the space in front of enunciations of the national modernization, especially with the emergence of politics by SUDENE to the Northeast, the progressive actions by Catholic Church, the defense of tradition by regional literature of union of Ceará Clã. The contradictions between the glorification and fear the modernization of Brazil produced on the space speeches that his identity would be fractured, that the old symbols of drought, cangaço, mysticism and colonels declined. Among analyzed speeches, we centered the analysis of Trilogia da Maldição formed of novels O Dragão, of 1964, Os Verdes Abutres da Colina and João Pinto de Maria: a biografia de um louco by José Alcides Pinto. In this novel, the enunciation of the crisis of symbologies about the space produced another aesthetic, the allegory, which, mixed with the mystical and melancholy, in search of ways to restore the language of the old themes Ceará, drop of Ceará the same stigma of anti-modern space, where the images of delay changed icons of a fractured identity in front of the modern streams, where the word was transformed in the dimension precarious and redeemer of the tradition, of old, of nature, of the plenitude of senses. In Jose Alcides, the colonel returns as the origin of the lost space, the drought is the revolt of God against the devil place, the apocalypse, the end imminent threat to the village, signs that fantastic, however, are in dialogue with the settings space and time in which they were produced


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS