958 resultados para Human experimental anxiety
Study objective: To compare the effects of ethinylestradiol (EE) and 17 beta-estradiol (E(2)) on nitric oxide (NO) production and protection against oxidative stress in human endothelial cell cultures. Design: Experimental study. Settings: Research laboratory. Material: Human ECV304 endothelial cell cultures. Intervention(s): The NO synthesis was determined by flow cytometry, and oxidative stress was determined by a cell viability assay, after exposure to hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) and stimulation of endothelial cells with EE at concentrations similar to those of a contraceptive containing 30 mu g EE. Main Outcome Measure(s): The effects of EE were compared with those of E(2) at concentrations similar to those occurring during the follicular phase. Result(s): Ethinylestradiol did not increase NO synthesis and did not protect cells against oxidative stress. The viability of the cells incubated with E(2) in combination with H(2)O(2) was greater than the viability obtained with H(2)O(2) only or with H(2)O(2) in combination with EE. The cells stimulated with E(2) presented a significant increase in NO production compared with control. Conclusion(s): In contrast to the effects of E(2), EE did not protect human ECV304 endothelial cells against oxidative stress and did not increase their production of NO. (Fertil Steril (R) 2010; 94: 1578-82. (C) 2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)
In social anxiety disorder (SAD), impairments in limbic/paralimbic structures are associated with emotional dysregulation and inhibition of the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFq. Little is known, however, about alterations in limbic and frontal regions associated with the integrated morphometric, functional, and structural architecture of SAD. Whether altered gray matter volume is associated with altered functional and structural connectivity in SAD. Three techniques were used with 18 SAD patients and 18 healthy controls: voxel-based morphometry; resting-state functional connectivity analysis; and diffusion tensor imaging tractography. SAD patients exhibited significantly decreased gray matter volumes in the right posterior inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) and right parahippocampal/hippocampal gyrus (PHG/HIP). Gray matter volumes in these two regions negatively correlated with the fear factor of the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale. In addition, we found increased functional connectivity in SAD patients between the right posterior ITG and the left inferior occipital gyrus, and between the right PHF/HIP and left middle temporal gyms. SAD patients had increased right MPFC volume, along with enhanced structural connectivity in the genu of the corpus callosum. Reduced limbic/paralimbic volume, together with increased resting-state functional connectivity, suggests the existence of a compensatory mechanism in SAD. Increased MPFC volume, consonant with enhanced structural connectivity, suggests a long-time overgeneralization of structural connectivity and a role of this area in the mediation of clinical severity. Overall, our results may provide a valuable basis for future studies combining morphometric, functional and anatomical data in the search for a comprehensive understanding of the neural circuitry underlying SAD. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is one of the most common anxiety conditions with impairment in social life. Cannabidiol (CBD), one major non-psychotomimetic compound of the cannabis sativa plant, has shown anxiolytic effects both in humans and in animals. This preliminary study aimed to compare the effects of a simulation public speaking test (SPST) on healthy control (HC) patients and treatment-naive SAD patients who received a single dose of CBD or placebo. A total of 24 never-treated patients with SAD were allocated to receive either CBD (600 mg; n = 12) or placebo (placebo; n = 12) in a double-blind randomized design 1 h and a half before the test. The same number of HC (n = 12) performed the SPST without receiving any medication. Each volunteer participated in only one experimental session in a double-blind procedure. Subjective ratings on the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) and Negative Self-Statement scale (SSPS-N) and physiological measures (blood pressure, heart rate, and skin conductance) were measured at six different time points during the SPST. The results were submitted to a repeated-measures analysis of variance. Pretreatment with CBD significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment and discomfort in their speech performance, and significantly decreased alert in their anticipatory speech. The placebo group presented higher anxiety, cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert levels when compared with the control group as assessed with the VAMS. The SSPS-N scores evidenced significant increases during the testing of placebo group that was almost abolished in the CBD group. No significant differences were observed between CBD and HC in SSPS-N scores or in the cognitive impairment, discomfort, and alert factors of VAMS. The increase in anxiety induced by the SPST on subjects with SAD was reduced with the use of CBD, resulting in a similar response as the HC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2011) 36, 1219-1226; doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.6; published online 9 February 2011
