958 resultados para Holland (Netherlands : Province). Hof.


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BACKGROUND: South Africa (SA) is experiencing a rapid epidemiologic transition as a consequence of political, economic and social changes. In this study we described, based on hospital data, the mortality patterns of Non communicable Diseases (NCD), Communicable Diseases (CD), the NCD/CD ratios, and the trends of deaths. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of all deaths occurring in several public hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province of SA between 2002 and 2006. Causes of deaths were coded according to the ICD 10 Edition. RESULTS: A total of 107380 admissions responded to the inclusion criteria between 2002 and 2006. The crude death rate was 4.3% (n=4566) with a mean age of 46±21 years and a sex ratio of 3.1 men (n=3453): 1 woman (n=1113). Out of all deaths, there were 62.9% NCD (n=2872) vs. 37.1% CD (n=1694) with NCD/CD ratio of 1.7. The ratio NCD/CD deaths in men was 1.3 (n=1951/1502) vs. NCD/CD deaths in women of 1.9 (n=735/378). The peak of deaths was observed in winter season. The majority of NCD deaths were at age of 30-64 years, whereas the highest rate of CD deaths was at age< 30 years. The trend of deaths including the majority of NCD, increased from 2002 to 2006. There was a tendency of increase in tuberculosis deaths, but a tendency of decrease in HIV/AIDS deaths was from 2002 to 2006. CONCLUSION: Non-communicable diseases are the leading causes of deaths in rural Eastern Cape province of SA facing Post-epidemiologic transition stages. We recommend overarching priority actions for the response to the Non-communicable Diseases: policy change, prevention, treatment, international cooperation, research, monitoring, accountability, and re-orientation of health systems.


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The educational programme reported was an experiment in the vocational training scheme of the department of General Practice, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Holland, and is now part of the course. The programme focused on the training in team function (co-operation) given to trainee GPs and social workers. It became clear that both groups during their professional training develop markedly different attitudes and views about patient (client) care. These differences form a fundamental handicap in any discussion about teamwork. During the programme the students were made aware of this divergence of viewpoint and were taught how to handle these resulting handicaps and, if possible, to eliminate them.


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Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 53


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[cat] En aquest article investiguem els factors que porten a universitaris espanyols i holandesos a lamentar els estudis cursats. Espanya i Holanda tenen un sistema educatiu molt diferent en termes de la rigidesa de l’educació secundària i el vincle entre l’educació i el mercat laboral. Comparant Espanya i Holanda ens permet aprendre sobre les conseqüències de dos sistemes educatius molt diferenciats a la probabilitat de lamentar els estudis cursats. Basant-nos en la literatura psicològica sobre l’arrepentiment/lamentació, derivem unes hipòtesis de partida que contrastem empíricament. Els resultats mostren que tant la rigidesa de l’educació secundària com el desajustament entre educació i ocupació són factors importants per explicar la lamentació dels estudis universitaris cursats. L’article conclou amb recomenacions sobre el sistema educatiu universitari.


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[cat] En aquest article investiguem els factors que porten a universitaris espanyols i holandesos a lamentar els estudis cursats. Espanya i Holanda tenen un sistema educatiu molt diferent en termes de la rigidesa de l’educació secundària i el vincle entre l’educació i el mercat laboral. Comparant Espanya i Holanda ens permet aprendre sobre les conseqüències de dos sistemes educatius molt diferenciats a la probabilitat de lamentar els estudis cursats. Basant-nos en la literatura psicològica sobre l’arrepentiment/lamentació, derivem unes hipòtesis de partida que contrastem empíricament. Els resultats mostren que tant la rigidesa de l’educació secundària com el desajustament entre educació i ocupació són factors importants per explicar la lamentació dels estudis universitaris cursats. L’article conclou amb recomenacions sobre el sistema educatiu universitari.