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This leaflet explains the concept of safer sex and why everyone who is sexually active should protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections or the risk of getting pregnant.It also provides information on contraception, including emergency contraception, and a list of useful contacts including GUM clinics.


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This leaflet explains what syphilis is and how it can be contracted through several forms of intimate contact including kissing, unprotected sex or genital contact. It explains what the possible symptoms may be like, as half of the people infected with this infection show no symptoms at all. It explains how syphilis is diagnosed and treated and how to protect yourself against catching it. Details of the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinics in Northern Ireland are included in the leaflet together with an explanation of the services provided by them.


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The Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme began in June 2012 and offers AAA screening to all men in their 65th year in Northern Ireland.The aim of the AAA screening programme is to reduce AAA-related mortality by providing systematic, population-based screening. There is evidence of a significant reduction (45%) in mortality from AAA in those men aged between 65 and 79 years who undergo ultrasound screening. Men older than 65 years will be able to opt into the programme and request screening through the central screening office.There is also evidence of the long-term cost-effectiveness of AAA screening in men and further evidence that the early mortality benefit from screening is maintained.The items available for download here were in the professional information pack that was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies prior to the launch of the programme.The invitation leaflet is sent out to all eligible men with the letter inviting them to screening.�The results leaflets are for men diagnosed with a small, medium or large AAA. The relevant result leaflet is given to men directly after their scan.�The poster was sent out to all GPs, GP practice managers and pharmacies in the run-up to the launch of the programme as a means of raising awareness.The information sheet outlines the structure of the programme, the screening process and the primary care that follows for those men diagnosed with an AAA. It also highlights the risk factors and has stats on AAA prevalence.The frequently asked questions address issues relating to all aspects of the programme: what is an AAA, roll-out of the programme, the screening process, the scan itself, the possible results, the available treatment, and how personal information is used.


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The Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network (NICRN) undertakes research in a range of medical fields. The NICRN is part of a UK-wide initiative to provide opportunities for patients and clinicians to participate in high-quality clinical research. This leaflet is targeted towards commercial partners who may wish to conduct clinical trials within Health and Social Care (HSC). The NICRN offers a range of supports for commercial partners, which allow clinical trials to get underway quickly and ensure they run smoothly.� Increasing opportunities for HSC service users to participate in clinical research and trials has the potential to bring benefits for the patients themselves and longer-term benefits to the HSC system in Northern Ireland as a whole.


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This leaflet lists the wide range of local support available in the Northern area to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing and reduce the number of deaths by suicide. This leaflet is aimed at individuals and organisations to raise awareness of the support for individuals and communities.


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This leaflet provides information on pressure ulcers, how they develop and the steps patients and carers can take to prevent them.


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This leaflet was developed for midwives and describes midwives' role in administering and supplying medicines. It should be read in conjunction with the Nursing and Midwifery Council rules, standards and guidance. It is only available from the Local Supervising Authority Midwifery Officer at the PHA.


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This leaflet gives information on the blood tests that are normally offered and recommended at the first antenatal visit. These tests look for possible health problems that could affect the mother's health and the health of the baby. Only one sample of blood is needed to do all six tests. The tests are done by consent and this leaflet should help pregnant women make their decision.


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This factsheet provides information for parents on the rotavirus vaccine given to babies at two and three months old from July 2013. This is more detailed than the information contained in the leaflet Immunisation for babies up to a year old.


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This poster shows how grandparents can make a real difference by supporting a daughter or son's partner in their decision to breastfeed and directs them to the leaflet A grandparent's guide to supporting breastfeeding


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This booklet provides information on the routine immunisations that are given to babies up to year old to protect them from serious childhood diseases.Please note, the following translations are based on last year's leaflet and do not yet include the new information. Translations of the latest leaflet will follow.


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Patient experience is recognised as a key element in the delivery of quality healthcare. In line with this, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is carrying out an extensive piece of work across all Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs), with the aim of introducing a more patient-focused approach to services and shaping future healthcare in Northern Ireland. This project, called '10,000 Voices', gives patients, as well as their families and carers, the opportunity to share their overall experience and highlight anything important, such as what they particularly liked or disliked about the experience. This leaflet gives participants the information they need before taking part in '10,000 Voices' and answers questions about confidentiality and information sharing.


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This leaflet was developed for parents and carers of babies aged up to one year old who need help learning to talk.


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This leaflet was developed for parents and carers of babies aged between one and two years old who need help learning to talk.


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This leaflet was developed for parents and carers of babies aged between two and three years old who need help learning to talk.