964 resultados para Huntington, Susan, 1791-1823.


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Esta tesis investiga la asimilación de la filosofía útil en la Nueva Granada, a través del caso de José Félix de Restrepo, entre 1773 y 1791. En aras de contribuir al estudio de uno de los ámbitos de la Ilustración, el educativo. De tal manera, esta tesis se encuentra compuesta por dos capítulos. El primer capítulo está dedicado a la formación educativa de José Félix de Restrepo en la ciudad de Santa fe. Aquí, tengo en cuenta la tensión que se gestó desde mediados del siglo XVIII entre el canon escolástico y el canon moderno de educación. Tensión que marcó la formación de Restrepo y que lo llevó en su primer periodo como docente a enfrentar múltiples desafíos. Mientras que en el segundo capítulo estudio la estadía de Restrepo en Popayán, luego de haber pasado por un proceso de apropiación de la filosofía útil en Santafé, y la forma en la que durante sus tres periodos de clases logró difundir en sus estudiantes los conocimientos adquiridos en el Colegio de San Bartolomé. Conocimientos que contribuyeron significativamente a que en una ciudad donde no residió el centro de poder, es decir periférica, como Popayán, se fuera estableciendo un “nuevo polo de apropiación del pensamiento experimentalista”.


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La inserción de la ciencia en el virreinato de la Nueva Granada a partir de las reformas escolares de finales del siglo XVIII ha sido tema de amplio debate en la historiografía universitaria colombiana. Este libro, precisamente, inserta el caso de José Félix de Restrepo a esta discusión, investigando cómo fue la asimilación y la difusión de la «filosofía útil» en su experiencia como estudiante y catedrático, durante las transformaciones que sufrió la educación luego de la expulsión de los jesuitas. José Félix de Restrepo fue una importante figura cultural y política de finales del siglo XVIII y de los primeros años del siglo XIX. Si bien no fue un pensador destacado, como sí lo fueron muchos de sus estudiantes, es innegable su labor como educador y difusor de la ciencia a finales del período colonial. Por esta razón, el rastreo de sus actividades educativas entre 1773 y 1791 es una importante fuente histórica para entender el dinamismo con el que la ciencia se insertó en los programas educativos de los colegios coloniales.


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Background: Huntington disease ( HD) is characterized by the progressive death of medium spiny dopamine receptor bearing striatal GABAergic neurons. In addition, microglial activation in the areas of neuronal loss has recently been described in postmortem studies. Activated microglia are known to release neurotoxic cytokines, and these may contribute to the pathologic process. Methods: To evaluate in vivo the involvement of microglia activation in HD, the authors studied patients at different stages of the disease using [ C-11]( R)-PK11195 PET, a marker of microglia activation, and [ C-11] raclopride PET, a marker of dopamine D2 receptor binding and hence striatal GABAergic cell function. Results: In HD patients, a significant increase in striatal [ C-11]( R)-PK11195 binding was observed, which significantly correlated with disease severity as reflected by the striatal reduction in [ C-11] raclopride binding, the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale score, and the patients' CAG index. Also detected were significant increases in microglia activation in cortical regions including prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate. Conclusions: These [ C-11]( R)-PK11195 PET findings show that the level of microglial activation correlates with Huntington disease ( HD) severity. They lend support to the view that microglia contribute to the ongoing neuronal degeneration in HD and indicate that [ C-11]( R)-PK11195 PET provides a valuable marker when monitoring the efficacy of putative neuroprotecting agents in this relentlessly progressive genetic disorder.


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Whereas several clinical endpoints in monitoring the response to treatment in patients with Huntington's disease (HD) have been explored, there has been a paucity of research in the quality of life in such patients. The aim of this study was to validate the use of two generic health-related quality of life instruments (the Short Form 36 health survey questionnaire [SF-36] and the Sickness Impact Profile [SIP]) and to evaluate their psychometric properties. We found that both instruments demonstrated acceptable convergent validity and reliability for patients and carers. However, there was an advantage in using the SF-36 because of its more robust construct validity and test-retest reliability; furthermore, motor symptoms appeared to influence some strictly nonmotor dimensions of the SIP. On a pragmatic level, the SF-36 is shorter and quicker to administer and, therefore, easier for patients at various stages of the disease to complete. Thus, the SF-36 would appear to be the recommended instrument of choice for patients with HD and their carers, although further work needs to be done to investigate the sensitivity of this instrument longitudinally. (C) 2004 Movement Disorder Society.


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The objective of this study was to determine insight in patients with Huntington's disease (HD) by contrasting patients' ability to rate their own behavior with their ability to rate a person other than themselves. HD patients and carers completed the Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX), rating themselves and each other at two time points. The temporal stability of these ratings was initially examined using these two time points since there is no published test-retest reliability of the DEX with this Population to date. This was followed by a comparison of patients' self-ratings and carer's independent ratings of patients by performing correlations with patients' disease variables, and in exploratory factor analysis was conducted on both sets of ratings. The DEX showed good test-retest reliability, with patients consistently and persistently underestimating the degree of their dysexecutive behavior, but not that of their carers. Patients' self-ratings and caters' ratings of patients both showed that dysexecutive behavior in HD can be fractionated into three underlying components (Cognition, Self-regulation, Insight), and the relative ranking of these factors was similar for both data sets. HD patients consistently underestimated the extent of only their own dysexecutive behaviors relative to carers' ratings by 26%, but were similar in ascribing ranks to the components of dysexecutive behavior. (c) 2005 Movement Disorder Society.


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Visuospatial attentional bias was examined in Huntington's disease (HID) patients with mild disease, asymptomatic gene-positive patients and controls. No group differences were found on the grey scales task (which is a non-motor task of visuospatial attentional bias), although patients' trinucleotide (CAG) repeat length correlated with increasing leftward bias. On the line bisection task, symptomatic patients made significantly larger leftward bisection errors relative to controls, who showed the normal slight degree of leftward error (pseudo-neglect). The asymptomatic group showed a trend for greater leftward error than controls. A subset of participants went on to have structural MRI, which showed a correlation between increased leftward error on the line bisection task and reduced density in the angular gyrus area (BA39) bilaterally. This finding is consistent with recent literature suggesting a critical role for the angular gyrus in the lateralization of visuospatial attention.