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), the two main ingredients of the Cannabis sativa plant have distinct symptomatic and behavioral effects. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy volunteers to examine whether Delta-9-THC and CBD had opposite effects on regional brain function. We then assessed whether pretreatment with CBD can prevent the acute psychotic symptoms induced by Delta-9-THC. Fifteen healthy men with minimal earlier exposure to cannabis were scanned while performing a verbal memory task, a response inhibition task, a sensory processing task, and when viewing fearful faces. Subjects were scanned on three occasions, each preceded by oral administration of Delta-9-THC, CBD, or placebo. BOLD responses were measured using fMRI. In a second experiment, six healthy volunteers were administered Delta-9-THC intravenously on two occasions, after placebo or CBD pretreatment to examine whether CBD could block the psychotic symptoms induced by Delta-9-THC. Delta-9-THC and CBD had opposite effects on activation relative to placebo in the striatum during verbal recall, in the hippocampus during the response inhibition task, in the amygdala when subjects viewed fearful faces, in the superior temporal cortex when subjects listened to speech, and in the occipital cortex during visual processing. In the second experiment, pretreatment with CBD prevented the acute induction of psychotic symptoms by Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Delta-9-THC and CBD can have opposite effects on regional brain function, which may underlie their different symptomatic and behavioral effects, and CBD`s ability to block the psychotogenic effects of Delta-9-THC. Neuropsychopharmacology (2010) 35, 764-774; doi:10.1038/npp.2009.184; published online 18 November 2009
Neural maturation involves diverse interaction and signaling mechanisms that are essential to the development of the nervous system. However, little is known about the development of neurons in heterotopic brain tissue in the lung, a rare abnormality observed in malformed babies and fetuses. The aim of this study was to identify the neurons and to investigate their maturation in experimental brain tissue heterotopia during fetal and neonatal periods. The fetuses from 24 pregnant female Swiss mice were used to induce brain tissue heterotopia on the 15th gestational day. Briefly, the brain of one fetus of each dam was extracted, disaggregated, and injected into the right hemithorax of siblings. Six of these fetuses with pulmonary brain tissue implantation were collected on the 18th gestational day (group E18), and six others were collected on the 8th postnatal day (group P8). The brain of each fetus from dams not submitted to any experimental procedure was collected on the 18th gestational day (group CE18) and on the 8th postnatal day (group CP8) to serve as a control for neuronal quantitation and maturation. Immunohistochemical staining of NeuN was used to assess neuron quantity and maturation. The NeuN labeling index was greater in the postnatal period than in the fetal period for the experimental and control groups (138 > E18 and CP8 > CE18), although there were fewer neurons in experimental than in control groups (P8 < CP8 and El 8 < CE1 8) (P < 0.005). These results indicate that fetal neuroblasts/neurons not only survive a dramatic event such as mechanical disaggregation, in the same way as it happens in human cases, but also they retain their development in heterotopia, irrespective of local tissue influences.
Rocio virus (ROCV) is a flavivirus, probably transmitted by Culex mosquitoes and maintained in nature as a zoonosis of wild birds. Rocio virus caused a human epidemic of severe encephalitis that lasted from 1973 to 1980 in the Ribeira valley, in the southeastern coast of Brazil. After this outbreak, serologic evidence of ROCV circulation has been reported and public health authorities are concerned about a return of ROCV outbreaks in Brazil. We show here a study on the pathogenesis and the physiopathology of ROCV disease in the central nervous system of a Balb/C young adult mice experimental model. The animals were intraperitoneally infected by ROCV and followed from 0 to 9 days after infection, when all of them died. Nervous tissue samples were collected from infected animals for immunohistochemistry and molecular biology analysis. We observed the virus in the central nervous system, the inflammatory changes induced by Th1 and Th2 cytokines, and the final irreversible damage of nervous tissues by neuronal degeneration and apoptosis. These findings can help to better understand the pathogenesis and physiopathology of the human meningoencephalomyelitis by ROCV and other flaviviruses.
Caloric intake reduction has been considered as the major experimental manipulation able to increase longevity in experimental models. Therefore, its effects upon cognition and mood like behavior are poorly explored. On the other hand, Li(+) is a re-emergent therapeutic drug used to treat mood disorders, mainly bipolar disorder, with antipanic and antidepressant actions. On the hypothesis that lithium treatment could attenuate the negatives effects of stress on Central Nervous Systems (CNS), we evaluated the role of chronic lithium treatment on anxiety-like behaviors in animals submitted to stress by chronic moderated feed restriction (FR). Male wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 7-8/group) according to dietary and drug manipulation: ad libitum (AL) with unlimited access to standard rat diet, lithium treatment ( AL + Li) which received approximately 50 mg/Kg animal/day of LiCl solved in water and ad libitum diet, FR that were fed with equivalent to 70% of total rat diet consumed by AL group, and FR + Li which received diet corresponding to FR and Li administration. After 12 weeks of drug and FR manipulation, anxiety like behavior was evaluated in elevated plus mazes (EPM). Chronic lithium treatment prevent the anxiogenic like effect of FR ( open time, F(3,30) = 3.588; P = 0.0265; percentage of open entries, F(3,30) = 6.004; P= 0.00029; and open time at the first min, 2.35; F(3,30) = 4.937; P = 0.0073, Duncan test P < 0.05) compared to AL diet. Ours results adding to evidences that moderate feed restriction my increase anxiety-like behavior; also suggest that chronic lithium treatment may be attenuated this effects.
