1000 resultados para Hurricane Opal, 1995


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From 1987 through 1992, California endured 6 consecutive years of drought for the second time this century. The drought was broken in most parts of the state by a wet year in 1993, in which runoff was 125 percent of average. But 1994 was again critically dry, with runoff only 40 percent of average statewide, raising fears that the drought had resumed. The "drought watch" of 1994 was finally washed out to sea by two large floods (January and March), which made 1995 one of the wettest years this century and refilled all but a couple of California's major reservoirs. This paper provides information on water conditions and flooding in 1995 and some comparisons with previous years.


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The appendices include the workshop agenda, a list of poster presentations, and a list of attendees.


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The fishing of kapenta (Limnothrissa miodon, Boulenger 1906) on the Cahora Bassa Dam started around 1992, when considerable stocks of this species were discovered in the lake. The species is believed to have successful established in the Dam following a natural introduction through a downstream movement from Kariba dam where it was introduced in 1967/68. Fisheries statistics on the kapenta fishery have been collected since 1993 by the Ministry of Fisheries through the Provincial Offices for Fisheries Administration of Tete (SPAP - Tete) but only data from 1995 onward are available on the database of the Ministry of Fisheries and these are the data that was used for compiling the present report on which trends of fishing effort, catch and CPUE are analyzed. Catch and effort have increased with time, from a minimum of the 4 thousand metric tons for an annual fishing effort of 36 fishing rigs in 1995 to a maximum of 12 tons for a fishing effort of 135 rigs while CPUE followed a decreasing trend during the same period. Correlation analysis between catch and effort suggests that probably environmental factors may have influence on catch variation than the increase on fishing effort. Two models were applied for calculating MSY and FMSY resulting in two pairs of roof leading to two scenario of fisheries management. 10137 tons and a FMSY of 177 fishing rigs were computed using Schaefer model while 11690 tons and a FMSY of 278 were obtained using Fox model. Considering the differences between the two results and considering the fact that the two models have no differences in terms of precision and the fact that their determination coefficient are not different it is suggested, using the precautionary principle that result from Schaefer model be a adopted for fisheries management purpose.


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Beach seine fishery is one of the oldest fishing methods practiced in Sri Lanka. In the recent past several modifications were observed in the structure of the net and the material used in the construction of nets. beach seine nets made of nylon material were also reported at 4 operating sites out of 17-beach seine landing centers in the Hambantota District. However, traditional beach seine nets made of coir and kuralon were the common nets used in the area. Fishing season extends from September to April of the following year. However, beach seining at Mawella was carried out throughout the year. The estimated average annual effort for the entire study area was about 4250 operations. The mean annual catch rate at Mawella, Kalametiya and Welipatanwila were estimated as 81.8, 290.7, and 167.3 kg/operation respectively. The mean annual catch rate for the entire study area was estimated as 157.3 kg/operation. The beach seines recorded an estimated annual production of 662mt in the Hambantota district. Stoleophorous sp. has made the major contribution to the beach seine catches and it was about 31.7% of the total beach seine production. Leiognathus sp. Carangids and Trichuras sp. have produced 11.5%, 9.5% and 8.5% respectively while Amblygaster sirm and other Sardinella sp. have produced 5.5% and 4.9% respectively. A sirm was found during the months of November, February, March and July. The size range of A. sirm caught by beach seine during February –March period was in the range of 5-12cm (total length). Contribution by Rastrelliger sp. and Sphyreana sp. were 2.9% and 2.6% by each category. Average income of a beach seine operation at Mawella, Kalametiya and Welipatanwila were Rs. 3330/=, 10250/= and 6222/= per operation respectively.


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Small pelagic fish species are mainly caught by gill nets operated by fibre reinforced plastic boats fitted with 8-25hp out board engines, traditional crafts fitted with 8-1hp out board engines and non mechanised traditional crafts. Around 28 to 55% of the small pelagic catch in the study area consisted of trenched sardine Amblygaster sirm during 1995-1997 period. Another 26-36% of the catch composed of other Sardinella species such as Sardinella gibbosa, S. albella, S. sindensis and S. longiceps. Engraulids such as Encrasicholina heteroloba, Stolephorus insularis and Stolephorus indicus and Thryssa spp formed around 3-5% of the catch. The major component of this fishery consisted of Clupeids and Engrauhds and over 65 species ranged between smaller Engraulids to incidental rock fish, sail fish, seer fish, sharks, skates and rays. Around 1.4 to 1.9% of the catch consisted of Chirocentrus dorab, Sphyraenaspp, Scomberomorus spp, Lepturcanthus sp and Megalaspis cordyla. Around 1-11% of the catch consisted of incidentally catches of sharks, rays, skates and sail fish. Another 1.6 to 6% of the catch consisted of Selar crumenophthalamus and Rastrelliger kanagurta. The best fishing season appeared to be from June to October in the west coast and August to December in the south coast. The major components of Amblygaster sirm, Sardinella albella and Sardinella gibbosa were caught within the size ranges of 10.0-22.5 cm, 11.0-13.0 cm and 11.0-15.0 cm respectively. However, smaller sized fish of above species of sizes between 6.9 cm to 9.7 cm total length were incidentally caught in the gill nets operated for small Engraulids with a stretched mesh size of 1.6cm. The overall catch rate for the major fish landing centre at Negombo indicated an increase from 38.5 kg/boat trip during 1984-1990 period to 49.5 kg/boat trip during 1995-1997 period. The catch rate for the dominant species Amblygaster sirm has decreased from 28.17 kg/boat trip during 1983-1990 period to 17.47 kg/boat trip during 1995-1997 period at Negombo. The paper also discusses the changing overall catch rates, change in species abundance and possible management consequences that should be considered.


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This study gives an account of distributional patterns of Brachyuran larvae in the Manora Channel from January to November 1995. The planktonic sampling was carried out during day time from surface and sub-surface waters of station I and II (certain sites) at shallow depths (15'-20') using Bongo net of 300 micron mesh size. In all 19527 larvae were obtained through fourteen sampling. These brachyuran larvae belonged to nine families and twenty four species: Ebalia sagittifera, Philyra sp., Philyra scabriuscula (Leucosiidae), Schizophyris aspera (Majidae), Charybdis annulata, Charybdis sp. (Portunidae), Xanthid sp A., B. and C. (Xanthidae), Pilumnus karachiensis, Pilumnus sp. (Pilumnidae), Menippe rumphii (Oziidae), Pinnotheres sp. A, and B. (Pinnotheridae), Nasima dotilliforme, Serenella indica, Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) depressus, Macrophthalmus sp., Dotilla blanfordi, Ocypodid sp. A., B. and C. (Ocypodidae), Metopograpsus thukuhar and Clistocoeloma lanatum (Grapsidae). This study is based on identification, occurrence, distributional patterns along Manora Channel and percentage composition of brachyuran larvae in the area, collected during 1995.


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By vertical sedimentation, silica micro-spheres were grown in different shapes of concave micro-zones which were etched on a (100) p-silicon substrate. The following were found: this method can effectively raise the quality of films by avoiding cracks; the geometry of the micro-zones affects the sediment of the film; regular hexagons and triangles best facilitate the growth of photonic crystals. This method is practical for its ability to fabricate self-assembly photonic crystals in previously designed small areas.


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