P>According to the hygiene hypothesis, the increased incidence of allergic and autoimmune diseases in developed countries is mainly explained by the decreased contact between the human population and certain environmental agents as lactobacillus, mycobacteria and helminths. In this study, we evaluated the effect of multiple infections with Strongyloides venezuelensis on the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Lewis rats. Multiple infections before EAE induction were not able to change the evolution of the disease. No alterations were observed in weight loss, clinical score and inflammation intensity at the central nervous system. The presence of significant levels of parasite-specific IgG1 but not IgG2b suggested a Th2 polarization. However, the percentage and absolute number of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells were not changed, being their levels in the spleen and lymph nodes of infected rats comparable to the ones found in normal animals. These results suggest that a Th2-polarized response without concomitant expansion of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells was not able to modify EAE progression. Even though these results do not threaten the hygiene hypothesis, they suggest that this paradigm might be an oversimplification. They also emphasize the need of a study to compare the immunoregulatory ability associated with different helminth spp.
Common features such as elastic fibre destruction, mucoid accumulation, and smooth muscle cell apoptosis are co-localized in aneurysms of the ascending aorta of various aetiologies. Recent experimental studies reported an activation of TGF-beta in aneurysms related to Marfan (and Loeys-Dietz) syndrome. Here we investigate TGF-beta signalling in normal and pathological human ascending aortic wall in syndromic and non-syndromic aneurysmal disease. Aneurysmal ascending aortic specimens, classified according to aetiology: syndromic MFS (n = 15, including two mutations in TGFBR2), associated with BAV (n = 15) or degenerative forms (n = 19), were examined. We show that the amounts of TGF-beta 1 protein retained within and released by aneurysmal tissue were greater than for control aortic tissue, whatever the aetiology, contrasting with an unchanged TGF-beta 1 mRNA level. The increase in stored TGF-beta 1 was associated with enhanced LTBP-I protein and mRNA levels. These dysiregulations of the extracellular ligand are associated with higher phosphorylated Smad2 and Smad2 mRNA levels in the ascending aortic wall from all types of aneurysm. This activation correlated with the degree of elastic fibre fragmentation. Surprisingly, there was no consistent association between the nuclear location of pSmad2 and extracellular TGF-beta 1 and LTBP-I staining and between their respective mRNA expressions. In parallel, decorin. was focally increased in aneurysmal media, whereas biglycan was globally decreased in aneurysmal aortas. In conclusion, this study highlights independent dysregulations of TGF-beta retention and Smad2 signalling in syndromic and non-syndromic aneurysms of the ascending aorta. Copyright (C) 2009 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This study was undertaken to test whether the structural remodelling of pulmonary parenchyma can be sequentially altered in a model and method that demonstrate the progression of the disease and result in remodelling within the lungs that is typical of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Three groups of mice were studied: (i) animals that received 3-5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene (BHT) and were killed after 2 weeks (early BHT = 9); (ii) animals that received BHT and were killed after 4 weeks (late BHT = 11); (iii) animals that received corn oil solution (control = 10). The mice were placed in a ventilated Plexiglas chamber with a mixture of pure humidified oxygen and compressed air. Lung histological sections underwent haematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemistry (epithelial, endothelial and immune cells) and specific staining (collagen/elastic fibres) methods for morphometric analysis. When compared with the control group, early BHT and late BHT groups showed significant decrease of type II pneumocytes, lower vascular density in both and higher endothelial activity. CD4 was increased in late BHT compared with early and control groups, while CD8, macrophage and neutrophil cells were more prominent only in early BHT. The collagenous fibre density were significantly higher only in late BHT, whereas elastic fibre content in late BHT was lower than that in control group. We conclude that the BHT experimental model is pathologically very similar to human usual interstitial pneumonia. This feature is important in the identification of animal models of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis that can accurately reflect the pathogenesis and progression of the human disease.
Roots of Pfaffia paniculata have been well documented for multifarious therapeutic values and have also been used for cancer therapy in folk medicine. This study has been performed in a human breast tumor cell line, the MCF-7 cells. These are the most commonly used model of estrogen-positive breast cancer, and it has been originally established in 1973 at the Michigan Cancer Foundation from a pleural effusion taken from a woman with metastatic breast cancer. Butanolic extract of the roots of P. paniculata showed cytotoxic effect MCF-7 cell line. as determined with crystal violet assay, cellular death with acridine orange/ethidium bromide staining, and cell proliferation with immunocytochemistry of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). Subcellular alterations were evaluated by electron microscopy. Cells treated With butanolic extract showed degeneration of cytoplasmic components and profound morphological and nuclear alterations. The results show that this butanolic extract indeed presents cytotoxic substances, and its fractions merit further investigations. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Australia’s transition to the 21st century has been marked by an extended period of economic prosperity unmatched for several decades, but one in which a series of question marks are being raised in three principal areas: in relation to the environment, the social well-being of the population, and the future path of economic development. The first concern, which is of primary interest in this report, relates to the physical environment of cities and their surrounding regions, and the range of pressures exerted by population and human activity. The report begins by noting the increasing divergence of the prime indicator of national economic performance—gross domestic product (GDP)—from the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). GPI is a new experimental measure of sustainable development that accommodates factors currently unaccounted for in GDP, such as income distribution, value of household work, cost of unemployment, and various other social and environmental costs. The divergence of these two indicators in recent decades suggests that Australia’s growth has been heavily dependent on the draw-down of the nation’s stocks of capital assets (its infrastructure), its human and social capital, and its natural capital (Hamilton 1997).
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate qualitatively the surface morphology of enamel bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP) followed by application of fluoridated agents. Forty intact pre molars were randomly distributed into four groups (n = 10), treated as follows: Group I (control group) remained stored in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C, Group II - 35% HP; Group III - 35% HP + acidulated fluoride (1.23%) and Group IV - 35% HP + neutral fluoride (2%). The experimental groups received three applications of bleaching gel and after the last application all specimens were polished. This procedure was repeated after 7 and 14 days, and during the intervals of applications, the specimens were stored in artificial saliva at 37 degrees C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed superficial irregularities and porosities to varying degrees in bleached enamel compared to control group. Sample evaluation was made by attributing scores, and data were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P < 0.05). SEM qualitative investigation demonstrated that 35% hydrogen peroxide affected human dental enamel morphology, producing porosities, depressions, and superficial irregularities at various degrees. These morphological changes were higher after the application of 1.23% acidulated fluoride gel. Microsc. Res. Tech. 74:512-516, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objective: Low molecular weight protein tyrosine phosphatases (LMW-PTPs) are a family of enzymes strongly involved in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. Since there is no information concerning the relationship between osteoblastic differentiation and LMW-PTP expression/activity, we investigated its involvement during human osteoblast-like cells (hFOB 1.19) differentiation. It is known that LMW-PTP is regulated by an elegant redox mechanism, so we also observed how the osteoblastic differentiation affected the reduced glutathione levels. Design: hFOB 1.19 cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 up to 35 days. The osteoblast phenotype acquisition was monitored by measuring alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralized nodule formation by Von Kossa staining. LMW-PTP activity and expression were measured using the p-nitrophenylphosphate as substrate and Western blotting respectively. Crystal violet assay determined the cell number in each experimental point. Glutathione level was determined by both HPLC and DNTB assays. Results: LMW-PTP modulation was coincident with the osteoblastic differentiation biomarkers, such as alkaline phosphatase activity and presence of nodules of mineralization in Vitro. Likewise LMW-PTP, the reduced glutathione-dependent microenvironment was modulated during osteoblastic differentiation. During this process, LMW-PTP expression/activity, as well as alkaline phosphatase and glutathione increased progressively up to the 21st day (p < 0.001) of culturing, decreasing thereafter. Conclusions: Our results clearly suggest that LMW-PTP expression/activity was rigorously modulated during osteoblastic differentiation, possibly in response to the redox status of the cells, since it seems to depend on suitable levels of reduced glutathione. in this way, we pointed out LMW-PTP as an important signaling molecule in osteoblast biology and bone formation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: This study tested the following null hypotheses: (1) there is no difference in resin-dentine bond strength when an experimental glutaraldehyde primer solution is added prior to bonding procedures and (2) there is no difference in resin-dentine bond strength when experimental glutaraldehyde/adhesive system is applied under dry or wet demineralized dentine conditions. Methods: Extracted human maxillary third molars were selected. Flat, mid-coronal dentine was exposed for bonding and four groups were formed. Two groups were designated for the dry and two for the wet dentine technique: DRY: (1) Group GD: acid etching + glutaraldehyde primer (primer A) + HEMA/ethanol primer (primer B)-under dried dentine + unfilled resin; (2) Group D: the same as GD, except for primer A application; WET: (3) Group GW: the same as GD, but primer B was applied under wet dentine condition; (4) Group W: the same as GW, except for primer A application. The bonding resin was light-cured and a resin core was built up on the adhesive layer. Teeth were then prepared for microtensile bond testing to evaluate bond strength. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Glutaraldehyde primer application significantly improved resin-dentine bond strength. No significant difference was observed when the same experimental adhesive system was applied under either dry or wet dentine conditions. These results allow the first null hypothesis to be rejected and the second to be accepted. Conclusion: Glutaraldehyde may affect demineralized dentine properties leading to improved resin bonding to wet and dry substrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.